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All That Glitters Ch. 59


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"Oh, oh," Raymond replied. "What do you want children?"

"Raymond, how could you say that to such sweet little children?" Liea asked. "Assuming that they want something!"

"No, he right, Aunty Liea. We want know how much cost station?" the children asked.

"Multi-function station?" Liea asked, now very curious.

"Mm-hum. Need two station in VIP room," the children said with little pouts.

"Why?" Liea asked.

"Need to learn ship, Aunty Liea," Zarreniya explained. "We not go on bridge when we in space."

"Oh, I see," Raymond said with a smile. "You want to mirror the actions of the bridge stations so that you can pretend to act as bridge crew!"

"They not let us on (the bridge). We too small," Zarreniya explained to the amused adults on the Battle Bridge. "We see from other room."

"Those systems are not cheap, little ones," said one of the Chiefs sitting her station.

"We know. We get 1,000 Roppar because we Palda. We use 100 Roppar. We give rest to Aunty Caye. She say it 'stake' in her next run. She say she make double," Ikekiya told them.

"Uh, huh. We keep 100 Roppar for xpenses. That mean we give 1,800 Roppar to Aunty Caye," Zarreniya stated. "We give her that and she make two times, that is..."

"Thirty-six thousand Roppar, Zarry," Ikekiya informed her sister.

"I know, Ikekiya," Zarreniya informed her sister. "I just little slower than you now."

Hanalei noted the shocked look on the faces of the Caregivers and especially on the face of Aul Mutt Dim. "They are first year Ultar?" Aul demanded of Hanalei.

Kim barked a laugh. "You need to be pretty sharp to keep up with these two," she commented. "You gave Caye all of your money, girls?"

"Uh, huh. We no need money now," Ikekiya said. "We need when we older."

"Raymond, how much cost Gryphon?" Zarreniya asked.

"What is Gryphon, Zarry?" Gillaya asked.

"It our ship, like Trine" Ikekiya explained, showing an image of a Gryphon.

"Wow, that is an unusual animal," Gillaya noted.

"It part many animal," Zarreniya explained. "Like be Community. We need when we older when Prakeshya be boss her people. We travel Community to help them."

"That is a very appropriate name for a ship that will travel the Greater Community for such a purpose," Liea stated, giving Raymond a significant look.

"Prakeshya is supposed to be the ruler when she has sixteen years," Gillaya remarked.

"We be same age," Ikekiya mentioned.

"A Trine Class VIP ship will run you around one hundred million credits, children," Liea explained.

"Oh," Ikekiya said, looking a little crest fallen. "If we make two times every two months..."

"That be thirty-two months for ship," Zarreniya said after a moments mental calculation. "Then we need make money for crew, so more months."

Once again the children surprised the adults in the room. Liea and Raymond again exchanged significant looks with each other.

"Is their math correct," Gillaya asked math not being one of her strong points.

"Yes," Liea stated. "In thirty-two months, if they double the original 1,800 Roppars each two months, they will have almost 118 million Roppars. A Roppar currently runs one point seven five Credits which will give them over 206 million Credits on the exchange."

"We have enough?" Ikekiya asked, suddenly excited.

"Yes, but you will not be able to buy your own ship in three years, children. They would not sell it to you and you will not need it until you are sixteen," Liea admonished them.

"No, need before then," Ikekiya explained. "We need when we be fourteen years."

The Piscium adults looked at each other at this pronouncement.

"Well there is also no guarantee that Caye will be able to double your stake every two months. It might take much longer than three years for you to get enough money," Liea observed.

"We need in twelve years. Will Aunty Caye get us the Gryphon then?" Zarreniya asked.

"Aunty Caye eventually plans to have one Ur Class Ship for every habitable planet in the Greater Community," Raymond told them. "Right now we are looking at more than one thousand planets. She will be able to get your money for you by then."

The children smiled and thanked Raymond and Liea for helping them with their math. That got a snort from Gillaya who had been left behind in her calculations by the children, though she wasn't the only one on the Battle Bridge that had been.

The children shyly approached some of the people at their stations who smiled and let them watch what they were doing explaining their activity.

"Sir, Coms O. Shuttles eleven and twelve are approaching the ship," said the Comms O from the bridge.

"Right, we have to go down and greet the Sandekk Elders," Raymond explained.

"We come help," Ikekiya stated. "We like Shusshhttookkann."

Raymond had a receiving line set up for the dignitaries, with the Piscium family at the end of it, as they boarded the ship. The Marine guard snapped to attention and gave a salute to the Elders as they approached the line.

The two children stepped out in front of the line, stopped, bowed to the Elders and said in Sandekk, *We welcome you aboard this ship as it brings you to the future planet of your people*. They gave the little Asocan lift of the chin and wave of the hand that indicted children talking to adults.

*Why am I alllwayyysss ssso sssurrrprrrisssed when yyyou two arrre ssspeaking?* Shusshhttookkann asked of no one in particular.

"Welcome, Elder Shusshhttookkann," Raymond stated, his comp rendering his words into Asocan, which the Sandekk all understood.

"Thank you forrr brrringing usss to ssshow usss the plllanet, Lllosssossstoc Garrre (literally translates as 'Third Admiral the Asocan name for Vice Admiral)," Shusshhttookkann said giving a low nod of her great head to Raymond.

"It is a pleasure to do such for those who have become friends of the Piscium Family," Raymond replied.

"What isss diffficulllt in becoming fffrrriendsss with the Pissscium Familllyyy?" Shusshhttookkann replied with the sibilant laughter of her kind.

Raymond introduced his senior staff to the Elders who, like many others, remarked at the seeming disparity in size between Dr. Ayesha and her husband Sean.

"Arriving, the Kumar-Pair and party," came a voice over the 'all ship' system.

Shusshhttookkann and her team stepped to the side as the Kumar-Pair came up the ramp to be greeted by Raymond and his team.

"Welcome, Kumaraie Ne-Maj Se-Lam Pod-Raie, Kumaroe Jarl Se-Lam Sai-Roe and family, your senior officials and the representatives of the Maha-Rrin," Raymond said in Pod-Drran with a low bow.

"Raymond Clark Sai-Ro, you are becoming much more fluent in Pod-Drran, which pleases me greatly," the Kumaraie returned.

Raymond introduced the reception line to the dignitaries that were representing the Maha-Rrin, the Pod-Drran already familiar with the ship and its crew. They were all escorted to the special VIP area on the ship (this was a part of the ships large gym set aside in respect of the over large Sandekk) as they waited the arrival of the Asoc and her team. Liea had the Comms O contact the Palace Hospital on Pod-Saar, the Pos-Drran home world, so that the Pemipinae could be included in the conversations.

A few hours later, the Asoc and her team arrived and not long after were escorted into the new VIP area.

"Well met, my friends, she said with a nod of her head to the leaders of the three other races. Today we will travel to the planet that is destined to be the new home worlds of the combined peoples of the Maha-Rrin and the Pod-Drran, to be known as the Oranae. We know this planet as GiRomorAR but Prakeshya is insisting that it will be called Ji-Rhum-Oran.

"We are also going to the planet of the Sandekk, in a star system which currently has only a designator number.

"Both are in the same area of space, though more than thirty light years apart from each other.

"Prakeshya, GiRomorAr abuts both Djinaëte and Union space and thus is convenient for you as it will be the closest point in Asocan space to your current dual home worlds. The location will be useful to you if you can establish trade with the Djinaëte.

"Shusshhttookkann, your future planet is far from AsocAR but close to both GiRomorAR and Djinaëte space. Once again, you will have a favourable opportunity for trade once you are established.

"Unlike GiRomorAR, your planet has plenty of water that can easily be adapted into swamps. Our government might have done the same there but most of our planetary development funds are currently aimed at the development of our newest six colony planets. As a result, we will not be able to work this planet for more than a century. While the planet is less suitable for Asocans, due to the lack of suitable swamps, it is more than suitable for the Sandekk.

"Both planets have bountiful mineral and natural resources that can be exploited by your peoples. The fauna on both planets can be dangerous, but nothing that the Sandekk, or the Pod-Drran cannot deal with. With the Pod-Drran once again taking on the task of the Shield and Sword of the people, that will allow the Maha-Rrin members of the Oranae to make use of their intellect to build a planetary scale civilization, something that you have both accomplished before.

"For the Sandekk, this will be the first attempt at building a planetary civilization, however, I have been told by the Leadership that all member races of the Greater Community are more than happy to lend a hand in the building...for a price of course," the Asoc ended.

The all-ship's system came live with "stand by to jump, now, now, now!" as Captain Degault took the ship on its first jump of two for the 251 light year distance to the Sandekk's planet.

Not long after, the captain indicated that they had arrived in orbit of the new planet. An image appeared on a monitor.

The first view of the planet indicated that it was indeed a wet world, though mostly lakes and oceans. The view indicated that the planet's land mass was about 80% with water ruling over the rest where AsocAR had a land mass of about 60% and had far more areas of swamp.

The land mass was a comfortable mix of habitats which pleased the Sandekk.

"We shall take the Sandekk down to the planet. Shusshhttookkann, it will be your choice if the others can descend planet side," Raymond indicated.

"Offf courrrssse ourrr fffrrriendsss arrre welcome to join usss," Shusshhttookkann answered instantly.

Not long after, the two special shuttles designed for the Sandekk landed on the surface ahead of the of the VIP shuttles of their guests.

Shusshhttookkann touched her foot down on the first new world ever visited by the Sandekk. She marvelled at the feel of the grass underfoot. The air was laden with moisture, indicating it would likely rain soon in this area.

Shusshhttookkann raised her head high and noted a lake in distance, probably five kilometers away. There was a stream nearby.

The other shuttles quickly landed and disgorged their passengers.

Ayesha took a moment to pass her more sensitive medical scanner over Shusshhttookkann and then passed it over a sample of the water from the stream. It was compatible. Shusshhttookkann dipped her head and drank some of the water. It was delicious.

Some of the human and Asocan techs had spread out and did a survey in the immediate area. It showed that they were in an area that had a large iron deposit underground.

The Asoc called up the initial surveys of the planet and passed them to the Sandekk. They were more than pleased with what they saw.

"It pretty place, Shusshhttookkann," Zarreniya stated. "You people be happy here."

The Sandekk all agreed with the little girl. They would indeed be happy here.

The techs used the shuttles to move about to explore an area of around 240 square kilometers. The survey took the better part of the day. The area was teaming with flora and fauna, all compatible with the Sandekk though some of the flora had notable toxicity. That was not so unusual as AsocAR had the same.

At the end of the day, Shusshhttookkann declared that the planet was more than suitable for the Sandekk. The other elders smiled at the thought of having their own planet, their own civilization.

*The negotiations with the Asocans will be difficult,* Chellitanni spoke in Sandekk to the other elders.

*Of course they will be. The Asoc has already warned us so,* Shassshgallann replied. *The Asoc wants the Sandekk to survive. She will not press us too hard, though her Ministers might push her to do more.*

The elders smiled at that thought. Yes, the negotiations would be difficult but they now had a planet for the Sandekk to fight for...

As the sun began to set on this region of their new planet, the Sandekk once more entered the shuttles to be transported back to the ship, their minds filled with the thoughts of building their new civilization.

"We will need a name for the new planet," the Asoc said once they had all come together again in the designate VIP area.

"ShshshushshshuuAR," Zarreniya said immediately. "It mean 'Happy World'."

"It doesss indeed, lllitllle one, Howeffferrr, it willl be up to the all the Sandekk to sssayyy what the new name offf the plllanet willl be," Shusshhttookkann answered. She smiled at the other elders who all nodded their heads. They liked the name and would put it forward as a suggestion to the other Sandekk. They just wouldn't tell them of the source of the suggestion until after...

The Wanderer, In Orbit of GiRomorAR, The Asocan Realm

The ship arrived over the planet and those on board could immediately see that it was dryer than the previous planet, more in line with that of Pod-Saar, the Pod-Drran home world.

"This planet is referred to as the 'Dry Planet' by the Asocans," the Asoc indicated. "It is unsuitable for us but I understand it is very accommodating for the sister races."

Once again the shuttles ferried the people down to the planet. For only their second time ever, the Sandekk placed their feet on a new planet. They immediately confirmed that this world was indeed dryer than the previous one, thus the name.

The Pod-Drran and Maha-Rrin sniffed the air. It was very similar to that of Pod-Saar and to that of Maha-Oran. They smiled at the new smells.

The techs once again committed to going through the same procedures as at the other world, their sensors surveying an area of the same size as on the Sandekk planet. The Asoc gave the contents of the planetary survey to both halves of the sister race while Dr. Ayesha once again did her bit to determine if the Oranae could survive here. Her initial surveys were very promising.

The group spent another six hours on the planet and then headed for the shuttles. Not long after, the Kumar-Pair and their entourage of Pod-Drran and Maha-Rrin bid farewell to the Asoc, the Sandekk, to Raymond and Liea, and of course, to the Piscium family, then headed to the Kumar Resestess and Pod-Saar.

"We too, shall leave you here, Raymond," Fayad indicated.

The family said their goodbyes to the Asoc, the Sandekk, and their friends on the ship, though they knew that the ship would soon be back on Liramor-23.

"You no forget, Uncle Raymond," Zarreniya said, waggling a finger at him. He laughed as the family and their entourage walked down the ramp.

"Time to go home," Hanalei said.

"New home," said Ikekiya.

"You are correct, Ikekiya," Fayad acknowledged. "We will be moving within a couple of days of arriving on the station. Our new, much larger apartments, are almost ready for us now."

That got the children all excited as they contemplated what their new apartment would look like.

L-1229 The Piscium Apartment, Lima Deck, Liramor-23, 109 Piscium System, 106 Light Years from Terra

The family was back at their apartment but now the apartment did not back onto the outer hull of the station. The children discovered that they no longer had a view out into space. They did have a view but it was provided by a large monitor in the place that their window used to be.

"Let's go for a walk," Fayad suggested after everyone had put their luggage away. They walked down to the nearest cross hall and moved down it toward the new outer hull which was now 200 meters further down. They came to a new corridor marked 1,800. Fayad took them down the new corridor for a little bit and stopped in front of a door marked L-1894.

"This will be our new apartment. We have permission to view it today but not to move any of our things into it," he told the family. He passed his comp near the sensor and the door whisked open.

The new apartment was much bigger than the old one with a larger kitchen and dining area and an even larger living room. There were also more bedrooms and two full bathrooms, which meant less waiting times. That pleased the little ones.

The family walked around the apartment and peered into all the rooms, looked around a kitchen with much more cupboard space, checked out the much larger dining area and common/living room and opened the storage area. They were surprised to see how much storage they would actually have within their own apartment. They noted that the entrance to the escape pod had an '18' on it, indicating that the pod could hold eighteen people when needed.

And they had a real view again, this time with a much larger window.

They children were drawn to their own bedroom which was now much larger and had two regular sized beds in them instead of the shorter child beds they had before.

The Cats and the children pounced on the new beds as the adults took stock of their new habitat.

"Well, we got more room but we are loosing two of our own," Hanalei stated. Urano would soon be going to her own apartment at the new daycare/school she would be managing, along with all the other Caregivers and daycare specialists, including Clarrisiya who would also work out of the daycare.

That would leave them with only Violletiya, Hanalei's bodyguard, Sylvie Kinlo, Hanalei's PA, the three Piscium adults, the two children, and the three Cats, so they would only need three of the six rooms.

"Its kind of large for our needs considering we no longer have Urano nor Clarrisiya," Junelliya noted.

"Yes, however, this is designated as the family dwelling for the Director," Fayad noted. With Fiona's promotion to Fleet Admiral and the pending arrival of both the new Liramor-31 Mining Platform, and the Pallanders-6 Shipbuilding Station, Fayad had been assigned full time to the position of Director of the station, a job he had already been doing for several months now. This just meant he was finally accredited to the position. Liramor Holdings had indicated that they would soon be sending a new Assistant Director for Liramor-23, though they hadn't yet provided a name.

The Food Court, Lima Deck, Liramor-23, The Piscium System

It was decided that it was too late to start dinner so the family went to the food court. They were quite surprised at what they saw as the Shopping Concours, and its Food Court, had been expanded considerably.

As they turned the corner into the court, the children saw it first.

"Oh! Mommy, look!!" Ikekiya called out, pointing to the highly decorated front of the restaurant.

"A new restaurant!" Hanalei noted.

"NO, mommy! New language!" Ikekiya exclaimed.

"How could you not see that, mommy?" Junelliya laughed.

"Your children are interested in new languages?" a new voice asked from behind them. They turned to see a woman who somehow looked familiar.

"Our children have learned the languages of everyone on the station, from the Asocans, to the Umick and many human languages as well, including Hindi, Hanalei informed the stranger as she seemed to speak Standard with the Hindi lilt to it.


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