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All Aboard Andi's Dream Ch. 07


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"Anything?" asked Knute.

"Paw," scolded GG. "Don't start."

"I was going to say that we'd like to spend some time in Arizona next month with your sister," said Knute.

"You tell Andi the details and we'll make it happen."

After the hugs and kisses, and a promise to visit again during the summer, they were on the road.

The trek across North Dakota was long and arduous, but by the time the late sun came up behind them, they had traveled far on I94. The sun rose and painted the scant snow pink with the morning light. There isn't a lot of snow in North Dakota, the wind carries much of it away. Folks will say that they're not sure if it's Montana blowing or Minnesota sucking, but snow doesn't stay long in North Dakota, only the snow trapped by the shelter belts or long grass. Farmers will plant single rows of wheat to trap the snow and its melt will add to the soil moisture.

In Dickenson ND, Paul topped off the fuel tank as Andi and Yi ran in for a potty stop. When Yi and Andi climbed back in with a shopping bag full of Pearson's candy, the twins were still snoozing. "We there yet?" asked Sandy groggily, but she was fast asleep before anyone could answer her. Paul returned from his pit stop and they continued on the flat open prairie, this time headed south.

They could have flown from Bismark to Denver, but Paul and Andi had a stop they wanted to make halfway to Denver. Paul and Yi had never been to Mount Rushmore, and they didn't want to turn away from the chance to see it. But the price was staggering (to Yi), mile after mile after mile of frozen, open prairie. "There's nothing here to see," said Yi. "I never realized that there was so much open land in the world."

"That in itself is an incredible sight," said Paul as he looked from side to side, hoping to find some sign of civilization other than a speed limit sign. Just then a pair of antelope sprang out from behind some brush and charged alongside the road, pacing them for a while before crossing over SD79 behind them.

At one point, there was a large tree far out to the west. Nothing else to see, just grass holding snow in place and a tree. To the east, there was even less to see. Finally Yi said, "Look! A hill!" far off to the west there was a slight rise in the prairie.

"This is where it starts," said Andi.

Slowly, the ground started undulating off to the west of them. Occasionally they had to stop, and Yi taught the twins the art of peeing in the grass before getting underway. Not long later, they passed an intersection with a paved road, the first paved road they've seen since leaving Dickenson. After that, they saw agriculture, plowed fields, fences, and the occasional cluster of farm buildings. They even crossed a river, the Belle Fourche River.

Suddenly after noon there were hills and trees and they pulled into a drive through for lunch in Sturgis SD. "This is a nice little town," said Paul. "What's the attraction to all the bikers?"

"It's the hills that are the attraction," said Andi.

From Sturgis, US 90 took them to Rapid City. "I've been here," said Paul.

"How could you be at Rapid City and not see Rushmore?" asked Andi.

"I was actually at Ellsworth Air Force Base for combat medical skills training. I was more interested in getting back to Luke Air Force Base and Melony."

US16 took them through the Black Hills to Hill city, and the road was beautiful. It wound through the hills and the twins were in awe of the "Christmas trees." Hill city was quiet being the off season, and they wandered through the town and hit several souvenir stores and got some great off season bargains.

They spent the evening at a rented cabin at the Allen Gulch Motel and Cabins at the edge of town. The cabin was tucked away in the trees up against a rocky hill. It had a kitchenette and two bedrooms, plus a futon in the living room. They allowed the twins to climb the hill behind the cabin as much as they wanted and they had a riot digging up dinosaur fossils.

"It's a dinosaur egg!" insisted Madeline.

"It's just a smooth rock," said Andi.

"The lady at the museum said there was lots of dinosaur rocks and eggs," said Sandy and they went off with sticks to help dig up more evidence of dinosaurs.

"This is incredible!" gushed Yi. The scent of pine was overpowering and even though it was around freezing, it was so much warmer than New York or North Dakota it almost felt like T-shirt weather. She and Andi sat in chairs on the cabin porch soaking up the waning sun while the twins sat on the step, reviewing the rocks they found.

"First time in the hills?" said Dale, the owner of the motel as he walked by.

"I've never been outside of Florida except for Seoul to visit grandma and New York City for taping," said Yi. "Now I'm working in Upstate..."

"Western!" snapped Andi.

"Western New York and now all of a sudden I'm here." She took a deep breath of the pines and said, "This is so beautiful!"

Dale chuckled, "What were you taping in New York City, the Miss America Pagent?"

"I was on the food network... Chopped. Came in second."

"Broccoli Rabe in the last round? I thought you looked familiar," said Dale.

"Yi is a fisher-girl," said Madeline, as she inspected a piece of gravel for evidence of dinosaurs.

"There's some tremendous fly fishing around here," said Dale.

"I'm hoping to learn to fly fish this summer," she said. "Then maybe I'll come out and depopulate your streams."

Dale chuckled and said, "You're welcome to try," and he told about all the great fishing in the area. "Heading back to New York?"

"Soon as we clear out my apartment in Denver," said Andi. "I got married over Christmas and I'm moving east. Yi is our governess and chef."

"I'm on vacation right now," said Yi as she leaned back and looked up at the trees above her. "That's why the kids are running wild and Paul went into town for Chinese."


Paul woke to feel a tongue slithering over his balls and a hand holding his hardening cock. The sensations of her licking and sucking his balls while her hand stroked his hard cock were exquisite. Andi switched to running her tongue up and down the underside of his throbbing pole. This was the first chance they had to enjoy each other since that last blizzard started. Now they were in a tiny cabin in the beautiful black hills of South Dakota, trying to be as quiet as possible. The twins were right next door and Yi was just outside their door, sleeping on a futon.

Seeing that Paul was awake, Andi crawled on top of him in the 69 position, then she lowered her sweet pussy onto his lips. With a contented sigh, Paul began flicking his tongue in and out of her pussy and over her clit while his hands explored her incredibly soft skin everywhere he could reach.

Andi began to suckle and swallow his cock, savoring his manly scent and the taste of his precum. She tried to concentrate on giving her husband a mind blowing orgasm, but it was so hard to do with Paul driving her out of her mind with his incredible tongue. He seemed to know just how to send her to heaven. His tongue danced on her clit until she thought she'd go out of her mind with pleasure when he would switch to slithering his tongue in and out of her pussy.

Before long, Paul had turned Andi into a quivering mess. All she could do was stroke his cock and occasionally kiss it as she became helpless to the pleasure that paralyzed her. She tried to remain quiet, but now and then she made a quiet squeak as the excitement slowly got too much to hold back.

When she started shaking, Paul realized she was close to orgasm, and he wanted to join her in the pleasure. He rolled over until he was above her and he turned around. Andi anxiously guided his drooling cock to her weeping pussy, whimpering, "please, please, please." As Paul eased his cock into her pussy, her eyes rolled back in her head and she sighed as he spread her open and plumbed her depths.

Paul fucked his darling wife, but the bed was squeaky, so he held back and fucked her with slow, deep strokes. That drove both of them out of their mind. The slow fucking maximized the sweet wet friction between his cock and her cunt and soon he was shuddering like his tiny wife.

Andi hung on the edge of release for what felt like forever and suddenly the dam broke. Wave after wave of delicious ecstasy crashed over her. With a squeak, she sunk her teeth into his shoulder, trying to keep quiet. At the same time, Paul came with a silent explosion. He felt like he spurted a gallon into his wife as wave after wave of release came over him.

Finally, the lovers curled up in each other's arms, kissing gently and whispering loving endearments to each other. Then, from out in the living room, they heard Yi whisper, "You two wanna keep it down in there?"

"I love South Dakota," sighed Andi, as Paul started laughing.


The next morning, they said goodbye to Dale and loaded up into the fancy van, the twins proudly carrying a small bag with a dozen "dinosaur bones." Andi drove, and they got breakfast burritos and coffee for a rolling breakfast. "Let's go see some big faces," said Andi. She drove around the Black Hills until she found it. "This is Iron Mountain Road, the most beautiful road in the world."

Andi was right. It was incredible. With snow decorating the forest floor, the road wound through the Black Hills, and the views were incredible. The road wove back and forth, going from one incredible view to another. Several times, the road divided into single lane one-way roads, making the drive even more scenic. Occasionally, it would wind around in a circle as it climbed a steep grade, crossing over itself. "These are pigtail bridges," said Andi.

There were ten tunnels cut through the rock and when you look through the tunnel, Mount Rushmore was framed in the tunnel mouth. "Wow!" gasped Yi, who demanded that Andi stop so she could get out and take a picture. There were picnic areas also, and each one had a spectacular view of the carving on Mount Rushmore.

"Now I can see why there's so many bikers coming to South Dakota," said Paul. "This would be a beautiful ride on a bike."

All too soon, it was over, and the beauty of the forest was replaced with a vast parking area and the welcome center. They got out of the fancy van and for the next hour; they gazed at the massive carving on the mountain and took pictures. Paul was good at asking couples if they wanted him to take pictures of them with their phone, and Yi did that for a couple from Korea. Yi explained the meaning of the carving to them in their native language and they walked away with a deeper knowledge of American history.

"Snowballs!" cried Sandy. "There's snowballs walking around up there!" They looked at where she was pointing and sure enough, large white creatures were walking around the edges of George Washington.

"Those are mountain goats," said Andi. "They were imported from Colorado."

"Ok, gang," said Paul sadly. "Let's get back in the van, we have work to do."

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"It isn't much, but it kept us alive," said Andi as they stood in a parking lot and looked at the sun scorched brick apartment building. Yi and Paul were struck silent as they looked on the building surrounded by a patch of unkempt weeds and concrete. Several apartments had plywood over the windows. The curtains on Andi's windows were sun bleached and fraying in the center from age.

"It's a coke den," whispered Yi.

"Meth lab," suggested Paul softly.

"What do you think?" asked Andi.

"I think that blizzard that almost killed you, saved your life."

"It's nicer on the inside," said Andi, and she led her family to the main entrance where Madeline and Sandy stood waiting for her. From Paul's perspective, they looked fearful.

"Are you ok?" asked Paul.

"Gotta get in," said Madeline, looking down the hall of apartments.

"Don't stand in the hall," said Sandy. Further down the hall, a door opened, and the twins cowered behind Paul.

"Stupid key," muttered Andi, as she tried to unlock the door. "I gave the good key to Lucy." Finally, the door opened, and she squealed, "MACY!" Inside the door stood her sister-in-law Macy, holding a plastic wiffle ball bat, ready to strike a home run. "Macy! What are you doing here?" as the sisters hugged.

Macy explained, but she was so worked up she explained completely in French. The shapely black French Canadian had heard Andi trying to open the door and was terrified it was a rapist. "Lucy gave us your keys when Paul called back and asked for help."

"It took me a while to get your car started," said Kenny Johnson as he stepped into the apartment carrying shopping bags full of cleaning supplies.

Yi's heart flipped when she saw Kenny and for once she decided not to pretend he wasn't there. She walked up to Kenny and sighed as she wound her fingers in his hair. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" their lips met, and they kissed gently, once, twice, three times before he pulled her tight and kissed her deeply.

Andi turned to Paul and sighed. Then she started crying. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I hate this place so much," she cried. "It's failure, that's all it is." She clung to Paul and wailed as her heart shattered. "Frank took everything, I was so alone, this is all I could afford... the poor girls..." she was crying so hard she could no longer talk or think. The horror of the past five years washed over her, not knowing if she'd have enough money to feed the girls, driving a car with worn tires and liability insurance only, paying the rent, then watching the girls eat, but herself going without until payday.

"It's over now," said Paul as he eased down on to the couch and pulled Andi on to his lap. "It's all over, I'm here for you, anything you want, just name it, it's yours."

"That's why I'm crying," she said between sniffs. "I'm so happy!" and the tears came again. The hell she lived in was over. A man who loves and cares for her now stands next to her and is allowing her to grow. And the twins now have a man in their life who loves them and cares for them. Every thought like that caused Andi to cry even harder.

Paul looked around for help and saw that Yi, Kenny and the twins were gone, and Macy was standing across the room watching them and she was crying too. "Come here," Paul called to his brother's wife, and she sat on the couch next to them. Paul put his arm around Macy and tried to comfort her too, but there was no stopping the tears for a long time.


Paul tried to convince Andi and Macy to go easy on the cleanup. "I have a crew coming in next week. Concentrate on packing boxes."

"What about the furniture?" asked Macy.

"Name one stick of furniture we could use," challenged Paul. He and Kenny had been busy hauling clothing and dishes to thrift stores and were getting ready to haul furniture.

"Kitchen table, chairs, my desk, my office chair, my computer stand, the girls dressers, toybox,..."

"Kitchen table? We have several nice tables..." insisted Paul.

"I want to put that in the basement in the media room so the girls have a table to do their crafts and painting on. I don't want to ruin our good tables upstairs."

"Good thought," he said. Then Paul sniffed and smelled beef roasting in the oven. It was Andi's best dish. "Are you cooking?"

"Don't look at me, I'm on vacation," said Yi.

"I wanted to make one last dinner here," said Andi. She gave Paul a kiss and said, "I never entertained a man here, I want to do it one time before we go."

Paul chuckled and took Andi in his arms. "I love your meat," he said.

"You say the sweetest things," and they kissed gently.

Across the room, the twins covered their eyes. "See? They're always kissy!" Sandy said to Kenny.

"That's not a bad thing," said Kenny. "See how old I am? My mom and dad are still kissy. When your parents are kissy, there's no problem you can't solve."

"Ewww," said Sandy, and she stomped off to their bedroom.

"She's so weird," said Madeline, as she followed Sandy.

In their old bedroom, the twins were having a touching, meaningful reunion with their toy box. It was not unusual to find them in their large, open top wooden box up to their necks in toys. There were two large cardboard boxes for them to put their favorite toys in. The rest were going to go to the poor babies with no toys. So far, both boxes contained one toy each. The twins also had joyful reunions with their favorite plates, spoons, and sippy cups.

Kenny was gently trying to encourage the twins to add toys to their boxes, but they both scowled at him and sank down deeper in their "toy bath." Behind Kenny, Yi watched with gentle amusement as Kenny tried to get the twins to decide which toys to keep. He finally said, "You're keeping one toy?"

Again, they looked at him and scowled. They conferred between each other in Twinbabble, then Sandy said, "You're silly."

"But you only have one toy in your boxes."

Madeline sighed like a parent with a recalcitrant child. "Those are the ones we're not keeping."

As Sandy played with a well-worn baby rattle, Kenny explained again that the toys that they want to keep go into the cardboard boxes. Sandy stopped rattling and said, "No, that's silly! We can't get all of these toys into those two boxes."

Yi patted Kenny's shoulder and said, "Thank you for trying, but sometimes the direct approach is the best approach."

"Direct approach?"

"Watch," said Yi. She walked up to the toybox and, looking down at the girls, said, "All of the toys are going to the thrift store." When they looked up at her in shock, she said, "If you want to keep some, put them in that box."

"Ok," they groaned, and they slowly got out of their toy box.

"That's it?" asked Kenny.

"No," said Yi as she and Kenny headed to the kitchen. "That's just the first step. When they announce that they're done, the boxes will be full, but the floor will be covered with toys."

She was right. About an hour later, the two cardboard boxes were full of toys and the floor was covered with toys. The two plastic cars that were originally in the cardboard boxes were now the sole occupants of the toybox.

"Let's get to work," said Yi, and sadly, the twins started picking up their mess.


Paul and Macy pulled up to the apartment complex with the rental truck and a car trailer. They dropped the car trailer in a parking space and soon boxes of clothes, dishes and toys were loaded on the truck and hauled off to a thrift store.

As Kenny and Paul dropped off the boxes at the AMVETS thrift store, the manager said, "Moving?"

"Yeah, my wife is clearing out her apartment and we're headed to Buffalo in a couple of days. We will be hauling her furniture soon."

"Where's your apartment?"

"Sunrise East."

"I can send a truck over to pick up everything you leave behind."

"Does it have to be boxed?" asked Paul.

"Nope, just tell the complex manager that AMVETS will finish the load-out."

"Oui! Merci beaucoup!" cried Macy so loud she scared Paul.

When they got back to the apartment, they noticed that Andi's car was gone. "Where's the Toyota?" asked Paul.

"I sold it," said Andi, and she handed Paul a check that she endorsed.

Paul looked at the check and realized that she could have gotten more. "Is this the first car you sold?"

"Yeah!" she said brightly.

"I thought we were taking it back home."

"No," she said in a scolding tone. "The transmission's shot. When it gets hot it starts grinding. I was getting scared to drive it if I had several stops to make and I had the girls with me."

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