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Amelia & Andrew: The Diamond Legacy Ch. 11

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The hunt begins!
6.4k words

Part 12 of the 15 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 04/15/2012
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Hello all I am back Sorry for the long time between posting but it has been a rough year personally and my desire to write was at an all time low.

This chapter is self- edited I hope I found all of my mistakes but I am sure i missed a few please forgive them.

I hope you enjoy the chapter and please let me know how I did by voting and by making constructive comments.


Gloria walked towards the residence flanked by Layla and Fredrick all three of them on alert, unsure of what they will find. Gloria could understand Andrew's inpatients but was still perturb by his lack of faith in their friendship. She had managed to arrive earlier then she had anticipated and called Pepe to find out if he knew where they had decided to stay. He hadn't, however once he informed her that Fredrick was chauffeuring them she knew exactly where he would choose to stay. The two of them had had a fling some years back it had only lasted a few months but it was a wild few months.

Once Gloria had arrived, she was pleasantly surprised to learn that Fredrick had found his mate in Layla. Gloria had meant Layla a few times through the years and had always liked her even if she didn't fully trust her. She first considered allowing Fredrick and Layla to stay at the bed and breakfast but the two of them wouldn't hear of it; arguing that it was very likely that the Barnes had gotten in over the heads and that she would need all the help she could have. At first, Gloria was a bit skeptical but after Layla announce that she could no longer sense Jake and that he was dead Gloria knew that things were going to be very bad and they all would be extremely lucky if Andrew hadn't crossed over.

Layla wanted to avenge her fallen parvulus by hunting Amsu down and making him suffer however, she knew she would be committing suicide if she tried to hunt him alone. Layla knew that Amsu had become vile soulless creature but to harm a child without cause was a new low for him.

As she tried to fathom what Amsu had hoped to gain by killing Jake. She couldn't believe that Amsu actually thought he could get his foolish war by causing Andrew and by extension Amelia to go rogue. She was sure that Charles was too smart to go to war over a couple of Parvulus no matter how fond he was of them.


Andrew, Amelia and Paola stepped out on the porch after coming visible. As Andrew stood beside his mate, his posture was tense while his eyes slowly scanned the area looking for any possible threats. Paola hid behind Amelia as soon as she saw the three new vampires' faces. She was afraid they would end her no matter what Amelia had promised.

Gloria slowly ran her eyes across the group noting that Andrew's eyes had failed to change back before stopping on Paola. Gloria could tell that she wasn't even month old and was scared out of her mind. Gloria took a deep breath trying to relax herself. "Andrew, are you alright?" Her voice was full of concern. No sooner than the words left her mouth, she realized her poorly chosen words and cringed.

"I am nowhere near alright!" Andrew retorted harshly. He took a deep breath trying to reign in his erratic emotions before continuing, "That bastard killed my son, he killed my ex-wife, he tried to have my mate killed, and you ask me if I am alright?"

Amelia quickly wrapped her arms around Andrew and tried to push into his mind to calm him but was having very limited success. Her concern for her mate was evident on her face she had no idea how to help her mate; he seemed to be sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness. She knew if she didn't' turn him back she would lose him forever. Amelia's eyes pleaded with Gloria to help her.

"Andrew, I am so sorry that this happened and I swear that we will avenge them. But please Andrew let go of the hate it will destroy you like it almost did me and I care for you and your mate too much to see that happen." Gloria softly said as she slowly approached once she got close enough she wrapped her arms around both Andrew and Amelia. "We will get through this together. Andrew please let go of the hate it will only destroy you and those that love you." Gloria pleaded in a whisper.

Andrew stiffened when Gloria first hug him but quickly relaxed as she spoke to him. He knew she would understand his burning need for revenge. As he listened to her words, he thought back to the story she had told them about her early life. He quickly realized that if he weren't careful he would go down the same path she did. His baser side was confused by the strong emotions coming from his other half and that gave Andrew the opportunity to wrench control back. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes soaking up the strong feelings of love and the support that the two women were offering. "Thank you," he said softly his voice tight with emotion.

Amelia breathed a sigh of relief when she looked and she saw that Andrew's eyes had gone back to their normal hazel color. She hugged Gloria and whispered her thanks before she turned her attention to Paola who was trying to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. "You have nothing to fear from these people they're our friends." Amelia softly explained to her.

"I apologize for interfering, but the Federales are going to be here soon and we need to remove the bodies of any vampires and be gone before they arrive." Fredrick cautioned as he closed his cell phone.

Fredrick and Layla loaded up Tony's corpse while Andrew carefully placed the blanket containing Jake's head in a box and placed it in the back of the truck next to Tony's corpse. Then everyone loaded themselves into Fredrick's SUV and he headed south-west out of the city. As Fredrick hastily drove out of the city, Gloria dialed Charles number to update him.


Charles had received a call from Gloria informing him and Susan that Andrew and Amelia had taken matters into their own hands and decided to raid Martinez's compound on their own. Charles Immediately called the airport and had his pilot ready the seven-sixty-seven and have flight plan to Mexico City approved for them to leave within the hour.

Twenty-eight minutes later, they were in the air racing towards Mexico with twenty of his top security people. Charles and Susan were in the air heading for Mexico City. Charles knew that all hope for a peaceful solution was ruined and that Amsu would have his war. His objective now was to minimize the war and keep causalities down on both sides. Catherine and Scott had wanted to come but Susan had refused to allow them because of Brittney Lynn.

Charles left Emma and Neil in charge of things in Philadelphia. He was worried that Amsu may attempt to strike at Catherine or Brittney in order to draw both Amelia and Andrew out. He couldn't help but wonder why Amsu was so fixated on the two of them he knew that He wanted revenge for Diamond however this was unlike Amsu, normally he would have had them killed outright and not play these games. The Amsu he knew would never; no matter what expose the vampire nation to the humans, they were far too dangerous. While he was setting there trying to make sense out of Amsu actions they had received a call from Layla letting them know that Amsu had killed Jake. He felt sorry for Andrew's loss but in his heart, he knew it was for the best, after all he had never seen a case where a human child had successfully made the transition. A human child was not emotionally or mentally ready for the requirements of being a vampire. Charles knew that eventually Jake would have had to be put down for the safety of everyone.


As they were leaving, Layla suddenly remembered just how young the Barnes were and asked cautiously, "Andrew are you sure that you drained all of the humans dry?"

"I drained them completely and there is no chance of them returning from the dead," Andrew replied in a tight voice. His eyes however glowed showing that his baser side had gleamed immense satisfaction from draining the humans dry. The problem with his eyes it also showed that his baser side was still very close to the surface and was ready to retake control of Andrew.

"Andrew I am sorry but I had to ask before we got too far away. You are new to this and your emotions are clouding your senses," Layla offered sincerely.

"I understand," Andrew responded managing to give her a small sad smile. His baser side retreat slightly.

Gloria hung up from talking with Charles. "Charles and Susan are going to meet us in Cancun. They suggested that we stop at Susan's facility in Oaxaca. Andrew they will also take care of the remains of tony and Jake," Gloria explained and braced herself for his response.

"I could care less what happens to Tony's body but I want to have a proper funeral for my son," Andrew angrily demanded his eyes starting to darken.

"Andrew, I understand but we can't get caught with a severed head in the car. I promise you they will treat both of the remains with the upmost care and respect and once we get back to Philadelphia I will help you to plan a remembrance for both Jake and Shannon" Gloria tried to reason with Andrew. She understood how he felt and could remember what it was like for her when she was dragged away from her farm before she could bury her parents, in fact it still bothered her to this day. She managed to come to grips with and even forgive herself for her other acts but that one action was still an open wound on her soul.

"Are you sure they will treat him properly?" Andrew replied in an unsteady voice as tears formed around his eye. As much as he hated to have to admit that Gloria was right, he knew that she was. The only way he could attempt to get vengeance for his son was to allow the people at Susan's facility to handle Jakes remains: he couldn't say even to himself dispose of his remains. He swore to himself that he would see Amsu and the others hand for killing his son.

As they road Andrew had his eyes closed praying he that this was some kind of terrible dream he had barely made peace with the fact that he would outlive his child by realizing that his son would have a long and full life. Now because Amsu and this other vampire he no longer had that comfort and he wanted them to suffer. His baser side was whispering promise of blood and pain for those who had hurt him if he would just let him out and Andrew was leaning towards letting the monster have his way. He was just about to give into the pain when a tiny whisper in his mind asked him, " do you want your child's legacy to be the cause of a war were millions will die needlessly or do you want your child's death to be the catalyst for change? You can help to stop this madness before Amsu goes any further."

Andrew couldn't believe what he was hearing he thought for a moment, that he had lost it totally. Then he recognized the voice it was his grandfather. "I don't know how to stop this even if I wanted to," He responded to his grandfather.

"Andrew you have wanted to be a cop since you were old enough to say the word so be what you were meant to be a cop. Find the cocksucker that did the actual killing and make him tell you who to after next. In addition, you have a couple advantages you have never had before first the bastard doesn't get Miranda Rights or a lawyer and second that rather attractive young lady beside you. Now stop moping around and go get the bastard," the voice demanded.

Andrew said a small prayer of thanks for his grandfather's gentle persuasive ways even though he knew his grandfather had been dead for over ten years he knew his grandfather had come to help him at least in spirit. Now that the voice of his other half had been silenced, he started to think on how to proceed. He knew he had to build a case against Amsu and Rodrigues so that they could live in peace. If he failed to make a case against them, he and the rest would be hunted for all of eternity.

Several hours later, they stopped at a small gas station and while Fredrick was fueling the SUV, the rest of them went into the store next to the station to buy snacks and drinks. While they were checking out Andrew noticed the headlines of the morning newspaper and quickly added it to their purchase. It read, "The bodies of the Martinez drug cartel found drained of blood." The paper then went on to describe that the bodies of several high ranking members of the Martinez cartel had been found earlier this morning all of the bodies had been drained of blood by some unknown means. The Article also reported that Santiago Martinez mutilated body was found in the house. The paper had stated that the police and Federales are investigating the attack as a territory dispute.


Early the next day, the SUV containing the five friends and Amelia's young guest Paola, pulled up in front of Susan's facility. The outside looked like an old adobe house like hundreds of others in Mexico but the inside looked like a modern medical office building. Gloria explained that as far as the locals knew the building bought blood for research purposes paying between fifty and two hundred peso per pint of blood the rarer the type the more money they got. Even though blood was blood as far as for nutrition many vampires claimed that, the rarer blood types tasted better so they were willing to pay extra for it. Paola didn't realize how hungry she was until the smell of the blood hit her she had not feed for the last three days and she was starving. Without her realizing, her eyes had changed and her baser side was now taking control.

Amelia who was closest to Paola sensed the change and quickly took control of her mind to force her to maintain control of herself. Amelia quickly realized that the poor girl had even less of an idea of what being a vampire then she had had and she knew if it hadn't been for Andrew, she wouldn't have survived her first night. As Amelia scanned her mind, she saw glimpses of an older vampire that had been controlling her; she could sense that the vampire was powerful. Whoever this man was he was the one who had been controlling things and he had left right before Andrew and her had arrived at the house, which made Amelia wonder how he knew the two of them were coming. The vampire looked and sounded as if he was from the Mediterranean area. After careful deliberation, she decided to keep this knowledge to herself for the time being.

Andrew could sense that Amelia had seen something in Paola's mind and now was keeping it from him. He had attempted to peak at what Amelia had saw but he shield was too strong for him to breach. "Amelia what did you see?" Andrew asked anger and hurt laced his voice.

Before she could respond, a young vampire walked into the office area and called out, "I am looking for Detective Andrew Martin please."

Andrew didn't respond at first surprised to hear his old job title. The young vampire repeated his name, "I am Andrew, who are you and what do you want?" Andrew responded his gaze freezing the young vampire in place.

"I am Felipe, Mr. Martin," Felipe replied nervously. He swallowed involuntarily as he attempted to calm himself every instinct he had was screaming for him to run and get as far away from this place as he could. He nervously glanced over his shoulder towards the exit and noticed that a rather attractive blonde vampire had blocked his exit. He slowly looked towards the only other exit, which was the window to find it was also block by an equally attractive Middle Eastern vampire. He could sense that she was the oldest vampire in the room. He knew he was trapped and he cursed himself for being swayed by the large amount of money they had promised to pay him. Twenty-thousand Pecos just to deliver a box but his greed had made him reckless. He swallowed once more then held out the box he was carrying offering to Andrew. "I was told to deliver this to you," He continued weakly.

As soon as Andrew accepted the box Felipe, quickly turn and started to walk towards the exit hoping that the blonde headed woman would allow him to pass. He had gotten a few steps when he heard an inhuman roar behind him and he turn just in time to be lifted by his throat and carried to the wall. Felipe closed his eyes and quickly prayed to survive this day with his head in tact just as he was painfully driven into the wall.


Andrew quickly examined the box it was an aluminum box with a thick rubber seal around the edge of the top. He cautiously released the two catches and cracked the box open when the scent of blood overwhelmed him not just any blood but Jake's blood. His baser instantly took over and launched towards Felipe grabbing him by the neck crushing his airway while driving him into the wall. Andrew heard the satisfying crunch of bones breaking. "Who sent you?" Andrew demanded.

Filipe tried to answer but his throat was too badly damaged. He struggled to get Andrew to loosen his painful grip to no avail. He found himself being repeatedly slammed into the wall and each time he heard and felt more bones being shattered. The pain was becoming overbearing and he looked around the room praying to find someone to help him. He locked eyes with black female whom seemed to be Andrew's mate and pleaded for her to help him with his eyes.

Amelia was the pain and anguish in Felipe's eyes she notice him trying to use his eyes plead to her for help. She laid her hand on Andrew's arm and pushed into his mind trying to calm him while she softly pleaded, "Andrew, My love he won't be able to answer you if you kill him. Please put him down and let him recover so he can answer your questions "

Andrew ignored her at first but after she repeated herself, a few times, as she started to massage his shoulders he slowly started to calm down, which allowed him to regain control. Once he was calm, enough he released the young vampire and stepped back, into Amelia's waiting arms. Andrew glared at Felipe as he fought to maintain control of himself.

Felipe was on his knees while trying to focus his energy on healing himself fast before Andrew lost control again he feel Andrew's eyes drilling holes in the top of his head and for the first time since he was a child he was afraid. He looked into Andrew's black soulless eyes and saw his own death. After what seemed like a couple of lifetimes, Felipe throat healed enough to allow speech. "I was promised twenty thousand Pecos to deliver the box to you. I had no idea what was inside it was just a job. I meant you no harm please senor let my go," Felipe pleaded his voice raspy from the damage that was still healing.

"Who gave you the box?" Andrew commanded.

"I don't know his name. He was almost as tall as you, had a tan complexion with black hair and he spoke with an Italian accent. I was to meet him at El Resto Del Vaqueroin four hours to collect the rest of my money." Felipe explained hoping he would live to collect the rest of his money.

"That is a bar on the west side of the city," Fredrick said before Andrew could ask.

Andrew listened to the young vampire and couldn't detect any lies. He glanced at Amelia who subtly nodded. Andrew pointed to a chair and asked, "How would you like to make five thousand American and four units of blood?"

"That depends sir on what you want me to do. I don't do murder for hire." Felipe replied shocked. A moment ago, he was sure he was going to lose his head and now he is being offered a job by the man that he thought was going to kill him.

"No, I don't want you to kill anyone. All I want you to do is go to your meeting and point the vampire that was going to hire you out to me. I will take care of the rest. Lastly, I will also make sure the he pays you what he owes you as an additional incentive," Andrew explained.

"He will kill me if I set him up," Felipe Nervously replied.

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