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Amelia & Andrew: The Diamond Legacy Ch. 05

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Who can they trust?
18.6k words

Part 6 of the 15 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 04/15/2012
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This is the corrected version of chapter 5, I appologize for all the problems with the first posting of this chapter.

I would like to thank willieone for all of her help with this chapter.

I am still having an issue with the formating when i try to do the htlm encoding so i can italize the mental conversations so i have left it off until I can figure it out.


Andrew heard Amelia telepathically say that she was sorry and Good-bye. He burst through the front doors of the hotel ripping them off the frame as he rushed into the hall where Amelia was. When he saw the gun to the back of her head, everything seemed to go into slow motion. Andrew used his telekinesis to push the gun away from his mate just as he heard the weapon discharge. He watched in horror as he saw Amelia drop to the floor.

When the smell of Amelia's blood hit him, he saw red and gave himself over to his primal side. Andrew performed a flying tackle driving them both through the door of Antonio's room. The two of them crashed into the far wall as Andrew jammed claw like fingernails in to Antonio's lower back wrapped his fingers around the base of his spine snapping it off and ripped it out of his body and threw it to the floor. Antonio let lose an inhuman howl of pain. Antonio's lower half of his body was crippled and even with a vampires regenerative abilities he knew it was most likely permanent. Andrew flipped him over and unleashed blow after blow in to his face and chest each blow smashed something else. Antonio was no longer moving.

Amelia was sure she was going to die permanently this time. Here only regret is what it would do to Andrew she prayed that he would find some way to overcome her death. She heard the soft cough of the silenced gun as it discharged and wondered if she would still be able to go to heaven. She felt a burning sensation as the bullet passed through the side of her neck and the world went fuzzy as she felt her legs give out. After a few moments, the world started to refocus and she realized the wound to the side of her neck was serious but far from fatal.

It took her a few minutes for her to heal enough for her to regain her senses. She opened her eyes, looked around, and saw Andrew was in the process of beating Antonio to death. As her eyes focused more, she could see blood splattered from floor to ceiling and. Amelia knew that the humans were watching and only hoped that Charles' people would get here soon .She quickly pushed into Andrew mind. "Love we need him alive, please stop." She pleaded through their bond.

Andrew didn't even so much as acknowledge her all she could sense through their bond was all consuming rage that blinded him to everything but he need to kill. She began to worry when she could find no part of the man she knew through their bond. She rose to her feet but was unsteady as waves of Dizziness and nausea over took her. She closed her eyes until they passed then slowly approached Andrew calling to him through their bond. Amelia could sense the terrified humans and knew they didn't have long until the police showed up. Just as she got close enough to touch him, he quickly rose and spun on her. He had a wild look in his eyes and for a fleeting moment, Amelia thought he might attack her but he just stood there looking at her as if he was trying to recall who she was

"Love I need you," Amelia whispered, as she pulled Andrew into a fierce hug.

Amelia declaration had the desired effect it started his logical mind working again. He quickly wrapped his arms around her and let her scent wash over him. Slowly the closeness to his mate and her sending images of the two of them together was allowing him to reign in his feral side "My god, I thought I lost you forever. I have never felt so empty in my life." Andrew quietly confessed as tears started to flow down the side of his face.

Amelia said nothing just held on to him for dear life allowing him to regain control of himself. She would deal with the humans when it became necessary. At this moment, her only concern was for her mate and his state of mind. She could feel he was still on the razor edge of sanity and it wouldn't take much for his feral side to reassert itself and if that happened she was, afraid she would lose him forever.

Charles had been on the phone with Andrew. He had just confirmed that their target was there and gave him the room number when he heard Andrew say he has her at gunpoint and then the phone fell. He and the strike team were within ten minutes of the hotel. He and his strike team flooded into the hotel and seized control they cordoned off the area and would control the scene. He had left a couple of his people to deal with the human authorities and press. He wondered how much damage control he would have to do an experienced vampire who had a mate threatened was bad enough but parvulus could go on a rampage and kill everyone in the hotel.

When he finally entered the hallway, where Amelia and Andrew were, to say he was shock would have been an understatement. He saw a large pool of blood that had Amelia's scent staining the carpet. He looked down the hallway and saw Amelia with her arms wrapped around Andrew his eyes were still black and lifeless. Charles had the rest of his people hold back and he cautiously approached the two of them. As he got a view into the room it looked like just about every surface had blood splattered on it. He stopped before getting too close to Amelia and Andrew; he didn't want to cause Andrew to attack him. He could see what was left of Antonio he had no distinguishing facial features and the only sign that he was still alive was the soft gurgling sound he mad as he tried to breathe.

"Perhaps you should take Andrew into one of the other rooms here so he can finish calming down. Then get cleaned up and I will bring you some blood to aid with your healing," Charles suggested. He was trying to see just how bad Antonio was hurt when he noticed a four inch piece of his spine lying on the floor. He was shocked to see the amount of devastation Andrew had done to Antonio.

Amelia nodded and started to lead Andrew from the room. Charles made sure that everyone gave them a wide berth so as not to inflame and already volatile Andrew. As soon as the two of them were in the room Charles placed two of his people on the door with order to keep the two of them in there until he said it was all right to let them out. He wasn't worried about Amelia but knew if he tried to separate them right now Andrew would lose himself.

He had one of his men run out and get overalls for them and a couple of bottles of blood. He had Susan start package blood in soda style bottles one it made it easier to transport and secondly since the bottles were opaque it made it harder to see what was inside. Franklin gave Charles the items, he had requested. "Charles the human authorities have been dealt with. The guest and staff have had the memories altered. What do you want us to do with their hummer? It is on the lot with keys in the ignition," Franklin reported. Then as an afterthought he added," Antonio is alive but just barely. He will most likely be a paraplegic. Andrew smashed his skull and crushed part of his brain. According to Heidi it will be a few days until we can tell the extent of the brain damage, however she feels it will be extensive."

"I love Hummers, but it is a lousy choice for undercover work because everyone notices them. Have Louise take it to Sanguinem and park it in the underground garage. Ask Heidi to keep me posted on Antonio's condition. I'm hoping to be able to use him as a witness against Rodrigues." Charles instructed he then headed to the room that Amelia was using. He softly knocked on the door and waited.

Andrew held on to Amelia who was still shaking and not believing she was alive. When he heard, the pistol shot and saw her fall he was sure she was gone. Andrew decided he didn't want to live anymore and just gave himself over to the feral beast that now lives within him. From that moment, until he heard Amelia's plea he had no recollection of what he had done. Even now, he couldn't suppress his feral side and was not even sure if he should.

Amelia was weakened by her blood lose, but right now her only concern was Andrew .His eyes had still not changed back and he was acting like a caged tiger. He had refused to let her go, the only time he had spoken was when they were in the hall when he first found out she was still alive. He tensed and locked his eyes on the door when someone had knocked on it. Amelia could sense it was Charles on the other side of the door. "Love I am going to answer the door it is just Charles," Amelia said telepathically.

"The door is open," She called out after Andrew refused to let her go.

Charles slowly opened the door and stepped in. "I have some blood for you. How is he doing?" Charles said.

"I have never seen him like this. He refuses to let me go and his eyes have not changed back. Charles what is a matter with him? And more importantly how do I help him?" Amelia nervously pleaded.

The whole time they spoke Andrew's eyes followed Charles' every movement like a snake watching a mongoose. He was ready to strike at the slightest provocation. Charles knowing the danger of the state that he was in kept his movements slow and deliberate." By stop worrying and doing what you are doing. It will take some time for him to rein in his feral side. Just stay at his side and keep reassuring him you are alright." Charles responded reassuringly.

He laid the items down on the table and exited the room. He reminded the two men he had guarding the door no one in or out without his permission. He exited the hotel for some privacy as he dialed the familiar number on his cell. After the second ring, he heard Susan's voice greet him. "Hi, we may have a problem." He said.

Charles had already called apprising her of the situation caused by Stephan. The fucking idiot had to use her place to smuggle and store illegal drugs and human slaves. No one really care about the drug smuggling except that it could garner the attention of the human authorities and they could inadvertently cause them to find out the true purpose of Biomedtronic. However, trafficking in human slaves was a different animal. It would cause the human's to investigate on a national and possible international level. That kind of attention was something every vampire feared. Susan knew she was going to have a lot to answer for and the other enforcers would demand her record be opened up to their investigation. She would need to prove she had no part in the smuggling of the humans. This fiasco was going to cost her dearly and she just hoped that when it was finished she would be allowed to deal with Stephan in her own way.

The other nightmare was the assassination of the three vampires in the human nightclub the assassination itself was of little concern outside of the victims being under Charles personal protection. It was common knowledge that you dealt with those kinds of affairs outside the prying eyes of the human authorities and you never walk into a club full of humans and decapitate three other vampires. Thankfully, Amelia and Andrew had retrieved the evidence before the humans could process it and that it did not really concern her yet.

"What happened now?" Susan asked her voice a mixture of concern and frustration.

Charles brought Susan up to date. He expressed his concern that Andrew's eyes had not reverted to normal. Charles did add that he was encouraged that Andrew hadn't attacked him when he gave Amelia blood. Charles informed her that he had the two of them isolated in a room. The door is guarded by his security men." As much as I hate to say this, I may have to put him down for everyone's safety," Charles said solemnly.

"I hope it doesn't come to that, you will lose them both and possible make an enemy of Catherine. I will be there in about forty-five minutes please don't make any decision until I get there." Susan replied.


Amelia drank a bottle of blood while she wondered how to settle Andrew down. She was glad to feel her strength return and the Queasiness in her stomach settled. She led Andrew to the bathroom for a long shower .She stripped the clothes off both of them She washed the blood off him then herself. She made him stay under the stream while she slowly massaged his shoulders. Slowly his eyes started to revert to their normal color.

"Are you OK?" Andrew asked his tone full of concern.

"I am OK, but love I was ..." Amelia replied.

"I know, you were set up," Andrew interrupted

"He knew I use to be a FBI agent and that we were here for him; not just that I was but WE. I had my mind shielded." Amelia stated her voice full of concern.

Andrew hugged Amelia and kissed her forehead." Do you still have your weapon?" Andrew asked not releasing the embrace.

"No I left it in the duffel bag in the hall. Why?" Amelia replied.

Andrew released the embrace then handed her a set of the overalls. The two of them dressed quickly Andrew once again cleaning their shoes up. "This is getting to be a habit." He quipped.

Once he was finished and the two of them were dressed, he retrieved the three-eighty from the counter where Amelia had laid it and handed it her. She quickly checked to make sure the gun was loaded and safe, more out of habit then need. She then placed the weapon in her pocket.

Andrew handed Amelia the other bottle of blood and insisted that she drink it all. "Love we need to get to that business center and see if we can find out who tipped Antonio off. I hate to think this but it can only be Charles or one of his people, no one else knew who we were here."

Amelia hoped that Andrew was wrong and that it was someone else. She followed Andrew to the door hoping to get their answers. Andrew opened the door to leave. He was stopped by two large vampires blocking their way. "I am sorry, but I am ordered to detain you until Mr. Black releases you. I will summon him, please wait inside," The Larger vampire stated in a firm but calm voice.

Andrew didn't argue because he knew it was pointless. He stepped back into the room and closed the door. He quickly surveyed the room. "We need to get out of here. That window looks like our best option," He mentally said

"Damn I really thought we could trust Black. What are we going to do now? And how do we help Catherine and Scott?" Amelia replied with telepathy.

"I not sure yet, I think they are safe for the moment. Let's get out of here then we can decide." Andrew suggested mentally. He then opened the window and the two of them turned invisible as they slipped out into the night.

Andrew started to go to where he had parked the H-3 but saw it was gone. Andrew quickly picked Amelia up and speed away from the hotel at his top speed. He headed towards the heart of town. Once he was sure that they were a reasonable distance away, he placed Amelia back on her feet. They wondered around until they found a Target and used the ATM machine. The two of them were thankful that they still had Andrew's wallet and access to cash. The downside was it would be a relative easy task to trace them if they kept using the card.

" Love while I get us some fresh clothes and a new cell phone you call Catherine. Warn her to get away and make sure they have their cells so we can contact them to arrange to meet up." Andrew said telepathically.

Andrew quickly picked out clothes for the two of them he included a medium size purse so Amelia could conceal the gun and a new burn phone. This time he even got them each a new pair of Reebok's. He grabbed some snack food and drinks then paid for their purchases with his card wanting to save their precious cash. As he was exited, he saw that Amelia was still on the phone so he went out and found a place to change while he waited for her.


Charles received word that Andrew was trying to leave their room From Hank and went to meet with them straight away." Hank, did Andrew give you any trouble about not letting him leave?" Charles inquired trying to gauge Andrew's mental state.

"He clearly wasn't happy but didn't say a word just went back in the room and closed the door," Hank replied earnestly.

"How was his state of mind? Did he seem feral in any way? Were his eyes normal?" Charles asked.

"He seemed normal to me. He didn't get combative or aggressive. I would have to say that he was most definitely in control of his primal side since he didn't attack. You know how the beast hates to be caged. His eyes were normal with no signs of any wildness," Hank responded honestly.

Charles let out a small sigh of relief as he knocked on the door and paused for a few minutes to wait for an answer. When no answer came, he opened the door. "Andrew! Amelia! It is me Charles," He called out. He sensed there was no one in the room and quickly opened the door the rest of the way and saw the window opened with the screen removed." Damn it! They have left," Charles exclaimed in surprise.

The two security men rushed into the room in disbelief." I am sorry Mr. Black. I didn't sense he was going to attempt to escape." Hank responded.

Charles sighed shaking his head." I should have expected this. Hank, start a search I want them located. Do not make contact with them; just watch them discreetly. As soon as they are located I want to be notified," Charles said bemused.

Susan and Gloria walked into the room just as Charles finished speaking." Is there a problem, lover?" Susan inquired as she raised her eyebrow.

"Amelia and Andrew left without saying goodbye," Charles responded shaking his head while pointing at the window.

Susan looked at Gloria and motioned with her eyes. Gloria nodded and left the room to go find the two of them. Susan knew that if anyone could find them it would be Gloria, one of her many talents was tracking people. "Charles! Why the fuck were they being held as prisoners?" Susan demanded a stern look on her face had most of the others in the room looking to leave.

Charles blew out a frustrated breath the last thing he needed now; was Susan upset with him. "Clear the room." Charles announced in a loud voice.

He watched to make sure everyone heeded his command. He took Susan in his arms." Amor, The only reason I had them detained was for everyone's safety. Andrew had given himself over to his primal side. He was having trouble reining it back in. I placed the two of them in this room to allow Amelia time to help Andrew without outside influences hampering her. I had to place security on them, for we both know what could of happened if he lost control. I guess I should have explained the security to Amelia but she was already stressed enough and I did not want to add to it." Charles explained hoping it would satisfy Susan.

"OK I can understand that and I am sure so will Amelia and Andrew once we explain it. What I can't understand is why they ran before giving you a chance to explain." Susan replied with a much softer demeanor.

"Most likely because they know they were set-up or at least suspect it strongly. The two of them probably are not sure whom to trust right now." Charles quietly whispered.

"Why do you think that? Who would dare try to betray you like that?" Susan asked shocked, barely able to maintain her composure.

Charles handed Susan a couple dozen sheets of printer paper. The papers contained complete dossier on Amelia and Andrew. The files not only contained pictures of the both of them but also their work histories and location all know living family members. The lasts sheet was orders for him to kill them both and a note about a ticket to Denver for him at the airport.

Susan didn't need to read the dossier; she had prepared it for Charles when he decided that they might be a useful addition to the organization. The family information was compiled in case they went rogue. Rogue vampires always seemed to seek out living family members and it never ends well for the living family members. Normally this information is held by the sire or coven leader however since the two of them had neither, Charles decided since he was going to help them, he would hold onto the information.

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