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Abby and Emily Ch. 02

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Now that Abby is gone, her mother is here.
4.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/09/2023
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With a heavy heart I went back to Emily to notify her that Abby was already on the plane.

Emily seemed quiet, but I knew better.

Her reaction to any stress was to close herself off and not talk. An introvert...

I hugged Emily and said, "Lady, before leaving, Abby asked me to check on you on a regular basis and make sure that the two best friends, Buck and Lucy, play together as often as possible. To tell you the truth, I love your company and be happy to spend time with you as often as possible, but the last thing I want is to bug you. So you tell me what should I do."

Emily watched me for awhile and then said, "Brad, I told you my opinion about you before. I think that you genuinely wish to help me. But you do not have to! I am an independent adult and can take care of myself. You are young and you'll be better finding friends your own age..."

"Emily, I think that you are missing my point. Since I arrived here, I met new people in the college I teach. I dedicated every extra time to teach Abby and later loving her. At the same time I learned to like you too. A lot! I am not offering charity, god forbid! It can be a symbiosis. The two of us can occasionally go to the dog park together, or even to movies and restaurants. I can visit you whenever you want it. What I am trying to convey is, that we can stay good friends even if Abby is not around, so neither one of us feels lonely. When you get tired of my bad jokes and rude personality, just tell me to leave..."

Emily stared at me again and whispered, "Brad, what do you want me to say?"

"Ma'am, will you please join me to a good French restaurant next Friday night, please?"

At last I saw a smile on her face, "OK, I'll go with you to a restaurant, but please, don't treat me like a child who needs help..."

"And since you already agreed to a restaurant-date, will you also come with me to the dog park whenever you have free time? Abby will be happy if you watch her bitch... sorry, Lucy... taking charge over Buck."

"I'll go to the dog park, but I don't think that I am in shape to chase the dogs around."

"Emily, you do not have to do that. They play by themselves in a dedicated area. Once they are tired running together, we can just stroll there. There are several benches and the fresh air will do you good."

"Brad, you should be a salesman. You are good at convincing people to do whatever you want. Just like the saying - You can sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo..."

I grinned, "I'll sell you a refrigerator some other time. For now I am happy to keep in touch with you, even though Abby is far away."


In the first 10 days after our separation, Abby and I e-mailed on a daily basis, making sure to add loving symbols or emojis.

As time passed our e-mails became less frequent, especially coming from her.

I assumed that the stress of being in a new town and getting used to her new environment took a toll on her. I wasn't upset.

In the first month I went with Emily few times to the dog park.

She turned out to be a more interesting friend.

with time her trust in me grew and she opened up about Abby growing up, about her own shuttered dreams after the traumatic divorce and even her previous relationships.

I used our growing friendship to invite her to 3 different restaurants and 5 movies!

Emily was still 'complaining' that I was wasting too much time and money on her instead of going out with younger friends, but it became more of a ritual than a real issue.

It was apparent that she liked my company.

She made dinners for me two evenings on workdays and at least once on a weekend.

The next two weeks I continued e-mailing to Abby, but got no response.

I even tried to call her phone. Nada...

Two days later I received a long e-mail from Abby.

In short, a nice guy in her class helped her find a place to live. He carried the used furniture and electrical appliances. He was... perfect.

After they were done rearranging her apartment, he took her to a bar to celebrate. They both got drunk and ended up sleeping together on her new bed... She hated herself for doing it to me, but on second thought, I was far away from her and most likely would not see her in many months, if not years... She still loved me, but it was time to let go!... She was now committed to the new guy. Abby added, that she still hoped that I won't take it on her mother, because I was the only one she trusted, otherwise she'd end up lonely and miserable...

To say that I was devastated was an understatement!

I closed my eyes and recalled the happy moments we had together...

The same evening I was supposed to go for a dinner at Emily's.

Should I skip it, so she won't see me in a bad mood?...

It took me an hour, but then I opted to go there and just tell her the truth.

I arrived to Emily's familiar house dressed nicely and as always, I brought fresh flowers.

Emily smiled at me. She had on a simple blouse and skirt set.

She didn't need anything else. Emily looked very good without showing off!

I kissed her cheek, handed her the flowers and heard the usual, "You really didn't have to do it..."

I chuckled, "It smells good here. Is it the food or... you?..."

Emily blushed and slapped my hand lightly, "Brad, stop making fun of oldies!"

Once we finished the tasty meal, she looked at me and mumbled, "Brad dear, I know about the e-mail you got from Abby... She notified me 15 minutes ago. It was unexpected, but she goes to college in Boston for several years. I am sorry, because you two were a nice couple. Brad, I got used to you here and I like you a lot. But if you decide to never come back to visit me, I'll understand..."

"Emily, I think you know by now that I like you for who YOU are and not because of your connection to Abby. If it's OK with you, I'd like us to continue seeing each other."

Two large tears appeared in her eyes, "I hoped you'd say that..."

I hugged her tight. Now it was only the two of us...

We continued our meetings and going to the dog park. I helped Emily fix the leak in the basement and drove her car to the mechanic to take care of the gear that on occasions got stuck.

I became her helper and I didn't mind it at all.

I loved talking to her - Now that all her initial shyness was gone, we could chat about anything.

One beautiful Saturday I invited Emily to stroll with me in the park.

She accepted it with a smile, but warned me that unlike her daughter, she was no teenager.

I chortled and said that my goal was to take her out of the house, walk on the trails and show her the nice sights. I'd take the photo camera and shoot pictures of her when she was happy.

Emily grumbled, "You keep forgetting that my young years are over. I suggest that you use your photographic skills on a less wrinkled subject..."

"Emily, shut up! I think that you are gorgeous. I mean it! It's not just a compliment. Why do you always underestimate yourself?..."

She blushed and did not respond.

The air was fresh and pleasant. We found a free table and sat down to have a picnic.

I arranged a table cloth, utensils, bagels with cream cheese, lox fillets and tomatoes. I also brought a bottle of Chardonnay.

Emily stared at me, "Brad, you are spoiling me... How will I survive once you decide to move away?..."

I gazed at her and whispered, "Pretty lady, why would I want to move away from you?!... By now you spoiled me so much more."

The hours passed too quickly. We separated in late afternoon.

In the evening I watched sports on TV and went to sleep at 10 pm.

An hour later my phone rang and woke me up.

It was Emily and her voice was shaken, "Brad, I didn't know who else to call... Can you please come by?..."

She never before sounded like that.

I put on some clothes and drove like crazy to her house.

All the lights were on and she stood trembling at the door, "Somebody tried to open the main door and then the kitchen window. I am so scared!"

I hugged her and she clutched to me, as if afraid that I'd leave her.

"Emily, sit on the sofa in the living room. I'll check outside to see if there are signs of

damage to the door lock or the window."

"Brad, I know that you are strong, but do it quickly and come back. I do not know if whoever did this is not close by and has a gun..."

"Emily, I have a better suggestion. Would it be OK if I drive back to my house, grab clean clothes and bathroom accessories and then come back? I'll sleep here in Abby's bed tonight and tomorrow we'll think what to do next."

"It's too much to ask of you..."

"You are right. So tomorrow you'll make me a breakfast with Belgian waffle and we'll call it even!"

I walked toward my car and was able to hear her mumbling, "You are not fair..."

I didn't know what to make of it, but my focus shifted to driving.

I arrived home and found Buck standing by the door. I let him out, waited for him to pee and then left with a small bag.

Emily waited for me, having on a long white robe, that hid very little of her curves...

She arranged for me the bed in Abby's room. It brought old memories back...

Before going to sleep I asked her if she felt better.

She wrapped her hands around my chest, "You are so good to me. What would I do without you?..."

Emily's house temperature was at least 4 degrees above mine and pretty soon the heat got to me. I left the door partly ajar and removed my top. I had on only my briefs.

I fell asleep at midnight.

At 2:30 I thought I heard a noise. I opened my eyes in the darkness and saw Emily standing at my door peeking at me.

My room was quite dark and she couldn't see my face very well, but since I kicked my blanket to the side, being too hot, much of my body was visible to her. The briefs hardly covered much...

Emily stood there for a couple of minutes and stared at my half naked body.

I was leaning on my side, with my front in her direction and tried to keep my respiration steady.

It wasn't easy...

While she was there gazing at me, the small light in the living room behind her highlighted her voluptuous figure. Yes, she was having on a sheer gown that exposed her charms like I've never seen her before...

Her ample breasts stood proud with only minimal sag. The dark nipples were visible too!

Her tummy was flat and reached down to her bulging mound.

The long legs were partly spread, making me want to explore her inside...

These thoughts were enough to stir my cock, that began to harden.

Then Emily turned around and went to her own room.

Recalling her sexy body prevented me from sleeping for at least an hour...

The next morning I was awaken by the smell of Belgian waffles and fresh coffee.

I wanted to go to the bathroom, but my morning woody made it difficult.

I put on my pants and rushed to the bathroom topless.

From the corner of my eye I noticed Emily gazing at me...

After brushing my teeth and a quick shower, I exited and glanced at Emily.

She was checking me out! Her eyes explored my body up and down and concentrated on my groin.

She blushed when she became aware of me noticing where her eyes were directed.

But then the reason to her stare became clear - My cock was still partly hard, making a nice tent in my pants!

I smiled at her, "I am sorry Emily. Sometimes men have this inconvenience in the morning..."

She whispered. "You do not have to apologize."

We ate quietly.

I stared at her pretty face. In the morning light I could see that she put on some make up, mascara and even darker lipstick than usual.

She had on a different robe than yesterday. It was somewhat shorter both on top as well as the hem.

Damn, she looked good!

My prick had the same impression and instead of shrinking, it became more swollen.

My condition was not lost on Emily. She inquired, "Brad, you seem to suffer. Do you need to go to the bathroom?..."

I stuttered, "I think that I'll be OK..."

She observed my face for a long time and at the end she said, "I have an idea. Why don't you take Buck and Lucy to the dog park and then bring them here to stay in my yard. In the meantime I'll prepare something good to eat for the two of us. You were very nice yesterday and I want to have a little celebration for saving me. OK?"

"I actually hoped to go somewhere with you... but I'll do what you asked. And you really don't have to slave cooking a special meal. I didn't do anything unusual."

She said softly, "I know... But still... And my impression is that lately we are reversing our prior roles - You became the shy one..."

I took the dogs to the park.

I loved watching them being playful, with little Lucy bossing around huge buck!...

It was a nice day.

I dozed off on one of the benches and... Emily's curvaceous body, that was barely covered with the sheer gown as I saw it in the middle of the night, reappeared.

I had an urge to take her in my arms and... I woke up.

The 2 dogs were sitting on the ground near the bench. They were spent.

I brought them back to Emily's home.

A strong smell of hot chocolate filled the air.

Emily was standing near the sink, dressed to kill...

Her slightly curly hair was tied with a nice pin behind her neck. A ruby red lipstick covered her luscious lips. A short tight black dress was glued to her body in away that made it clear - No underwear... The cleavage hypnotized me and I couldn't take my eyes away! And I almost forgot a black glossy 3" high heels shoes, that made it all look even better.

She saw me mesmerized by her appearance and smirked, "The way you look at me now remind me of the wolf ogling red riding hood... Am I safe, or I should change back to my baggy clothes?..."

I could barely speak, "If I knew... you never told me!... Emily, you are so beautiful!"

She handed me a glass of wine and grinned, "After last night, today is YOUR day. You are granted one free wish. Choose whatever you want. I promise that today I won't veto anything!"

I pleaded with her, "Emily, please, I am not as nice as you think. Don't force me to tell you what I really want! I may ask something that you deem inappropriate and I'll lose your friendship forever..."

Emily approached me and stood inches from my face, "Dear Brad, are you sure? There is a saying... well, I'm not sure exactly how it goes, but when somebody is TOO shy, he may miss something that he craves the most..."

I mumbled, "Emily, I want you... all of you!..."

Her hand caressed my face and she came closer, "Silly boy, I know it for quite some time. But you didn't understand that I wanted the same thing... How could you be so blind? Now kiss me before I start screaming!..."

I held her gently in my arms and felt my love for her bursting inside of me.

My lips touched hers for the first time. I sucked lightly on her upper lip.

Emily's soft tits crushed against my chest, sending my cock into overdrive.

She felt it's stiffness against her abdomen and slowly gyrated her lower body on it.

I French kissed her for a couple of seconds and then disconnected, whispering in her ear, "Emily I love you. I really do! I loved Abby and probably always will, but my love for you is even stronger... Did you put a voodoo spell on me to make me so in love with you?!...

"You talk too much. Will you take me to bed, please?..."

I lifted her body and carried her to the king size bed.

I laid her down gently and kissed her again.

"Brad, the tight dress I am wearing was easier to put on than remove it. Will you please open the back zipper."

I stood behind her and with quivering hands I pulled the zipper down.

Her smooth skin was very soft.

As I continued playing with the zipper, I kissed the side of her neck.

She moaned, "Brad I am so aroused... I waited for you in this uncomfortable sexy dress for more than an hour. Please don't take too long to make love to me!... I haven't had sex in years. I still remember hearing and even seeing you and Abby together a couple of times... Your body is both strong and gentle. Please take me..."

"Darling Emily, I will! But I want to touch you and feel you first... Your face is so pretty. and I ogled your full tits for weeks now, hoping to put my hands on them and massage them... Even earlier today I was fantasizing about being able to capitalize on your stunning body, knowing that it would never happen..."

"I know it Brad... I was very patient, waiting for you to take the first step. And the night I checked on you at 2:30 am... I knew that you were awake. I hoped that you'd ask me to stay and join you in bed..."

Emily's talk made me hornier by the minute.

My palms reacted automatically. They reached, touched, tweaked and twisted Emily's glorious breasts. They looked and felt amazing!

I inserted my throbbing member into her snatch and advanced gingerly forward.

Her unused-lately cunt was tight and needed patience to stretch out and accommodate me, but eventually it gave up and I was allowed all the way in.

Emily groaned and her fingers pinched my skin, pulling me deeper into her.

I began pounding her pussy using long slow strokes, gradually increasing my speed.

Emily's body collapsed as a big orgasm took over her.

She cried loudly once and then inserted her thumb in her mouth and sucked on it.

My hands tweaked her hard nipples and my pecker was on it's way to the promise land.

My climax started without warning and I could barely feel what I was doing...

I only knew that I wanted to shove it in and out nonstop!

Emily orgasmic shivering began to decline when my ejaculation ended.

I rolled down to her side and hugged her still mildly trembling body.

I whispered again, "Honey, I love you! I really do!!!"

She hugged me back, "Brad, don't you think that it will be better if you sleep here every night? I'll feel safer with you around and I'll make for you your favorite meals."

I gazed at her lovingly, "You just described my fantasy! We still need to work out the details, like how do we manage with the stuff I have at home, build an exit door for Buck to go to the yard when he needs to go out and more importantly... What do we tell Abby?"

"Let's go to sleep now and talk about everything tomorrow."

"Good night dear..."


The next day I taught 2 classes for a total of 4 hours.

I prepared the material I was supposed to talk about beforehand, which was a good idea. Simply because I couldn't concentrate... The future with Emily looked bright!

Later in the afternoon I drove to her house and brought for her a nice set of creams from Olay. I made sure that it was nicely wrapped and had a golden string around it.

A single red rose was on top, with a small card attached. It simply said LYD.

Her eyes lighted when she saw the presents, but she struggled to decipher the writing.

I laughed, "Sorry girl. I was too lazy to write full words... The abbreviation stands for 'Love You Dear'.

She kissed my lips and her eyes became teary.

I thought to myself, that as of late Emily's eyes shed tears quite often...

I sat on the couch.

She came toward me and sat on my lap.

She wrapped her small hands tightly around my neck.

"Emily honey, if you don't like me, just say so and I'll go home... You don't have to choke me!..."

Her laugh was cheerful, "Oh dear! I almost killed you... And I didn't even had a time to take advantage of you... What a shame!"

"Emily, let's make it YOUR evening. You can choose whatever you want, but there is one issue that we need to discuss ASAP. What do we tell Abby? She may call you, or me, at any time and we need to be in sync."

Emily hesitated, "I thought about it a lot last night. It's better that we tell her nothing about our intimate relations. We should say that we go together to the dog park. Every now and then I invite you to dinner and you are trying to be nice, taking me to a movie or restaurant. Look, Abby said that she won't be coming for awhile. And with her new boyfriend she is too busy anyway..."


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