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Aisha in Venice Ch. 05

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Home coming for Aisha.
9.5k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/23/2022
Created 03/09/2012
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The flight back from Venice to Paris had been a boring one, and Aisha was sure that the one from Paris to the US would be even worse. But then, she thought, maybe after all the excitement she had experienced in Venice, a little down time might not be such a bad idea. Particularly since she was almost sure that Brad would pounce on her as soon as her plane had landed.

Alas, the moment she boarded the plane in Paris, Aisha was bored. Sue had decided to go home later after a tour of the fashion shops, so Aisha would be travelling all alone, with not even her friend to keep her company. She had taken off her chastity belt intending to put it on back just before their arrival at the airport. She had barely taken her seat in first class, when an older, but strikingly good-looking man took the seat next to hers. He smiled at her as he sat down, but did not attempt to make small talk or a conversation of any sort, instead he read. Aisha smiled at him a few times, hoping to make him talk to her, but he seemed least interested. By the time the plane took off, Aisha had given up.

About half an hour into the flight, Aisha felt asleep. The first class seats were amazing, and soon she was resting gently. She dreamt of Venice, of all the fun she had enjoyed there, of all the great food, and company. Her dreams drifted in and out of one carnal encounter to another. Some seemed so real, that Aisha could almost feel them happening to her as she slept. In one such dream, she saw herself sitting next to a handsome, faceless man who had a hand inside her skirt and was caressing her sensitive inner thighs, making her squirm. Suddenly she was awake, certain that what she had been experiencing was real, not a dream! But when she looked at the man next to her, he seemed engrossed in his book, not even looking at her! Aisha looked down at her legs and saw her skirt was slightly bunched up and she was even more certain that the man had in fact been caressing her.

But what could she do? So she gave him one more look, covered the exposed part of her legs with the blanket, and closed her eyes again, pretending to be soon asleep. There it was again, the same pleasant sensation on her inner thighs, only this time, she knew she was not dreaming : it was real. She opened her eyes ever so slightly, and saw the man caressing her with his right hand, as he held the book with his left and continuing to read.

Aisha thought why not have some fun, so she squirmed, and squeezed her thighs a little, and let out a soft "ummmm" sound, as a way to keep the man encouraged. He did not stop, still pretending to read.

Alas a woman can stay still for only so long. She felt the urge to use the toilet, but did not want to startle the man by waking up suddenly, so she shifted position and he immediately stopped his ministrations. She yawned before opening her eyes, once again as a way to warn the man. Then she got up and went to the toilet. When she emerged, she was amazed to find him standing there, smiling at her, she knew immediately what his intentions were, and she was ready for them. The other passengers were rather far and sound asleep. They would not interfere as long as Aisha stayed quiet. The man took her in his arms. He lifted her in the air and she enjoyed tremendously the strength of his muscular arms. He carried her toward the large toilets. He closed the door behind them and placed her on top of the sink.

He lifted her skirt and discovered she was panty less. He just sneered with a voice full of contempt, "I knew you were a true slut when I first laid eyes on you, and when I tested you, I was not surprised that you didn't even flinch, and then that act of pretending to sleep.... how dumb and naive do you think I am? I am going to give you a very hard and very long fuck that will remain in your memory forever!"

A man who boasted about his performance in bed was usually not half as good in real life, but Aisha let him continue without commenting. Brad wanted her to let herself to, and enjoy as many lovers as she could to broaden her views and a stupid braggart was a new experience for her! The man made her advance her crotch toward him. He then parted her legs as wide as they would go before advancing between her thighs. He put a finger between her legs and started playing with her clitoris, something she always enjoyed. Then he just pushed forward and his cock found its way without effort directly into her very wet pussy. She felt relieved when she saw he was wearing a condom, over his large manhood. She moaned in rapture when the man invaded slowly her pussy.

"Stay still, slut! I haven't had a woman for almost two months. My balls are aching to dump their contents into you!"

Aisha nodded silently as she thought that Dan or Kyrhan had had much more potential and natural authority than this guy, but she did not stop him! She tried to find a more comfortable position. He seemed suddenly not so sure of himself, so she sought to inflate his ego, "Your cock is so big and hard! Oh....oh.....oh......! Give it to me and make it hard and strong!" It was a direct dare and the man seemed not impervious to flattery. He grabbed his cock in his hand and entered her in one swift, hard, fast thrust. There was no finesse in his sexual technique, but Aisha discovered she could find her pleasure with a macho brute. She planted her teeth on his shoulder not to attract attention with her screams of ecstasy. She had learned that she truly enjoyed big cocks! If she someday shared a bed with Brad, Dan and Kyrhan together, she would have to be dragged away by force!

Aisha told herself to stay fair. Even though the man didn't play in the same league as the men of her dreams, he was rather well hung and his balls were nicely swollen. Clearly he was really in need of some release! Aisha was happy to offer him that service! His cock felt as big as a fire hose and the image in her mind was sufficient to make her pussy cream profusely. While his cock wasn't the biggest she had ever had, his balls certainly were the largest she had ever seen! When he filled the condom with his spunk, it grew really hot and inflated ostensibly. He had clearly not lied when he had told her he hadn't met his girlfriend for two months! Aisha had a kind thought for this unknown woman who was involuntarily providing her with a nice entertainment during this flight!

Aisha wiped her pussy and went back to her seat. The rest of the flight was quiet, with the man engrossed in his book, only when they landed did he smile at her, and wished her well. Just before debarking, Aisha went to the lavatory, and quickly put on her chastity belt, and locked it in place. She was ready to prove Brad that she had found an original gift for him!

Aisha thought of Sue who was still in Europe, but would be coming home soon. Sue was decidedly excited! She was timing her return to coincide with the time she was ovulating, and would spend a few days with Brad, trying her best to get pregnant by him.

"Aisha, here! Welcome home!" Aisha heard a familiar voice call out, as she emerged from the arrival area.

It was Brad and Aisha's initial reaction was to drop her bags, and run to greet her owner! She took him in her arms and gave him an open mouth kiss to which Brad answered in kind. She was so happy that the people around just didn't matter. Brad made her turn around so fast that her skirt rode up her thighs and made like a parachute as she had a circular view of the scene around her dear owner. She didn't care that she was exhibiting her bare ass to the bewildered eyes of the other passengers. They were of no importance!

Aisha just gasped when she saw, three feet behind her lover a shocked, white-faced Umer. He looked like he was about to drop dead! She had an instinctive backward reflex but it was too late, he had already watched her joyful coming home kiss. She smoothed her skirt and looked up at her husband, afraid of his reaction.

Brad placed a hand behind her back to comfort her and he told her, "I'm sure you remember my good friend Umer! We have had long chats while you were abroad and I think now he has understood his place in your life, isn't it the case, Umer?

"Sure, Brad! Clearly! And yes Aisha we are good friends Brad and I!" Umer said softly, like he was afraid of someone overhearing them,

"Aisha! You must greet also Umer! You should kiss him to make him know that you are pleased to see him again!"

No! Brad couldn't order her to kiss Umer in public but his hand on her back was commanding. She bent forward, intending to drop a reluctant kiss on his lips but Brad's hand had swiftly moved to her shoulder and stopped her just a few inches before their mouths met. He scolded her. "What are you doing, Aisha? You were about to kiss Umer on the lips! Be a proper girl! You are MY girl, not his! You may kiss my friend but on the cheek and nowhere else!"

Aisha nodded under the reprieve and dropped a chaste kiss on her husband's cheek. Umer seemed to be content with it!

"Now that the formalities have been completed, perhaps we could proceed to the car. Umer, you will carry Aisha's bags!" Brad took charge of the situation.

It felt very strange to Aisha as she walked toward the parking lot, with Brad's hand on her hip in a very possessive embrace and followed with Umer carrying her bags. He couldn't miss how tenderly cuddled against one another they were! She couldn't wait for the details of Brad's agreement with Umer, it would certainly be very humiliating for her husband but, at least, her situation would be much clearer!

Umer placed the bags in the trunk without a word and he opened the door to the back seat for Brad.

"Umer! You must be a barbarian! You open the doors for ladies, first, then for gentlemen, not the other way around!" Brad chided Umer.

Umer apologized and took the wheel before exiting the parking lot. The car was Brad's limousine. Aisha had never ridden in it before. It felt strange seeing Umer act as chauffeur. Brad had never used this car for a ride with Aisha but things seemed different when he had a chauffeur.

"Now please, Umer, close the courtesy panes and close the shutters at the same time. I want to have some privacy with Aisha." Brad told Umer.

Umer pushed a button and thick glass panes appeared in the back of his seat and soon completely blanked out the outside noises. Then Umer pushed a second button and shutters completely isolated them from outside view. Brad started to strip Aisha naked. She was a bit frightened to be naked in a car seat in the centre of the city; not two feet from her husband. But who was she to oppose her master's desires? She reclined on the large seat just behind her husband. Brad had a perfect view on her assets, her proud tits with her swollen nipples, and her gaping slit with the prominent lips of her pussy and underneath the crater of her puckered ass hole that her position on the seat made totally visible for Brad. She felt absolutely no shame being totally exposed to the view of her lover : she belonged to him and held no secrets for him!

Brad instantly noticed the chastity belt. He looked up at her inquiringly. Aisha explained that it had been Kira's idea of a gift for him. She offered the key to her owner. He smiled to her as he accepted the gift. "I will have to think how this device will fit in your advanced training! Protecting you from Umer's assaults is a great idea but when you'll be with other men and, in particular, myself, you'll just have to remove it!"

Aisha reminded him that he held the key to her honey pot, not wanting him to know she had a spare one! Brad laughed and handed her the key. She removed the whole device in front of his very interested eyes. A week of intensive sexual activities had altered her completely. Gone was the shy, worried, scared woman. In her place stood a woman, whose pussy was now ready to service any cock that came her way. She no longer cared, she had grown into a woman who knew her purpose in life, was to service as many large cocks as possible! Even her asshole seemed like the fangs of a dog, ready to grip anything in its scope. It was opening and closing spasmodically, hungry to find a hot rod to swallow!

Aisha opened her thighs wide, in wanton invitation. Brad removed his trousers and let her discover the long horn with which he clearly intended to split her in two! That was her dearest wish and Brad started immediately to fulfil it!! She exaggerated her screams, wishing that her voice would pierce the soundproof panels and that Umer would hear how much she enjoyed Brad's assaults, certainly much more than his puny and unsuccessful attempts to make her cum! She couldn't imagine she would suffer Umer's futile, useless assaults ever again!

Aisha felt a strange feeling in her mind. She knew instantly what it was, she was ovulating, and her eggs were now ready to be inseminated by Brad almost in front of her unknowing husband! She rode her lover's cock with renewed energy. She had now an objective that was in reach. Brad felt that her pussy walls now tightened around his cock, and his pleasure rocketed to the sky and he realized he wouldn't last very long now!

Aisha whispered to her owner with a lascivious grin, "I think I must tell my Master that I think I'm ovulating. If you decide to cum in me now, there is a very good chance you may become a father before we have arrived at your home! I do so want that! Please, Master, give it to me now! Make me a mother, please, Brad!"

Brad could say no to such a heartfelt plea, he sped up! This was no brutal assault, but a triumphal uninterrupted entry into totally conquered territory! It felt as if he was shoving a red-hot iron into a block of butter, no opposition, just total subservience, a groan of utter satisfaction, many screams of ultimate pleasure and that was all! The training he had given Aisha was showing!

When he was embedded to the hilt into her pussy, he started to fuck her and slowly increased his pace! He had nonetheless kept all his self control and he stopped just at the moment he was about to cum. Aisha just couldn't withstand the stress of the moment, she gently pressed Brad's balls and his cock bucked into her pussy. A huge load of sperm erupted from his manhood that was tightly pressed against her cervix. She imagined the sticky liquid finding its way through the cervix and spraying her eggs. She climaxed even more violently than she had ever done! She screamed aloud in total rapture. The car wobbled for a second and Aisha was sure that Umer had heard her screams! Her husband probably had understood that Brad had just bred her and she just prayed her owner would sire many other babies into her womb, either personally or through some of his friends! Aisha wanted to be bred by many men, that too was her purpose in life!

After Brad has shot himself in Aisha, he collapsed on her. His softening cock still in her, acting as plug, keeping his seed trapped in its new home. Eventually, they recovered and Brad got off. The soft humming, and motion of the car acted as relaxant. It was badly needed as thoughts ricocheted in her mind : would Brad's semen do the job or was she still protected by the pills she had taken for years. She had been told that some women needed a few months after stopping to take their pills to become really fertile! When he had felt sufficiently rested, Brad handed Aisha a wrapped package. She opened it and found a lovely long dress, and on Brad's request, changed into it. The new dress went down to her calf but was slit almost to her waist.

It was not long after that Brad pressed a button and told Umer to proceed directly to their destination, which they reached not much later. Aisha then realized Umer had turned around their block, waiting for that order like a well-styled chauffeur!

Umer opened the door for Aisha, and, when she left the car, the slit in her dress opened widely to exhibit the whole length of her leg. She had the look of a film star at Cannes festival walking the red carpet. Umer's mouth gaped open; he had never thought his shy wife could have been that sexy and wanton in public! Aisha had a more urgent problem. She could feel Brad's sperm oozing out of her pussy and was now cascading along her shapely legs, making revealing rivulets. With her slit skirt, any passersby and especially Umer would know she had been fucked bareback and that her pussy was presently filled with Brad's seed! Brad probably didn't care about the leaking seed. She would stay fertile for a few days and he had probably had every intention to fuck her again soon. If his sperm hadn't reached her eggs, it would later, in the evening and on the next day!

Aisha walked straight to Brad's bedroom and asked him if she could take a shower. "Go on, Aisha! You must feel all sticky! You may also take a nap. I will join you later. I will give instructions to Umer while you sleep. If you suspect you are pregnant, Umer will be responsible for getting you the pregnancy test!"

Umer knocked at the door and entered holding Aisha's bags like a seasoned lackey.

"But before you got to sleep, Aisha, I have another job for Umer. I want him to lick your pussy clean of my sperm, so that I will find it neat again if I decide to fuck you again later! Have you understood, Umer?"

Umer swallowed hard and nodded.

Aisha had always thought that it was disgusting and horribly submissive to lick and swallow cum from a pussy but Brad seemed to have other ideas and he told her that he wanted her to adopt his ideas about it. "Soon, one day, I may tell you to lick my seed from Sue's pussy or her to lick yours clean, and I want total and immediate obedience! You will love eating my cum mixed with girls' juices. Yours or other one's and I don't want any discussion! You will consider my spunk as the most wonderful delicacy I may offer you! Is that understood, cunt?

Aisha just nodded in acceptance. Her Master's will should never be ignored! She knew that she would be asked frequently to swallow her master's seed as she had done already several times before but the idea of licking Sue's pussy with Brad's seed just disgusted her. She would be on the verge of throwing up but Brad had just clearly stated that she should feel it was a treat. Next time, she wouldn't swallow it as fast as she did usually, if it was that good, she should keep it in her mouth and sip it like a fine brew It had been the same thing with Champagne, all her upbringing had told her it was a vile drink but Brad had decided to make her enjoy it and, since then, she had dutifully tried to improve her skills. Brad had recently sent her to an oenology school for basic training when Umer had left her for three days. She could now drink and enjoy champagne in style and serve drinks to Brad and his guests. Brad had told her he would like her to become an expert drink mixer some day!

Aisha just inquired. "How long do you expect me to continue pregnancy testing after? Also, I dislike having Umer lick my pussy!

"You will have to get used to it, but the testing should last just a few days, less than a week. I have recently helped two girls I know to have their first babies. So I know I am fertile and I know you are quite healthy. There should be no problem getting you pregnant!"

Aisha had heard of these two families, one of the girls was just 18 and she had been disowned by her family when they discovered she was pregnant and the other one had been engaged to her long-time boyfriend when Brad had seduced her. The boyfriend had also abandoned the girl when he discovered she was pregnant from another, particularly since she had insisted that he always wear a condom when he fucked her! The two girls were now totally controlled by Brad, at his beck and call! That was one of the reasons why Aisha didn't want to break up completely from Umer, he was her husband, and Brad was certainly not husband material!

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