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After the Pensioners Coach Trip

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Mature married woman mixes with village old boys again.
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It was a fine October morning when the coach set off from the little village school in the Forest. It was heading for a day out, taking the local pensioners for their annual treat, and the dozen or so elderly males were really looking forward to this year's event. They were being treated to a visit to a brewery, about 30 miles away, so they all thought they were heading for an enjoyable day and perhaps a chance to sample some of the products! (Visiting a brewery didn't really appeal to any of their wives!) The coach swayed and wound its way along the little lanes in the Forest before it joined a main road heading for the town where the brewery was situated.

The village school always tried to organise and finance an annual treat for the pensioners, as a way of keeping in touch with the not so young members of the community, and to give them a break from their usually hum-drum daily life in the small village. Two members of the school staff and one of the local mothers were accompanying the party on this occasion and, to at least two of the pensioners, there was an added treat as the local mother who was sitting towards the front of the coach was the much admired, but shy and reserved, Wendy!

Wendy's 3 children had all attended the primary school at one time or another, but they were all teenagers now, and Wendy had actually been a school governor a few years back, but she still liked to help out at the school when she could and always gave them her support in any out of school activities that arose. She usually put together and took part in the school Christmas pantomime, or took part in the summer Sports day, and she always ran a stall at the summer fete, so it seemed only natural that with nothing else to fill her October day, she had offered to go along to help out on the brewery visit.

Also, she was only just getting over the previous Saturday when Wendy had celebrated her 40th birthday, and there had been a bit of a party at the local pub with Jim and the children, but that was about the extent of marking the mile-stone in her life. She was both sad and happy at reaching 40, as she thought that the flush of youth had now left her behind, but she still felt full of vigour and tried to remember that 40 was supposed to be 'when life begins!'

The family had a nice little bungalow in the village where Wendy lived with her husband, Jim, and 3 children, and she was friendly and on speaking terms with almost every other resident of the tiny village. She had grown up there, worked part-time in the local pub, the 'Waterside Inn,' and was generally a well respected lady of the community. She filled her time by helping out at the school, or working in the pub and she could always be seen walking or jogging round the village, visiting the local post office and shops, or chatting with some of the other villagers.

The fact that her life was now a bit hum-drum at home never allowed Wendy to show those feelings in public. Jim was a good husband, but he always seemed tired or had other things to do and occasionally, only occasionally, Wendy wished that he might still just notice her as an attractive woman with her own needs, rather than a wife to do the chores and a mother to three boisterous teenagers. Still, this was the only cloud in her otherwise contented life, and generally Wendy was a happy, outgoing person, always ready with a smile for others round her.

There was no doubt that Wendy was also a fine looking woman in her own right. Although now just 40 and having had 3 children, her lifestyle meant that she still had a fit and attractive body, and she was the dream, and no doubt the subject of quite a few lewd fantasies, of more than a few males in the village, young and old. Standing a striking 5'8 and with short, neat, dark hair, she had wonderful legs and a firm bottom from all the walking and errands she carried out, and her breasts were still hard and shapely in the smart but practical clothes she wore. She was intelligent, a little reserved, never tartish or loud, and it seemed that she always tried to put others first before thinking of her own enjoyment. Respected in the community, Wendy always had time to stop and chat with the locals as she went about her chores, even the older men who she sometimes saw in the pub or tending their allotments.

She had got used to the teasing from the old men, particularly Tom and Bill, two old widowers, now almost in their 70s, and an episode with them about 2 Christmases ago when she succumbed to a few drinks and some subtle seduction was best forgotten...or so Wendy hoped. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on one's point of view) it had happened again in Tom's back garden about 18 months ago......the two old men had seduced Wendy in the afternoon sun by the little garden pond, and they had once again enjoyed the fruits of her shapely feminine charms and, in the end, Wendy left the little cottage a satisfied, embarrassed and exhausted mother. But that was in the past, totally out of character and Wendy had never strayed either before or since those blips on her comfortable, married life! Nor had she the mind to!

Today, the autumn sun was quite warm after the cold of the early morning, and Wendy had worn a nice grey and black woollen dress under a warm coat, and had put on her favourite black boots to keep her legs warm as she walked to the school to meet the coach. The sun became warmer as the morning went on, and in the coach, once the heater had got to work, she was able to take off her coat and relax during the hour long trip to the brewery. should be a nice relaxing day out, she thought!

She sat with one of the lady teachers on the journey and could hear the men towards the back of the coach laughing and joking with one another and, on more than one occasion, she heard her name mentioned in their conversation. God, what are they talking about now, she thought? It was Tom, one of the widowers Wendy had encountered so thoroughly on previous occasions, and now almost 70 himself, who came down the coach to speak with her. As he stood over Wendy in her seat, he said,

'Hello, young Wendy,....corrr,..... you looking really smart again today in that nice dress.' In that village twang of his, he always tried to tease her, as well as compliment her, and Wendy just about managed to hide her blushes, and attempted to pull the hem of her dress down, as Tom went on.

'Did you know that old Albert is 75 today? Don't look bad on it, does he? Why don't you come down the back, young Wendy, and we can wish him a happy birthday?' The old men had watched Wendy grow up in the village, from a young girl to a fine looking woman, and they were never backward in coming forward when it came to making their feelings known to the attractive wife. Wendy blushed again, knowing full well that Tom was up to no good, but she tried to ignore the request. She knew that Albert was also a widower who lived on his own and enjoyed a pint at the local, and also had an allotment in the same plot as Tom.

Like the others, Wendy had known Albert for quite a few years, since he moved to the village with his wife, but the wife had sadly died only a short while later and now Albert also had been left to fend for himself. He was a polite and handsome old man, always said hello, but Wendy could hardly believe that he had reached such a grand old age.

'I don't think so, Tom, thanks very much.....not at the moment. We're nearly there, anyway, so I can wish Albert a Happy Birthday when we get there.' Nice try, thought Tom as he slinked back to his seat and more giggling. Who could blame him, though, as Wendy did look very fetching in the woollen dress and warm boots.

At the brewery, the party were shown what went into making a good pint of beer, the hops, the brewing, the distilling, until finally the beer was bottled or put into kegs for their onward journey to wherever. The tour was relaxed, informative, but then came lunch...a time to sample the real stuff that came out of the barrels. The brewery had a little café come restaurant where visitors could have some food washed down with the free ale provided, and the old men didn't waste the opportunity to sink a few pints under their belts!

Wendy and the two teachers also enjoyed some lunch, but Wendy contented herself with a glass of wine, sat round the table with all the men, and it was a convivial few hours during which all the visitors had a great time. Bill and Tom and the other men continued to tease the lovely mother, and again Tom brought up the subject of Albert's birthday.

'You'll have to have a drink for Albert's birthday, you know, young Wendy. Why don't you have something stronger? One glass of wine's not going to do you any good, is it, now?' he teased. Wendy thought she would get her own back by having a go at Tom.

'Well, Tom. I didn't see you in the pub on Saturday night to celebrate my birthday, did I?' and she was blushing a little again, knowing that the old men wouldn't let it go.

'Your birthday, Wendy?' came back Bill. 'We didn't know that, did we men? If we'd have known that, we'd definitely have come to the pub to buy you a drink....You kept that quiet, young Wendy. How many years was it....25?' he teased.

'I didn't keep it quiet. I was there with Jim, at the 'Waterside,' and there were drinks all round, but you missed your chance, didn't you, you tight old devils,......and you know you don't ask a lady her was 40 actually,' and Wendy laughed as Tom and Bill looked crestfallen at missing out.

'40? You were 40, young Wendy? I don't believe it! All the more reason to have another drink, young Wendy. Go on, another glass of wine?'

'No, no, no. I mustn't,' protested the attractive wife. 'I've got to get back to cook the tea...Jim is on night-shift tonight, and I'm not going home smelling of beer.' She hoped this would be the end of the matter!

Back on the coach for the journey home, there was even more merriment as the effects of the beer began to take their toll. Worse still, Bill and Tom had more or less press ganged Wendy to make her way to the back of the coach. Trapping her in the aisle as they boarded the coach, she had a wry grin on her face as the two aged pensioners almost got her right to the back row before she stood her ground.

'Look you naughty old men...I'm not getting stuck on the back seat with you, I don't know where you've been,' she giggled at them, in mock protest.

'Oh, come on Wendy. Come and sit at the back with us, and we can try and celebrate your birthday and Albert's at the same time,' and both Bill and Tom were trying to squeeze their prey into submission. Even a stray hand had moved onto Wendy's firm bottom as they tried to cajole her, and she had to smack it off before any more damage was done.

'Look you devils, you can't keep your hands to yourselves, can you, so you just sit back down in your seats and have a sing-song on the way home. There's good boys!'

Wendy was trying to turn round and get back to her seat at the front in a ladylike manner, and still stray hands kept wandering over her dress to try and sample the wonderful curves. The men had at last sat down as Wendy was turning, but a hand still wandered right up under the back of her dress, lifting it almost to her waist. More giggles and laughter as Wendy held on to the hem at the front, trying to keep herself decent in front of the onlookers.

'Oh, you're such a spoilsport, young Wendy.' carried on Bill. 'Not wanting to join us in singing a few songs and wishing old Albert a happy birthday.' Still a hand played up the back of her thighs as she tried to get away and keep the woollen dress down, and then Albert spoke. He was normally the perfect gentleman, and his request caught Wendy on the hop a little as she slapped at the hands mauling her legs.

'OK Wendy, I can understand why you don't want to sit with us load of drunken old pensioners,' and he laughed himself, 'but why don't you join us this evening, and then we can have a drink for your birthday as well as celebrate mine. Seriously! That's fair, isn't it? You know we couldn't let your 40th go without a little celebration, so do join us this evening?' It was almost a plea from Albert, but then old Tom added his fourpennyworth.

'Yes, yes, he's right, young Wendy. You can't let your 40th go without letting us treat you to a drink and a piece of birthday cake....and you said yourself that your Jim is on night-shift tonight, didn't you? So there's no excuse is there. You come round to Albert's little bungalow later this evening, and we'll have a little drop of sherry ready for you,' and Tom giggled again as the rest of the men gave a 'hear, hear,' encore to the request. Wendy flushed with embarrassment again.

'Well, I don't know about that. I've got loads of washing and ironing to do, and I don't even know what the kids are doing yet. You had your chance on Saturday.' She had managed to get her dress looking decent again, and was at a safe distance as she went on. 'Anyway, do you think I can trust any of you lot to behave yourselves? I mean, your half drunk now. What will you be like tonight?' and it was her turn to tease the men, now. 'We'll have to see, won't we?'

She managed to get to her seat at the front, still with an embarrassed look on her face, and the ride home passed off without any more risque moments, even though the old men didn't stop singing all the way. Some of the lyrics of the songs left decency wanting, but at least they had enjoyed their day out and it gave the old men something to talk about for a few months to come. It wasn't until they were getting off the coach outside the little school that Albert sidled up to Wendy once more.

'Look Wendy. I was serious about inviting you round this evening. It was planned already with the other old boys, and it would be wonderful to see you, even for a little while....after all, I'm not 75 every day, am I? It's not far for you to walk, and there will be a nice hot toddy to keep you warm, and one of the ladies has even made me a lovely big cake. Say you'll come, Wendy.....I'll be disappointed if you don't!' He had such an appealing look on his face, and Wendy didn't have the heart to turn him down flat.

'You're very kind, Albert, and I really do appreciate the offer, but I won't promise anything. The kids seem to take up all my time, and I really do have some housework to do....but we'll see. If I don't get there, do have a wonderful time and try and stay sober, Albert,' and they both laughed as Wendy reached up and gave the handsome old timer a peck on the cheek. Then she turned and scuttled off back down the road towards her bungalow and thoughts of what to cook for the evening meal.

As usual, the kids scoffed down their meal as fast as they could, having far more important things to do than sit around with mum and dad, and they were flying out of the door almost before the food was down their throats.

'See you later, dad, mum....I won't be late!!' they all seemed to scream at once. Wendy just managed to shout out to them that she might go out later in the evening, before the thud of the front door meant she was alone with Jim before he went off to his night shift.

'You thinking of going out this evening, then?' Jim enquired of his wife.

'Well, it depends. I've got some washing to do and it's a bit cold, isn't it, but the old boys keep on at me about going round for a quick you know, old Albert Stroud is 75 years old today! He doesn't look as old as that, does he? I don't really feel like going out,' went on Wendy, 'but I suppose half an hour won't hurt, will it, especially as the kids all seem to have gone out for the evening.'

'It's up to you, isn't it,' replied Jim. 'You don't want to get caught walking down the lanes on a cold night like this, do you, and you don't want to go drinking too much. I know what you're like when you've had a few,' and Jim laughed at his wife as he packed his bag ready for work. 'I should be back by eight in the morning, so you go steady if you go out, and I'll see you in the morning,' and he bent to give Wendy a kiss on the cheek before he disappeared out of the back door.

Wendy was alone now, with the washing up, a load of washing to do and a lonely night in front of the TV in front of her. It was at times like these that she thought that life was passing her by, and the 40 years were really starting to hang heavily on her shoulders. It was only half past six, so she did the washing up, pushed a machine load of washing onto 'wash' and sat down in the lounge to watch the local news on TV.

By half past seven, Wendy was fidgeting, and she was bored stiff. The kids were out, her husband was at work, and she kept thinking about going round to Albert's to have a piece of cake and only one glass of wine. She knew she could handle the old boys, as everything was always a joke and teasing between them, but it would be a nice change and, anyway, she would only stay for an hour at the most before she came back home to get an early night with her library book.

Although she was admired and respected in the village, Wendy still hankered after a little more fun, and spending an hour with some pensioners would just pass an evening having a small drink, some light conversation, and perhaps a piece of cake, which wasn't going to hurt anybody, was it? What happened in the past was history, and Wendy was adamant she wouldn't let things get out of hand again!

Socialising was getting less and less with Jim, who seemed to spend most of his life at work, and it would be better than sitting alone in her bungalow watching the usual rubbish on TV. Yes, she would just pop round to Albert's, and then get back before the children returned home.

Now that Wendy had made up her mind, she had a quick shower, got changed into something nice, sat in front of her dressing table to put on some subtle perfume and fetching make-up, and she was ready to go. It was almost 8o'clock and she promised herself she would be back by 9.30 as she pulled the front door behind her. It was quite chilly now, in the dark night air, and Wendy was glad she had put on her big, warm coat as she trotted down the road towards the village centre and the lane where Albert lived.

It was only about 10 minutes walk, and soon Wendy was passing by the old oak tree situated just a few yards from Albert's bungalow in the quiet lane. The path in the front garden was a bit of a minefield in the dark, in her high heeled boots, and Wendy was glad when she reached the old front door to the creepy old cottage. She knocked a few times as the place seemed in darkness, but she could see puffs of smoke coming from the chimney and then a light appeared under the door. At least they're not down the pub, she thought!

It was Albert who answered the door, and a big smile swept across his face as he clapped eyes on the young mother standing in the doorway.

'My goodness, Wendy!' and he gave her a peck on the cheek. 'I really didn't expect to see you, but it's made my birthday, you know. Thanks for coming, young lady. Come on in out of the cold and go on through. They're all in the back room by the, let's take your coat for you.'

As Wendy slipped off her big overcoat, Albert's eyes nearly popped out at the vision of mature, sexy beauty underneath. Wendy had put on her brown suede boots, some brown tights....were they tights?.....and a really low cut brown shift that came down to mid thigh...she really did look gorgeous. Albert was left open mouthed, so Wendy put him out of his misery.

'Well, Albert. I thought if you were celebrating your birthday, and I was celebrating would only be lady-like to wear something nice. Do you like it? I only bought the shift the other week, as a sort of birthday present to myself.' She smiled but flushed a little as this wasn't her normal, daily attire, and she could see Albert looking her up and down, admiring the view.

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