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After the Second Fall Pt. 02.1


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"Thanks for letting me know about Max," Cap said genuinely. "I'm glad to hear that he went out doing something worthwhile." Pip nodded and the older man stood and walked to the door, then paused. "Same time next week?"

"Sounds good."

Cap nodded, tipped his head toward Rachel, and stepped into the hallway.

Chapter 5

Cassidy's inverse coup was the unmitigated success she expected. Director Jacobs kept the vote from being unanimous, but was complimentary in defeat and pledged his support of Lilith going forward. She was gracious in victory.

There were still two weeks remaining in the transition, but now that it was official, Lilith was ready to start making changes. She decided to start with Pip and his inner circle, pulling them together the night of the vote.

Pip and his girls arrived together, followed shortly afterward by John and Lilith. Loren arrived alone, as did Geo; Cassidy had already been in the Complex Council meeting room working. Lilith strolled in just as the bell sounded and took her normal seat, gesturing for Cassidy to stay at the head of the table.

"Thank you for coming. As you likely heard, I will be succeeding Cassidy as the Complex's Executive Director, effective two weeks from today." There were no startled gasps, confirming the rumor mill was operating at its typical efficiency. "What you have not heard is that I will be making significant changes to the administration of the Complex." Geo turned to Cassidy, who was looking very interested in what her successor was about to say.

"Cassidy," Lilith said, giving the redhead her full attention, "I respect your work here a tremendous amount, and I am looking forward to working with you in your role as Meister."

"But..." interjected Cassidy without malice.

Lilith shook her head in reply. "I'm not capable of the things you did, so I'm not going to try. I will retain my role as Director of Public Relations, because I don't think anyone can do it better. However, we will fill the leadership positions in Procurement, Purchasing, and Logistics that you are currently handling."

"You're going to expand the council?" Geo asked.

"That's right, Geoff, but those three positions will report to me, and will not have council votes. What I am going to do is pull Strategy out of your purview, and that will become a new voting position."

Lilith waited for the information to sink in, then asked, "Complaints?"

Geo had folded his arms across his chest and had a slightly disturbed look on his face. "Do you know who you want to appoint?"

She nodded, then pointedly looked at John.

John didn't understand at first, then his eyes widened and he stepped forward toward the table, "No, no, no... wait a minute." Geo leaned his head back and laughed loudly, while Cassidy was having a hard time containing herself after seeing the look of outrage on John's face.

"You're the best, John," Lilith said, before he could bluster any more. "We need someone with your feel for global politics, knowledge of history, and instincts regarding the Arena. With a team at your disposal for research and intelligence gathering, I think Rieckenburg's interests will advance.


The director was still smiling, having laughed himself out. "I'm all for it. John's more capable in this area than me, and I'll be glad to be able to focus on Personnel." John harumphed, so Geo turned to him. "It's your own fault, always scheming. There might be one or two other people in the city that could do a passable job outlining strategy, but I wouldn't have gladly stepped aside for anyone else."

Lilith nodded her thanks and then looked at her to-be husband. "John, I wanted you to hear this for the first time in front of your friends so you could see their faith in you, the same way you expressed your confidence in me."

"What about Pip?" he asked, still scowling.

"Rosie and Maggie are doing a great job taking care of him: he will be fine."

"Director Collins, what about Rachel?" asked Pip, noticing her omission.

Lilith grinned. "Two beautiful women isn't enough for you?" she teased.

Pip shook off the question, saying, "Rachel means a tremendous amount to me, and I don't want to lose her."

"You won't," Lilith replied placatingly, "but you will need to find a new personal assistant. Rachel is going to be the new Director of Logistics."

Rachel, usually unflappable, was caught entirely flat footed with the news. As the entire room turned to look at her -- except Loren, who seemed quite bored with all of the talking -- silence fell, then stretched.

"It's a good idea, Director Collins," said Pip, instantly removing any potential conflict within the group.

Rachel looked uncertainly at Pip, then Lilith. "Director Collins, I'm not a leader, and I definitely don't know how to be a director," but before Lilith could respond, Pip moved to Rachel's side and picked her up, whispering into her ear.

When he finally pulled back, she looked into his eyes and nodded. Once again on the ground, Rachel looked around the room, seeing people who apparently believed in her. "Thank you, Director Collins, I accept."

"I knew you would, Director Madison, because it's what's best for the Complex, which means it's what's best for Pip." She smiled warmly. "I have absolute faith in you, and from now on, please call me Lilith." She looked around the room. "That goes for all of you," she said, but she was looking at the two women dressed in blue.

"Yes, ma'am," said Maggie seriously, then giggled when Lilith gave her a warning look. "Sorry, Lilith," she said, but Maggie didn't look at all apologetic.

Lilith rolled her eyes and looked back to Cassidy, who was smirking. "I hear your number two in Purchasing is good. Is that correct?"

"Jillian Sly," Cassidy replied, "and she's very good. I typically check in with her once a week and let her run things how she wants."

"Good. Please tell her tomorrow that she'll be taking over, effective in two weeks. Yes?"

"I would be glad to," Cassied responded. "You're sure you don't want to do it?"

Lilith shook her head. "You're the one with the relationship, and the one that spoke up for her, even if I was already pretty sure. You should do it." Cassidy smiled and nodded.

"My backup in Procurement is good, but not great," Cassidy volunteered, anticipating the next question.

"I had also heard that, which is why I would like you to continue to lead the department. Technically, it's a demotion, but it will keep you plugged into what's going on here at the Complex, and frankly, I don't think I've met anyone better at negotiation than you.

"Even more importantly, at least to me, I want your input and guidance, and not just from the Meister's perspective."

Cassidy was quiet, also surprised -- Lilith was three for three on the night, she thought to herself. The suggestion definitely had merit, and she would have missed haggling over the big contracts. "You said you envision this role not having a Council vote?"

Lilith nodded. "If you keep a vote, the other directors will continue to turn to you for final approval, which will undercut what I'm trying to do."

Cassidy slowly moved her head up down, acknowledging the point while considering ramifications. "I also accept, Lilith. Thank you for..." her voice trailed off. "Thank you for your respect."

With another nod, Lilith looking around the room. "I think that's enough for this evening; we'll talk more in the next few days and lay out specific plans. Anything else?" No one spoke, so Lilith pushed her seat back, and stood, signaling the end of the discussion.

"Lilith," said Geo with a respectful smile, "you're even shrewder than I knew. I'm looking forward to being part of your team."

"Thanks, Geoff. I appreciate your flexibility, and I hope you understand the new Strategy position doesn't reflect a lack of confidence in you."

Geo waved off her concern. "It makes sense and seems obvious in retrospect. Besides, I can't wait to see John try to sit through four or five-bell Council meetings without losing his mind." With a smile and a wave, he was out the door, following close behind Loren.

As she turned around, Lilith found herself staring up at the taller Maggie, who was smiling broadly. "Lilith," she said, "thank you for giving Rachel this opportunity. She means the world to us, like Pip said, and I think it's going to be wonderful to see her flourish." Before Lilith could reply, Maggie leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the older woman's lips.

Lilith's eyes closed involuntarily and she cooed, swaying slightly as Maggie pulled away. When the new Executive Director's eyes blinked open again, Maggie was ready, and she quickly closed the distance a second time, kissing aggressively while her hands tangled in Lilith's dark tresses. After half a hundred beats, Maggie slowed, then broke the kiss with a sultry look, moving back a step to make room.

Rosie walked up to stand beside her best friend. "Thank you, Lilith," she said sincerely, then leaned down to bestow a sweet, tender kiss of her own, which she ended by nibbling briefly on Lilith's lower lip.

Lilith had to support herself by placing a hand on the table, her mind reeling. Finally, Rachel stepped forward and Lilith's eyes got wide, but the brunette just leaned into her and hugged tightly. Relieved -- and maybe just a little disappointed -- Lilith returned the hug and the pair stood there for a full hundred beats. "Thank you," Rachel whispered in her ear, which she then nipped with her teeth for good measure. Lilith gave her an incredulous look, clearly saying 'Not you, too,' so Rachel winked and walked back to join her conspirators before leaving with Pip.

"Well, that was certainly something," John said as the door closed. Lilith nodded mutely, still feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"I can't imagine how Pip can keep up with all three of them at the same time," Lilith said, regaining her voice.

"He doesn't," John replied with a smirk. "That's what we usually talk about when we aren't discussing fighting."

Lilith shivered all over, an aftershock from the attention, then walked over to take a seat by Cassidy. "So... what do you think?"

"Aside from their 'Thank you,' you mean?" Cassidy asked, arching her eyebrow. Lilith rolled her eyes, but remained silent. Cassidy soon acquiesced and smiled. "Geo is right: you're already showing I made a good decision."

Lilith was reluctant to agree, but eventually nodded, then stood and walked to John.

"Cassidy, thank you for making this possible. I didn't realize how much..." her voice trailed off, trying to find words. "Just, thank you, for making a dream possible, even if I didn't really know it was my dream."

The bigger woman nodded, then smirked. "And where's my thank you kiss?"

Lilith froze, staring at her predecessor. The moment lingered, and then Lilith was walking, without realizing what she was doing. As she took the first step, Cassidy's eyes opened in shock and she was soon objecting, "Lilith, I was only kidding. You don't have to..." her voice faltered as the smaller woman stopped in front of her chair, almost eye to eye.

Lilith's hand was shaking as she reached up to touch Cassidy's cheek, caressing the line of her strong jaw; leaning into the touch, Cassidy closed her eyes. Lilith reached up to brush a stray lock of red hair away from Cassidy's face, then leaned slowly forward, kissing her on the opposite cheek.

Cassidy shuddered and opened her eyes. "Again please," she said softly, looking more vulnerable than Lilith had ever seen her. Lilith planted a second kiss on her cheek, then another, working her way slowly toward Cassidy's mouth.

Lilith used the tip of her tongue on the corner of the bigger woman's mouth, then on her bottom lip, then on the top: short, exploratory flicks. Cassidy's mouth opened in a soft sigh and Lilith kissed her more deeply, trying to find the effortless rhythm that she had shared with Pip's girls. After a moment, Lilith placed her second hand on the other cheek, guiding Cassidy gently, firmly, until the pair found their harmony.

Breaking apart, Lilith looked into Cassidy's bottomless blue eyes. "First kiss?" she asked softly. Cassidy nodded and her eyes moistened. "Don't worry, we're going to be spending a lot of time together."

John took that moment to reappear, laying his hand gently on Cassidy's shoulder. With a squeeze, he leaned down to kiss her cheek, then stepped back toward the door; Lilith followed soon after, and with final smiles from both, the couple stepped out.

Alone again, Cassidy leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, forgetting the work she had planned on completing.

The time immediately following the meeting had a surreal quality for Cass as her life evolved from one day to the next. The transition that started slowly soon picked up speed as Lilith redistributed responsibilities.

When the day of the handover finally arrived, Cassidy felt nostalgic, yet also better in many ways than she had in years. The reduction in her daily activities was freeing, even if she was still performing two high stress job simultaneously; the relative ease made her laugh more than once. Furthermore, Lilith's administrative acumen was wonderful to watch, and Cassidy noted several ideas to implement at the Meister's Office.

On the opposite side of the equation, the time passed quickly for Lilith. She was learning new things every day and problem solving in real time; she had never enjoyed work so much. At night, mentally energized but physically exhausted, John would rub her down, or make love to her tenderly, or just hold her, tired as he himself was from acclimating to his new role. Through the strain, they became closer, and consequently stronger.

The fly in the ointment was Pip's girls -- actually, it was just Maggie. Rachel was the picture of competency in her new role: observing, understanding, discussing, and improving the Logistics department faster than Lilith would have believed possible. Rosie was often around, ready to offer a smile and sometimes a quick hand squeeze as they passed. Maggie, however, always looked like she was going to pounce on Lilith, as if she was barely able to restrain herself.

Was Maggie infatuated with her? Was it just a game? More than once Lilith found herself thinking back to the passionate kiss they had shared when she should have been paying attention in a meeting or focusing on some tedious task. Unwilling for the moment to confront the beautiful girl, and unable to find an alternative solution, Lilith went to her emotional rock for support.

"What should I do, John?"

"Have you talked with her?"

Lilith shook her head. "Terrible, right? She's twenty years younger than me, and for some reason, I can't even do that."

"Do you like her attention?" he asked gently.

"I don't know," she said, putting her face in her hands. "I love when you look at me like she has been, because it makes me feel desired, and powerful, and even beautiful. With her, I don't know..."

"Do you like when she looks at you, Kitten?"

Lilith sighed. "She's beautiful, John. Stunning, really. The blonde that's been spending time with Loren is in her league, and I think Cassidy is gorgeous, if intimidating, but Maggie is the single most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Any time I see her with Pip, just how physically gorgeous they are together, it takes my breath away.

"The thing is, I know she's also smart and funny and sweet. So yes, I like it: I get butterflies and my heart beats faster." She looked up at her man, the one she desperately wanted to marry, with shame in her eyes. "I'm sorry, John."

"It's okay," he said as he pulled her close.

"It's not," she replied fiercely through tears. "It's not fair to you, and it's not fair to Pip. If anything does happen between Maggie and I, he'll be pissed, which will hurt the entire city, and you'll throw me out, which is even worse."

"Kitten... Lilith, look at me," said John, tiling her head up with a finger. "Did Pip look mad when she kissed you? Of course not. Adams don't have issues with jealousy, because they don't have wives. Think about it: Rosie and Maggie go on rounds almost every day, spending time with other Adams, and it probably isn't all innocent fun."

Lilith was surprised by the comment, but not entirely appeased. "What about us?"

"I love you, Lilith."

Hearing him say the words for the first time, Lilith buried her face in his chest. John couldn't make out what she was saying, but the tone was clear, and he rubbed her back tenderly.

Turning her face to the side, she asked, "You wouldn't be jealous either?"

"Of Maggie? No," he replied. "Pip or one of the other Adams? Yes, but that's because I'm insecure, even after more than twenty years with them." John paused, letting the statement sink in. "Tell me, why is this an issue for you? Sure, she's beautiful, but this place is full of pretty women, yourself included. Is it because you like how aggressive she is? Do you want her to control you, like I do sometimes?"

"It's not that at all. Most of it is just being scared that I'll fuck up my life just when it's getting good, but it's also like she's a representation... of all the perfect things in the world. I struggled so hard, John, and it always seems so easy for people like her." She shook her head to warn off any objective and continued, "I know it's not, but I can't help the way I feel about this.

"No, I want to kiss her like she kissed me, and wipe that perfect smile off her perfect face. I want to own her for a little while and make her beg and scream my name." Lilith grinned, wiping away the last of the tears. "I didn't know that until I just said it. Thanks, Honey."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Not sure yet, but a plan is forming."

The next day at lunch, when Maggie looked hungrily at Lilith, the new Executive Director stared back intensely, refusing to back down. The younger girl smiled wickedly, but Lilith didn't waver. The contest of wills lasted through the entire meal, neither actually eating, while the rest of the group pretended to ignore them.

John was finished more quickly than typical and pushed his chair back. "Pip, walk with me?" Sensing that John was saving him from whatever was about to transpire, the young Adam quickly agreed. The rest of the crew made excuses of their own, until it was only the two women and Rosie; Rachel was working through lunch, like she did most of the time since taking over her new position.

"Director Collins," Rosie ventured.

Lilith shook her head sternly. "No, Rosie, this has been building for weeks, and it ends today."

"But what about her rounds this afternoon?"

"She doesn't have any," Lilith replied, still staring at Maggie. "I cleared her schedule: one of the perks of being in charge." Lilith stood. "Let's go, Gorgeous."

"Gladly, Beautiful," Maggie replied, "lead the way."

The two women left Rosie standing at the table without another word or glance, walking quickly to Lilith's suite. No sooner were they through the door than they were at one another, lips meeting in a rush while hands pulled, pushed, and squeezed. The door would have stayed open if not for an inadvertent kick when the pair crashed to the ground. For a moment, Lilith had the advantage, having trapped one of Maggie's arms against her side. "Is it fun for you to tease me?" she snapped angrily. "Is that why you're always staring?"

"Lord, no!" replied Maggie, trying to reach Lilith's neck with her lips. "Is that what you think, that I'm just screwing with you? Of course not. You're everything I hope to be: brilliant, confident, powerful." She dropped her head back to the floor. "No, it's not a joke at all.

"I was just meaning to be playful with that first kiss, but when you responded, I lost control a little bit, like I do sometimes with Pip or Rosie."


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