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All the Way

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My twist on the usual 'I got caught dressing' story.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 06/16/2014
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A different spin on the typical 'I got caught dressing up' story.

I've always been fond of large women, not obese necessarily but you know, big. Like Amazonian big. Tall, big curvy hips and a chest to match with broad shoulders, but not in a masculine way mind you, but kind of proportionate for a girl. Let me tell you they aren't really that easy to come by either. I'd dated and bedded a few girls in high school and freshman year in college, but none of them really stoked my fire, if you know what I mean.

Then I laid eyes on Clarissa my sophomore year of college I knew I had to have her. She was 6' 7" tall and about 220 pounds of what looked like solid muscle, but still curvy in all the right places including her nicely shaped C cup breasts. With blond curly hair and blue eyes that would make you melt I wasted no time in declaring my undying love for her. She, on the other hand, was determined to make me work for every last bit of her affection. The first five times I asked her out she flat out denied me in no uncertain terms, but I had resolve. Then she played hard to get for another year at least before I finally wore her down enough to where she finally agreed to go out on a date with me, and I pulled out all the stops for her.

A carriage ride through the park, dinner at a fancy restaurant, dancing, roses, champagne, you name it I lavished it on her with reckless abandon. Well I won't bore you with the rest of the details but I managed to win her over in time. Oddly enough she said it was my sense of humor the ultimately got her. Whatever, I didn't care! I finally had the girl of my dreams and everything was great. Our sex life was fabulous and we would go at it sometimes 2 or 3 times a day in the beginning.

After we both graduated college I popped the question and she said yes. I was the happiest man alive. We got married on a warm July weekend, bought a house in the suburbs and settled into what I thought would be a nice normal life together. I'd gotten a job at a local tech firm doing IT work and the pay was great. She was working as a physical therapist at the local hospital.

After a few years of the usual routine I guess some of the spark had gone out of the relationship. Our sex life gradually dwindled from 2-3 times a week, to 2-3 times a month, and eventually 2-3 times a year. I still loved her with a passion and tried desperately to add some flair to our love life, but most times Clarissa just wasn't interested. I began to become worried that maybe she was seeing someone else on the side, and just the thought of it tore me up inside. I tried to squash those feeling down as far as I could and work harder to be the man she fell in love with, but I was starting to lose hope.

Then one day Clarissa got into a car accident on the way home from work. Some jack ass ran a red light and T boned her car pretty badly. It was the best thing that ever happened to us. She had broken her leg and bruised a few ribs, but she was all right in the end. After a few days in the hospital she was released and I brought her home and tried to dote on her hand and foot. At first she kind of liked it, and needed it as it pained her to get up and move around too much. But eventually she became more mobile and gradually rebuffed my attempts to help her out in almost any way possible. She seldom laughed at my jokes or goofy antics anymore despite my best efforts. It felt like she was pushing me away and I didn't know what to do to make her fall in love with me again. I was crushed.

I had been moping around the house for a few days and had almost given up hope when out of the blue one night Clarissa shuffled over to my side of the bed, which wasn't an easy feat for her with the cast still on, and began gently brushing her hand over my chest. I went hard almost immediately! I swear it had been months since my wife had touched me in a sensual way, and even longer since we had had sex. Still I couldn't get my hopes up. Why would things have changed so suddenly? Maybe she was trying to butter me up for something. She certainly knew how to push my buttons, regardless of the fact she hadn't even fingered them in ages. I gently placed my arm across her back with my hand on her shoulder and began to softy caress her, not wanting to push it too far too fast. She lifted her head to look me in the eyes and I could see something smoldering there, just beneath the surface of her gorgeous baby blues.

Then the dam burst. She grabbed me by the shoulders and hoisted herself on top of me crushing her lips down onto mine. Our tongues danced together for what seemed like ages before we both needed to come up for air. When we did we were both panting like rabid dogs, groping and feeling each other over every inch of each others bodies. God, I'd never seen her like this before. It was like she was possessed. She kissed me with such ferocity that I thought she was going to suck my teeth straight out of my mouth. When she finally came up she gave me another burning look.

"I have to have you right now! Fuck me, George! Fuck me right now!"

She then reached behind her with one arm and grabbed the waistband of my tidy whiteys and tore them off my body in one smooth motion, tossing the remains to the floor. She didn't have to tell me twice! I reached down with my left hand between our bodies and raised my achingly hard cock up to where her dripping love tunnel was waiting. It was a little awkward getting into position with her cast still on her leg and all, and I was a little worried that she was going to be in pain with all the jostling around and the strange positioning, but if she was she didn't show it at all. She reached back down between her legs and guided my throbbing member straight into the hot, waiting folds of her pussy. I tried thrusting underneath her to get as much of my cock into her heavenly pussy as I could but she was just too big for me.

Besides, she had her own ideas. She latched both her hands down onto my shoulders and proceeded to half rock herself up and down and half shove my body back and forth with such force she was practically ramming my head into the headboard. Concussion notwithstanding, it was the best five minutes of my life. She fucked me with such command and control while I was powerless underneath her the whole time. By the end we both climaxed at the same time and she collapsed on top of me and promptly passed out, while I was still inside her. I didn't mind though. I reveled in the feeling of my wife's body on top of me, even if she was bigger than me. Not that I was a small guy, but at 5' 11" she was a full 8 inches taller that me and probably had at least 30 pounds on me. It wasn't long till I passed out from exhaustion too, but that sure didn't last all night. Clarissa woke up twice more in the middle of the night and ravished me both times similar to the first... and I couldn't have been happier.

This trend continued for the next few weeks, with her taking even more control in the bed room. She would whip me into every position she could manage with her cast on and several more I'd never considered possible, but I loved every minute of it. I was counting the seconds at work till I could get home and let her have her way with me.

So the Friday her cast was coming off I decided to leave work early and surprise her at home with some flowers, champagne and lingerie I had bought the day earlier to celebrate. When I walked through the front door I immediately knew something was amiss. As I yelled hello while shutting the door I could hear her struggling with something and swearing to herself from her office.

"Clarissa?" I called, as I walked down the hall toward her office door.

"Be out in a minute!" she yelled while still wrestling with something.

"Is everything okay?" I was mere steps away from the door now.

"Don't come in! I'll be out in a sec!" she screamed sensing I was almost at her door.

"C'mon honey, what going onnnnn..." I said as I rounded the corner.

At this point I had to pause to take in what I was seeing. Clarissa was hunched over in her office chair with her back to me, fighting with something in her lap. She was wearing blue jeans, a t-shirt and a ball cap with her hair stuffed up inside of it. This may be normal for some women from time to time, but I'd never seen my wife in anything but a dress, or blouse and slacks or whatever, but it was always feminine looking. She didn't even own a pair of sweats. As I continued to look I noticed what seemed like porn on the computer screen. It was a little hard to tell with her in the way, but in kind of looked like some dude was really pounding the crap out of a hot little blond on some patio furniture.

"Are... are you watching porn?" I asked a little slowly.

She hastily looked up and I could hear her say 'shit!' under her breath as she immediately hit a few keys on the keyboard and the image disappeared.

"Dammit George... I told you I'd be right out!" she said in frustration as she went back to struggling with something in her lap.

"Honey... look... its okay. I don't mind if you watch porn. Hell I'll even watch it with you," I told her, "Is this what's caused the new spark in our love life, because if it is I'll start ordering it by the metric ton!"

I was trying to lighten the mood a little, but I could see her make one final move with her arm then heard the zipper on her jeans zip up. She slumped her shoulders, placing her hands on the armrests and hung her head a little and sighed. I walked up behind her and gently started massaging her neck. That was odd, from the top down view of her in the chair it looked like she had almost no tits.

"Really honey... its alright. I love you so much I'd be willing to do anything to keep you happy. Absolutely anything," I told her.

It was the truth. I would have jumped in front of a speeding train if it had made her happy. She slowly sat up straight in the chair and tilted her head back to look at me.

"Anything?" she asked.

"Anything," I assured her.

She straightened her head and turned her chair around toward me as she cleared her throat. As she faced me for the first time since I got home I noticed that she looked, well, a lot like a guy. The ball cap, t shirt, jeans and damn it... I was sure her tits had almost vanished. Then, as I looked closer, I could swear she had a bulge in the front of her pants. She stood up and pulled me close, grabbing my ass with one hand as she pulled me in and kissed me deeply. As we explored each others mouths I couldn't help but feel her press into me with her pelvis and knew something wasn't right down there, I felt something else in the way, something between us both literally and physically.

"Ahhh... honey," I stammered as I pulled away for a second, "Is there something big in your pocket?"

"You bet there is baby, and I am happy to see you... badum ching!" she replied with a huge smile.

"Huh?" I said completely confused.

"C'mon, you know the gag. Is that something big in your pocket or are you just happy to see me! Huh?! Huh?!"

She paused, waiting for me to get the joke. I'm pretty sure all I had registering on my face at that point was utter confusion. Her expression changed from comedic to cautious reservation.

"Look, hopefully you'll understand it all later, but for right now let me just try to explain. I know things haven't been the same between us for a while now and I'm truly sorry about that, but for reasons I can't explain it just seemed like I was missing something. I mean our life is great and all and I love you deeply for all the wonderful things you've done for me over the years, but it seemed like things were just becoming boring... well, routine or something... anyway, it was just driving me nuts."

"Why didn't you tell..."

She held up a finger to shush me.

"Shhhhh.... let me finish," she insisted, "I felt like I was changing, and our usual sex life was just not enough to keep me interested."

I didn't like where this was going. It sounded like she was on the verge of admitting to cheating on me, which would have been devastating news to me.

"Honestly I was close to being unfaithful, until the accident. While I was recovering at home I was bored senseless while you were at work and I had nothing to do, so I spent a lot of time on the computer. One day while I was fucking around, a freebie porn site popped up and just for kicks I decided to look around. I had nothing better to do right? Well I found a section on shemale and transsexual porn and... I don't know... something clicked. I was immediately aroused! Seeing those big studs fucking those hot chicks with their hard cocks bouncing about really turned me on. So I started watching more, and the more I watched the hornier I became. That was the same night I jumped you in bed. I was so hot I couldn't take it anymore. I'm pretty sure you didn't mind, but being in control on top of you was really getting my goat, so to speak. So you see, that's what I was watching when you came in. Here, look."

She turned around to the computer and maximized the browser screen and pressed play. As she backed away from the desk to give me a better look the couple frozen in their passion came to life, and after looking for a few seconds I noticed that the 'female' indeed, had a good sized cock bouncing around while her beau was really thrusting his into her ass. I had never seen shemale porn up to this point or even considered that a cock on a girl might look good, but this was actually turning me on too. I guess Clarissa noticed the look on my face or the stirring in my pants, because she walked behind me and placing her hand on my hips gently began gently rubbing the bulge in her pants up against my ass. This caught me a little off guard and I turned away from the screen to face her again.

"So this is what you've been watching for the last few weeks that's been getting you all hot and bothered?" I said a little surprised, she nodded at me and smiled, slightly embarrassed, "So do you want to be the shemale? Or have the shemale do you, or... what?"

I was grasping at what part of all this, really turned her on.

"Neither, its the guy that really turns me on," she said with a hint of lust in her voice.

"So you want the guy to do you as if you're a shemale?" I asked.

"No I want to be the guy that does the shemale." she insisted.

"Okay... so the idea of doing.... shemales... as if you were a guy gets you horny?" I said slowly trying to make the image clear in my head.

"Well that's part of it I guess," she replied.

"Okay so what's the other part?" I asked her.

"You just don't get it, do you George?" she said as she smiled, put her hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes, "I want you to be my shemale. You're the one I want to fuck. The idea of you dressed like a girl while I pound you silly with my cock makes me just... So... HOT!"

She punctuated the last word by pulling me in again for another make out session. To say I was in shock would have been an understatement. My mind was awash in questions of my own sexuality as well as my wife's, but I was having a hard time concentrating while my wife was kissing me and grabbing my ass while thrusting her pelvis into mine. I was quite clearly turned on as the bulge in my pants was bumping up against hers as she continued to grind on me. I was finally able to tear myself away after several minutes of heavy petting.

"Wait, wait... hold on a minute. I'm not sure... I mean I don't know if, well... if I'm up for this," I said hesitantly, "I mean are you saying you want me to get a sex change or something?"

"No, no! Not at all... that is, unless you want one, but no, that's not something I would ask or expect you to do. All I'm asking is for you to try a few new things with me, for me, on me, and try to keep an open mind about it. I promise I won't push you any further than what you're comfortable with. You do still love me don't you dear? You told me you would do absolutely anything to make me happy. I think this is where I need to start."

She was right. I had said exactly those words and I had meant them. I just didn't think it would have led me to taking it up the ass, literally. But I was deeply in love with this woman, not to mention still fully aroused, so if this is what it took to keep her happy I'll be damned if I was going to say no.

"Okay honey. I said I would to anything for you and I will, just please keep this between the two of us alright?" I said.

Her face instantly brightened as she threw her arms around me and screeched in my ear.

"Oh... thank you, thank you, thank you. You can't believe what this means to me honey! I really do hope you're going to love it as much as I do! Come on, let's go celebrate!"

She took me by the hand and led me out into the living room/ kitchen area where she noticed the gifts I'd brought home.

"Are these for me? Oh darling! You're such a sweetie! Here, open the champagne while I open this."

I popped the cork and poured us a couple glasses while she unwrapped the package and took out the pink lace and silk teddy with matching panties I'd purchased for her. As she held them up I saw a mischievous look of delight fill her face.

I had always made it a point when buying clothes as a gift to intentionally get them a size or two small. That way I could say 'Oh I thought you were smaller than that.' No girl wants their man to think they're fat. Also that way they would have the fun of returning it to the shop for something they really wanted. Clarissa held up the teddy to her body.

"They look like they're a little small for me, but... they might just fit you," she said.

She took the teddy off the hanger and draped it over the front of my shirt as she took a glass of champagne and held it up.

"To new beginnings," she toasted.

We clinked our glasses and looked in each others eyes as we took a drink. Feeling rather nervous and needing something to steady myself I gulped down my entire glass in two swallows. Clarissa smiled and topped up my glass again.

"Easy there tiger. We've got the whole evening ahead of us," she said as she winked at me. I drained that glass too. Clarissa held up the panties to me as well, "These are cute! You have to admit the irony here is completely delicious. You buy the panties for me, but wind up wearing them in the end!"

I was still in a bit of shock, but she totally loved this.

"More champagne dear?" she asked and I nodded.

She filled my glass and grabbed hers. Seeing that I was going to down my third, she drank all of hers as well.

"Why don't you grab the bottle and we'll take the party upstairs to the bedroom, huh?"

Starting to feel a little buzzed by now I picked up the champagne and followed her as she walked up the stairs to our bedroom. I was still in a daze I guess because all I could do was stand at the end of the bed with the bottle in one had and my empty glass in the other.

"Go ahead and pour yourself another glass sweetie," she said as she sauntered up to me.

She held out her glass as I filled both hers and mine. After another glassful she set everything down on the end table and pulled me in close.

"Feeling a little bit better now?" she purred, "I know I am, and I think its time we get things started. Don't worry about a thing honey. I promise I'll be gentle."

With that, she nuzzled up to my ear and began placing gentle kisses up and down my neck. I rolled my head back and being a little buzzed I started to lose my balance, but Clarissa caught me and pulled me in closer placing one hand on my ass and giving it a solid squeeze. I let out a soft moan as she let her other hand slowly snake her way up my chest and begin stroking my chest through my shirt paying close attention to my nipples stopping to pinch them lightly. I don't know if it was the alcohol or what, but this was really turning me on. Her kissing and became more insistent along with her grip on my ass pulling me in and grinding me on the bulge in her pants.


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