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Alyah Ch. 03: Big Black Camper

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When Lewis joins the campers, Aly and Ella share his BBC.
7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/29/2022
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Chapter 03 - Big Black Camper

It was early Saturday morning, the 3rd and last full day of our camping trip.

I woke up next to my 18 year old, college freshman boyfriend, Erik. He was still asleep after a passionate night of sex, but his wrist was caught in my 32F bra and was strangling me. When I unclasped it to slip away, he clung to the bra and smelled it in his sleep. I stood up to stretch, thinking about last night.

Sex with Erik was a fun couple of minutes, but all I could think about was my best friend Ella's boyfriend, Jason. Shortly before I had sex with my boyfriend, I was with Jason. His experienced, 19 year old cock, pumping for what felt like an eternity. Jason was insatiable. Even though he came on my tits, he was still horny enough to fuck Ella afterwards. After Erik came on my stomach last night, he quickly fell asleep. I had to lie there, listening to my bestie and her boyfriend try to muffle their moans, until I fell asleep.

The thought of Jason making Ella cum, the same way he forced me to have an orgasm, was making me wet again. I squeezed my breasts, remembering how he liked the way his cock felt between my soft, all natural tits. As one of my hands slid down my panties, toward my wet pussy, I softly moaned. "You want me to make you cum again, Jason?"

A deep, masculine voice, called from outside the tents. "Hellooo? Anyone up?"

Not recognizing the voice immediately, I grabbed my one piece swimsuit as I scrambled to get any kind of clothing to cover myself up.

An exhausted female voice replied, "Lewis? What the fuck dude? How did you get here so early?" I knew it was my best friend Ella. I'm guessing Jason kept the petite 18 year old up all night.

My panic stopped when I heard her call out to Lewis.

He was a friend of mine, and Ella, since we were high school freshmen. He was tall, with dark brown skin and curly black hair in a fade. Lewis often looked out after us throughout high school. His size and complexion often intimidated the more aggressive guys. It also helped that he was a 19 year old in our senior class, due to being held back a grade at an early age. Although, I haven't seen him much recently, due to all his time being dedicated to football practice or his girlfriend, Jen. I was looking forward to hugging his large, teddy bear, belly.

As Ella and Jason were greeting Lewis, I heard the voice of Ian as well. Ian was the 18 year old sleazebag, who watched me lose my virginity, and I may have coerced me into blowing him. He was the one person I was not looking forward to seeing and planned to avoid the rest of the camping trip.

My disgust turned into relief, when I felt a kiss on my cheek. "I'll let you get dressed." Erik whispered, before he put on some pants and walked out of the tent.

When I sat there naked, I realized we were probably going swimming, so I laid out 2 swimsuits. My modest, pink, one piece swimsuit was on the left. On the right, was the slutty micro bikini my BFF gifted me, which her boyfriend made me cum in. Afraid of what might happen with the micro bikini, I grabbed the modest one on the left.

"Yo, Ella. Where's Aly?" Lewis asked.

"Oh, you know the little princess. She needs her beauty sleep." Ella responded coyly.

Then she yelled, "Wake up slut! We gave a guest."

Her shouting caused me to fumble around. "Jeez! I'm putting on my swimsuit!"

Lewis chuckled. "No rush. No rush. The guys are setting up my tent, I brought some breakfast sandwiches if you want. I'm gonna to get my stuff from the car."

"Oh Yummy." I said, as I tied the string behind my head.

When I looked down to fix the top, I realized I had put on the slutty pink bikini. What am I doing? I wondered to myself, as I failed to get the small triangles to cover the entire area of my areolas.

Then I worked on trying to get the panty to cover up more than just my clit.

"She still in there?" I heard Lewis whisper.

"Yup. Need help in there my little butterfingers? I know there's a lot of strings." said Ella.

"Strings?" Lewis started to say, before I unzipped a small part of the tent and stuck my head out.

The first person I saw was Ella, so I glared and said, "I'm done. I'm just-"

I trailed off when I saw Lewis. He was not the heavy set guy I remembered. He had muscles, like everywhere, all glistening with sweat in the sun.

My voice got higher as I shyly said, "Hey... Lewis..."

"Girl, come here. Give the teddy bear a hug." he said with a smile and opened arms.

After a second, I unzipped the tent and bashfully stepped out in my bikini.

"Daaamn." he said, eyeing me up and down. Then he looked at Ella and said with suspicion, "What the hell you do to her?"

Lewis gave me a more awkward hug than I expected.

"I had nothing to do with this." Ella said in an innocent tone.

With my head pressed against a massive arm, I looked at Ella and said, "We're wearing the same swimsuit."

As he let go of the hug, it looked like he took another glance at my body, before turning to Ella.

Admittingly, I was admiring his body as well. His arms, his chest, his abs, everything was just rock solid. Like it was chiseled from marble. My eyes trailed down to his dark blue swim trunks.

Before my imagination could wander, I heard Ella say, "So I guess you like the swimsuit?"

She then leaned forward and double tapped what seemed like a steel pipe, going half way down his pants.

My eyes grew wide at what I saw, before I looked up and tried to hide a smile from Ella.

"Girl... What's wrong with you?" he turned away from us, with a slight grin. He wiped his nose and glanced at the other guys setting up his tent.

Ella looked at me, then grabbed his arm. "Did I tell you? He was. My First."

Lewis shook his head and said, "Whatchu you doing? Telling her that buuullshit."

"It's true. You were my first." Then whispered with a smile, "Big. Black. Cock."

Lewis covered his mouth while he chuckled, "Daaaamn. Why you gotta be like that?"

He rubbed his pole through his trunks, then added, "Girl. You know I'm in a relationship... with Jen... A monogamous one."

While I continued to observe Lewis' body, Ella slid behind me to make some kind of gesture.

Lewis let out a deep breath. "Nope... Nope..." he said, as he stepped back. Then he pointed to where his tent was being set up and continued, "I'm going to be over here, helping these guys."

He stopped and added with a smile, "Seriously. Aly. You look great."

Then he pointed to Ella and said almost sincerely, "Don't let that Ho over there, corrupt you."

As I smiled shyly at him, he looked at Ella. "Nope. Whatever you're planning over there. Keep me out of it." Then he walked away mumbling to himself. "Damn freaky ass chic-."

Ella grinned at Lewis as he walked away, before petting my head as I leaned it on her shoulder.

After he was far enough to not hear us, I swooned again. "He lost weight."

At the same time, she said mocking my voice, "Sorry about Jen's dog."

"Like a lot of..." I started to continue, before asking in confusion, "wait, what about Jen's dog?"

Ella continued in her mocking tone, "Sucks that Jen couldn't come."

Then she switched to her normal voice, "Sorry, I was just imagining the things you would have said, if you weren't eye fucking Lewis."

She wiggled her tongue at me, getting really close to my cheek.

"What's going on with Jen?" I asked Ella.

"Well, while you were ogling our friend's six pack, he was telling us about how his girlfriend's dog ate something bad and got really sick. Jen is home, making sure doggie takes it's medicine, but she told Lewis to go enjoy what's left of our fall break."

"Oh my god. When did he say all that?" I asked.

"Just now." she said with a confused tone. "Wow. You really weren't paying attention that whole time. You're such a bad friend." she said before grinning at me.

I pouted and snuggled up to Ella's shoulder, shaking my head in disagreement.

We were silent for a bit, before Ella sighed. "Sooo. You want my help?"

My sleepy eyes were closed, as I yawned and said in a tired tone, "Help with what?"

"That giant, thick cock. I'm telling you, Lewis is too big for you to take on by yourself."

I sat up and leaned away from Ella, then stared at her with an annoyed face.

She made a rotating motion with two hands, simultaneously moving them up and down. "We can double team him and take turn-"

I cut her off and whispered in frustration. "I told you. I am not having sex with anyone else, except Erik, for the rest of this trip."

"Ok. Ok." Ella said in disbelief. Then she rubbed her belly and said, "Let's go have breakfast. I'm starving."

We got up and held each other by the arm, as we walked to a table with a bag of fast food.

Ella said, "Do you want to share Lewis' sausage with me?"

I sighed in frustration, "I just told you, I'm not doing that."

Ella burst into laughter. "That's totally not what I meant. You perv. Lewis brought sausages, and sandwiches. And I think doughnut holes."

Feeling embarrassed, I quietly picked up a sausage from the bag. I used my nails to break it apart and gave half to Ella.

I gently put the sausage in my mouth, trying not to get grease on my fingers, as I looked at what else was in the bag.

Ella sucked on the sausage for a bit, before pulling it out and saying, "Don't worry, Lewis is bigger than that."

I coughed and started choking on the sausage for a second.

Ella just sat there laughing at me. After we both settled down, she held a doughnut hole for me.

"You want to eat out Lewis' chocolate hole?" she asked with a grin, as she finished eating the sausage.

I just glared at her and grabbed a sandwich from the bag.

As we ate, the guys joined us after setting up the tent. We talked for a bit, before going to the beach to play. The guys set up a volleyball net and everyone started to play, but I decided to just watch and work on my tan.

I'm not exactly the sporty type, but I also didn't want to risk anything popping out. Despite most of them already seeing me naked, something was telling me the knots I tied on my bikini weren't as tight as when Ella tied them for me.

A couple hours passed before they took a break to eat lunch, then they continued their game, since it was really close. After a while, 2 brown haired girls and a blonde guy were walking down the beach toward us. The 2 girls were really pretty, wearing dark bikinis, under tight t-shirts. The guy wasn't looking too bad himself, wearing only blue swim trunks. They started chatting with everyone, but I was too far to hear what they were saying.

Before I could stand up, Ella and Lewis started walking towards me. "Who are they?" I asked.

Lewis slowly sat down facing me. "Sounds like they go to the same university as Erik and Jason."

"Do they know them?" I asked.

Ella slowly sat beside me, making painful noises the whole time. "Didn't seem like it."

She cuddled up to me and sighed in exhaustion.

When the strangers left, the rest of the boys started walking back.

Ian said to us, "Those guys are having a bonfire at the beach. You wanna go?"

"Where is it?" I asked, while looking around for some kind of fire.

"It's all the way over there." Jason said, while pointing to what seemed like the other end of the beach.

Erik added, "We'll have to leave now, if we want to make it before sunset."

Lewis did a tired whistle. "Damn, that's far. I think I'm gonna sit this one out. Got a long drive tomorrow and I'm already tired."

As everyone looked at me, Ella seemed excited at the thought of a bonfire, but I really didn't want to go that far. "I think I'm staying too, but you guys should definitely go."

"Ok. I can stay too, baby." Erik said, sounding a little disappointed.

"Noo. Babe. If they're from your school, you should go. Make some friends." I replied.

"You sure it's okay?" Erik asked.

Ella wrapped her arms around me. "You guys should totally go."

"You're not coming babe?" Jason asked.

"Nah. After the big guy falls asleep." Ella said, pointing to Lewis. "I can spend some girl time with my bestie." She added, giving me a warm hug.

"Aww." I said, returning Ella's hug. "Yeah, we'll be fine babe." I said to Erik.

Erik kissed my cheek and Jason kissed Ella, before the guys started their long walk to the fire.

Lewis, Ella and I started picking up everyone's stuff and transporting it back to camp. We reminisced about all the fun times we had, before collapsing into our respective lounge chairs.

After chatting for a bit, Lewis let out a deep loud yawn. He stood up and gave his muscles a good stretch. "Well, I'm gonna to take a shower, then probably pass out."

"Ok." Ella and I said in unison, then waved as he walked away. I stared at his figure silhouetted by the setting sun. After a few seconds, I felt someone's eyes locked on me from the side.

My head turned to see Ella staring and grinning. "So. We doing this?"

"Doing what?" I said, afraid to hear the answer.

"Seducing Lewis." Ella asked in confusion. "Wait, why did you want to stay back, if that wasn't the plan?"

"I didn't want to walk so far!" I loudly said in an embarrassed tone.

"Ok! Ok!" she said, trying to calm me down. "It's just that he's already naked for you. Lathering his strong... vascular... muscles... Cleaning his washboard abs..."

I felt myself suck in part of my lip, as Ella described his body in detail.

"He'll be so clean, he's dick is going to squeak when it slides into your tight pussy." Ella said, going too far with her description.

As my eyes widened, my head bolted to her. I lifted my hand to smack her, but she was quick to defend herself.

"I'm kidding!" she giggled, making sure I couldn't aim for her face.

After we calmed down, she said, "Maybe he had the right idea about calling it early." Ella stood up and stretched. "I'm going to go shower." she announced.

As she bent over to get her clothes and towel, I lunged at her arm, knowing she was going to shower with Lewis. "I know what you're doing. You don't shower, until I shower." I said, before yanking her arm down.

Ella lost her balance, but I grabbed her by the waist, causing her to fall right onto my lap.

When she landed, I let out a grunt, and her arms wrapped around my neck.

"Not going to lie. You, telling me what I can and can't do, kinda hot." Ella whispered, as she playfully flicked my nose.

As I shook my head, I felt myself blushing. "Shuuut up."

"No seriously. I'm pretty wet right now." she whispered, as she slid her hand down to her bikini covered pelvis. She stared into my eyes and bit her lip, before letting out a whimper.

Realizing my BFF was masturbating on my lap, I whispered shyly, "Oh my god. Cut it out."

Her masturbating hand shot up away from her body, with her glistening fingertips pointing up in the air. Her other hand remained wrapped around my neck, as she said in an innocent tone, "Yes mistress."

As I took a deep breath, I shook my head. "It is so embarrassing to be your bestie sometimes."

"I'm sorry mistress. I'll be a good girl. Please play with my pussy." she said in her cutesy voice.

I let out an exhaustive sigh and looked up at the night sky.

Ella's face got closer to mine, so I looked at her. Ella's lips were an inch from my own, and her eyes were staring at my lips. I realized my hand was on her inner thighs, with a finger rubbing up against her pussy lips.

When I looked up toward the showers, I saw Lewis on his way back. "Get up. Get up." I whispered, trying to hurry Ella off my lap.

"Did I miss something?" Lewis said, as he reached the camp.

We shook our heads at Lewis. Ella was slowly breathing heavily.

"I think it's our turn to shower." I said, gently pushing Ella.

We grabbed our clothes and towels, then started walking.

"Alright. I'm gonna pass out, so good night you two." Lewis said.

"Why don't you join us?" Ella asked.

My eyes widened as I yelled back, "She's joking! Good night!"

Then I grumbled to myself, as I pushed her to speed up her pace.

When we got to the shower, I went to turn on the only warm shower, but stopped and turned to Ella. "You go first, I don't want you to try anything funny."

As I sat at the bench, she said, "You're going to watch? You perv."

She undressed and added, "Does my little voyeur want to watch me rub one out?"

Before she could turn on the shower, I jumped up and grabbed her hand. "On second thought, you've been so horny, I think you should take a cold shower."

Ella's demeanor quickly changed. "Aw come on! It's like ice cold."

I walked up to her naked body and whispered, "Do it. Your mistress demands it."

She sucked in her lips with a little embarrassment, then grinned and said, "Fine."

Ella poured some shampoo and conditioner in her hands, then punched at the knob to start the shower. She took a few deep breaths, before jumping in. She let out a squeal, as she quickly lathered up her hair and body.

I turned on the warm shower and slowly poured my own shampoo and conditioner, as I watched my bestie frantically scrubbing. "Stop splashing. You're getting cold water on me." I said coyly.

She quickly finished up and turned off the shower, before running to her towel.

Without even turning, I had a smug grin, as I continued showering slowly. I rubbed soap on my warmed body. My fingers gently circled my sensitive nipples, as my other hand spread soap down to my pelvis. When I touched my pussy, I accidentally let out a moan.

"Shit" I whispered and slowly turned my head. Expecting to see a shivering girl changing, giggling at me, instead I saw nothing. She was gone, along with her clothes and towel. As I looked around, I noticed something was also missing. My clothes.

I turned off the shower and picked up my towel, hoping my clothes were hiding underneath.

Nope. Ella took my clothing with her. At least she left me a towel, I thought, as I wrapped it around my body.

As I stomped back to camp, frustrated with Ella's shenanigans. I could see her by the campfire, dancing to slow music playing on her phone.

Ella was smiling at me, as she swayed with her arms open. "Dance with me?"

My cheeks puffed up, as I walked to her. "You took my clothes."

"You made me use the cold shower." she pouted, as she wrapped her freezing arms around me.

Her cold hands sent a shiver down my spine. I yelped softly and whispered, "So we're even?"

As we swayed, her body began to warm up by the fire. "Even." she whispered back.

We danced for a while, bodies pressed up against each other. It was actually really sweet..

When the song ended, my cheek was pressed against her's. "Why are we still naked?" I asked.

"We're not naked" she whispered. As the next slow song started, she stepped back, locking her eyes to mine. She opened her towel to reveal her cute, little, perky breasts.

My jaw dropped, when she dropped her towel completely. Her petite, pear shaped figure was completely exposed for the world to see.

A deep voice from across the campfire said "Fuuuck."

The startling voice caused me to spin around, as I gripped tightly to my towel.

Lewis was sitting in his lounge chair, wearing nothing but gray boxer briefs, rubbing a massive bulge.

"Lewis!" I gasped. Remembering my best friend was naked, I quickly kneeled down and back up, holding her towel in front of her nude body.

Ella groaned and grabbed the towel to wrap around her body.

"I thought you were going to sleep." I said to Lewis, brushing my hair away from my face.

"I was. Ella woke me up with her cold ass fingers. She said you two had something to show me."

Ella responded, "I said we have a show FOR you."

Then she hugged my waist and slowly walked us forward. "You want the next dance?" she asked him.

Lewis groaned, "I'd love to, but I'm too tired to even stand."


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