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Altered Lifestyles

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Polyamory not all it’s cracked up to be.
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This is a quick short story that came to mind in a dream. It bears no resemblance to reality and is frothy bit of fiction. Very little sex so Romance category fits. The story examines the complications of polyamory. Enjoy.

"Good evening, and welcome to Altered Lifestyles," a show that looks inside real alternative relationships. I am your host, Albert Cross"

The Television studio was an unusual place for these three people to be, and their discomfort showed.

Dr. Russell Griggs is a family physician, thirty two years of age. He is of average height and weight, intelligent and quick witted. He is handsome and dressed in a business suit.

Meredith Macbeth is a paralegal. She is a very attractive woman, twenty nine years of age and dressed in a sweater and skirt. She looked the most comfortable of the three of them being interviewed.

Chuck Stanton is a firefighter. He is twenty seven years of age. At six foot five he is by far the tallest on the stage and he is very muscular. He wears a sweater with a "Grantham Fire Brigade" logo and a pair of blue jeans.

The interviewer began.

"These three people live together in a romantic relationship here in Grantham. Some would call them a throuple."

"Meredith, how would you describe your relationship with these two men?"

Meredith smiled, thinking this is likely going to be awkward.

"Thanks Albert. As you said, I live with these two men. I love them both. I never thought polyamory would have been possible for me. I still don't understand why it works but it does for me."

"Has there been any push back from the community?"

"Of course there has. Polyamory is still taboo. We live together unmarried so that is taboo in itself, but three of us, that is going to raise questions."

"Russell, can you tell us how you met Meredith?"

"Meredith and I were children, we played together, went to school together, grew up and went through puberty together. We fell in love. We went to separate colleges, she studied to be a paralegal and I studied medicine."

"So have been in love for a long time."

"To use a double negative, I've never not been in love with her really. Even in the university years we we spent apart we kept in touch."

"What about you Chuck, when and how did you meet Meredith?"

"The Fire Brigade had some legal issues that needed to be resolved. The images of firefighters on our calendar were being used without our permission. Meredith's law office was handling the situation."

"Just to clarify, this is the calendar with the cheesecake, semi-nude fire fighters that is sold for charity, am I right?"

"Yes, Meredith was sent to interview me about what actions I wished to take. During the interview she recognized me as October's fire fighter."

"For our viewers, this is the photo of Chuck from the calendar, it's the one of that was illegally used."

The photo of Chuck depicted him naked, holding a fire hose nozzle in a position that barely covered his genitalia. It could be seen in the studio on the monitors.

"It was a good thing that nozzle is as long as it is," quipped the interviewer.

"I was pretty impressed with Meredith and after she finished interviewing me about official business I asked her out. She turned me down."

"Really? Why did you turn him down Meredith?"

"I turned Chuck down because I was Russell's girlfriend. I wasn't about to cheat, no matter how much I might have found Chuck attractive."

"Russell, you two seem to have been very dedicated to each other."

"Yes, Meredith and I loved each other. She phoned and asked me if I would give her permission to go on a date with someone. I told her that because of the physical distance between us she could date if she felt she needed to. I reemphasized that I loved her but gave her the freedom to find what she needed.

If she had agreed to date Chuck before I gave her the freedom, then I'd have considered it cheating."

"Meredith, is that accurate?"

"Completely, Chuck and I dated for a while and fell in love. He didn't replace Russell, I still loved him too."

"How did you come to live together?"

"Chuck and I moved in together about six months before Russell had finished med school and returned to Grantham. He didn't like me living with Chuck. He needed somewhere to live so I invited him to move in with Chuck and I."

"So Chuck, how did you cope with Russell moving in?"

"I wasn't enthusiastic. We are better now, but back then it was painful for all three of us. It felt like Russell was imposing, Russell felt like I had stolen his girl and Meredith hated that the two of us weren't happy campers living that way."

Meredith interrupted, "I was unhappy that neither man could get past their jealousy. I cared for them both."

"This is a delicate question but we specialize in those on this show. How does the sex work out?"

Chuck chose to answer the question first.

"As a firefighter I work shifts. I spend a number of nights on duty at the station. Those night Russell sleeps with Meredith. On the nights when I am home, she sleeps with me."

Meredith felt the need to add, "Sometimes during a lunch break Chuck would come home for a quickie. Other times Russell and I would find our special moments. All in all I enjoy having sex with both men. They are very different."

"How would you describe the differences?"

"Physically they are very different. One is kind and loving, softly romantic. The other is hard and vigorous, powerful and demanding."

"Russell, you are being very quiet. How do you find the sexual arrangement?"

"I find it troubling for the most part. When Meredith and I sleep together we are the only two in the house. Chuck is working those nights so he never gets to see the other man taking his lover to bed. I do get to see them. Chuck has never had to hear the moans and sighs and groans of us making love, but I get to suffer hearing them fuck while I am in the guest room trying to sleep alone."

"That sounds like there are some hard feelings between you."

"Yes, it is awkward, difficult, even painful to have to listen to the woman you love being fucked by another man. I have had to leave the guest room and sleep on the sofa when Chuck is home."

"Meredith, you look surprised."

"This is the first I've heard about this being a problem."

"What did you think would happen Meredith? If Chuck was home when we are together he would say the same thing."

Meredith looked troubled at this, she replied, "To live this lifestyle we have all had to make sacrifices. By and large we have a happy life together."

"Let's move along then. Another question, for all of you, since there are three of you, do you ever engage in a threesome?"

"No fucking way!" shouted Chuck.

"No, never would happen." said Russell.

Meredith took her time before answering.

"It would be interesting for me. But I'd never ask that of them."

"Well, thank you all for allowing us a glimpse at this very different alternate lifestyle. Join us next week when we will be...."

Russell and Meredith had driven to the studio together. Chuck had driven to the studio directly from the fire station.

The drive home was quiet, a very tense quiet. It was a quiet that both knew wouldn't last. There were far too many issues to deal with.

Chuck pulled in to the driveway five minutes later to find the house quiet.

"Anybody home?"

There was no answer so he walked back to the patio door and he saw them sitting under a large shade umbrella.

"I wondered where you were. What did you think of the interview?"

Meredith answered, "It went much as I thought it would although I was a little surprised at Russell's answers.

"I only spoke the truth."

"You said that it hurt you to see Chuck and I go to bed together and you could hear us."

"Yes, I can hear every grunt and every sigh. I hear every 'fuck me harder Chuck, I love your huge cock, you are so tight, lick my clit, fuck my ass,' Each phrase is like a knife between my ribs."

Chuck smiled a wolfish grin. "Why don't you just stay in a hotel on my nights home?"

"Because this is my home too! Maybe we need to revisit this arrangement."

Chuck added, "Meredith, Russell is right, if he's unhappy maybe he should find himself somewhere else to live."

"Why would you think that? Meredith asked. "Why would you assume he would be the one to leave?"

Chuck's wolfish smile vanished. "I'm perfectly happy, he's the one experiencing the issues."

"But you're the one causing the issues for him Chuck."

"Huh? Come on Meredith, you love sex with me. Shit I'm twice his size."

"I love sex with Russell as much or more than sex with you, Don't forget that I wouldn't have dated you unless Russell gave his blessing when he was off in medical school. He didn't do that for you to sit here and mock him, he did it because he loved me."

Russell drew in a deep breath and sighed. "So this polyamory isn't working out very well is it guys? Meredith, you seem fine with it, Chuck you spend half of the time at the fire station anyway. I am reconsidering whether I can continue doing it. In fact, I am going to start looking for a new place tomorrow."

Chuck looked relieved. Meredith ran up the stairs, slamming the bedroom door, but she stood back, eager to hear the conversation.

"Russ, maybe leaving is the best idea. If you're not happy with the status quo."

"Chuck, you knew that Meredith and I were a couple. She dated you with my permission but it went from dating to something serious. This was never what I wanted or had in mind."

"I can't help it that Meredith fell in love with me. You opened up that possibility for us back then, she chose to go through with it."

"You aren't wrong Chuck. That's why I'm leaving. Just like back then, I want Meredith to be happy."

Meredith was at the top of the stairs. She had heard all that had been said.

"If you think that will make me happy you are very, very wrong."

"I know it will hurt, but I can't stay. This isn't healthy for any of us."

The hunt for a new apartment didn't take long. Russell was out of the house and into his new one within a month. Relations had been cold between him and Meredith because he wanted it that way, it made the separation less painful.

He hated being alone again. He hated leaving her with Chuck. In his mind this was the only way of saving his sanity. He hoped that Meredith would come to understand his sacrifice was for his sanity and for her happiness.

A month after the move Meredith texted Russell.

"Hi Russ, I miss you. It's hard to be here without you. Would you come back if we asked you to? Chuck as been very busy with special training on the west coast. We haven't seen each other for two weeks."

"Sorry you are lonely, but no, I couldn't live with you and Chuck, even if you begged me. Not because I don't love you, but because I do. My presence would only bring misery. Chuck will be home soon and you'll forget about me."

"Never, I'll never forget you."

Another month passed, then Russell received another text.

"Russ, I am getting concerned. Chuck is still on the west coast. He has been uncommunicative. He answers in short sentences and never expands on how things are going other than "okay".

He should have been back a week ago. Is there any chance you can get him to tell you what's happening?"

"Why would he talk to me? He isn't fond of me. He says he loves you, so I don't think I can be of much help. He didn't ask for permission to date someone did he?"

"No! I'm sorry I ever asked you that! If only I'd waited for you to finish med school we would have married."

"You were a young woman that needed intimacy that I couldn't give you when I was so far away. I knew that, I wish I'd never said yes to you but it's water under the bridge now. Do you think Chuck has a woman on the west coast?"

"No idea. It's not like him to be so quiet though."

"Let me see if I can get him to respond."

"Thanks Russ, I love you."

Every time she says I love you it sets butterflies loose in his stomach.

Russell phoned rather than texted Chuck.

""Russell, let me guess, she asked you to call."

"Yes, she is concerned. You are acting out of character."

"I've been on the coast for training. I was asked to stay to discuss future plans."

"Sounds cryptically vague."

"They want me to stay to teach at the academy. I would like to, but it would mean leaving Meredith. I would have preferred to stay in Grantham except that I've met someone here that makes me want to stay here and take this job."

"Ah, and you don't want to have Meredith suspect."

"I don't know what to do Russell."

"Ask her, just like she asked me. Tell her you are on the coast for an extended period and you'd like her permission to date someone."

"The worst she could tell me is no, right?"

"Pretty much."

Russell wasn't surprised when his phone rang with Meredith's ring tone a few days later.

"Russ, did you put him up to this?"

"I contacted him. He said he had complications and asked for my advice. I told him he should simply ask you directly."

"I can't believe he'd have the cheek to ask that."

"But you had the cheek to ask me the same question."

"I am so sorry I ever put you in that situation. It feels awful knowing that he wants someone else. Yes, I realize it's hypocritical of me."

"What did you see in him that made you want him so badly?"

"It was purely physical Russ. He is tall, muscular, handsome. I mean look as his calendar pose, he is hung like a horse! I was lonely. I couldn't cheat on you, so I asked permission."

"If I'd seen the calendar I might have said no way to your request. So you're saying it was just physical."

"He became emotionally attached to me. I wasn't emotionally attached to him. To stop seeing him would have been cruel. So I continued until I finally felt a bond with him. Then you got home from med school and my world changed."

"Meredith, why didn't you break off with me right away? That would have been the merciful thing to do."

"Let me ask the same question of you Russ. Why didn't you break off with me when you found Chuck and I living together?

"Because we both loved each other, we couldn't say goodbye."

"You are right. Do you still love me Russ?"

"As much as I ever have."

"Will you come back to live with me? Chuck won't be coming back."

"No Meredith, I won't."

Meredith was shocked into silence.

Russell continued, "I can't. If we are to have any future together at all it won't be as housemates or girlfriend or boyfriend or lovers."

He paused as he gathered his strength

"You don't know what it is like having to share the person you can't live without. It is unbearable yet I did bear it for a time."

"Meredith, If I moved back in with you there would always be the thought that I was second choice. Chuck is gone so you'll settle for me. I couldn't bear that. I'll be your best friend and confidant, but I won't live with you."

Meredith cried quietly.

"I understand. I will always be yours, in any way you'll have me."

Russell stayed in his apartment and he and Meredith dated. They dined out, went to concerts and shows together. They were physically close but didn't make love. They both wanted to, but Russell always pulled back.

It took six long months before Meredith breeched the subject once more.

"Russ, living apart like this is getting very frustrating. I want to be with you again. Please come back to live with me. I haven't dated anyone but you since Chuck left. I don't want anyone else."

"No, I will not move back in with you. It would only be like children playing house. We would live together for the convenience of not having to go home alone. That is not the relationship I want or need. There is only one way I will live with you."

He breathed deep as he gathered his strength once more.

"I will move back in with you, only if we are husband and wife, one man and one woman, one flesh, joined in holy matrimony, until death do us part."

"Are you proposing to me over the phone?

"Only because you are not standing in front of me. If you were here, and you accepted my proposal, we would kissing and hugging each other. If you turned me down, well I'd be glad it was over the phone because there is no way I'd want you to see the disappointment and tears."

"Russell Griggs, I accept your proposal on the grounds that you hustle your ass over here, get down on one knee and put a ring on my finger!"

Russell did exactly that.

It was a lovely church ceremony and there were many friends there to celebrate with them. Chuck and Dolores, his fiancé even attended.

The months following were wonderful for the pair. They discovered just how much they enjoyed and needed the formality of marriage and the exchanging of vows. It made their time of polyamory a faded shadow of the true love they held for each other.

Albert Cross and Altered Lifestyles had requested a follow up interview. They agreed but instead of three people they had four with the addition of Dolores.

The interview didn't go according to the script Cross wanted. The polyamorous plot fell apart as they told their story about how their relationships morphed into traditional marriages.

So no sensational threesomes, partner swapping or strained relations. Just normal boring traditional marriage. That episode never made it to air.

A shame for the show, a blessing for the two couples.


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Sailor59Sailor592 months ago

Then the next hunk firefighter came along and Meredith fell for the next big hose... Aren't there some cute nurses roaming the hospital that are available? Move on.

muskyboymuskyboy2 months ago

More Fetish or Erotic Coupling. Not much romance.

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