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All That Glitters Ch. 59


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The ship needed to receive its space worthiness certificate so its maiden voyage to Liramor-23 would not be for at least a week. Heyya had brought a small jump bag with her as an overnight bag so had little to transfer over to the ship from the Valour.

She partied with her parents, Fiona, that evening and then moved into the Dr. Heyya Margrave for the certification trials and the return trip to Liramor-23 the next day.

Later that day, she was speaking with the surgery teams asking them what instructions they had for removing patients from their EVA suits as she had not seen any of the tools that her Trauma Ward had for doing such tasks.

"I will advise you of the following, your staff should spend time with us at the Liramor-23 Trauma Ward to learn how to crack open EVA suits. If the suits can be removed without hurting the patient, so be it, however, we often have to rip apart EVA Mining Suits to tend to the trauma we deal with on the platform. This is something that I learned on Liramor-23 dealing with mining injuries, which often involve crushing injuries. Getting patients out of crushed EVA suits can be difficult at best and almost impossible at worse.

"Combat injuries almost always include penetration injuries that require the patient to be extracted from their EVA suits around said penetrations or burn injuries that fuse parts of the suits to the body of the patient. Cracking the suits open would be much faster, though also more expensive for the Marine Corps as it often means losing parts of if not losing a complete suit.

"I don't give a shit. A Marine's life is far more important than their suit. Once they have been received on this ship that life stands above all other considerations. We will work off that as a starting point.

"Those of you who are now Nurse Practitioners, Doctor Ayesha Seito was the one who established this program within the Navy and ultimately the Marine Corps. She cut her teeth in my Trauma Ward and passed on that information to the Navy, though I will admit that it is still some way off being completed to her standards.

"The obvious place to accomplish cracking suits is in Triage but all of the staff will have to learn how to do it," Heyya told them all.

"Dr. Heyya, I'm sure that you have good intentions, however..." Dr. Lisse began. Heyya cut him off immediately.

"We have already had real experience dealing with cracking suits during combat medical recoveries," Heyya flatly replied. "It gets the patients out of their suits and into surgery much faster. That speed can mean the difference between life and death for our people.

"I will not compromise on this issue, Sam. Nor will the Liramor Mining Company which is now investing in the same setup as my Trauma Ward for every hospital on all the company's mining platforms and orbital stations. We have proved both on the civilian side and the military side the effectiveness of our system.

"They Navy itself is investing in the setup for its Hospital Ships and is teaching the procedures to its Corpsmen/ship's doctors." Heyya ended.

"I'll take a look at the setup you have then, Heyya, however, you will have to convince me of the worth of your setup," James returned.

"Ask Sgt. Thorstone. We had to crack him out of his suit. We saved his life and eighteen others, losing only two that day. They were too far gone before then arrived, though we did try.

"Thorstone said that the Marines might have lost twelve that day, in reality they might have lost more than that. Instead of saving nineteen, we might very well have lost all twenty-one. Our methods speak for themselves," Heyya answered taking another sip of the very good wine.

Liramor-23 Mining Platform, The Piscium System

Marine Hospital Fast Ship (MHFS) Dr. Heyya Margrave went through its space worthiness certification with no issues, the hospital function already having completed most of its certifications prior to the ship's commissioning. The ship was ready in less than three days. Her crew and staff came together for the first time as the ship prepared to leave the Punarjanm system.

With a 195 light year jump capacity, Liramor-23 was within a single jump of the ship. They were at on platform within an hour after leaving Pallanders-4 which very much pleased the ship's Captain and Dr. Lisse. With its triple generator redundancy, they had a potential 585 year triple jump capacity making almost any destination within the Greater Community within range of the ship without pausing for recharge.

Heyya, Lt. Cdr. Seagrave, Major Dr. Lisse and the crew and staff of the MHFS Margrave were greeted at reception by Fleet Admiral Fiona Marsh, Director of Operations for Liramor-23 Fayad Piscium, Chief Medical Officer Dr. May Anne Mirren, and Dianne Ancien head of Human Resources.

"Welcome to Sector Fifty-Nine, Lt. Cdr. Seagrave, Dr. Lisse, crew and staff of the Margrave. We do have another Navy Hospital Ship in our inventory but that is currently in orbit of AsocAR helping tend to the injured from our latest battles in Asocan Space both human and non-human.

"One thing that you and your medical staff will have to do is certify on other species. That is a requirement for working out of this Sector, Dr. Lisse. It will also be something that will slowly become a requirement for working in any hospital in Union space as interspecies travel spreads with Union ship designs being offered to the other races.

"Pallanders-6 Shipbuilding Station will enter our system in early spring of next year. The other races will be taught how to build our ship models and they will begin to build their own FTL capable navies and commercial ships.

"Once that occurs, Liramor-23 and the Piscium System will become a very important hub for Interspecies communications and trade. We will effectively become the centre of the Greater Community for the foreseeable future. Your ship, crew, and staff, are going to be smack in the centre of everything here on Liramor-23.

"For the moment, we have no immediate use for your ship, Dr. Lisse, however, that can change very quickly. While you are here on this station, you will train with Dr. Heyya's Trauma Ward. You will be introduced to her methods of cracking open EVA suits. This method is effective and has been put to use in actual combat situations. Learn it and try to find a way to incorporate it into your ship's function, Dr. Lisse," Fiona ended.

Dr. Mirren took over. "Good day, Dr. Lisse. I am Dr. Mary Anne Mirren, CMO of this station.

"We will incorporate your personnel into the hospital roster so that you can keep up your proficiencies in all areas. The navy ships in the area all work with our hospital for the same reason and regularly rotate their staff through. Once we get Pallanders-6 and Liramor-31 in the system, there will be two other hospitals to work from, giving us more opportunities to work as medical staff.

"We have excellent senior medical staff from the other races who are well known throughout Union space for their lectures on comparative anatomy. Learn from them. It will take you some time to certify on other species but you can acquire emergency working certificates rather quickly. That will be your immediate aim.

"I welcome you and your team to Liramor-23, Major," Dr. Mirren ended.

"I am Fayad Piscium, Director of Operations for this platform. Next year, roughly the same time as Pallanders-6 will enter our system, another mining platform will arrive to take over the mining operations of Liramor-23. After that, Liramor-23 will be dedicated to the diplomatic issues of the Greater Community.

"This platform has another name; 'Ard Mheydeh' which means Neutral Ground. It is a good name for this station and for its future purpose.

"You will literally be up to your ears in other races working from this station. Get used to the idea of working with other species. It is the coming trend. If your people cannot adjust to this, they will need to be replaced. This station is not the place for those with phobias of other races. Any of the twelve known species can trip the phobia alarms of any one of us.

"For those of you who are married, we have quarters available for families on this station. If you wish to bring your families here, that can be accommodated. Let us know as quickly as you can if any of the crew would like to bring their families.

"Having said that, I will now pass you off to Dianne Ancien, our head of HR," Fayad finished with a smile.

"Right you lot, lets get to this," Dianne snapped, getting laughter from the ship's company...

Main Reception, Liramor-23 Hospital, Lima Deck, Liramor-23

A few days earlier, Juliana Santos had arrived with her family on Liramor-23. Armando Santos was a small boy who lacked confidence in himself. He had been bullied all of his short life because of his stature. At six years of age, he looked to be the same size as a boy of half his age.

Armando and his father, Clemente Santos, were in the hospital as part of their in clearance routine for Liramor-23.

"Hello their you two. I am Nurse Katanya and I will be conducting your medical in clearances. First of all, I see that Armando is six years old?" she asked of the father, getting a nod of confirmation.

Katanya brought the two of them around the hospital area doing all she could to draw out the little boy as she walked them through the procedures but he was very shy.

"Armando has been small all his life," Clemente explained. "He very much lacks self-confidence because of the bullying he has suffered due to his height issues,"

"I think I can help with that," Katanya said with a smile. She moved to the corner and made a short call.

Armando was watching people come and go in reception when he saw two little girls walking into the area hand-in-hand, several women walked in behind them. The two little girls saw Armando and let out a little gasp, then ran toward him.

"Hello," they chorused together like twins often did.

"I am Ikekiya Piscium," said one of the girls in Standard.

"Me Zarreniya," said the other. "You come to live here?"

Armando nodded his head but did not speak.

The two girls clapped their hands and jumped up and down. They looked up at the nurse.

"Aunty Katanya, they all done?" Ikekiya asked, getting a nod from Katanya.

"OH, Good!!" the two shouted. "You want to come for tea? We show you our games," Zarreniya stated. The girls did not give him any chance to say no, each taking one of his hands and promptly walking out the door with the boy, Armando's perplexed father following in their wake as he learned of the families unique situation from the mothers.

Not long after, they all arrived at the Piscium apartment. As soon as they walked in, the three Cats dropped down on the two girl's shoulders, making calls to the two new people.

"These our Cats," Ikekiya told Armando. "This is Juneya, Hanaya, and Fayea. They want say hi."

The girls showed Armando how to put his hand out to accept the Cats and they all watched as first Juneya scampered down Ikekiya's arm to her hand and then crossed over to Armando's hand, then scampered up his arm to rub her cheek against the boy's and purr for him, eliciting a giggle from him.

After a few moments, Juneya jumped over to Junelliya's shoulder and met Clemente, while Hanaya moved down Zarreniya's arm over to Armando's and greeted him much as Juneya had. Fayea simply jump off Ikekiya's shoulder to Armando's other shoulder and the two cats purred in stereo for him, getting more giggles from the boy.

Armando turned to look at his father and saw something he was not expecting.

"Papa!" he said, pointing to the corner. Clemente turned and saw what looked like a small baby grand piano sitting in the corner.

"Well, this is unexpected," he said with a smile.

"Does Armando play?" Hanalei asked.

"He is learning. Fortunately, he has a good teacher," Clemente said with a smile.

"My Papa teaches me," Armando said.

"You teach piano?" Junelliya asked, surprised.

"And classical guitar," Clemente answered. "I was told when we decided to come here that the university campus was getting a piano but had no instructor."

"Yes that is true. There will be three pianos on station, one like ours is also going to the new daycare/school. A full grand is going to the university campus, and of course our own instrument here," Hanalei informed them.

"Do your children play?" Clemente asked, seeing the child-sized instruments around the piano and the odd looking multi-string larger instrument.

"We have only just acquired the piano," Junelliya answered. "The girls play the Ukelele while I play the Luttrell," she told him pointing to her instrument.

"Wait, Dr. Junelliya Harlen?" Clemente asked with surprise on his face as the name of the instrument clicked in his mind with the Junelliya's name.

"The same," Junelliya agreed with a nod of her head.

Just then the door snapped open and Fayad came in. "Honey, I'm home!" he called out getting laughter from his daughters who run up and grabbed his legs. Fayad dutifully shuffled into the dining area with his children on his feet and the Cats on his shoulders and head.

"Ladies, I would like to introduce you to Juliana Santos, our new Assistant Director of Operations here," Fayad said, introducing his family, while Juliana informed him that Clemente and Armando were her family.

"I'm not surprised that they met our children," Fayad said shaking his head.

The two families went into the dining area for tea and cookies while the children chattered together and the adults did the same.

"Juliana was assigned to us because she has a Master's degree in Political Science as well as a Doctorate in Public Administration. She will be a good fit here because of the Interspecies Embassy," Fayad notified them.

"Fayad is still working toward his own Doctorate in Public Administration. Most of what he currently knows is hands on experience," Hanalei told them.

"Didn't I read somewhere that you have some unusual titles?" Clemente asked.

"I am War Dragon Fayad Piscium Sai-Ro, Friend of and numbered of the Asocan People and Sai-Ro to the Pod-Drran," Fayad nodded.

"I am Gurn Dame Hanalei Anar, Dame Member of the Order of the Alliance, Gurn Piscium and numbered of the Asocan people. I am also the principle shareholder of Denders Resort and owner of the Johal Compound near Denders on Terra," Hanalei added.

"I am Dame Junelliya Atohan Palda Herlan, Dr. of Music, Dame Officer of the Order of the Alliance, Atohan of the Pod-Drran people, Palda and numbered of the Asocan people, and Grand Master Empath," Junelliya added.

"I be Palda Ikekiya Tema Se-Lam Poda-Rai-Dosri Piscium, Goddaughter to Kumar-Pair of Pod-Drran people and Shamot of the Asocan people," Ikekiya explained.

"I Zarrenia Henadi Se-Lam Poda-Rai-Latti Piscium. Me Goddaughter and Shamot too," Zarreniya said with a smile.

A surprised Juliana was almost overwhelmed by what she was learning. Looking around the apartment as she drank the delicious tea (she was a coffee drinker but she might invest in some tea after this...), she noted the displays of medals on the wall of the living area with the names of Fayad, Hanalei, and Junelliya over one of each of the displays. There were some very significant medals in those displays!

"Will you grace us with some of your piano skills please, Clemente?" Junelliya asked.

"Why don't we let Armando show us what he can do?" Clemente suggested. "You might be pleasantly surprised at his abilities."

Armando smiled and went to the piano. He immediately began winding up the bench seat to bring it to the proper height. Both girls immediately came over and stopped him, Zarreniya reversing his operations on the seat while Ikekiya showed him how to lower the piano.

Armando smiled as for the first time he could actually reach the pedals on a full keyboard piano. He began to play Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. He did a more than credible job of it, pleasing the girls immensely. Both girls kissed his cheek then sat down either side of him on the bench as they asked him to explain the keyboard to them, the Cats settling on each of their shoulders as they listened and watched what the children were doing.

Hanalei, Junelliya, and Juliana, covered their mouths trying, unsuccessfully, to hide their growing smiles.

"I think Armando likes that piano. I wonder how much they cost?" Juliana asked.

Fayad called up something on his comp and sent it to Juliana.

"That's affordable," she said after reviewing what he sent her.

"I guess the platform will soon have four pianos. Though I think Armando is more than welcome here at anytime," Junelliya quipped, nodding her head in the children's direction.

Conference Room One, Central Control, Delta Deck, Liramor-23, The Piscium System

Fayad entered the conference room with Juliana beside him for the morning briefing early the next morning. All of the senior staff were there including Fiona Marsh. He closed and secured the room.

"Good morning all. For those that have not yet met her, this is Juliana Santos, the new Assistant Director of Operations for Liramor-23. Ms. Santos was selected for us because she has a Doctorate in Public Administration and a Master's degree in Political Science. She is working toward her Doctorate in Poli Sci. That makes her a good fit for working with the Interspecies Embassy here," Fayad introduced her.

He went around the table and presented all of his staff to Juliana and getting the morning briefing from each and then came to Fiona.

"OK, one final note that will be of interest to all, the new daycare will open on a week from today, Wednesday, the fifteenth of October," Fayad stated. "The school will open on Monday, the fifteenth of December. The disparity there is due principally to it being necessary to organize between the learning/teaching styles of the different species. While I think it is a chore, I am told that Miss Urano is in her glory on that issue." That got chuckles from around the table as all knew of Urano's penchant for working with the children of all the races.

"In conjunction with the opening of the daycare, the Byandi technicians will be completing the new pool area adjacent to the daycare. This will help the Byandi children who will be arriving in the near future as well as all the Byandi adults who have been making do with showers until now.

"The new pool will be in three parts, one deep, saltwater pool, one shallower saltwater pool, for the Byandi, and an Olympic style freshwater pool for us humans with some shallow basins for our human children. There will also be an area of brackish swamp water for the Asocans in the area of the third pool, which I am sure they will enjoy.

"Juliana, this is Fleet Admiral Fiona Marsh, commanding Sector Fifty-Nine, which covers most of the Interspecies Community. As the other races begin to build their own ships, they will break off into new sectors each dedicated to one of the races. Instead of growing, Sector Fifty-Nine will eventually shrink to almost nothing, with Fiona working herself out of a job," Fayad quipped.

"Good Morning Ms. Santos. Glad to have you with us. Two other people that you should get to know, on my left is Captain Émilia Pétillante, my aide-de-camp. On my right is Miss Grace Elizabeth Holloway, my Personal Assistant. Behind her is her personal security, Heather Montel," Fiona stated.

"Wait, as in the daughter of the President of the Union, Miss Holloway?" Juliana asked, surprised.

Grace smiled and nodded her head, "The same," she confirmed.

"Fayad," Fiona continues. "I have just received confirmation that the Mylat Alafka, will be attending the local campus of Malton University for politics. She is the eldest daughter of the Mylatrin Adriné of the Byandi. Alafka is interested in political sciences and is curious about our Good Governance program, hence her interest in being here. She will be arriving in two days time.


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