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After the Pensioners Coach Trip


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She had kissed Bill on previous occasions, and the sensuous feeling was just the same, and Wendy could feel her juices rising and seeping into her panties uncontrollably. The men turned her round so her back was to the fire, and she could feel the front of her brown shift start to rise up her thighs....God, this was so naughty....but so wonderfully tantalising for the shy mother, and she could feel hands now roaming all over her. Even her ample breasts were not exempt from attention, and rough fingers began to cup the brown material holding the shapely orbs in place.

For Fred and Joseph, this was the first experience of seeing Wendy in this mood, the normally quiet, attractive, reserved woman of the village, but they, too, were not slow in sampling her feminine charms.

'Lovely! You said she was a sexy woman, didn't you, Tom,' muttered Joseph, as his hand meandered to the top of Wendy's thigh to feel her soft, white flesh.

'I know she is,' giggled Tom. 'She's the sexiest woman in the village, aren't you, young, it's my turn for a kiss...come on now.' He gently took her head from Bill with one hand as his other hand continued to maul her clothing over her breasts. Before her mouth was devoured again, Wendy managed to admonish Tom by muttering,

'I see you've been talking about me in the village again, Tom. Can't keep your big mouth shut, can you?' but Tom just held her head and his lips were soon clinging to Wendy and her mouth duly opened to satisfy the animal instincts of the old man. As the French kiss continued, Tom's hand was sliding the brown shift off one of her shoulders while another hand slid the shift from her other shoulder, so that the wonderful breasts that Wendy undoubtedly possessed were only now protected by the soft, flowery bra.

'Corrr, young Wendy, you've got those big sexy globes there, haven't you, gal? Let's have a look....they're delicious, just like the rest of you.' Tom's hands groped all over her handsome chest, slowly inching the shift down off her shoulders to reveal the sexy, little bra holding the fulsome breasts in position. While this was happening, Wendy was still aware of the other hands roaming all round her waist. The shift was now above her middle, exposing her bottom and the front of her panties, and hands were trying to ease her gorgeous thighs apart.

'No, no, boys, please, that's far enough,' but did she really mean it? The feelings wandering round her body were wonderful, the knowledge that her body, even at 40, could stimulate these old men into lusting after her and wanting to ravish her tempered her embarrassment, and perhaps gave Wendy the courage to condone their actions.

In all this frenetic excitement, Wendy still held onto Albert's big strong hand, as though for protection, while all the others were helping themselves to pieces of her soft, shapely flesh.

'Oh Albert, you started all this, you naughty old man!' she laughed. 'I suppose you think as you're 75 today, then it's all right, and......' but Albert reached down again and covered the gorgeous lips with his mouth, and immediately the tongues were lashing against one another again. She hardly noticed his hand gently pull her own down and across to him and then....oh my God.......and then he had held it right into his crotch to give Wendy the most wonderful thrill for months!

Albert's cock felt wonderful, hard and thick, and it far belied his age. This old pensioner still had the vibrant, stiff cock of a man half his age, and Wendy was mesmerised by it. She couldn't let go, and even fingers playing all over her ass and on her legs couldn't take her mind off gripping and running her fingers up and down the front of Albert's trousers. As the kiss broke, Wendy came up for air, and still held on to her new found toy.

'Gosh, Albert, you're still a big boy, aren't you,' she grinned. 'You didn't get this in a Christmas cracker, did you?' They both looked into each other's eyes, Albert showing a kind of satisfied pride at still being able to thrill a much younger woman like Wendy.

'It hasn't been used for a long time, Wendy, you can imagine,' he said sheepishly, 'but seeing your lovely body has made it like that again. You're so sexy and gorgeous! Sit down, Wendy......will you sit down, and do it some more........Let the lady sit down, boys!' and they fought off the straying hands while Albert grabbed one of the hard backed chairs to let Wendy have a breather. Wendy eased herself down onto the chair, and Albert was right beside her straight away.....and so were the other 4, milling round her body, and Wendy was definitely still the centre of attention.

Her body had been felt all over, her shift had been eased from her shoulders and lifted up to her waist, and somehow she had been caressing a fine specimen of cock in her fingers. Her juices were on fire, her nipples in the little, flowery red bra were like bullets, and she finally admitted to herself that there was no going back....not for some time, anyway!

As one of the other old men nibbled her skin from behind and caressed her neck while he pushed the sleeves of the shift down her arms even further, Albert took Wendy's hand again as he stood beside her. She really didn't need any further guidance this time, as Wendy knew that she wanted that feeling in her fingers again. Her hand drifted onto the front of Albert's trousers and she quickly found the thick length of his manhood through the material. It was heaven, it was hard, it was alive and Wendy looked up at the birthday boy as she stroked and curled her fingers up and down its wonderful length!

This hadn't stopped the others from trying to get their hands all over her body again. As well as the lips on her neck, Bill had his hands on her stockings, trying to slide between her thighs, and Tom and Joseph were almost juggling with her firm tits, but still Wendy went on caressing Albert's cock through his trousers. Then, she threw caution to the wind. Looking directly up into Albert's eyes, she slowly began to ease the zip down his trousers.

As the zipper moved down, Wendy's other hand slid gently inside and into Albert's boxer shorts, and then she felt naked skin....oh my goodness, she groaned to was at full stretch, and had the girth and solidness of an 18 year old in full bloom. As she gently eased this powerful cock out into view, Wendy kept up the caresses, and then her eyes moved to her prize. Albert stroked the soft, dark hair below him as Wendy just played beautifully with his penis. Would she do it? How could she not? As Albert held her head and gently pushed, Wendy lowered her face, her lips parting like a tulip in spring, and Albert was inside her mouth!

Wendy had not been forced, and no-one had bullied her into doing it, but the moment, the atmosphere, the exciting groping that had brought the erotic feelings back to her body, had dictated to her mature mind that this, for the moment, is what she wanted......the sexy, lustful feelings of mature hands on her body, taking her up that long, winding path to fulfilment.

She couldn't rationalise it, she couldn't give excuses for her behaviour, and why was it that, 2 hours ago, she was faced with the washing and ironing, and a lonely evening at home, and yet now she was allowing 5 old men of the village to do as they pleased with her. It was only human nature, it came over every person sometime in their adult life and it was only natural. The feelings could be resisted, but very often they were not and, again on this occasion, Wendy found herself unable to fight off the physical urges that told her that her body wanted to endure and enjoy these rare moments of lustful pleasure.

It was only natural, wasn't it, that now she had been worked up into such a state by the hands all over her body, and the thrill of holding Albert in her fingers, that she should want to play with the handsome old man and take his wonderful cock down into her throat!

The scene was frantic! Wendy was taking Albert in her mouth and gently sucking off this wonderful cock, and the other 4 were groping and teasing the luscious 40 year old body until Wendy was a quivering wreck. She was ready, but she wasn't going to say so, and she sucked Albert as deeply as she could. She felt his wonderful cock slide right to the back of her throat and she could feel his pubic hair tickling her chin with each stroke. Fingers were still trying to ease her thighs apart as she sat on the hard chair, but she was determined not to give in without her own brand of teasing.

Tom's hand was on one breast and another hand played with her other glorious tit inside her bra, so Wendy used her free hand to grab the old fingers on her chest and make them rub her hard nipples through the red material.

'Yes, that's it...just there....ummmm...'

She held the fingers in place and could feel the old hands rub and pinch her nipples, and this made her juices and feelings even more frantic and erotic and then it happened.

It was Bill, never one to give up, who managed to slip a couple of fingers between the firm thighs that remained tightly together. He managed to touch the silky material of Wendy's little, black panties across her vagina, and it sent a shuddering shock wave through her body. She knew the goal had been reached by the lecherous old Bill, but she also knew the feelings the touch evoked. Could she remain intact....was this the beginning of the end.....or perhaps just the end of the beginning? Wendy slipped Albert's rampant and wet cock from her mouth and tried to put up a last protest.

'No, no, Bill, you mustn't do that......ummmmmm, oh, please,' but that was the only feeble protest she could muster as she felt his finger slide gently across her little panties again. She turned her head and her fingers guided Albert into her mouth once more as her gorgeous thighs moved slightly apart. The tight panties were flowery and slightly see-through and Bill's fingers played a soft tune on them as he caressed right up and down on the soaking lips of Wendy's cunt, and the raging hard clit.

'Ummmmmm..,' she gurgled, and this made her even worse and more submissive, and her thighs slowly drifted open some more as Bill took full advantage and knelt on the carpet between the open knees. His fingers slid under the material of the panties and played in Wendy's pubic hairs, feeling the soft lips of her cunt slide open to his touch. She was soaking, the touch on her clit was mind blowing and she inched her bottom forward on the chair, as though offering herself for sacrifice. Still she sucked Albert in and out of her mouth, but she could feel a hand on her other shoulder, trying to pull her round for attention.

She still held Albert in her fingers, but turned to find Joseph at her shoulder, his cock free from his clothes and only a few inches from Wendy's face as she sat on the edge of the chair. Oh my God, thought Wendy.....there is just no stopping these old devils, but the feelings from Bill's fingers on her cunt were too much to resist anything now. She would happily take another cock into her mouth!! Joseph was already hard, his cock almost as sturdy as Albert, and his hand slipped round her head to show his intention. With one hand still holding Albert, Wendy took Joseph in her other hand, curling her fingers round the gnarled old cock, and tentatively moved her open mouth over the solid weapon.

She sucked and licked Joseph into her mouth, she held Albert's cock in her other hand, Bill was kneeling between her legs playing with her sodden cunt, and the others were mauling her tits and thighs as best they could. How did she end up like this? How would it all end? What about the washing and ironing? Sod the washing, thought Wendy.....she was being beautifully dominated, and she hadn't had these sorts of ecstatic feelings since Bill and Tom fucked her at the bottom of Tom's garden.

Her mouth was working overtime on Joseph's cock, slurping deep into her throat as his hand was pulling her onto him, almost face fucking her. Wendy had sucked Jim off at home a million times in their long marriage, but there was nothing like the thrill of bringing satisfaction to a new penis in her mouth, feeling the veins, the bulbous head, and the excitement coming from an appreciative old man. She was still gently stroking Albert as his cock stood to attention in her other hand, and now she had the wonderful feelings of Bill between her open legs.

Bill's fingers worked expertly on her vagina, sliding in two fingers as deep as he could while his thumb moved up and down over the rigid hood of Wendy's clit. It was certainly getting her going, working her juices up to maximum pace, but then suddenly, Joseph's excitement had become too much for him.........he held Wendy's dark hair to him and... 'ploooosh', she felt his cum fire into her mouth, only a few spurts from an old man, but still warm and fresh, and she gulped and did her best to swallow it down into her willing and waiting throat. As the old man finished his effort, his withering cock slid out, and he had to take a seat on the sofa to watch and recover from his surprise gift of the day.

Wendy briefly smiled at him, almost saying thankyou, but still the fingers teasing her cunt could not be ignored.

'Ummm, Bill, Bill......oh, ummmmm......Bill, you dirty old ma...........oh pleeeeease,' but she couldn't control what was happening and she knew that it would definitely lead to..................

'Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Bill, stop, stopppppppppp...........oh my God, I'm cuu......', and then her eyes closed, she licked her lips, her open thighs tensed, and Wendy's first orgasm was hitting her body and sending waves of wonderful sensations around her nerve ends!

The others watched the submission of the sensational female in their midst, but still she held Albert's cock, still Bill gently played in her cunt, and still her breasts were being squeezed, lifted and her nipples tweaked inside the soft bra.

As Wendy's body slowly recovered from her first orgasm, the taste of Joseph's cum still in her mouth, there seemed no end to the way she was being seduced. Fred quickly took the place of Joseph on one side of Wendy's head, grabbing her hand and plonking it onto his thickened flies.

'They want you, Wendy,' grinned Albert. 'You know they do.......come over to the coffee table, young Wendy.' Wendy was caught in two minds....and then she felt Bill slip three, and then four fingers inside the lips of her slippery cunt. She slid forward a little more and her thighs, with a mind of their own, just stretched as wide as possible, and she could feel her insides being stretched beyond normality!

'Ughhh, Bill.......uhhhh...oh God, Bill, that's...... that's so loveeeeeeeely.'

Bill's fingers inside her body were creating beautiful havoc, touching her in all her deep spots of sensitivity, stretching her willing body, her juices all over his fingers at the edge of the chair. She couldn't move, nor did she want to, while her panties were held to one side as the old man's intrusive fingers lodged fully inside her cunt.

'Oh, God, aaaaahhhh, Bill.....what are you d.........' but Wendy was almost breathless as the cheeks of her ass moved gently back and forth to Bill's finger fucking. Fred couldn't wait and had taken his cock from his trousers and offered it up to the delicious mouth.......Wendy took her third cock of the night into her fingers and prepared her mouth. She lowered down and Fred's hard weapon slid between her lips and Wendy was now giving yet another 'blow' job to an appreciative cock.

No shame, no holding back any more, and Wendy slurped and sucked and gobbled like it was going out of fashion. She felt the penis thicken in her mouth, she felt it touch the back of her throat with each stroke......and, oh my God, she felt Bill's fingers still stretching and finger fucking her cunt with 4 fingers down between her open thighs.

Tom was still playing with her tits, grabbing the bra and trying to get his hands inside to lift the mounds of flesh out. The nipples were protruding like chapel hat pegs, and Wendy thought that Tom was going to detach her breasts from the rest of her body, but at the moment she didn't care as the other assaults on her body were taking all her attention.

Wendy knew that Albert, who she still held in her other hand, was trying to move her to the wooden coffee table at the side of the room, and still she held back from the final seduction. She knew what it would mean, and she knew that perhaps she might regret it for ever.......but at the moment, she didn't want to stop these feelings cascading all round her body. Fred had increased the speed of his cock surging in and out of her mouth, and Wendy just could not resist the way Bill was fucking her with his fingers.

She came up for air, holding a cock in each hand, and smiled at Tom who was still toying with her breasts. She teased the old man a little before going back to suckling Fred's frustrated cock.

'Do you want to play with them some more, then Tom?' Wendy asked, breathlessly, and pushed out her chest at Tom's lustful eyes.

'Luv a duck, young Wendy. They're all beautiful and soft, young Wendy.....let's have a proper look at them, then!'

'Cooooooor, Wendy......they're lovely and bouncy aren't they, you little minx,' and finally Wendy allowed him to lift each glorious orb over the top of the little bra, so that her wonderful breasts were now free, the nipples hard and erect, and the soft white flesh so inviting.

Tom was almost weighing them in his hands, mouthing appreciation and obscenities at the same time. He plucked the nipples, feeling their length and hardness in his fingers, and then he couldn't resist attaching his lips to each sensuous nipple in turn. Wendy's eyes closed in total excitement as her breasts were beautifully manipulated, Bill's fingers still screwed her cunt, and she held a rampant and throbbing cock in each hand. It was Bill who pushed the suggestion again.

'Come on, young Wendy, come over to the coffee're too cramped sitting there on that seat, aren't you?' It wasn't really a question, more of an intention of purpose, and when the sexy mother looked up at Albert, she could see that he was indicating the same request with his eyes. Albert's big hand moved to her shoulder and gently slid the gorgeous, vulnerable beauty up from the chair, and led her the few paces over to the coffee table. Wendy knew what they wanted her to do!

She nervously stood over the coffee table, not initiating the move herself, and it was Bill again who bluntly stated what they were all thinking!

'Just bend over, young Wendy, you know you want to, don't you! Corr, you look really sexy, young Wendy!' Albert stroked her back, and Wendy just looked round and gave a nervous grin. Joseph was still stroking his flaccid cock on the settee, recovering from his ejaculation into Wendy's mouth, but there were 4 other aged, thick cocks standing hard, and being held by each of their waiting owners.

Bill moved Wendy's brown shift up her legs again, until it was lodged across the small of her back, and the view was irresistible! Wendy didn't care now. There was no more resistance left in her, and she was feeling a mixture of trepidation and excitement at how her firm, feminine body was about to be man handled and taken. Tom echoed Bill's words.

'Eh Bill, that bottom is hot and sexy, isn't it...really shapely and firm.....can I have a feel of that bum, young Wendy?'

'Can I stop you, Tom, you naughty rascal?'

'It's my birthday, fellows,' interrupted Albert.... 'I think I should be the one to caress her glorious bottom first, don't you, Wendy?' How could she say no? He ran his hand onto the little sliver of black material running down between the cheeks of her ass. Wendy shivered, the moment of truth getting nearer. She spoke softly to Albert.

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