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Alpha X10ND Ultra

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A boy stumbles upon a unique formula to grow his penis.
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Author's Note: The following story contains scenes of incest, coercion, humiliation, lesbian and watersports. All persons are over the age of 18.

My name is Josh Wheeler (not my real name). I am currently 37 years old, but when this story happened I was only 18 at the time and starting my senior year in high school.

Life sucked. That was going to be the epitaph on my tombstone.

I am the youngest of 4 siblings and have 3 older sisters. Carla was the oldest at 24. Then there was Stacy who was 22 and Dana whom was 20.

I don't know if your experience is the same as mine, but having sisters who always walked around the house in spandex and bikinis really messes with you. Without even thinking about it, I would steal glances at them. I would grow hard and then feel like shit for engaging in incest-like behavior while I masturbated.

This didn't stop me from jerking off or fantasizing about them almost daily. But it did keep me up at night (no pun intended).

My mom too would often be wearing see-thru blouses. Her dark nipples were clearly visible and this too really messed with my mind.

All 3 sisters caught me in the middle of jerking off several times. They laughed at and teased me constantly about it. Word spread to all their friends and life in school became unbearable at times.

I literally had no free time to myself. So, it was a blessing when my sisters went off to college and left me the hell alone!


High school sucked! I hated it. I got picked on all the time.

Gym was the worst. Sure it was fun at times, but getting all sweaty meant I had to shower before going to my next class. I would remove my clothes, grab a towel and head into the showers.

"Look at tiny Tim! Ha, ha, ha." Billy McKay teased.

"Hey Pee-wee!" Mark Daniels chimed in.

God, talk about hazing! Like I had any say in the size of my penis. We are given whatever is in our genetics. Assholes!

I had to admit that my little penis looked like an acorn and when it got erect, it wasn't much bigger than the length of my index finger and just as thin too!

And then adding insult to injury, I was constantly horny. I jerked off a few times a week to keep the horniness at bay and watched as my cum dribbled out and made a mess of my hand and underwear.

Word spread like a wildfire that I had a little dick and I would often walk past a group of girls who were pointing at me and giggling. It was times like those that I wanted to disappear.

I thought things would change when I went through puberty, but sadly they did not.

I grew taller, but aside from that everything was still the same down there. Here I was at 6'2 and 185 lbs, brown hair and brown eyes but with a micro penis. Could life get any worse?

I thought the teasing in school was bad. It was nothing compared to the teasing I got from my sisters. They ragged on me constantly. I never had a moment of peace until my senior year started.

I recall walking into each of my sister's bedrooms after they went off to college. Like any normal guy, I was curious about girls. I had a couple of dates that ended horribly when they saw my tiny little pecker. Here I was thinking that I was going to get my first blow job but instead I just got a look of disgust.

Tina Mayfield was known as the school slut and this girl fucked everyone. So when she asked me out on a date, I thought that I was finally going to get laid. She picked me up in her sedan and we drove to Gallows Park.

We fooled around a bit in the back seat and I was able to get her blouse open and her breasts spilled out. The nipples were coned shaped as I groped them. I slid my hand in her panties and fingered her. She then leaned down and opened my pants and when she saw my little penis she burst out laughing.

"Jesus Josh! It's so little. I had no idea that the rumors were true!" She laughed.

That didn't stop her from trying though. Tina was horny and began to suck life into my little acorn until it grew hard. She was barely at it for more than a minute when it went off and I had an orgasm. My cum dribbled out and she slurped it into her mouth.

Tina rose up, stared at me and looked sick.

"Your cum is bitter. Disgusting really!" She replied.

The only saving grace of that date was that I got to see her voluptuous tits before she went down on me.

And then I had a date with Teri Andres. She and I fooled around and I also got to see her small tits. She reached in my pants and fiddled with my dick until it went off and covered her hand in my goo. She also looked disgusted and that was the end of that.

I also had dates with Becky Schmidt and Susie Hamper. Both of those ended in a similar fashion.

So anyways, here I was in my sister Stacy's bedroom. I opened her dresser and rifled through her panties. I then looked under her bed and found a shoe box and pulled it out. I opened the lid and found a 3 inch long thin vibrator. I also found a couple of dirty Playgirl magazines. I wasn't interested in the guy stuff but looked through the magazines just the same.

I flipped to the back pages and saw a couple of the ads and one in particular caught my eye. It was about lengthening your penis.

3 inches guaranteed!

I took the magazine back to my bedroom and pulled up the website on my computer. There was a short video to watch and I hit play. I watched the whole thing and at the end of it was an opportunity to purchase the product being advertised. So, I threw caution to the wind and ordered it. What was the worst that could happen? It could be a dud and I would be out $100? It was worth it in my opinion.

The waiting for the product to arrive was the worst as it took over a week before it showed up. I opened the box and stared at the product inside. There was 1 container of powder. Just 2 scoops per day after breakfast. That was it.

There was a short summary enclosed of what to expect, how the product worked and a coupon to order some more of it.

So began my journey...


Nothing happened over the first 2 weeks. I was skeptical that anything would actually change even though I checked my penis everyday for something to occur. Like most guys, I measured my penis so that I had a reference point to start from. My dick was about an inch long when soft and 3 inches long when hard. The thickness was about 2 inches in circumference.

The product promised to add length and girth to my penis. 3 inches it said! It did say that it would take time to happen. Something about replacing the bad testosterone with good testosterone. And within a few weeks, that my penis would begin to grow longer and thicker. My sperm production would increase 400% and it would taste better too!

What did I have to lose! Right? I was so excited for something, really anything to happen!

I did notice that my arms began to fill out, as did my shoulders and chest slightly. Even my legs began to show some definition.

It was Friday morning. 15 days after starting the powder. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to piss. I was still half asleep as I stood over the toilet to urinate. I gripped my dick and let the pee fly. That thought alone should have raised my spirits.

I then started the shower and got in and felt the hot water sooth my neck. I grabbed the soap and lathered my hands and began to wash my dick and balls and that's when I felt something different down there. It still didn't dawn on me that things were changing though. I mean come on, nothing can make our dicks grow bigger, right?

I got out of the shower and dried off and when I looked in the mirror, my jaw dropped. I looked a little bigger down there. It wasn't a major change but it was something. It was like going from a pencil to a highlighter in terms of thickness. And the length too had increased some. It no longer looked like a scared little acorn.

I chalked it up to my imagination playing tricks on me and went about my day.

I continued to take the powder religiously and 4 days later, I noticed that things felt heavier down there. I woke up Tuesday morning and felt that again, I actually had something to hold onto as I urinated. My stream felt stronger too as I pissed.

Could there be something to this powder after all?

Was it just in my imagination or was I actually feeling more confident and less depressed! I felt more sure of myself as I thought about things that used to bother me, but still was it just in my mind?


I knew that things were different when I showered after gym class and no one was razzing me. There were no snide comments or snickering.

I also noticed that the girls who used to poke fun at me stopped.

Girls began to look at me different too.

Tara Stevens walked up to my locker one morning. She just stood there and looked at me. I turned to her and said, "Hey Tara."

Like a deer in headlights she just looked at me and then wandered off.

I shrugged my shoulders and went to my next class.

I saw some guys lifting weights in the gym and went over and tried out some of the machines. It was a lot easier than what I imagined. I was a lot stronger than what I thought I was and my muscles responded really well to whatever I lifted. I made it a habit to lift some weights every day at school.


I awoke on Saturday morning. 4 weeks had gone by since I started taking the Alpha X10ND powder. I took a piss and then a shower and when I got out I found a cloth ruler and measured my penis.

From base to the tip it was now 4 inches long and 3 inches in circumference. I thought about Tara and got an instant boner. Again, I measured my dick and it was a little over 5 inches long and the circumference was almost 4 inches around.

"Holy shit!" I blurted excitedly.

It worked! It actually fucking worked!

I was done with the powder, but really pleased with the results. I walked back to my bedroom and was so happy with my discovery that I forgot that my sister Carla had come home for the weekend to do laundry.

I nearly collided with her in the hallway.

"Watch-it pee-wee!" She blurted and laughed.

I just smirked at her.

Pee-wee. If she only knew how big my dick was now, she would be eating her words.

"There's something different about you pee-wee. I can't place it, but did you grow taller or something?" She asked skeptically.

She reached a hand out and touched my biceps.

I shrugged my shoulders and just stared at her.

I was more sure of myself. I had thicker skin. My sister's snide remark didn't phase me like it used to. I stared at her with my arms crossed.

My sister grabbed the towel around my waist and pulled it off. She didn't say anything as she looked down at my dick hanging there.

I thought she was going to laugh, but that's when I noticed that her nipples were hard and I got an erection. My 5 inch dick curved up like a banana.

Carla blanched at the erection I had.

"Oh wow!" She exclaimed.

I didn't cover myself up. I was really tempted to grab her nipples through her t-shirt though.

Carla stared at my dick while I stared at her tits.

I then got really bold and said, "Pick up my towel and hand it to me."

Carla glanced briefly at my face before squatting down and picking up my towel. She gazed at my dick the whole time while she rose to her feet. She then handed it to me before turning around and walking back to her bedroom. I watched her open her door and then turn to give me one last glance and a brief smile before I turned, walked back to my room and closed the door.

I stared down at my dick and said, "I think she likes you pal."

I went over to my closet and pulled out some lube. I put a dollop in my palm and began to massage it into my dick. It felt good.

I sat on my bed and began to beat off. I know that I shouldn't have been thinking about her because she was my sister, but I couldn't help it! Those tits and nipples!

I expected my dick to explode at any minute and was surprised when it didn't.

I really wanked it good and was at it for almost 15 minutes! I did feel really horny and I continued to beat off. I imagined myself undressing my sister and the moment I fantasized seeing her naked breasts, my dick went off.

"Ohhhh!" I groaned.

A thick wet stream of sperm shot out of my dick and flew several feet in the air before landing on the blue carpet.

"Ungh!" I grunted as a second spurt flew out of my cock.

I grunted a third time as my dick spit semen out in a similar fashion.

"Whoa! That was intense!" I whispered to myself.

I cleaned up the mess with a t-shirt and placed it in my hamper.

The most surprising thing was that I was still hard.

I sat at my computer and ordered more of the Alpha X10ND Ultra. I paid for 3 more jars and then got a reply that they were out of stock, but my order would be processed as soon as the next shipment came in.


Later that evening I went to a party.

Dave Graham was a friend from our street. He invited me to Charlie Smith's house down on Hampton Way. His parents were gone for the week and the place was packed full of people. We were ushered up the stairs to the master bedroom where 4 other guys were hanging out.

Charlie came in the room along with Pete Franklin and they were carrying a piece of drywall with them. They put it on the floor where a sheet was covering the hardwood floor.

Shit! Pete was one of the kids who always teased me. I hated him and seethed with sudden rage.

He looked at me and smirked. I heard him utter under his breath, "No way is pee-wee going to go for this."

"I heard that you 6 are still virgins, so my friend Pete here helped me create this piece of drywall into a glory hole wall. And for those who don't know, a glory hole is where you put your pecker through the hole and some girl gives you a blowjob." He laughed.

None of us looked thrilled by the idea.

"Look, this is your chance to have a little anonymous fun. You each will put this mask on and then place your pecker through the hole where you are standing. Only you will be able to see the girl who is blowing you. She won't know who you are. Are you guys up for this?" Charlie asked.

None of us looked thrilled.

"Geesh! Come on guys! Loosen up!" Pete told us.

We watched as Tina entered the room.

Pete walked behind the sheet of drywall and a minute later he stuck his dick through one of the holes.

None of us could believe it.

Tina then walked over and got on her knees and began to kiss, lick and stroke the dick hanging out until it was hard. She then moved to the side so that we could see what she had done and Pete's dick curved up like a 5 inch long banana.

She then began to suck it into her mouth and a couple of minutes later we heard Pete moaning as he had an orgasm. Tina took it all in her mouth and swallowed every drop before she pulled off and cum continued to ooze from his dick. She wiped her mouth before looking at us.

"Okay boys, who's next?" She laughed as she smirked at me.

Charlie ushered Tina from the room and closed the door.

"Are you guys down for this or what? No one will know who's dick is who's. Take a mask and line up while Pete and I leave the room. We will dim the lights even." He told us and then left the room.

The 6 of us pulled our pants and underwear down to our ankles. We each put on a mask and then stepped up to a hole and put our dick through it.

The door opened and in walked 6 girls. The lights were too dim to see who was who as they stood in front of each of us. They all had a blindfold on and then they knelt down and began to kiss, lick and stroke us hard.

Soon there were sounds of moans and mouths sucking dick. Some were making choking noises while others just enjoyed the experience.

The guy to my left grunted and began to orgasm. So did the guy on the end.

The girl sucking my dick made these weird slurping noises and all I could see was her blonde head trying to take my dick deeper and deeper in her mouth.

Another guy grunted in orgasm and then so did the last two.

I was still going strong. The mouth felt good on my dick, but I wasn't close to cumming yet. But then she began to play with my balls and I felt that familiar feeling enter my shaft.

I grunted, "FUCK!"

And then unleashed a huge spurt of cum down her throat. My cock spit semen again and again and again until 4 healthy blasts of sperm flew out of my cock.

It was incredible!

The girl released my dick from her lips and briefly looked up at me. She couldn't see my face, but I could see hers and my heart began to beat faster. Shit!

The girl smiled at me and wiped her lips before getting to her feet and walking out of the room.

We pulled up our underwear and pants and then congratulated one another on pushing through our anxiety to get our dicks sucked.

We then went back to the party.


What we didn't see was that Pete had recorded the whole thing. He uploaded the video to a porn site and everyone got a chance to see what had happened.

I was standing with Dave Graham and Rick Patterson.

"Which one is pee-wee?" Pete asked Tina who was standing nearby.

"I'm not sure Pete. Maybe the first one?" She replied uncertainly.

The 3 of us walked over to a corner to talk.

"Josh, don't take this the wrong way, but what happened to you?" Rick asked me.

"Uh, I'm not sure what you mean man." I replied but knowing exactly what he was getting at.

"I think what Rick means bud is that your dick is no longer small." Dave said.

"Oh that, well I guess I finally hit puberty." I laughed.

They both looked at me oddly and laughed too.


Word spread fast at school and soon the girls began flirting with me.

This one girl, Sara Thomas was a cheerleader. She was really cute and a redhead with a slender figure.

She sat next to me in study hall one day. We got to talking and that coming Saturday we went out on a date together.

Sara and I made out and she didn't resist as I removed her shirt and bra. I played with her tits and she opened my pants. Her hands circled my dick and got me hard. She then gave me a blow job.

Sara was sucking me for a good 10 minutes before raising her head.

"I want you inside me Josh." She groaned lustfully.

She removed her pants and panties and straddled my waist.

I was finally about to get laid.

She sat down on my hard dick! God, she was wet! Her pussy was so nice and warm.

She placed my hands on her tits and kissed me in between strokes. Up and down, up and down she rode me.

"I want you to cum in me Josh! Come on stud! Fill me full of your spunk!" She demanded.

Sara rode me harder and faster and suddenly seized up in orgasm.

"Yesss ohhhhh!!!" She groaned.

I felt her juices wet my crotch and this sent me over the top. I drove in deep and grunted.

"Ohhhhh!" I moaned as my dick spewed a huge load in her pussy.

I kept spurting cum and held Sara in place while I ejaculated again and again.

She then looked at me and smiled.

"That was hot Josh! You came so much in me!" She giggled.

"It was my first time." I told her.

"Well, it won't be your last time stud muffin. I can guarantee that." She said excitedly.


But it was our last time. You see Sara was a slut. She loved to fuck and she was searching for the perfect dick. And while mine was enjoyable, it didn't meet her standards of the perfect dick. She needed something long and thick.

That didn't stop Teri Andres from fucking me the following weekend. This girl was wild and had multiple orgasms while riding me.

I asked Teri to be my girlfriend and she accepted. We had sex every weekend for the next 3 months.

I expressed my love to her from the start until she reciprocated, even though it looked like she didn't want to. Something (or rather someone) was influencing her and not in a good way.

She broke up with me the week of Thanksgiving and I was devastated. I was so hurt that I contemplated killing myself over it.

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