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Adventures in Swinging Ch. 18-19

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Ellie Calls Borg and Later talks about her early bisexuality.
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Part 10 of the 22 part series

Updated 06/14/2024
Created 08/12/2023
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We all went up to the beautiful rooftop bar, which gave a great view of the downtown and seaport. The girls nodded to us and moved to a table with four chairs to begin the bet. Seth and I sat at the bar. A college-aged girl moved to our wife's table from behind the bar and took their orders.

I looked at Seth, "You know we have a dinner reservation in an hour?" He nodded silently and casually looked around. The bartender had been serving two men at the other end of the bar. I could hear them discussing cameras and lighting. I assumed they were a film or audiovisual team supporting the convention in the hotel.

The bartender reached Seth and me, asking, "How may I help you, gentlemen?"

Seth smiled and ordered for us, "Thank you. Would you bring us two Palomas, please? I see you have Cuervo Gold, and that would be fine."

"Excellent, sir," the bartender replied. He moved off to prepare our drinks. I noted a couple enter the bar area and sit at a table not far from the two men at the far end of the bar. I watched as they looked the couple over. Then, their gaze shifted to the girls. I nudged Seth in the ribs with my elbow.

"Hey Jare, easy there, ole buddy, he said, twitching in reaction to my jab.

He shifted in his seat as I whispered, "The guys at the end of the bar are eyeing our wives."

"Yes, so it seems," Seth noted.

The two men had already picked up their drinks and moved across to where Ellie and Heather were seated. Seth and I continued to observe, and you could hear them introducing themselves. The girls shook hands with them and engaged them in conversation.

The bartender returned with our Palomas, "Gentlemen, there you go. Is there anything else I can bring you?

Seth nodded, "Yes, we will take our check."

As this went on, I took my Paloma and drank half of it as I tried to use my peripheral vision and catch what was being said at the table. I finally got frustrated and scanned left, and the men took their seats. There was an energetic exchange going on at the table. Seth and I continued to drink our Palomas, and truthfully, I had drained mine and was down to crunching the ice.

Seth shook his head as he observed both men getting chummy with our women, "Look quick, Jare, both those guys are actually making time with our ladies."

"What the hell is surprising Seth? Our wives are adorable," I responded. "Besides, we have lost the bet, and you have probably cost us both at least $500.00 in a new dress for each of them."

Seth shrugged, "They need one for the Captain's formal anyway, Jare."

Seth continued to watch as casually as he could. On the other hand, I was much more deliberate in my surveillance. Both men had moved their seats closer to the girls. Heather's pursuer had been stroking Heather's forearm. Heather had almost instinctively moved her leg to his. The other guy was talking up Ellie, and they seemed to be fully engaged in their conversation. He had his hand on Ellie's thigh. She gently removed his hand placing it back where it belonged.

Then she looked at Heather and said as she checked the time, "Oh, BORG! We are going to be late for our dinner."

Heather snapped out of her conversation and immediately played along, "Oh wow, yeah, Ellie, yes. Excuse us, fellas. Ellie, Seth and Jare are probably at the restaurant now waiting for us. Let's get going, Ellie."

Ellie added, "It was nice meeting you both. Maybe you can meet our husbands when we board the ship tomorrow."

Both of the guys nodded politely. Ellie's guy smarmingly picked up her hand and kissed it. The other saw that and leaned into Heather, planting a quick peck on her cheek as she turned away. They said they hoped the girls would enjoy the cruise and would love to have drinks with them if they could once at sea. They all stood up, and the girls put cash on the table for the waitress. They pulled their purses up and looked around. Ellie winked at me and smiled. They said their goodbyes and both girls headed to the elevator. The two guys watched them enter the elevator.

As the doors closed, they returned to their place at the far end of the bar. Two more couples and four women in their early forties entered the bar and found seats. I watched as the two creept barflies scanned the new possibilities for a type he could hit on. I just thanked God for being married. I couldn't imagine doing that.

Seth nudged me, "Common, let's catch-up with the girls and see what went down."

I followed Seth to the elevator and rode it to the lobby. I looked around, and the wives were by the front entrance. Seth and I moved to them, and we both put on big smiles.

I hugged Ellie, "I am proud of you. It's was nice touch weaving Borg into your comment. You earned yourself a new dress of choice."

Ellie beamed, "That is the easiest bet I have ever won."

Heather added, "You two lost that stupid bet the moment Seth came up it. What a cockamamy idea."

"What the hell," Seth said. "You both will be stunning in your new dresses. Jare and I can't wait to see you wear them at the formal."

Dinner was excellent, and afterwards we all found ourselves drinking wine in Seth and Heather's room, all sitting cross-legged on their big king bed. We had put away three bottles on top of the two at dinner. Needless to say we were feeling no pain as we laughed and told stories of our kids growing up.

It was a relaxed atmosphere, and we were having fun. Heather had just told a story of them coming home while Hallie was babysitting. Their daughter Sorsha was still potty training, and the phone had rung mid-potty session. Hallie went to answer it, leaving Sorsha for just one minute, which turned out to be one minute too long.

Seth and Heather came home, and Hallie was shuffling after trying to catch up with her. Her little girl undies were at her ankles, and tiny poops were dropping. Hallie was trying to pick them up as they fell with a wad of baby wipes. We were laughing our buzzed asses off. As we calmed down, there was a momentary lull.

Seth looked at Ellie and asked, "El, you have never told us much about growing up. When did you have a realization that you were gay or bi?"

I started to open my mouth to deflect the conversation. Hell, Ellie had been through enough emotional twists and turns of late. My wife read my mind and put her hand on my forearm to stop me.

"Why not? It's good for you both to know," she shrugged. "Let's see," she paused. We all looked at her as she began her story. With a deep breath, she began, "I was born in February 1979 in Willamette, Illinois. My parents, Jacob' Jock' and Mary O'Hanlon, were the most wonderfully loving and devoted parents any girl could wish for. When I was old enough to understand, they told me the story of the 'miracle and blessing' of my birth.

During labor, both Momma and I nearly died. Momma had pre-eclampsia, and they had to give her magnesium sulfate to decrease her blood pressure. It was touchy because, at one point, Momma went into cardiac arrest twice, and the doctor almost lost us both.

After I was born, Momma's OB-GYN said she shouldn't have any more children. Years later, when carrying my twins, I asked her how she dealt with that. She told me it broke her heart because she cherished the idea of a big Catholic family. I remember the sadness on her face. She told me to not feel bad. I more than made up for the children she couldn't have. I apparently was a happy-go-lucky child. A real 'rug rat' is what Momma called me. She said watching me grow into the woman standing before her was a privilege. In my early years, she said she only had to look at me to see a special little gift from God and would be 'overcome with joy.' I cried when she said that. I told her I hoped would disappoint her. She told me not to worry. She knew I would make a great Mommom

"How did your Mom break the news to your Dad?" Heather asked.

Ellie continued, "Momma said the hard part of not being able to have more children was having to ask my father, 'Da,' as I called him, to get a vasectomy right after I was born.

I jumped into the conversation adding, "I had a great relationship with Ellie's parents. I was very close to her father. He helped me deal with my father's death and filled a void. He once told me I was the right man for his daughter." My eyes grew misty as I recalled, He said I was a 'good son.' That meant the world to me. It was something my father never said to me." Jare swallowed a big gulp of wine and refilled his glass.

"Pop O'Hanlon told me getting a vasectomy was a bitter to accept, but his wife's health trumped his desire for a big family. The vasectomy went against his Catholic faith, but he had to protect his wife and keep her safe." I sighed as he returned to the bed and set his wine glass on the nightstand, "Go ahead, El. I didn't mean to take you off task."

Ellie leaned against me after I sat down again on the bed with my back on the headboard. She rested her head on his chest, looking up at the white stucco on the hotel room ceiling, as she lifted her butt to place herself between my spread legs.

I stroked her hair as she resumed, "My parents were very tactile and 'touchy-feely' with me. They were the most affectionate 'Huggers.' I was never without love and encouragement growing up. When I was eight years old, I came down with meningitis. My mother never left my side. Family doctors seldom made house calls, but Old Dr. Taylor made four, answering my mom's demand for immediate action.

Seth interjected, "Wow, you can't find Doctors like that anymore."

Ellie nodded, "I favor building solid and lasting relationships over the dozens of superficial ones we see around us today. I remember Dr. Taylor was a tall man who smelled old-spice aftershave. He always had a smile and kind words on his lips. Whether I was seeing him at his office or making a house call, he always had a raspberry Lolli-pop for me. Yes, Dr. Taylor was a dear man who cared about my parents and considered them close friends. He never could say no to Momma. I was ill for several weeks. Momma stayed up with me when I was crying at night. She kept me cool and gave me 'St. Joseph's Aspirin for Children' for my fever because 'that's what her mother' gave her."

"Wasn't she worried about Reye's Syndrome?" Heather asked.

Ellie shook her head no, "Heather, my Momma was a traditionalist. If it worked for her Momma, its good enough for me. I remember her staying in my room whenever my fever spiked. When I cried or seemed in distress, Momma was always there. She would lift me from the bed and cradle me in her arms in the rocking chair Grandpa Clearfield left her when he passed. Momma would dab my head with a cool washcloth she kept in a bowl of ice water right beside her. I can still remember her soft melodic voice as she sang 'Amazing Grace' till I fell back asleep. The comfort of Momma's touch as she tenderly rocked me to sleep is a memory I cherish.

I was a Tom-Boy growing up. I hit my growth spurt in 5th grade and shot to my current five feet five. It was an adjustment towering over most of my classmates. At that point, I gravitated toward roughhousing with the boys and was always closer to them. It just seemed natural. I was athletic and strong. I was not big on dresses, preferring to dress like the guys in pants.

In the 9th grade at New Trier High School, I met a girl named Allison Tomlinson. She was in my homeroom, and we hit it off almost immediately. We shared the same lunch period. We would combine the meals our mothers packed for us and shared them. She was laid back, and I enjoyed her friendship. I was invited to her house for a Friday night sleepover a few weeks into October. We were chilling out after dinner, listening to Hootie and the Blowfish. Both of us were side by side in t-shirts and sweats on her bed. Her mother came in, wished us goodnight, and turned out the lights. Without warning, Allison put her hand on mine and rolled to her side facing me.

I could feel her face close, and then her lips touched mine. I was flooded with feelings as I received my first kiss. We embraced, and it just seemed so easy and natural to me. Her hands slid under my T-shirt and cupped my breasts. I could feel her tongue slide into my mouth. I had started my journey into sexual awakening. Throughout the rest of 9th grade, we spent as much time as possible exploring our emotional and physical feelings. I learned how incredible oral sex was and that I was multi-orgasmic. Allison gave me mind-jarring climaxes several times where I sprayed her with my juices. I was mortified, but she said it was cool and loved it. She taught me so much about my body, and I fell under her spell. Soon, we held hands after school, but she was always careful never to show affection at school. We talked a lot about our experiences as we experimented.

I think the relationship was finished when I fell into the 'jock clique' by lettering in Varsity Swimming that year. My events were the 100-meter Butterfly and 200 meter freestyle. I competed in both events at the State Championships in the 9th and 10th grades. I just loved swimming.

My parents were concerned that sports would distract me from my studies and they began pushing me hard to accel academically. They both told me the key to my future was a career in the sciences. For that, I had to be able to learn advanced mathematics. Da was an engineer, and Momma, a middle school biology teacher, and I suppose that gave me the genes I needed.

Both my parents were graduates of the University of Illinois. We were a 'Fighting Illini' family. I was determined to go to Urbana-Champaign just like my parents had and even hoped to win a college scholarship for swimming to pay my way. Now I discovered in earlier in 8th-grade algebra class that I was a wunderkind at math. I took college algebra in 9th grade. Physics and calculus in the 10th grade.

Everything seemed to come easy, and after I exhausted the high math offerings, I took electives in computer programming. I began learning the C programming language. Late in my 11th-grade year, I heard the school district offered a programming summer camp led by Mr. Simmons, who turned out to be an Illini alum. Over a 40-day period during summer break, he taught this college-level Object Oriented Programming in a facility equipped with what was then, state-of-the-art Pentium-driven computers. Those passing with a 3.5 or higher would receive a certificate for three undergraduate credits in computer sciences.

I took the application to Da, and he agreed to pay the three-hundred-dollar tuition for the course. I turned out to be one of the first to sign up. It was a difficult choice between making money as a lifeguard that summer or taking a class that could help me accelerate academically. Da told me I made a sound decision. He said I shouldn't worry about the money, and he was confident I could get educational and athletic scholarships. In his mind, computers were the future, and I should pursue my studies.

This is how I started my journey in computer programming. Da laid the foundation for my fascination with computers years before when he asked me to spend some TV time with him each week watching Star Trek: The Next Generation re-runs and new episodes from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He was a fan of both shows and really into it. I was amazed at how much of a wide-eyed kid was still in my father. Da loved everything about space, and soon, I was hooked.

We watched the shows, and he excitedly explained the theoretical physics behind the technology, and the character-driven stories just wrapped me up and drew me in. I was fascinated with the technologies depicted, especially the cybernetics-focused episodes. I began to envision the complexity of neural networks and the algorithms it would require to build the android' Data.'

Also, I loved that the Star Trek computer systems demonstrated practical interfaces that I knew one day would be commonplace. The artificial intelligence of their computer systems fired my imagination for knowledge on the topic. It fueled the AI-inspired ideas I am applying to the project Jare and I are both working on.

Da once asked me to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: The Year We Make Contact. Those were both mind altering movies for different reasons. They had me wishing there was a Dr. Chandra and the HAL and SAL 9000 were at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. How incredible would it be to fulfill Alan Turing's dreams of a sentient thinking machine that could fool someone into believing it was a human talking to them?

But I digress, so back to answering your question Seth about my bi-sexual/lesbian orientation. Toward the end of the 11th grade, I broke up with Allison. She was growing bored with what she called 'the Geek' in me. I lost touch with her and have never heard from her again. Computers were now my passion, and I had important things to do to be in order to be accepted by the Graining College of Engineering at the University of Illinois.

Life threw me a curve, though, and I almost shot-circuited college when I got involved with a girl named Jenny Gradelle. She was a new girl who had moved to Willamette from Atlanta. She was athletic and almost six feet tall. She joined the swimming team in the 12th grade. She was a jock and easily competed and filled my slot on the swimming team, ultimately competing at the State championships in 200M freestyle. I started to hang around the jock clique and was invited to many parties. I began to lose my focus and started lying to my parents about where I was in the evenings, claiming to be studying, when I was really with Jenny and the gang. I soon realized that everyone said I was "Jenny's Girl" at school and hands off to anybody else.

She started getting me out more into more rebellious activities. At first, I didn't mind it. She was a better lover than Allison. She taught me about my G-spot and rimming. She taught me how great oral sex was when my pussy was shaved. I also realized I had missed being involved romantically with someone. She loosened me up and made me comfortable with public displays of affection. We would make out everywhere except around my home. I never asked her over to stay at my house. I guess subconsciously, I knew Momma and Da would disapprove of her. I wasn't smitten with her as much as in awe of her worldliness.

Once her senior swimming season finished, Jenny became possessive and increasingly demanding. One day at school, she convinced me to hook a class with her and dragged me into a stall in one of the girl's lavatories. We went at it with our pants at our ankles as we had oral sex with each other. I must have been a real lick master because she was squirming, and moaning, and came with an ear-piercing screech. We realized the jig was up, she was so loud. We were fucked. In a panic, we comically reassembled ourselves in that crowded stall, getting dressed just when Mrs. Hall came in. She had hall monitor duty that day. She looked like Margaret Hamilton from 'The Wizard of Oz.'

The musky smell of sex was all over our faces and permeated throughout the lavatory. Mrs. Hall didn't let on, though. She asked what we were doing and where our hall passes were. We both shrugged and were dragged down to the office. The Vice Principal tried to interrogate us after talking first to Mrs. Hall. We clammed up tighter than an Aldebaran shell mouth. Our parents were called, and we were both suspended for one week.

I had never seen Momma as angry as she was when she came to take me home. She had never raised her voice to me, but on that day, she raked me over the coals the whole drive home. I sat on the family room sofa and took it. I knew I had screwed up. I took 'my eyes off the prize' as she said. What was important, she stressed, is that it was done in favor of a damned thrill. One I wasn't going to tell her was driven by lust.

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