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A widower is jumped by his stepdaughter's girlfriends!
11.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/05/2022
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Things were getting out of hand.

It had started innocently, an "honest-to-gosh mistake," as his late wife would have called it with her charming refusal to use profanity. Now, his life was turning upside down, and he didn't know how to fix it.

He wasn't sure he even wanted to fix it.


Jim Porter was tall, gaunt, and silent, a widower who kept to himself and who might have become totally isolated in his neighborhood if not for his gregarious, spritely stepdaughter Elise. Her presence in his life was the only reason he was able to stay sane after his wife passed away, and her constant warmth and positive view of the world -- despite her grief -- kept Jim from completely giving up on life.

Jim had met Molly and her little daughter Elise thirteen years ago on a California beach, and after a brief, intense romance, they were married only six months later. Molly was the kindest person Jim had ever known, and Elise was a very easy child to manage. She was exuberant about having a father again, and the two bonded very quickly. Jim, Molly, and a bouncing, eager Elise became a regular sight in the neighborhood, strolling along the sidewalk at dusk or popping into the local burger joint for lunch on the weekends. Jim was still somewhat intimidating with his grim appearance and perpetual frown, but the dark storm cloud of Jim Porter was always balanced by the rays of sunshine that were his gentle wife and beaming little stepdaughter.

Molly's passing shattered Jim's world. She died just before Elise started high school, succumbing to a cancer that simply would not go away despite all the treatments, surgeries, and medicines. Elise was devastated, too, but she seemed to instinctively realize that her stepfather was on the verge of slipping away altogether, so she did everything she could to be there for him. Gradually, he came out of it, scarred but alive, and guilt-ridden that he had put Elise through the additional stress. They lent each other strength and continued with life, although it was abundantly clear that Elise was doing a better job of moving on than Jim.

Still, they were happy. Jim concentrated on work, and Elise immersed herself in all things high school. Everything was totally fine.

Until near the end of Elise's senior year, that is.


By this time, Elise was blonde, lovely, and enormously popular, and she routinely had a raucous assortment of female cronies hanging out with her at the house, lounging around the pool or acting silly in the basement rec room. Jim didn't pay them as much attention as he probably should have, but he had always taken a hands-off approach to parenting -- he would step in when needed, but if she was doing fine, he wouldn't meddle.

He could put names to Elise's regular friends, though. There was Cindy, a black-haired beauty who always seemed to dress in skin-tight, goth-esque clothing; Adelle, a slightly chubby girl with an infectious laugh and a husky voice; Melanie, a slender, tawny product of interracial parents; and Kayla, another dimpled blonde that could easily have passed as Elise's sister. These four girls formed the core group around Elise, and over time Jim got to know their parents too, especially Cindy's mother Tamara and Adelle's parents Dave and Ellen. Sleepovers were a common occurrence, and since all the girls lived within two blocks of each other or -- in Adelle's case -- lived next door, inevitably one or two would show up on a Friday afternoon and end up staying through the weekend.

About three months before the end of their senior year, Adelle, Cindy, Melanie, and Kayla had joined Elise for an all-night horror movie binge, and they were down in the rec room screaming, giggling, and throwing popcorn at the screen. Jim could hear them all the way up on the second floor. Around eleven, he gave up trying to work, left his study, and decided to take a shower before going to bed.

He was standing in the shower, rinsing off and quietly enjoying the soothing warmth of the water and steam, when he heard a muffled sound. He peered out through the glass, trying to identify the faint mechanical click he had heard. He noticed that the bathroom door was somewhat ajar. Scowling, he quickly opened the shower and stepped out, irritated that he had forgotten to close it all the way.

Standing there in the half-open doorway -- craning her neck around the door and peeking in -- was Adelle. Her eyes widened in astonishment, glued to the space between his legs.

Jim Porter had been many things in life to his Molly. He had been her best friend and her lifelong partner. She had loved his dark moods, his gentle touch, his apolitical outlook on life, and his infrequent and odd sense of humor. She had also been passionately in love with his sexual prowess, and she had always found an excuse to get her hands on his penis whenever she could. Even years after their marriage, she had never tired of getting physical with her "deep dick" man, as she had always called him in mischievous, sexy whispers.

Now, standing not five feet away, an eighteen-year-old friend of his stepdaughter was staring wide-eyed at the same big, thick manhood that had enthralled Molly Porter.

For a moment, both paused, startled. Jim noticed for the first time that Adelle seemed to have lost the chubbiness that had been so prevalent on her form for years and matured into an appealingly curvaceous young woman. As she leaned into the doorway, slightly hunched over, her cleavage was on full display, prominent and inviting. Her reddish-brown hair had been cut short, but it framed her face superbly and accented her large, expressive green eyes. Her lips were slightly parted, and her pale features bore the trademark flush of arousal.

Then Jim felt the faint flutters of cold air brought in through the open door, gently stirring around his penis. It was too much. The sensations, the years of abstinence after his wife died, and the knowledge that a very attractive young woman was eagerly consuming his penis with her eyes roused his nether regions. His dangling cock swelled and thickened, and then it gave an impatient, enthusiastic twitch.

Adelle uttered a small involuntary 'oh!' and then shifted her incredulous gaze to Jim's face. He made no move to hide himself. Finally, with his engorged cock standing at full attention, he recovered enough to speak.

"You shouldn't be in here," he murmured in his deep, raspy voice.

"I know," she replied, staring once again at his crotch. A small grin appeared on her face. "That is the biggest penis I've ever seen," she whispered.

"You need to leave," Jim ordered.

"I know," she said again, making no move to leave. "Are you hard because of me?" she asked, startled.

Jim stared at her for a long time. He had never been one to lie to people out of hand. "Partly," he admitted finally. "You are a good-looking young woman, Adelle. But it is not as simple as that."

Adelle broke into a pleased smile. "You want to have sex with me, don't you, Mr. Porter?"

"My body might want that, but I'm not stupid enough to allow that to happen. Now go on. I don't need this kind of trouble in my life. You have boys your own age that you can 'play' with."

"My boyfriend doesn't have a dick like that, though," she pouted. "Not even close!"


"Okay, okay, I'm leaving," she replied. She grinned impishly again. "You sure I can't help you with your-

"Enough!" Jim growled, pointing. "Out!"

Adelle closed the door with a giggle, taking one last look at his erection.


Jim finally managed to get himself under control. He hoped Adelle had enough sense to keep their little exchange to herself. Nothing had happened, of course, but he knew it wouldn't take much for a senseless comment to be misunderstood and rain hellfire down on the Porter residence.

He put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt and headed downstairs, deciding he needed to check on Elise and her friends before he went to bed. To his surprise, he heard them in the kitchen, not in the basement. From the sound of it, they were making more popcorn. Kayla was on the phone ordering pizza.

"I'm telling you! It was huge!" Adelle suddenly exclaimed in a too-loud whisper.

"Get real," Cindy snorted, clearly not believing Adelle, judging by the tone of her voice. Cindy was more mature than the other girls -- physically and emotionally -- and frequently called them out on their bullshit.

Jim paused on the stairs, gritting his teeth in anger.

"Is that where you went?" Elise asked, irritated. "You went to spy on my dad?"

"He's your stepdad, El," Adelle shot back.

"So? Why were you spying on him?"

"Well, honestly, I didn't know he was in the shower," Adelle confessed. "I didn't mean to spy. I didn't hear the water running, and the door was open a little. I just wanted to say hi and check on him, that's all. And there he was, stepping out of the shower, all long, lean, and wet, with a big porn star cock between his legs!"

"Say what??" Kayla suddenly exclaimed. "Oh, no, sorry, I was talking to my friends. Yes, a pepperoni and olive pizza and a-

"Did he leave the bathroom open?" Cindy asked. She sounded intrigued, despite the disbelief still coloring her tone.

"Well, no, okay, I lied a little. I peeked in. He must have seen me open the door, because he stepped out of the shower at the same time. He got a big hard-on, too!"

"Shut up," Melanie scoffed.

"No, seriously, he did. It was so big and beautiful, and it got super thick. He apologized for it; said he couldn't help the reaction. Then he told me to get out."

Kayla finished her call. "I miss all the good stuff," she complained. "Next time take me with you, Adelle."

"Next time?" Elise asked in exasperation. "What next time?"

"C'mon, El," Kayla giggled. "Your stepdad is hot! He walks around all silent and handsome, and now this little bitch tells us he's loaded for a combat? I'm moving in tomorrow!"

Cindy chuckled. "She's not lying," she agreed. "He's hot, El. I'm moving in, too."

A soft chime rang through the kitchen.

"Woops," Kayla exclaimed, sounding startled. "That's probably DoorDash with the hot wings! Come on!"

Joking and laughing as only teenage girls can do, the five of them grabbed the food and headed back downstairs. Jim slowly walked back to his study, quietly absorbing what he had just heard.


Jim was a little apprehensive for weeks afterward, dreading what could happen if the girls shared his inadvertent bathroom encounter with Adelle with others. He had a brief, candid chat with Elise about it the day afterward, but she assured him he didn't need to apologize. His body had reacted quite naturally, and he didn't do anything wrong. She hugged him, reminded him that it was time for him to start dating again, and then took off to swim practice. Her nonchalant attitude about the whole thing was typical of Elise -- warm and understanding -- but something didn't seem quite right. Her eyes were very bright, and the slight grin on her face implied a level of deviousness that unsettled him.

The rest of Elise's senior year passed without too many troubles, though. Jim helped her get her plans organized for college, and Elise was excited when acceptance letters began arriving. Jim noticed a change in the girls' conversations as Elise and her friends lounged around the house. Instead of boys, they were spending far more time now talking about their plans after high school. Their tone suggested a mixture of anxiety and enthusiasm. Adelle and Cindy planned on staying local for the first couple of years before transferring, but Melanie, Kayla, and Elise all wanted the full college experience, so they had applied to all the biggest colleges in the state. It was a big step, and Jim was pleased to note that all the girls took it seriously.

On the other hand, throughout the last few months of their senior year, Jim kept stumbling upon Elise's friends in varying states of nudity.

The first time it happened, he genuinely thought it was an accident. He had been doing laundry, and he wanted to start a load of Elise's stuff, so -- basket in hand -- he had wandered down the hall to Elise's room and walked in, knowing she was downstairs in the rec room with her friends as usual.

Lying on her stomach on the bed and naked from the waist down was one of the girls. At first, he thought it was Elise, until the blonde looked over her shoulder and smiled impishly at him.

It was Kayla.

She had on white ankle socks and a frilly white top, and nothing else. She was laying on her stomach, and her gorgeous naked rear was pointed right at him. She had lovely tan lines and well-built, slightly parted legs, allowing him to see the puffy lips of her pussy. She looked like she had been on her phone.

Jim found his voice. "Shit, Kayla, I'm sorry," he said, backing out. "I thought you were all downstairs."

"It's okay, Mr. Porter," she giggled, bouncing off the bed. She reached for her tights. "I was changing, and then my brother started texting me. I should have finished getting dressed before I texted him back, but I got carried away."

She slipped her tights on -- sans underwear -- and patted Jim on the arm as she left the room. Jim's eyes followed her butt as she walked away, and he felt another swelling between his legs. Ruthlessly ripping his mind away from inappropriate daydreams, he opened Elise's closet and started pulling dirty clothes from the hamper.

On another occasion a few weeks later, he caught Adelle coming out of the basement bathroom wearing only her bikini bottoms. Her young boobs were on full display, firm and capped with large, erect nipples. She smiled cheekily when she saw Jim standing nearby, open-mouthed in surprise.

"Oh, sorry, Mr. Porter," she murmured, holding her top in her hand. Out at the pool, Cindy yelled for Adelle to hurry up.

"It's... alright," Jim replied, ruthlessly keeping his eyes where they belonged. "Put your top on, okay? Cindy and Elise aren't topless too, are they?"

"Do you want them to be?" Adelle asked, tilting her head inquisitively. She hadn't made a move to cover her boobs.

"No," Jim growled irritably. "They better have their suits on."

"I'm eighteen, you know," Adelle pointed out, arching her back a little, pushing her bosom out. "We all are. We can be nude if we want."

"Not at my house," Jim disagreed. "And eighteen or not, if you're in high school, people still think of you as kids. I don't need anyone suspecting something creepy is happening over here. Put your suit on."

"I'm only teasing, Mr. Porter. The girls have their tops on. I was just trying to fix a knot in mine." The look she gave him was an open invitation.

After that, he knew they were messing with him.

He found Melanie completely nude on his own bed one evening some weeks afterward, her sleek, tanned body a temptation that was difficult to ignore. Melanie seemed to have absorbed the best ethnic genes of her interracial parents, and the resulting concoction was exquisite. Like the rest of the girls, Melanie had blossomed, and during the past year she had developed a great deal of smug self-confidence as her body transitioned from skinny, awkward teen into curvy womanhood. Jim chased her out of his room with a snarl that was part anger, part desperation. She darted out, laughing.

"My mom said black girls suck the best dick, Mr. Porter," she declared in a sing-song voice from the hallway outside his room. "My ex-boyfriend thought so, too! You sure you want me to leave?"

"Go get dressed, dammit!" he growled.

Cindy surprised him in his bathroom the following week. He had just come home from his downtown office, and he could hear Elise in the shower off her bedroom. He tossed his jacket on his bed, and then went into his bathroom, still pulling his tie off.

And there was Cindy. She was naked, calmly brushing her jet-black hair. She coolly appraised him as he stood in the doorway, stunned. Cindy was the oldest of Elise's crowd; she had turned eighteen around Thanksgiving. She was also easily the most voluptuous of the whole bunch -- she had physically matured earlier than the other girls -- and seeing her breathtaking form was almost enough to stop his heart.

"Well," she said matter-of-factly.

"Well indeed," he answered, his admiring gaze traveling her body.

"Like what you see, Mr. Porter?"

"More than I care to admit," he replied truthfully. "Why are you in here?"

"Elise's bathroom was too steamy. I couldn't see the mirror."

Jim shook his head in exasperation. "What is with you girls?" he grumbled. "You all spend years over here hanging out, everything's fine, no problems at all, and now suddenly the four of you can't seem to keep your clothes on? Why are you girls doing this to me?"

Cindy was a great deal smarter than the other girls, so she didn't try to act cutesy or feign innocence. "You're hot, Mr. Porter," she responded simply. "We're all going away to college, and we're trying to see which one of us can get into your pants before we go."

"Jesus. Since when did high school girls get this brazen?"

"Most high school girls aren't. We're a little more free-spirited."

"And a lot more inexperienced."

"Parents usually believe that. If they only knew the truth..."

"Does Elise know her friends are stalking me?"

"She knows we're teasing you, but she believes we're only teasing, so she thinks it's harmless. She trusts you. She thinks all of us flaunting our bodies at you will get you horny enough to start dating again. The rest of us are totally serious about getting in your pants, though."

"That's not happening."

"We'll see."

"Maybe I should tell your mother. She's always coming over here to check on you girls."

"She comes over here because she wants to fuck you, too."

"Oh, for...!"

Cindy's eyes softened as she read the anger on Jim's face. "Okay," she relented finally, turning away. "We'll stop. We didn't mean to upset you. We just wanted..." She didn't finish the sentence. She glanced over her shoulder at him, and then left the bathroom.


Fortunately, after his conversation with Cindy, the girls stopped their antics. They still flirted with him, but the bantering had returned to its relatively harmless nature. Jim convinced himself the girls were just young and exploring their developing sexuality -- no harm, no foul. He had an extremely difficult time banishing their young naked bodies from his mind, though. Mentally he could convince himself that it was wildly inappropriate to think of them in any sexual way, but logic wasn't enough to dispel visions of Kayla's perfect butt or Cindy's magnificently busty body. Still, the school year ended with no further incidents, and the girls prepared for their last summer together. Their lives would change rather dramatically after that.

Elise confided in him that the big event they had planned for the summer was a "going away" pool party in early July. They wanted to throw it at Jim's house, which would mean that the basement rec room, the pool house, and the pool itself would be the primary 'party zone,' as Elise put it. She promised Jim that there would only be about twenty of her friends there, and Cindy's mom had volunteered to help him out. Jim agreed on the condition that everyone would keep their alcohol consumption down to a minimum.

The summer bash turned out to be tamer than Jim expected. He had anticipated some of the youngsters getting out of hand; bikinis, hormones, and alcohol tend to drive teenagers into dark corners and back bedrooms for a little fun. Jim was pleasantly surprised to discover that Elise and her friends kept a firm grip on that kind of nonsense. They wanted to have 'regular' fun, not 'bedroom' fun. The few boys who snuck a grope now and then found themselves isolated very quickly. They also risked the ire of Tamara Chambers, Cindy's vigilant mother, who kept watch on the pool deck. Jim routinely prowled the house, ensuring that none of the teens found a place to frolic, and Tamara stayed outside, ready to run interference if necessary.

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