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Amorous Goods: The Box

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A box of surprising twists and turns.
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A lifelong collector of goods and objects from far and wide has passed and left the entire collection and the business built around them to the only remaining relative, a niece on a career path of her own. Vikki has taken on the task of administering the estate and liquidating the business and collection. However, she has come to find out that many of the goods have been cursed or enchanted with amorous powers that affect those who encounter them. These are the stories of some of those encounters with objects found at Amorous Goods.


I hadn't received a registered letter in years. Heck, I hadn't even been to a post office in years. As I stood in line, I figured it was actually almost 5 years. When I bought my house, I was at the post office sending official letters and paperwork almost daily.

After about twenty minutes in line, I finally turned over the registered mail receipt, and received a stiff brown envelope in return.

"Well, that was disappointing." I told the clerk as I left.

"Have a nice day." I heard in response.

Walking outside into the Texas heat, I got into my car and started it to get cooled off. Looking at the envelope, it appeared to be from some sort of legal liquidator firm. Aside from the house purchase, I had no other contact with lawyers, so this was kinda interesting.



We have determined through DNA testing you are related to our client. Please bring this letter to the address on this announcement, and proper identification. Do so on the date chosen for you, also printed on the announcement, or you will forfeit claim to items chosen for you.


"DNA results?" I asked myself aloud.

Googling the address, I found it to be about an hour's drive, in a warehouse of some sort, and in a decent part of town. So far, so good.

Driving home, I felt I didn't have anything to lose by following the directions in the letter. So, a week later, I made my way across town where I found a nice storefront in a renovated warehouse complex. The entire area was a bustling conglomeration of businesses. There was a hotel, a large market, several restaurants, and surrounding apartments.

After familiarizing myself with the environs, I made my way to the address. It appeared to be a simple, nondescript antique-consignment type of business. In the store windows there were several pieces of furniture and clothing displayed. It really fit into the vibe of this development.

"A sex shop?" I asked myself as I read the sign over the door: Amorous Goods.

Entering, the place smelled more like a candle shop than an antique store. That, and the ceiling was rather high, making it look really inviting. Just to the right of the door, the cashier was smartly located, and there were several aisles from which to choose to walk from my location. Each aisle seemed very neat and organized unlike your typical junk store places. All-in-all, I could see myself shopping here, and I'm glad I'm early to enjoy the store.

Looking down the first aisle on my left, I see a few customers. I continue walking, and decide to walk down the next aisle where there are no customers. The objects along this particular aisle are of particular value. By that, I mean, this is no ordinary collection for sale. The items are all classic, quite valuable, and of wonderful quality.

"Zoo? Is that you?" I hear from my right. Looking in her direction, I see Vikki, former roommate of an old girlfriend, looking at me from two aisles away.

Vikki was never as daring as my girlfriend at the time, Paula. Paula had an exhibitionist streak that was not to be tamed, and I was the willing beneficiary of many of her adventures. Sex after exposing herself was off the charts amazing, and I won't deny my enjoyment of public nudity. On one particular trip to the beach, Vikki and her boyfriend joined us, not knowing what we were up to. The boyfriend ended up getting naked along with us, and Vikki eventually relented and went topless.

At their apartment, I had never seen Vikki nude, but I could tell her body was smoking hot. At the beach, my suspicions were confirmed. Vikki has an amazing set of tits, and I enjoyed every moment I could to look at her body. As Paula and Vikki's boyfriend swam about 25 metres from us, I talked to her about nothing memorable and I could tell Vikki was getting comfortable, hopefully to the point of going completely naked like the three of us. I thought she was close when she turned over and pulled her bikini bottom up to tan an amazing ass. Her boyfriend tried coaxing her out of her bottoms as he applied sunscreen to her ass after returning from the water. Alas, that never materialized, but I was left with indelible memories of her mammaries.

After the beach, life in their apartment loosened up considerably. Paula basically became an apartment nudist as she rarely wore clothes there. Vikki became a little comfortable with me. One day, I got to their apartment after work, and just before Paula got back from her job. With my key, I let myself in, and relaxed on the couch. I could hear the shower running and figured it was Vikki. My deduction was proven correct by a mostly naked Vikki walking from her room, wrapped in a towel, to the bathroom. Without a word from either of us, she kept going and I relaxed in front of the tv.

I was awakened by Paula hanging her tits in my face as I had fallen asleep on the comfy couch. To this day, I wished it had been Vikki. Later that same month, I would receive a birthday gift from Vikki unlike any other. Again, I arrived at their place before Paula, but this time found Vikki in the kitchen and completely naked. I'll never forget our conversation.

"Hey, I hear it's your birthday, so I wanted to surprise you with a little something." Vikki told a very shocked me.

"If this is all you give me, I'm quite happy. Is there more?" I said as I stared at her body.

"Oh yes. Take off your clothes." Vikki directed.

Who was I to argue. I quickly stripped my clothes off. Vikki walked up to me, hugged me so I could feel her entire body against mine, then walked to her room.

"Happy Birthday." That's all she said.

I got dressed, and never mentioned it to Paula. From that point on, Vikki and I always shared a smile with each other, but I never got the courage to ask for more. I sure wish I had because Paula flew the coop one day for a nudist colony somewhere. I tried to find her, but gave up, then discovered Vikki had also moved out of the apartment and even her boyfriend quickly lost contact with her.

I just kept working and figured it was all for the best. The person behind this mystery letter changed all that.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" I ask, trying not to awkwardly check her out.

"Well, the short story is I run the place." Vikki says, approaching me.

"And the long story?" I inquire.

"Well, that's why you're here. Let's go sit down in the private meeting room." Vikki says, pointing me to the back of the store. Following her, I couldn't help but check out her still incredible ass. My mind put it back into a thong on the beach as we made the short walk to the office.

"C'mon in, and let me tell you this crazy story." Paula said, holding the office door open.

Inside the somewhat normal office came the most fantastical story I could ever imagine. Vikki was apparently the lone surviving relative of a very rich man who collected incredibly valuable and, sometimes very weird, items. Vikki had to put her career on hold to manage the estate and liquidate the assets.

"It pays well enough, I guess. I was able to leave my partner in charge of my business until I get this stuff sold." Vikki told me.

"So, you have to sell everything out there?" I asked.

"Yes. The tricky part is finding the correct buyer. It's almost like the stuff won't sell, except to very specific people."


"It's hard to explain, but this store could be open for years before we sell everything. It's almost like each item has to be sold to a certain person. Everyone who buys something here has a story to tell about the item, or how they just felt compelled to buy it. I don't have much retail experience aside from a high school job, and I've never seen anything like this."

"So...Amorous Goods?" I asked.

"All I can figure is it applies to liking something in here. There are some adult things in here, and that's why I considered you." Vikki replied.

"I'm not sure I understand."

"I can't tell you much more, only that I want you to look around as long as you would like, even past closing time. There is definitely something here for you, but I don't want to ruin the experience for you." Vikki is vague, apparently on purpose, and opens the door for me.

I head out into the store, and it seems somehow different. It's kinda hazy up near the lights hanging from the ceiling. The lights have dimmed like you see in restaurants as the sun sets during dinner. The smell of candles is still evident, but probably because there are lots of them burning; something I hadn't noticed before.

From around the premises comes the sounds of my favorite piano player. The new age sounds of a single piano player turn the place into an even more atmospherically pleasing shopping experience.

And shop I do, seemingly alone in a maze of shelves and tables. Yet, I walk with ease among the items. I'm so overcome by the music, I don't notice at first that most of the items seem blurry, but there is a definite halo inside my vision which allows me to only see the items one at a time. It's almost like looking through binoculars backwards, but everything is closer.

"Ummmm, Vikki, what's......?" I'm stopped in my tracks by the fact the office I just exited is no longer behind me. I spin around, but am unable to find it. Gathering myself, I try to head in the same direction, or at least the way I think I was going. It's a little disconcerting, but I think I've read about people dropping acid and going through this type of thing.

Even stranger is the music. As I walk, it seems to disappear. I stop in my tracks, looking around at the various items. I back up a few steps, and the music volume increases ever so slightly. I stop. Is my mind playing tricks? I see an opening to my right, another break in the aisles, and turn to walk that way. The music increases as I walk past a few perpendicular rows, then it decreases. I stop, and decide to turn again, this time to my left and am rewarded by an increase in the sounds of the piano.

I know there's a reason for the music, but I slow down and begin looking at the individual items again. I'll let the music guide me intuitively, but I'm still very curious about all the stuff I can see.

The music brings me around several aisles, where I find a box, by itself within my limited vision. As I approach, a piece of paper comes out of the top. Picking up the paper, I realize the box is what I am to leave with today.

It reads: Take this box. From it, you will receive directions to make your desires, and those of people you choose, to come true.

Touching the box to pick it up, the room suddenly illuminates and the music disappears. I also find my itself back at the register, looking out into shopping area around the store.

"Vikki. We got another one." I hear the cashier say.

"How did I get here?" I ask the cashier.

"We see it all the time. Customers kinda wander around, oblivious to us, then come out of a trance-like state right here at the register." I hear Vikki say from behind me.

"That was interesting. I almost panicked, but the music I heard kept me calm."

"What music was it?"

"My favorite, new-age solo piano."

"Our customers almost always mention their favorite music. Anything else special?" Vikki asks.

"Just that I was only able to see one item at a time, the office we met in disappeared, and this box produced a slip of paper directing me to pick it up. When I did so, I ended up here." I explain.

"We hear that, as well, except each item has its own special way to attach to its owner. What did the paper say?" Vikki asks.

"Something about making my desires come to reality."

"Well, that's a new one. Usually, it's some childhood memory, or a material good, or just ownership of the item is meaningful in some way. Interesting. This is the most specific I've heard yet." Vikki explains.

"So, now what?"

"The box is yours. Enjoy it. We're here if you have any questions." Vikki formalizes the deal.

Suddenly, the box spits out another piece of paper. It simply says: Tell her. I stop to think about this.

"Well, can I have your personal number if I have any questions?" I ask Vikki.

As soon as I ask, the box produces yet another paper, this one with a phone number on it.

"Is this your number?" I ask her.

"Well, that answers that. What else has the box told you?"

"I can only tell you that in private. Shall we go talk?" I ask.

"Lead the way." Vikki follows me back to the office.

Back in the office, I put the box down on the table to thoroughly take a look at it. It's not heavy, but I only see the slot where the papers have come out. There don't seem to be any screws, or any way to open it. It's just slightly smaller than an old-school typewriter case. It's just a frills-free box made of wood.

"Vikki, the message before your phone number said I need to 'tell you'. I think I know what it is." I say, turning to face Vikki as she closes the door.


"I always wanted to ask you for more after you gave me that birthday present. I was shy, for whatever reason, not to mention I was having the time of my life with Paula. I'm not referring to wanting sex as much as I had always wondered what it would be like to date a normal girl, and not that nympho."

"That's exactly why I thought of you for this shop. I figured you were just at that point in your life where you didn't know what you wanted, or where you were going. A more mature you is what I hoped to see walk in, and I wasn't disappointed." She tells me as she comes just a little closer.

"Would you like to go get something to eat? I see there's quite a few choices in this complex." I move myself, closing the distance between us ever so slightly.

Before Vikki answers, the box sends out another paper. On it is typed: You know her dreams.

"You better sit down. I think I know what's going on." I direct Vikki to a seat at the table. "Let me know if this is too direct for you."

"Okay. I can respect that." Vikki tells me.

"When I was with Paula, I always just assumed there's a little of her in all of us. She was a one of a kind at times, and I was merely a witness to her unique nature. That said, I also felt like you might want to take part, in fact you did one time at the beach, and then you were quite comfortable around me in the apartment. Am I missing anything?"

"Well, Zoo, I did try to seduce you just a little, but I chickened out. I would have loved to have been totally naked at the beach, but I wasn't quite ready. I was oh so close, though. I still get turned on by how you sat with me, you naked, me topless, and we just talked. I wasn't creeped out by you, and I became unaware of my body. If this isn't too much information, I had an incredible orgasm that night, and it wasn't because of MY boyfriend." Vikki seemed a little embarrassed by her admission.

"Like I said, your birthday gift to me was one of my most favorite ever. I have thought of you often. That said, let me cut to the chase. Where exactly do you want to expose yourself?" There, I said it.

"Wow, Zoo, I don't think I charged you enough for that box. Did it really tell you that?"

"Not in so many words."

"Okay, well here goes nothing. I want to go to the beach again, or somewhere similar where I can go without, or even lose my suit. I want to work in here for a day, completely naked. I want to be seen, but without my knowing it. I don't want to be self-aware of my surroundings so I don't become inhibited. But, I also want to be forced to become naked, almost to the point of being raped. Is that too much? Can you work with that?" Vikki is suddenly relaxed with me.

"Well, with the help of the box, and it appears it is going to be a big part of this, I know I can make these desires, and even more happen for you." I say with authority. "For example, take off your bra and put it on the table."

"Why...?" Vikki starts to question me.

"You don't always have to ask for a reason. In some circumstances, you should. But in this instance, there is no need. Just do it." I interrupt her.

With those directions completed, Vikki stood up, unbuttoned her shirt, and deftly removed her bra. Placing it on the table, she rebuttoned the shirt and stood there. Her beautiful nipples were clearly outlined by the flimsy material; their hardness heightened by her heavy breathing.

"My advice, or request, actually a demand is you should not wear a bra anymore. Look for those camisole shirts, or lacy undershirts to wear. You need to get used to your hard nipples and the fact men, not to mention women, love to look at your body. You should also only wear thongs. However, when we plan any type of activity, you are not to wear any underwear at all. Finally, you should expect to lose most of your clothing when you are around me, so make sure it's not anything you don't want to lose. Am I clear so far?" I tell Vikki.

"Can I make requests?" Vikki asks.

"Let the box do its job. I think it will guide us." I reply. "But, by all means, what would your first request be?"

"My first request would be to go to the beach, and restart. I have make up for lost time, so why not go back to where it all started and seal the deal. From there, I'll be ready for just about whatever you want." Vikki smiles at me.

"Well, we can go now and see what happens. Stay flexible." I maintain.

Thus, it is decided. Vikki picks up her bra, and we walk to her personal office where she shoves it in her purse, and we walk out in the afternoon sun. Unless the box I am carrying interrupts us, I should have her completely naked on the sand well before the sun goes down.

Vikki walks with a confidence I had never seen in her while I dated Paula. Her boobs moved freely under the shirt, and she walked undeterred to the parking lot. Letting me drive, Vikki also removed her panties and shoes, leaving on only her button down shirt and skirt.

The box has stayed quiet the entire ride to the beach. I'm kinda glad, actually. Without suits, there is only one outcome for this trip. Well, at least for Vikki. I'm not sure how the box got us to this point, and now I'm not sure I can imagine where we'll go. At least I'm holding the ultimate icebreaker.

We arrive at the beach as the last diehards are still laying out and the evening surfers dominate the water. I lock the car, and we walk onto the nearby sand, barefoot, and stroll close to the incoming tide. The foamy water covers our feet, then recedes, over and over.

Without direction, or even a word between us, Vikki begins unbuttoning her blouse. I catch a glimpse out of the corner of my eye of her cleavage, and then she stops. Almost imperceptibly, she begins walking deeper and deeper into the surf. In doing so, the bottom of her skirt gets wetter, but Vikki keeps walking outward. The skirt becomes heavy with the water, and it appears to drag itself down to her feet.

"Do you want me to pick up your skirt?" I ask Vikki.

"No, not even when it falls off." And with that, off it comes. Totally.

Vikki's backside is barely covered by her shirt. Her ass peeks out at the bottom of the shirt, and it some becomes wet as Vikki continues outward.

"This is so invigorating. I can feel the water hitting my pussy, and I want more." Vikki exclaims.

Spreading her arms out wide, she is taking in the last moments of the sun and exposing her entire body as the shirt opens up. Vikki allows her shirt to fall behind her with her skirt, and then continues on. I look back and see the clothing float around in the churning waters. I decide to leave them. Paula, on occasion, did walk back to our car naked. I guess Vikki has decided to do so.

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