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Amelia & Andrew: The Diamond Legacy Ch. 10

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Part 11 of the 15 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 04/15/2012
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A/N: here is the next chapter of Amelia and Andrew I hope you all enjoy it. I apologize for any mistakes rather they are spelling or grammatical. I do try to eliminate as many as I can but it isn't easy to self-edit.

This will be my last post for the year so I would like to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah or at the least, a happy holidays if you prefer. Lastly, I hope that you have a prosperous New Year.

Please enjoy the story and if you have a moment vote and leave me a comment. OK enough me rambling on (lol) here is the story


Andrew and Amelia had little trouble getting through customs. They had claimed that they were going site seeing for a few days and thanks to a little push from Amelia the guard wouldn't recall even meeting them. Andrew pulled into the first gas station they came to. While he was filling the truck up Amelia went into the small store and got them a map and a newspaper. The murder of Lucia Martinez was still in the headlines as was two other attacks. Amelia wondered if Charles knew of these other attacks yet. She also grabbed a couple bottles of water and a large bag of chips. She then paid for her stuff and headed back across the lot. She knew that she was being watched and casually glanced around to see if she could spot from where when Andrew voice came into her mind, "Yes love we are being followed. It's the two vampires in that dark blue Fusion about forty meters to your right. They have been with us since we left the border."

"Do you think they work for Rodrigues or are they police?" Amelia asked mentally

"That is a good question. I am planning on leading them to a secluded area and finding out; are you game?" Andrew replied the same way.

Amelia smiled and gave him a subtle nod as she got into the Jimmy. Andrew quickly joined her and the two of them headed towards the area where Lucia Martinez was murdered. Andrew was hoping that he could get some kind of a lead to where Tony was by using his ability to read objects. He knew that would have to lose their tail before he could make the attempt. Andrew started to meander around the streets as if he was not sure where he was going in an attempt to find a location to confront their pursuers. Andrew noticed an alleyway that didn't have anybody in it when an idea hit him and he decided to go with it. Andrew quickly turned into it he accelerated to get ahead of the car that was following him and at the end of the alley hung a quick right. He heard the wheels squeal as the truck protested the change in direction. Andrew quickly accelerated using every bit of horsepower the eight cylinders could produce as he weaved through the traffic at the next corner he made a left turn cutting across three lanes of traffic the ass end of the truck violently fishtailed as Andrew fought for control. Once the truck had settled down and quickly accelerated trying to put as much distance between them and their tail. Andrew made a few two more quick turns; after he checked and saw that he had indeed lost the tail he resumed a more sedate driving style.

"Would you please warn me the next time you are going to pull a stunt like that? I thought we were going to question them." Amelia ground out as she pointed to the wet spot spreading across the front of her shirt.

"Sorry it was a split second decision. After thinking about it I decided it might be better to lose them instead of confronting them." Andrew replied as he shrugged his shoulders and laughed while he watched her wipe the excess water off of her shirt. He could clearly see her braless breast through the wet material. "I don't think I will warn you however, I like the results." Andrew teased as he pointed to her easily seen breast.

Amelia just rolled her eyes at him but couldn't help but chuckle. She carefully shielded her mind so he wouldn't pick up on what she was about to do. She turned herself invisible to everyone but Andrew and quickly removed her shirt. "I guess I will have to let this dry before I put it back on." She purred seductively as she started massaging her breast while pinching her nipples.

Andrew had turned his attention back to the road because traffic had picked up a little bit and glanced over to see what she was talking about. He was so surprised to see Amelia teasing her glorious breast that he almost rear-ended another car when traffic stopped short. Amelia couldn't help but Chuckle at his reaction then she slowly unbuttoned and lowered her jeans giving him an eyeful of her charms. She sensually rubbed her hand over her own mounds as she did she dipped her finger into her hot pussy then slowly brought her finger to her mouth and started to swirl her tongue around it licking her nectar off of it. She finished the licking of her finger by sticking the finger in her mouth and sucking off any remaining juices. She repeated the process several each time she gave a loud slow moan.

"Andrew darling can you think of something else I could use my hot mouth and tongue on." Amelia softly teased.

Andrew almost blew his load while just watching her and now her teasing him directly was almost more than he could stand. He quickly closed his eyes for a moment to get himself back under control. As he opened his eyes, he felt Amelia unzipped his pants and pulled his rock hard cock out. Before he could stop her, not that he was going to, she had taken his full length into her mouth and was massaging him with her throat muscles. She would intermittently raise her head until only the tip of his dick was in her mouth then she would swirl her tongue around the head of his cock before going back down until her nose was buried into his pubic hair. She took great pleasure in torturing him in this manner for a while. She then started to bob her head up and down while varying her suction and speed. She had one hand playing with her clit and used her other hand to start massaging his balls. Andrew tried to hold out against the sensations and the vision of her not only sucking his cock but also playing with herself proved too much and he roared as his balls tightened and he fired rope after rope of hot cum down his mate's throat, which Amelia greedily swallowed. She kept going until his cock softened. She then put his soft well-used member away and smiled at him. "I figured you needed that so you could relax a little." Amelia softly said with a smile. She quickly redressed after cleaning herself up.

Andrew came back to his senses and wondered how he managed to drive without wrecking. He quickly looked around to get his bearing and realized that he had passed his destination several miles back. He shook his head amused at his mates antics but she was right he felt a lot calmer now. "Thank you, you were right I do feel a lot better." He said with a smile. He wrapped his arm around her and gave her a quick kiss, "I will repay you one hundred fold when we get to the hotel." Andrew promised with a wicked smile.

"Hun we are going to need to hit a store you do realize the only clothes we have are on our backs and we have none of our toiletries." Amelia reminded him.

"Not to mention we are going to need blood the day after tomorrow the latest." Andrew added as he made a U- turn and headed back towards their original destination.

While Andrew was driving, she quickly called the first number on the list Gloria had given her and was surprised to find out this place wasn't one of Susan's subsidiaries. The vampire that had answered the call wanted to know if they wanted a live donor or bagged blood. He stated that he would deliver the product anywhere within Mexico within eight hours the price was forty-five thousand Pecos or thirty-five hundred American dollars for bagged blood guarantied fresh from live donors. If they wanted a live donor, it would be three point two million Pecos or a quarter of a million dollars American that included disposal of the body once they were done. Amelia told him she would call back once they had gotten a hotel room.

They were a couple of blocks from where Lucia Martinez had been murdered when Andrew sensed the vampires that had been tailing them. He pulled over far enough back so that the other vampires wouldn't sense them. Amelia glanced over at Andrew curious why he had pulled over all suddenly. "Our friends from earlier are down the street. I want to watch them for a while and if they leave we will follow them." Andrew explained.

"Ok that makes sense but what if they are waiting for us?" Amelia asked as she shielded herself so the other vampires couldn't detect her. Both Andrew and she were surprised when Gloria mentioned that they had the ability to hide the fact that are vampires from other of their species. Normally a vampire can detect another of its kind just from being in the same area as another vampire. Gloria had discovered this about them when they had captured Uwais.

Amelia and Andrew set there for several hours watching the vampires in the other vehicle and realized that the other vampires intended to stay until they spotted the two of them. Both Andrew and Amelia suggested at the same time that it was time to approach the other vampires to find out whom they were working for, and what were their intentions were. After a small laugh, they both talked over several plans before deciding that Amelia would approach the car driving the truck, which she would use to block the driver's side doors. She would then try to take control of the driver while Andrew would shield himself from detection, approach the passenger side, and subdue the other vampire. They would attempt to take both of them alive so they could have a pleasant little chat with them.

Andrew stepped out of the vehicle and turned invisible to everyone except Amelia. He also made sure that they wouldn't be able to sense him and cautiously moved towards the car. Once he got in position, he mentally told Amelia he was ready. She drove the truck down the street slowly as if looking for an address not wanting to alert the vampires in the Fusion as she pulled alongside she quickly turned the wheel of the truck and used the front bumper to block the driver doors effectively trapping the driver in the car. Amelia quickly exited the Jimmy and moved to where she could see the drivers eyes and after a brief mental struggle; she easily took control of his mind and ordered him not to move.

The other vampire seeing his partner in trouble quickly exited the fusion and was immediately grabbed by the throat and slammed against the side of the car as Andrew came visible. Moving at inhuman speed he quickly disarmed the vampire and placed the vampires own gun under his chin. "Give me one good reason why I Shouldn't kill you right now?" Andrew demanded as he pressed the barrel a little harder into the vampires throat.

Armin eyes went wide in shock when he felt himself being snatched by the throat and slammed against the car he had just exited. He couldn't figure out how he had missed the parvulus. He hadn't sensed another vampire around him. "Andrew, we work for Charles Black and have a message for you." The vampire quickly replied after getting over his initial shock.

Andrew glanced over at Amelia and she nodded slightly indicating that the vampire was telling the truth she had managed to confirm the information from Edward the vampire she had under her control. Andrew lowered the gun from under Armin's chin much to Armin's relief. "Dam Charles said you two were some of the best he had seen but I thought he was exaggerating. I am Armin Santiago at your service. Edward Gerardo the vampire that is under your lovely mates control is my partner.

Charles asked us to make contact with you. Here is a list of safe houses where you can go if you get into trouble they will provide you with shelter and aid. We also have a cooler with a few days' supply of blood and twenty units of plasma. I also have a laptop and a secure cell phone for you. The phone is programed with numbers of contacts that may be able to help you. Eddy has a letter from Charles that will explain everything but we really need to go someplace more private to discuss these matters." Armin explained in a low tone.

Amelia backed the truck away from the door of the Fusion and parked it. She looked to make sure she hadn't caused any damage to the car which had not she then released Edward from her control after she told him to remain where he was and not to move until she said to. After hearing Armin explanation she asked, "Edward may I have the letter for Andrew and I?"

Edward slowly reached into his jacket pocket and handed the envelope containing the papers that Charles had faxed to them to give to Amelia or Andrew. Amelia quickly read the letter from Charles. "Love The letter is form Charles and he asked us to trust him. They are here to assist us. "Amelia said using telepathy.

Andrew released Armin and handed him back his weapon. "Sorry about the mistake but we can't be too careful. I hope you understand."

"No harm done I would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes. Will you please follow me to a place where we can talk?" Armin asked as he holstered his gun.

"We will follow you or we can meet you if you think it would be better." Andrew offered in response.

Armin gave Andrew the address of the warehouse they were going to incase the two vehicles got separated. Andrew had no trouble following the other car and within twenty minutes, they had arrived at their destination. Both Andrew and Amelia were impressed with the operation here inside of the warehouse were four large tractor and trailers and about a half of dozen tables covered in maps each of the trailers was loaded with sophisticated equipment to monitor all forms of communication. They also had racks of television screens each one tuned to a different local channel located somewhere in Mexico or Central America. As Amelia scanned the information on some of the small monitors, she quickly realized that if the US government ever got a hold of the information here they would be able to wipe out the drug trade in a few days.

Armin gave them a quick tour of the operation explaining it was one of four, which Charles had scattered around Mexico. He brought them up to date on the current situation between Charles and Rodrigues. He warned them that once Rodrigues found out that the two of them were in his territory he would have them hunted down as rogues. He then offered to drive them back to the place where the other two of Martinez's people had been killed. Armin and Edward both warned them to stay away from the area that Lucia Martinez had been killed.

Armin took Amelia and Andrew to the locations that the other murders unfortunately the area had had too many others for Andrew psychometry to work. After they visited both of the locations, Armin took them to a nice little diner for an early breakfast. He gave them information on the local culture and going one. He also more importantly suggested areas they should try to avoid. Armin also told them that he would monitor the local police bands and let the two of them know if there was any suspicious murder that way hopefully the two of them could get to the scene while it was still fresh. After they had returned to the warehouse, Edward showed them an area where they could rest for a few hours.

While Armin and Edward tended to Andrew and Amelia, a group of vampires was reading their Jimmy they added a large cooler with twenty units of blood that could be plugged into a cigarette lighter. They also added additional power outlets and a power converter that way they could use the truck to charge the laptop or their cell phone. The inverter that was installed actually had enough power to run a small appliance. They also installed a navigation system and went over the truck to make sure it was mechanically sound. They added a couple suitcases of clothes in Amelia and Andrew sizes. Hidden in the bottom of each suitcase were a Glock twenty-one with a couple clips and a Kukri.

Armin woke Amelia and Andrew at a little after ten Am and said that they had a phone call from Charles. The two of them quickly rose from the cots they were sleeping on and as they followed Armin to where the phone was a young vampire named Leticia handed them each a cup of very strong coffee. It turned out that Leticia was Edwards mate and as they found out few hours later one hell of a cook. Armin led them to one of the trailers and handed Andrew the phone.

"Good morning Charles," Andrew said as he waited to hear the lecture he was expecting.

"Good morning Andrew I hope you and Amelia had a good rest," Charles replied. After Andrew confirmed they had; he continued, "Andrew I hope that you understand I cannot help you openly without starting a war. Please be on your guard at all times and don't trust anyone except for Armin, Edward and Edwards mate Leticia. In the computer, that they have for you is everything that both Walter's and my organizations know about Rodrigues and his organization. Before you leave the warehouse Armin will make sure, you have a list of safe houses for you to go to if necessary. Gloria will continue with the investigation in California. Andrew if Rodrigues captures you he won't hesitate to kill both you and Amelia so please be extra careful. Susan will make my life a living hell if anything happens to either of you."

The two of them talked for a bit more before hanging up .Charles said to tell Amelia that Catherine was doing good and he would contact them as soon she had the baby. Just before he hung up, he told Andrew to have Edward give you a satellite phone there are a lot of areas where a regular phone won't get reception. Charles had Edward give him a beeper and made sure he got the number. He stated half-jokingly that they would work in areas that even a sat-phone won't.


Gloria and Richard were asked to locate Harry he hadn't been seen since the night that Shannon had been murdered. Walter had tried to reach him by phone but his cell had to be turned off since it went straight to voicemail. Richard was driving the two of them to Harry's home; it seemed to most logical place to start their search for him. The house was located in an upper middle class suburban area just outside of the city. It was a four-bedroom rancher with the proverbial white picket fence around it. They both noticed that Harry's fifty-eight T-Bird was in the driveway. The two of them knocked on the door a few times with no answer then Gloria looked around to make sure that no one was watching the two of them then she quickly picked the lock on the front door. Cautiously she opened the door and stepped in going to the right while Richard went to the left. Gloria found the reason why no one had heard from Harry and his mate they were both on the bed while their heads were on their respective nightstands. Richard quickly called Walter had had a cleanup team dispatched. While they waited for the team, the two of them started to go through the house looking for clues as to who had done this.


Amelia and Andrew left the warehouse and headed towards Martinez's territory hoping to pick up Tony's trail. They found a small hotel near the center of their area and checked in, they knew they were taking a chance attracting attention of the local cartel but decided the risk was worth it. Andrew was taking a shower while Amelia was going over what information they had on the suspected rogue attacks and she was beginning to suspect that they weren't as random as they seemed to be. It looked as if someone was using rogues to cover up planned attacks that were designed to weaken the Martinez cartel and it had been going on for almost a year. If Amelia was correct, no fewer than eight key members had been eliminated by being attacked by rogue vampires in the last four months. The deaths were covered up allegedly to hide the existence of vampires.

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