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Agents of Pleasure Ch. 34

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Paige becomes more spontaneous!
8.1k words

Part 34 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/06/2024
Created 08/26/2017
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On the five minute drive home, Paige was still giddy from her victory! Even though the sixty dollars she won came from their joint bank account, it still felt awesome that the money was in HER purse! She reached over and stroked Chad's thigh; with her tongue firmly in cheek she said, "Don't feel bad, Hon! A lesser man would have lost a whole lot quicker than you did!"

"I don't see that as a loss at all!" he guffawed. "Any time I get to fuck your beautiful ass...well, that's a win to me, no matter the circumstances!"

"The whole night was fun," she returned, "it kinda makes me think we should get into this swinger thing. What do you think?"

"I don't believe we need to commit to anything at the moment," he replied. "Let's just take one day at a time and see what develops." It was 2:00am when they climbed into bed and spooned for a few minutes. Chad held her close and whispered in her ear, "Damn, I wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow?"

As it turned out, NOTHING happened the next day...or the next...or for the next ten days. Of course, five times they had sex (two of which might be classified as love-making, and three of which were of the "fucking-our-brains-out" variety. Sylvie had gone out of town for a week to help her ill mother, Marie was juggling her two boyfriends, Kayla's basketball season officially started; it was nonstop busy-busy The two friends still had lunch together three times, but the conversation never got into setting up something unusual.

That is...until the third lunch. They had just finished their food when Marie said, "Okay, before I get back to work, when are you and I going to get together again? It's been too long!"

Paige made a show of counting on her fingers, "You think ten days is too long?" she teased.

Marie laughed and was just about to answer that when Sara McCullers walked up and surprised them, "Why, hello girls! Long time no see, right?"

"Sara!" said Paige, "How are you? More importantly, how is Jason's sister?"

"Oh my God, it took a while to figure out what happened; she had a small stroke, but on top of that she had some sort of reaction to the medication they gave her. We are fortunate she's still with us."

"There's some good news there, right?" said Marie. "Is she home now?"

"Yes, and she's feeling much better. There doesn't seem to be any lasting effects from the stroke."

"More good news!" Paige added. "So what brings you here today?"

"Oh, I was just in Jason's office; and Valerie spotted you walking this way; and because Jason and I have rescheduled the postponed party, I thought I would give you your invitations in person."

"Awesome," Marie enthused, "so when is it?"

"A week from Sunday which is October 23," Sara stated. "And just to be clear, Paige can bring her husband." She looked at Marie, "We have very strict rules about people being in committed relationships; I'm sorry, Marie." But she added with a wink, "Yet (because we trust you) YOU can come by yourself!"

Marie giggled, "I'm honored! But we're going to need to play this one by ear; meaning, if Paige goes, then I'll go."

Paige gave her BFF a playful shove, "Thanks for the added pressure, right?"

The brunette shrugged, "I don't know all these people like you do. Maybe that means YOU'RE the bigger slut?" Paige blushed but all three of them broke up laughing.

"Okay then, the invitations are given," said Sara, "we hope everyone can make it!"

As she was going back to the office, Jorge Rodriguez called, "Hello Jorge! It's good to hear from you again!"

"Hi, Paige! Yeah, it took a while; Gloria and I were deciding between if we should go three or four bedrooms. How about we let you show us two of each?"

"I think that's a very good idea! Then the next question is, 'What is your price range?'"

"Oh, somewhere in the $290-300,000 range maybe?"

"That's great! We can definitely help you! Let's get you pre-qualified and in the meantime, I'll do some research and we can set up an afternoon for a tour."

"Awesome!" said Jorge, "I have Friday off this week; will that work for you?"

"I'm in my car right now, but I'll check my calendar when I get back to the office. Let's figure on Friday at 1:00, and I'll text you to confirm."

"Perfect! Talk to you soon!"

As Paige disconnected her next thought was a naughty one, "I wonder if Jorge and Gloria have any 'pineapples?'" That made her giggle, and she was still smiling about it as she parked her car. The Hannigan office was equipped with a bell that dinged when the door opened, and when Paige entered, she was taken aback; the office was empty. This would not have been unusual before Reggie's hiring, but this was the first time it had happened since.

She called out, "Reggie? Are you here?" Paige walked over and picked up her mail; as she was sorting through the half-dozen envelopes, all of a sudden Reggie emerged from the conference room.

"Hi Paige!"

"Hey Reg, I would have..." Paige stopped because she got surprised; Charlie Green came out of the conference room ten seconds behind Reggie!

He was grinning, "Paige! How's my favorite agent of pleasure doing?"

The redhead's eyebrows shot up! "Well, well, well! I didn't interrupt anything, did I?"

Reggie put two hands up and covered her face in embarrassment, but Charlie responded, "Of course you did, but that's okay; we weren't doing anything pornographic."

Paige laughed, "Right, YOUR definition of 'pornographic' is a bit different than most!"

Charlie laughed as well, "I'm sure that's true! Then let's just say no one was naked; how 'bout that?"

"Okay, no one was naked; but I bet there was some serious groping going on, right Reg?"

"I'm sorry, Paige," Reggie returned, "this big fuck here is so sneaky!"

Paige grinned, "Don't I know it! But if I may, the next time? You two should lock the front door!"

"Noted," said Charlie, "should I lock it right now?"

She just stared at him, "You're incorrigible!"

He smiled, "I guess...but it's Reggie's fault!"

"How so?"

"She's fucking irresistible; so are you for that matter!"

Both women laughed and shook their heads; Reggie said, "I'll lock it next time, Paige!"

Paige took her mail and headed for her office, "As tempting as your offer sounds, Charlie, I have to get some work done; I have to get it done by Friday."

She sat down at her desk, and Charlie stuck his head in the door, "By the way, how are you and Regina getting along, Paige?"

"She's great, Charlie; I can see why you think she's irresistible!"

"Yep, I wasn't kidding when I said that." He walked over to her and continued, "Being that I'm a nosy fuck, have you two kissed yet?"

Paige giggled, "Uhh, no."

"You should try that...her kisses make me hard in ten seconds!"

"Everything with a pussy makes you hard in ten seconds!"

Charlie burst out laughing. "No really; I'm being serious here. Would you like to try her out right now?"

She eyed him for a good ten seconds, "You're serious."

"Of course I am; she would love to do it!"

"She told you that?"

Charlie smiled, "She's my girlfriend; we talk. And she's also girlfriends with Joy, Allie, and Vickie. We ALL talk!"

Paige sat at her desk thinking, "And the consensus of these talks was what exactly?"

"She wants to try YOU out because Allie and Joy told her you're hot!"

The redhead blushed, "Oh my did I ever get involved with your little group?"

Charlie's face said it all and he grinned, "Fate...and I don't think you're sorry, are you?"


"Okay then, do you want to try her out?" He didn't wait for Paige to answer; he just moved to the door and called, "Hey Reg? C'mere a second, okay?"

Regina came in with a funny look on her face, "Alright you two, what's going on in here?" She looked over at her colleague, "What's this guy been telling you, Paige?"

The redhead smiled, "He's trying to manipulate me into kissing you!"

Reggie turned to her boyfriend, "You perv! Is that true?"

Charlie was grinning from ear to ear. He sat down on the corner of Paige's desk and said, "I wouldn't call it 'manipulation;' I just flat-out asked her she wanted to try out your kissing skills. And as far as me being a 'perv,' guilty as charged!"

Regina slapped him on the thigh and said to her newest friend, "Don't listen to him, Paige; I'm sure you've learned by now that he's always saying shit like that!" The wheels were spinning furiously in Paige's head. The simple fact was, Charlie wasn't wrong; she WOULD like to try the kiss he suggested! This must have registered on her face because Reggie said, "Paige? You okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"I was saying, 'don't listen to this perv!'"

The redhead hesitated, "Well...."

That hesitation took a few seconds to sink in; but when it did, Reggie's eyes widened, "Ohh...uhhh... you're thinking about it?"

Charlie laughed, "Of course she is! Why wouldn't she? You're BOTH irresistible!"

Regina looked back at Paige and blinked, "Ummm...well...Oh my God!"

The redhead's eyes were burning back at her, "Want to know what I'm thinking?" Reggie could only nod. "I'm thinking this was going to happen sooner or later, right?" When Reggie nodded again, Paige said, "Then we might as well try it right now, okay?"

The emotion of the situation was all over Reggie's face as Paige got up and came around the desk. As they touched each other, they both glanced at Charlie who was grinning from ear to ear, "Damn," he said, "you two are so fucking HOT!"

Being that Paige was a bit shorter, Reggie took her by the shoulders and the redhead slipped both hands under the taller girl's arms and held her by the shoulder blades. Regina breathed again, "Oh my God!" and their lips touched. The first few seconds were draggy and slow, but it didn't take long for them to pull closer and really get into it. Their boobs were pressing together and Reggie's right hand snaked around Paige's neck to pull them tighter. When their tongues touched, the moaning started.

Thirty seconds into it, the kiss turned torrid! Thirty seconds after that the two women were groping each other and there was the real threat of people losing their clothing. Charlie was muttering "Holy Fuck!" and just as Paige was pushing a hand down the front of Reggie's pants, they heard the ding of the outside door opening.

They stepped apart panting. Reggie was breathing hard and Paige had one hand on her desk to balance herself. Pushing her hair behind her ears and straightening her clothing, the receptionist left Paige's office and they heard her say, "Oh, Hi Jimmy! How was lunch?"

Paige did her best to get herself together; all the while Charlie was looking at her as if to say, "Well? How was it?"

"Don't look at me like that!" she finally said, "you could see for yourself how good that was!"

"Right, I'm never the one to say, 'I told you so!'"

"Good, cuz in this case, I'm not going to kiss and tell."

In a low tone he added, "That's okay, I really enjoyed watching that; my dick is unbelievably hard!"

She smiled, opened her top drawer, and took out a compact mirror; there wasn't too much damage, so she turned to him and said, "So, your cock is hard and you've nowhere to go! That's funny!"

Charlie laughed as well, "Again, that kiss was worth it all...and by the way, tonight is my night with her; I'm sure we'll be discussing this!"

"I'm sure too, but I guess I should thank you, that was fun!"

When Paige got home late in the afternoon, Trudy was busy making dinner, "Hi Mom! How was your day?"

"Easy as pie," she replied, "Jamie took a two hour nap!"

"Oh my God!" said Paige, "She's not sick is she?"

"Oh no, her motor was running full speed the rest of the day; how was work?"

"Great, lots happening! I could have worked til late if I wanted to."

"Really? I'm glad you didn't; if you don't mind, I'd like to go over to Tom's tonight. Would that be okay?"

"Of course! Overnight?"

Her mother smiled, "Probably, I'll text you when I know for sure."

"When are you leaving?"

"He's picking me up in an hour; we'll do dinner together."

Paige stepped behind her mother, turned her, and gave her a big hug. "You two make my heart happy, Mom!"

"I'm glad!"

"I'm pretty sure you make HIS heart happy!"

"He's a good man, he makes ME happy!"

Paige grinned at her, "Okay, I'm gonna go find the kids before I start crying!"

Chad came in just as they were finishing supper; Tom Brecher walked in with him. Paige was standing there with her hands full of dirty dishes, but she put them down to give her hubby a hug. "Hi Honey!" She looked at Tom, "Do you want a hug too?"

He grinned, "I love hugs!" and he held out his arms.

Paige laughed and hugged his chest, "That's a pretty good hug you got there!"

"YOU definitely hug nicer than Chad!"

Paige continued, "So, these midweek dates are becoming more frequent, huh?"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Oh no! Not at all, but I may have to get Chad to do more cooking if this keeps up!"

"Oh well, THAT'S the 'bad thing,' I guess!"

They all laughed at that one and Chad quipped, "Watch it, Buddy! Your job's on the line!" That was funny too!

Right then Trudy came in, and Paige thought she looked about as cute as a mother could look for a midweek date. "Hey, nice Mom! Is that a new outfit?"

"Yes, I decided to splurge a little."

Paige smiled and said to Tom, "She splurges cute, huh?"

"No doubt about it!" As they headed for the door, Tom added, "I'll have her home early...maybe."

The kids left to do their homework and watch TV and Chad sat down to eat. He cut his pot roast and said to his wife, "This a whole NEW Tom!"

"My mother told me she loves him!"

"I'm positive the feeling is mutual, Babe! Come to think of it, I love YOU too!"

"Awww, you REALLY know how to make a wife feel good, Hon!"

Chad spanked her affectionately on the tush, "I love your cute ass also!"

"I did something fun today!"

"Oh? What's that? Naughty stuff?"

There was a whole bunch of amusement in her eyes, "Kinda, but I don't want you getting an erection while you're eating, so it can wait!"

Chad almost choked on his mouthful of water, "Is it THAT naughty?" When she shrugged, he added, "Tell me now, I have a lot of self-control!"

Paige laughed and recounted the whole incident in her office. Chad made a big show of checking his equipment at times; and when she was finished, he said, "Well, that wasn't so bad; I'm only half-hard!" When she giggled and checked him, he continued, "So I take it you and Reggie will be hooking up one of these days?"

"Probably, but you haven't even met her yet. Come to think of it, how many of Charlie's girlfriends have you met?"

"Just Allie; that's it!"

"Oh my God, well...maybe one of these days we can have a party and invite all my pervy clients; THAT might be fun!"

"All of them?" he quipped again. "Hell, we might need to rent the ballroom at the Grand Hotel!" which earned him a punch in the shoulder!

They spent the rest of the evening being goofy; and as a result, they didn't get around to having sex. Then Chad got up early and Paige got up fifteen minutes late so they were scrambling to get the kids fed and off to school. Fortunately, he was able to bring the girls while Paige took Jamie and dropped Jimmy off herself. By the time she got home, her mother had returned.

"Hi Mom! So how was your evening?"

"Just lovely!"

"Wanna share some details?"

Trudy smiled, "Not really, I'm sure that if you guessed, you wouldn't be that far off."

"That good, huh?"

Her smile got bigger, "Oh yes!"

Paige decided to tease her, "Can't I have even one tiny detail?"

"No." And her mother went to her room to change clothes.

As the redhead walked in the front door of the office, Reggie's smile was as big as her mother's! Jimmy was standing right there and he and Reggie both said "Good morning!" at the exact same time!

"Hi, you two," Paige replied, "Hey, Reg? Can you help me with something in my office for a sec?" The pretty, black receptionist got up immediately and followed Paige into the next room. "So Reggie? Any thoughts about yesterday?"

She smiled some more, "Lots, and most of them are naughty!"

Paige laughed, "I could say the same thing, but I don't want to be overheard. Just as a point of interest, what did you and Charlie do last night?"

"Well, for one thing, we thoroughly discussed what happened here over dinner."


"Yes, quite thoroughly! Basically he just wanted to hear my thoughts. Honestly, I kinda already knew what to expect from you after getting the whole story from him, Allie, and Joy before."

"I see, and did it meet expectations?"

Regina looked over her shoulder for Jimmy, then turned and ran a finger down Paige's arm, "Yeah, it did... and then some!"

Paige felt that familiar horny shiver when Reggie touched her, "One of these days, okay?"

"Sure, but what about today?"

When she said that, it wasn't a shiver the redhead felt, it was a surge of horny heat that convulsed her pussy. It took a second, but she finally responded, ""

Regina's eyes were burning at her, "Yeah, tonight was supposed to be Vickie and me with Charlie, but a business thing came up which he can't reschedule. He probably won't be home until midnight; so after yesterday, he suggested we invite you! Really short notice, huh? But asking doesn't hurt."

Paige's pussy surged again! "Oh my God, that REALLY sounds like fun! But isn't Vickie straight?"

Reggie smiled, "Yeah, mostly! We tell people she is because she just can't get herself to eat a pussy or be licked by a girl, but she's a magician with toys!"

The wheels were turning in Paige's brain, mostly because she and Chad hadn't had any playtime for almost three days. "That's tempting, Reg; but I'll have to say 'no' this time. But you simply must give me a rain check, okay?"

"Oh for sure! I'm thinking any girl who kisses like yesterday; well...I've got to see what else she can do!"

Paige grinned, "Charlie told me he got hard watching us!"

Her colleague burst out laughing, "I don't think that's unusual!"

"THAT'S what I said!"

Paige spent the morning researching for three clients. She picked up a salad for lunch at Mannino's where she had a brief, three minute chat with Allie. When she told her about Regina's invitation, Allie's face said it all, "Oh my God, too bad having a family gets in the way!"

"Yeah, but I'm in my thirties with a husband and four kids; it can't all be fun and games, once in a while regular life happens. Besides, Chad and I can have our own fun!"

"Speaking of you and Chad, maybe I could get an invitation from YOU one of these days, huh?" Allie said that in a teasing sort of way, but there was an element of hopefulness in her tone.

Paige was half-startled, "You'd want to do that?"

"Well, sure, if it ever worked out!"

"Wow, okay...We'll keep that in mind; I think I would like that!"

Allie giggled, "I think I'd like it too!"

Back at the office Paige looked at her calendar; everything was jammed for the next two weeks. She texted Jorge Rodriguez with the address of the first house on their tour the next day. As she was eating he texted back confirming the appointment. She thought, "The next two weeks are going to be crazy; maybe I'll just pick up Jimmy early and spend some time with the young ones this afternoon." She picked him up at one o'clock, then went home and got herself and Jamie dressed for the park. The weather was cool, but they had a blast doing the playground, and Paige even got back on the merry-go-round; something she always hated to do.

At 3:15 they picked up the girls, and Olivia immediately began chattering away about a boy that her best friend Francesca was connected with. Paige couldn't help but think her oldest wasn't too far away from this happening to her as well. "God, how can I handle this?"

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