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All I Want Is You Ch. 03

Story Info
Janie and Mark's story comes to an end.
8.2k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/20/2005
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(Many special thanks to longonenow2004 for his contributions, feedback and wonderful encouragement. Without him, this story would never have been written...)

Mark and I sat by the pool long into the night as we talked and learnt more about each other. The bottle of Cava was replaced by another and it was very late when we finally made our way up to the bedroom and cuddled up together in Mark's huge bed. We were both so tired, emotionally and physically, and sleep came quickly.

In the morning we woke and made love with an intensity that I wouldn't have thought possible. The tenderness between us was so clear and we took each other to new heights of ecstasy as we stroked, kissed and explored each other's bodies.

Mark dropped me back off at my villa after breakfast and I sat for a long while on the terrace trying to write but just staring into space and reliving the last couple of days. I knew now that what I felt for Mark was beyond physical lust and I dreaded having my heart broken all over again. Part of me was angry that I had fallen so quickly and deeply, but I wouldn't have missed out on the experience for anything.

Mark was going to be tied up at the hospital for the next couple of days and I was determined to catch up with some work. My future career depended on the work I was doing in Mallorca and I wasn't about to jeopardise that for Mark, no matter how strongly I felt about him.

I drove over to a vineyard near the large town of Inca and tasted more wines, stocking up the small Ford with bottles to have shipped home. The heat was intense in the afternoon and I adopted the Spanish habit of a siesta, snoozing underneath a shady tree in the garden for a couple of hours before resuming my writing in the cool of the evening.

On the second day, I could bear the heat no longer and retreated into the relative coolness of the villa for a lie down. I undressed and lay on the bed, the fan above my head the only sound as I drifted off to sleep, my thoughts full of Mark and the way he had taken me to such heights of pleasure.

I must have gone straight into a dream and my brain tricked me into thinking Mark was with me. He was beneath me again and I was astride him, rising up and down slowly, our eyes meeting as we enjoyed the feeling of our bodies slotted together like a well-made jigsaw. The dream was so vivid and I awoke in a state of arousal, my fingers finding their way to my damp pussy and stroking my lips. Mark's face was etched into my memory as I imagined him doing that to me. I cried out and opened my legs wider as I slowly rubbed my clit, a small moan escaping from my parted lips as the feeling of pleasure intensified. I turned over onto my front and pressed myself against the bed, the feeling of need inside me so bad that tears sprang to my eyes. Oh, how I wished Mark was with me now and how badly I wanted to feel his body next to mine. I continued to rub my swollen clitoris until I could feel the inevitable orgasm build and grow within me.

Turning back over I gasped in shock as I saw Mark standing in the doorway, a look of lust and desire making his brown eyes appear almost black.

"Don't stop, Janie," he urged as he stared at me. "You look so beautiful like that."

The surprise of seeing him standing there made me come straight away and I cried out as he came to me and took me in his arms. We held each other tightly and I just hoped that I was awake and not still in my dream.

"How long have you been here?" I eventually asked, as he pulled away to look at me.

"Since you were grinding yourself into the bed!" he laughed and kissed me on the tip of my nose.

"Can I do something for you?" I asked and smiled up at him. "I really missed you, you know."

"And I missed you so much, too. But I need to talk to you and I really need a clear head right now."

I felt that feeling of fear in my stomach again and got up, hastily pulling on my robe as Mark made his way through to the living room of the villa. He took a bottle of whisky from the cabinet and poured us two large measures, handing me mine with a serious look on his face.

"What's up?" I almost whispered, dreading his words and the impact they would inevitably have on me.

"Janie, things" Mark faltered and I waited, anxiously twisting the glass around and around in my hand.

He looked at me and I was surprised at his uncharacteristic reluctance to tell me what the matter was.

"Mark, please tell me," I pleaded. "It can't be that bad, surely?"

"Anna is getting better now, she's out of intensive care and can go home at the end of this week. However..." he paused again and I took a sip of whisky, feeling the fiery liquid burning its way down to my stomach which was churning with nerves.

I waited and he went on. "The doctors have asked that she is looked after all the time and at the moment her son is quite happy to be with her."

I suddenly sensed what was coming and knew without a doubt that my blossoming relationship with Mark was about to come to an abrupt end. "We had a serious talk last night Janie. She wants us to start again."

I looked at him in shock as he turned away from me and gazed at the view of the mountains. I suddenly thought back to when I met him and how easily I had fallen for him. How easily I had succumbed to his charm and his personality.

"What are you going to do?" I whispered and sat down on the sofa, tears springing to my eyes.

Mark ran his fingers through his hair and continued to stare out of the window as if the answers to his problems lay on the slopes of the distant mountains.

"What can I do? Oh Janie, don't you think I've thought about this all night? Argued with myself, tried to think of so many ways I can extricate myself from Anna, but she's an old friend, I've known her for so long. I'm Godfather to her son for heaven's sake..."

"But do you want to resume your relationship with her? Do you love her?"

I had asked the question I'd been dreading and Mark hesitated. "I love her in the sense that she's a friend, but do I love her in a sexual way? No. I don't."

I breathed out and hope flickered. "What about me?"

Mark looked at me and our eyes met. The last few days had been so important to me and I knew that my feelings for Mark would deepen to real love if we were to continue seeing each other.

"I think that it would be very easy to fall in love with you, Janie," he answered. "But this has complicated matters so much. How can I turn my back on her now?"

"What about her parents? Can't they help? And even if you started again, your feelings would eventually show and she would be in the same position all over again, but worse!"

"Janie, Janie, oh God, I know! I've thought about this, but what the hell can I do? Leave her now and really make her feel abandoned?"

I got up and went slowly into the kitchen. I needed a glass of water and some time to think. The whisky was making my head spin and my thoughts were churning. I had a sudden desire to escape and get in my car and drive, but the whisky I had drank made that option impossible.

Taking my glass of water I went to sit on the terrace and stared at the sunlight glinting on the surface of the pool. Was I destined in life to make bad choices when it came to relationships? Did I go for men who I knew would eventually hurt me?

Mark came out and sat next to me. The expression on his face was terrible to see, all the light had gone from his eyes and he looked tired and drawn. He reached out to take my hand but I pulled away and turned my head so he couldn't see the tears that were forming in my eyes.

"I thought what we had was special, Mark," I said. "I know we have only just met but I imagined us keeping up some sort of relationship after I returned to the UK."

"I did, too. In fact I was planning on it. You are special to me, Janie, you know that. But this is something I hadn't expected. The timing is so bloody awful."

We sat in silence and I suddenly realised how late it was. My appetite had disappeared but I thought some food would help alleviate the queasiness I felt. "Can you stay for something to eat?" I asked and rose from my seat.

"Let me take you out. There's a good restaurant I know in the Port and it overlooks the sea. We can talk more and see if there's a way around this problem, hey?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to go out, Mark. I'll make us some dinner and then we can sit and talk here. Do you mind?"

Mark shook his head and I made my way into the small kitchen to make a salad and put a chicken into the oven. It felt so cosy to be making him a meal, the first I had ever cooked for him, but in such sad circumstances.

We hardly spoke over the meal, each of us lost in our own thoughts. My head was still in a whirl and afterwards as we sat with a bottle of red wine on the terrace watching the sun sink over the horizon, I asked Mark about his relationship with Anna.

"We were so young," he said, staring into his glass. "Both of us straight out of university and with bright futures. Anna was a brilliant artist, she had so much talent, well, you know that she still does, but I knew she could be difficult even then. She loved me but was seeing someone else at the same time. The father of her son as it happens."

I listened not daring to say a word. I was suddenly filled with hatred for this woman who had Mark's love but made light of it and cheated on him with another man.

"That hurt a lot," he said. "I thought we were soul-mates, but obviously not." He laughed bitterly and drank his wine before refilling his glass. "In the end she left me for him, said we were too much like brother and sister and she needed a man who was more of a lover than a friend."

"Of course, in the end, he wasn't enough for her either and she left him too after they had been married and had Joshua, their son. By then I was married as well but sadly that didn't work out and we saw each other occasionally but the sexual spark had long since gone."

I felt a small sense of relief at that and knew that the sexual spark between us was fairly sizzling. I had never been one to rely solely on my feminine charms but I suddenly felt a sense of power over Mark and it felt good.

"Well, if you resume your relationship, what about sex? Won't she want you to be a lover again?"

Mark groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. "Don't you think I've thought about that? I don't find her sexually attractive any more. And after you..." he looked at me and I felt my insides twist with desire. I needed to have him with me for one last time before he left and I knew that tonight would be the last time. "If I rejected her now she would try again for sure and the next time it won't be a cry for help, Janie, it'll be the real thing."

We stared at each other and he rose from his chair and kneeled in front of me. "Janie, I feel so much for you already, please believe that. But what can I do? If I could get out of it I would. Do you understand?"

I nodded as tears filled my eyes and I reached out to touch him. The smell of him was so good and I suddenly needed to be in his arms and with him, his skin touching mine as we made our feelings for each other real.

Taking my hand he pulled me up and we made our way into the bedroom where I had set some candles burning. The growing dusk made shadows and I could see ourselves reflected on the white walls as we held each other and kissed deeply.

"It's our last night for a little while, hey? I can't even think that I won't do this with you again, Janie," he murmured. "I want to treat you tonight, will you let me?"

I nodded as he kissed my hair and then my ears and my mouth. "Do you have a scarf with you?"

I looked at him in surprise as he smiled at me. "I want you to really feel me tonight, Janie. And really trust me. Can you do that?"

I nodded again as I went off to my suitcase where I kept a couple of scarves to tie my hair back with when it got really hot. Handing one to Mark, he gently wound it around my eyes and then took me in his arms and kissed me again. I tasted red wine on his lips and he helped me undress before I lay down on the bed, feeling a little vulnerable but trusting him completely. I could hear Mark taking off his clothes and then kneeling over me. I lifted my hips automatically and knew that my vagina was already soaking wet. I felt Mark kneel either side of me and then he was kissing me again, his smell filling my nostrils as he kissed my cheeks and mouth, his lips wet from the red wine that he had been drinking.

"Would you like some more, Janie?" he asked as he kissed me again.

"More what?" I whispered, as I felt him lift himself away from me.

"Mmmmm, wine, it tastes so good."

I nodded and Mark leant over, filling my mouth with red wine from his mouth. I swallowed and groaned as the delicious liquid sank towards my stomach. "This is what I call blind tasting!" he said and laughed

I laughed out loud too and felt him leave me again. "What about this, then?" he asked as I lifted my head from the pillow. "Here, taste this."

I felt his face against mine and then a warm salty object was placed next to my lips. "Remember what this is?"

I opened my mouth and took it in immediately recognising an olive that had been left over from before dinner. "Mmmmm! That's good," I murmured as I chewed it slowly before swallowing. "What else have you got in store for me?"

"This," Mark answered as he kissed me again, this time trailing his lips down my face and neck before encircling my left nipple with his tongue, sucking and kissing my breast as I moaned in ecstasy. Mark made sure he covered every inch of my skin with kisses and licks, taking each breast in turn and savouring them fully, before planting tiny kisses on my stomach and navel.

I wanted him so much to carry on to my wet pussy but he bypassed that area and went straight to my feet, sucking on each toe in turn and making me cry out in pleasure. Then, parting my legs further he kissed his way up the inside of my right leg, making me squirm with the way it felt so good.

"I'm really tasting you tonight, Janie, and you taste so good. I've never known a woman taste like you."

I sighed with pleasure as he made his way up my left leg this time. all thoughts of our earlier conversation forgotten as the feelings of pure bliss enveloped me. My inner thighs received special attention and each time Mark grew near my waiting pussy he would veer away again, making me want to cry out with the need for him.

"Mark, please," I groaned as his kisses trailed down to the back of my knee. "I want you to kiss me there so badly."

"Oh I know, Janie!" Mark laughed as he kissed the skin around my vagina. "I can smell your juices."

I squirmed again as Mark licked slowly the length of my slit, his tongue gently probing inside. I gasped again and he ran his tongue up and down until I felt as if I was going to orgasm straight away. With his fingers I felt him opening me up and his tongue descend into my inner lips, his breath warm on my skin. His tongue moved deeper and deeper and he stroked the skin around my pussy lips, drawing tiny patterns as I writhed around in ecstasy, my orgasm beginning to build deep within me. Taking my swollen clit in his lips he sucked and sucked, his tongue flicking across my sensitive bud until I could bear it no longer. As I cried out he kept up the pressure on me but reached up and squeezed my nipples intensifying my orgasm making me scream his name out loud.

Because I was blindfolded my other senses were heightened and the vulnerability I felt added to the intense pleasure. I shook and spasmed as I came down from the high and Mark wrapped his arms around me, kissing my breasts as I breathed heavily, my heart hammering away in my ribcage.

"Oh Mark, I feel so..." I sighed as he removed the scarf from my eyes. His erection was strong and hard and I wanted to make him feel as I did.


"Oh yes," I answered. "That was the best I have ever had, Mark. Maybe even a fantasy come true..."

Mark lay down and I leant over him, kissing his face and lips which still tasted of me. I found that so sexy and I loved that he had given me such pleasure. "Janie, you know why I did that, don't you?" he asked as I kissed his neck and shoulders.

"Mmmmmm. I think so," I answered.

"I want you to trust me so much. Trust me that I won't hurt you or let you down. Let me help Anna out over the next couple of weeks and then I'll find a way of making sure she's OK."

I looked at him, suddenly serious and knew that he was telling me the truth. The dilemma he faced was not of his own making and I knew he was doing what he could to help out an old friend. I returned to his body and ran my fingers lightly over the hairs that were scattered over his chest. I kissed his nipples and ran my tongue down the strip of hair that led to his erect penis, making him groan with pleasure.

Taking the tip of his cock in my mouth I ran my tongue over the ridge underneath where the head connected to the shaft and licked up and down and around and around. He tasted so good, so hard and firm and I took as much of him into my mouth as I could, my teeth lightly grazing his skin and making him moan in ecstasy.

"You are so good at that," he groaned opening his eyes and watching me as I sucked up and down. Taking his shaft firmly in my right hand I encircled him and moved up and down while I concentrated my mouth and tongue on the head of his cock, his pre-cum tasting salty in my mouth as I licked at the tiny hole. With my left hand I stroked his hard balls, my fingers running over the ridges and my long nails lightly scratching him.

I could feel him tense up and knew he was close so I gripped him more firmly, my tongue and lips sucking harder and harder as his hands moved to my hair.

"Oh Janie, don't stop," he groaned and I didn't dare, my tongue massaging his sensitive ridge as my lips swept over the head of his cock. His breathing grew faster and faster and I could feel his hands pressing on my head as I moved up and down, my hands matching the movement of my tongue.

"Oh Janie, now, I'm coming," he moaned as with a jerk he emptied his load into my mouth. I took it all and licked up any drops that escaped, loving the taste of him. I cuddled up and lay my head on his chest, hearing his heart beats grow slower as we nestled together, our breathing synchronised. I felt sleepy after the wine but Mark turned to me and kissed me again, our tongues entwined as we put our arms around each other and felt the heat of each other's bodies.

"You feel so good, so soft and warm," he murmured as I kissed his shoulder. "I want to stay like this for ever."

I held him tightly and felt his erection grow again. I lifted my left leg over his leg and he entered me easily, his hard penis penetrating me like a knife through butter. I groaned as I felt him fill me up and start to move inside me, his arms still wrapped around me as we kissed each other and held each other tightly.

We moved together slowly and sensually, and I turned over onto my back, Mark's cock still inside me. I opened my legs wide and rested them on Mark's shoulders as he penetrated me deeply, his eyes never leaving my face as he moved in and out. His thrusts were hard and slow making me groan in pleasure and hitting me so far inside that I was convinced he was a part of me. We carried on for what seemed ages, our moans and sighs echoing throught the silent villa and I wished that we could carry on forever and forget the problems that had appeared.

Mark's thrusts grew quicker and more intense and I reached down to massage my clitoris as I pushed back at him. He closed his eyes and with a final cry he came and I felt his warm cum explode into me as I reached orgasm at the same time, a light touch on my clitoris the only stimulation I needed to take me over the edge.

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