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An Affair

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Wife thinks her husband is cheating.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/19/2015
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I think my husband is having an affair. These past couple of months he's become quite secretive and yet at the same time he is more attentive to me than he has been for a long time.

I'm Julie West. My husband, Scott, and I have been married for almost twenty years. They've been really good years, too. We've been unable to have children because he has a low sperm count. We resigned ourselves to that fact some time ago and have never really worried about it.

We met while we were both in our final year of University. I was doing a Graphic Design course and he was doing accounting. We enjoyed each other's company from the start. We became best friends and then lovers. By the time we got married we were inseparable.

We always had a close bond. When we found out that we couldn't have children we decided to focus on our careers. I am a freelance designer working from home. He is a partner in a small but growing accounting firm. We also became the best auntie and uncle our nieces and nephews could have. We spoilt them rotten and then gave them back to their parents.

We both turn forty later this year. While neither of us is really worried about it, after all it's just a number, I am concerned about his behaviour.

We have never really hidden anything from each other. We know each other's passwords and codes for our computers and phones, and we have always shared bank accounts. It's never been something we've ever thought about. It's normal for us. We are also quite open when on the phone. Overhearing conversations and then discussing them with each other is normal for us. We often answer each other's phones too.

Recently, Scott (my husband) has changed. He is never without his phone. He used to be terrible with leaving it lying about but now he is very careful to make sure he has it with him. He has also begun to leave the room when he has a call. He's never done that before.

He has never been concerned if I see what he is doing on his computer but now he often closes it when I come into the room.

It's beginning to worry me. He's changed.

The other thing he's been doing is paying me more attention. He seems to want to make love more often than ever before. Our sex life has been great but has slowed down recently. We are both getting older and the passion isn't always there, although we both love making love to each other.

Recently he has been much more amorous. He's tried to initiate love-making almost every day for the past six weeks or so.

I decided to talk to my closest girlfriend about it. She dismissed it, almost out of hand. It was as if she didn't care. She told me that Scott would never do anything to hurt me, and to be patient and everything would be okay.

It frustrated me because it seemed like she was hiding something too.

I decided I needed a male perspective. There is one company I work with a lot. The owner is a really nice man who has become a friend to both of us. When I told him about my concerns he told me he didn't think it was possible, but as a friend to both of us he preferred to stay out of it.

He had just employed a new designer, who I had the opportunity to work with on an advertising campaign. Tony was a genuinely nice guy so I decided to talk to him.

He asked me a lot of questions and seemed to confirm my fears. He said that the secretive behaviour was an obvious concern. He also told me that Scott being more amorous was a classic cheater's trait. Often male cheaters would increase the sex with their partner so they felt less guilty.

He asked me about Scott, too. I felt that he was beginning to talk him down in an effort to win my trust. When I thought about it I realised he was giving me good advice but was also hoping that I'd do the same as my husband, but with him. He wanted to bed me!

Fortunately I realised this before he made a real move so I decided to discontinue my personal conversations with him and just keep is to business.

But he did plant a seed in my mind. If Scott was actually having an affair, and that was looking more and more likely, maybe I could too.

I decided to watch Scott's behaviour closely over the next little while before I did anything stupid. I even toyed with the idea of hiring a private investigator, but held off on that for a while.

His behaviour seemed to get even worse from my perspective. Once I heard him on the phone but when I went into the room he was in, he hung up without saying goodbye. He seemed to be really happy all the time. He would come home from work with a huge smile on his face. Even he couldn't have had days that good!

I know that sounds stupid - him being happy all the time. But it seemed false. He seemed to be overly happy, almost happy with himself. It was as if he was part of an in-joke, but no one else was. The more I thought about it the more I realised that his behaviour was odd.

So I bit the bullet and decided to hire a PI. It would cost me a thousand dollars for a week of surveillance but I figured it would be worth it. If it confirmed my fears I would take it out of his hide. I spoke to the PI on a Thursday and he assured me he could begin the following Monday. I was to contact him the week after to organise a time to meet.

As it turned out it was the Wednesday of the following week that I met him. The news was disappointing. It was inconclusive, but his opinion was that there was something going on. He had photos of Scott entering and leaving a Hotel with a strange woman. There were no pictures from inside because the PI couldn't access the Hotel. Its' management wouldn't allow it.

So I had pictures of my husband and another woman in the vicinity of a downtown hotel, the thoughts of an experienced PI, and my own suspicions. I decided that I should confront him with what I had.

A week before my birthday he had to go away for a three-day weekend for work. His firm had some executive bonding session, or some such. I decided that I would talk to him before he left. Before I had a chance to, though, he informed me that his flight had been moved forward and he was leaving from work on the Friday afternoon. He told me this on the Friday morning, as he was dragging his suitcase out to his car. Needless to say, I was unimpressed.

That night I was really down. Because of my suspicions I thought that he was probably enjoying a weekend with his new playmate. I was feeling every bit of my age and felt really frumpy. I decided to go and have my hair done and maybe a manicure too. Fortunately my hairdresser was available.

I did all that and felt much better about myself. My hair looked fabulous and I had both a manicure and a pedicure. My nails were fantastic. I decided I would go out for a drink after dinner.

I found myself at a bar in town I'd never been to before. I enjoyed a few glasses of wine before the music started. There was a trio of musicians playing and there was people dancing as soon as they started.

A tall, handsome man asked me if I would like to dance. I thought for a moment and then decided that I would. It felt really good to be asked.

We ended up staying on the dance floor for a few numbers before I needed a drink. He led me to my seat and sat down with me. We started chatting and I found out that he was staying at a nearby hotel for an engineering conference. He bought me a drink and we chatted like old friends. I was feeling really mellow.

We danced some more and eventually we decided to call it a night. As we left the bar, Peter asked me if I'd like a nightcap. His Hotel was just down the street. I looked at him and thought how handsome he was. My next thought was that if Scott could go away and screw around then I could certainly enjoy a nightcap with Peter so I accepted.

We walked to the Metropolitan Hotel. It happened to be the Hotel my husband was photographed at with his mystery woman. We got into the elevator and travelled to Peter's floor. He led me to his room and we went inside. I was really nervous (for some reason) but Peter was a gentleman. He poured us both a Brandy and we sat and chatted some more.

He was very complimentary about me and I was very happy to receive his compliments. He put some music on and asked me to dance. I melted into his arms and enjoyed the sensations of a slow dance with a handsome man. I looked up at him with a smile on my face. He leaned down and kissed me lightly.

I kissed him back. Before long our tongues were wrestling. His hands caressed my bottom. My hands did the same to him. He worked his way up to my breasts. My nipples were immediately hard. He unzipped my dress and it fell off my shoulders. I undid his shirt and unbuckled his pants.

I was on fire, standing there in bra and panties. All I could think of was, 'Thank God they match.' We kissed some more and he led me gently to the bed. He lay me down on my back and knelt in front of me. He kissed my tummy and the insides of my thighs. He caressed my increasingly wet mound.

I lifted my bottom as he reached for my panties. As he slowly slid them down he kissed my pussy lips. He kissed and licked, licked and bit, bit and kissed me all over my mound. I was in heaven. He stuck his tongue as far inside me as he could, then he sucked on my inflamed clit. That sent me over the edge into ecstasy. I orgasmed like never before. I shivered and shook. Peter kept his mouth on me. He licked some more until I came again. In fact I don't think I stopped orgasming, just floated from one to the next.

When I came to my senses I felt him climb onto the bed. He lay down gently on me and inserted his cock into my extremely wet pussy. It felt amazing. He reached around and unhooked my bra and began to nuzzle my breasts. The combination of his suckling and his cock inside me made me explode in orgasm again.

As I was recovering from that I felt him tense up as he came inside me. He seemed to come by the gallon. It felt wonderful. When he was spent he kissed me so tenderly I had tears in my eyes.

We had only been in the room for about twenty minutes and I'd just had the best sex of my life. We kissed and cuddled some more before I must have fallen asleep. I woke up some time later and Peter was lying asleep next to me. We had the covers over us and his arms were around me. My hand was on his beautiful cock.

I fell asleep again until morning. I woke up to Peter's kisses. I returned them and we made slow, sensuous love. It was lovely. We just enjoyed each other's bodies and slowly worked our way into an orgasmic frenzy. I came again and Peter shot another load deep inside me.

He got up to shower. I lazed in the bed but put the coffee on before he finished. He came out of the bathroom naked. I went in to have my own shower. While I was luxuriating in the warmth the door opened and Peter joined me. We made love standing up in the shower under the warmth of the water.

He asked me to stay with him for the rest of the weekend. I told him I needed a change of clothes but that I would love to. I took off for home, grabbed a few things and put them in a bag. I was back in Peter's room, and his in less than two hours.

We lazed in bed for the rest of the day. We made love, dozed and made love again. We had a room service lunch and stayed in bed for the rest of the afternoon. By the time it was evening I was a mess. I showered again and got dressed. Peter did the same, and we went to the Hotel restaurant for dinner.

He was a gentleman the whole time. We went dancing after dinner. I had such a good time. The only time I thought of my husband was to think that I was enjoying what he had enjoyed for the last few months. We retired to his room again and we fucked. We didn't make love, we fucked. I began by taking him in my mouth and bringing him to the brink. Then I forced him onto his back and mounted him. We fucked. He was remarkably restrained but eventually he succumbed and came inside me yet again.

He then rolled me over and attacked my nipples. I was writhing in ecstasy as he mounted me. This time I came, all over the bed as I squirted for the first time ever. He lasted longer but eventually coated the inside of my pussy again.

Eventually we calmed down and made love before falling asleep in each other's arms. Sunday morning was a carbon copy of the previous day. We made love, showered, breakfasted, made love, had room-service lunch, made love and then showered again.

I knew I needed to go home but we made plans to meet during the week. He would be there until Thursday. His conference started on Sunday evening and finished at lunchtime on Thursday.

I arrived home to an empty house but I had some lovely memories of a wonderful weekend. Scott arrived home late; I was already in bed. He kissed me as he got into bed but I didn't speak to him until the next morning.

He asked me about my weekend and I lied about how boring it was without him. He lied about how boring his weekend was too. He left to go to work and I decided to do the washing. Just as I finished hanging it out to dry I got a phone call from Peter. He wanted to skip his meetings the next day and wondered if I would be able to see him. I agreed straight away.

I arrived at the Hotel by about ten o'clock the next morning. Peter was still in bed, naked. I quickly joined him as we attacked each other. This time we talked after we had fucked each other to a standstill. I had told him a few things but really opened up to what I believed my husband was doing. He told me about his wife and his marriage. He said it wasn't ideal but wasn't too bad either. We came to the conclusion that while we had an amazing time together, there was most likely no future. We also decided that if the shit hit the fan for both of us then we could see how we went together.

For the rest of the week, Scott seemed to get more and more excited. It was my birthday on the Sunday. He never once asked me what I'd like to do so I thought he was so wrapped up in his new ladylove that he had forgotten.

Imagine my surprise when he told me on the Saturday that he had a surprise for me that night. I was instructed to dress for an intimate dinner. The last thing I wanted was an intimate dinner with him and tried to find an excuse not to go but he insisted.

I reluctantly got myself ready. I decided that since I was going I might as well look as good as I could so that I could feel good about myself. I put on my little black dress and my black stilettos. I decided to wear stockings and the bra, panty and suspender belt set that Scott had bought me ages ago.

When I finished my makeup I felt a million dollars. If nothing else Scott would realise what he was risking here.

We went out to his car and he drove us in the direction of the city. We parked and, lo and behold, we were at the Metropolitan Hotel. Scott led me through the lobby to what looked like a door to the dining room. He asked me to close my eyes, which I did reluctantly. He led me into the room and told me to open my eyes.

"Surprise!!" I saw all of my friends there. It was a surprise birthday party for my fortieth birthday. I stood there with my mouth agape. I couldn't believe it. Everyone I knew was there. My best friend came up to me and gave me a huge hug.

"I told you to be patient and everything would be okay. Scott was madly planning this surprise, that's why he's been acting strangely. He's been trying to keep it from you."

My jaw just about hit the ground. "But what about the photos I got of him and that woman, in this Hotel?"

"She's the events manager. You'll meet her later. He's been busy organising stuff with her. That's why they were together. I told you not to worry." She hugged me again.

I was near tears. My husband was not having an affair. He was organising a surprise party for me. My mind went blank as I thought of what I'd done the previous weekend. I was horrified. I felt ill.

The next thing I knew I was on a gurney being rolled outside. I had fainted.

Scott was with me. He said I hit my head as I fell and I was being taken to hospital. When I looked at the concern on his face I began to cry.

"Don't worry, you'll be okay," he said.

"But...the party..."

"That doesn't matter."

"But you spent so much time organising it and now it's ruined."

"I don't mind. I just want to make sure you are okay. I love you, babe. The party doesn't matter. Our friends will enjoy the night without us. As long as you're okay. That's all that matters."

I went silent. We got to the hospital and I was taken in for an examination. It seemed that I had a concussion so I was admitted overnight for observation. Scott asked if he could stay. I didn't want him to but he stayed anyway.

He began talking about how he had fooled me with my surprise.

"It began about three months ago. I had the idea to throw a surprise party but wanted to do it in style. One of the guys at work is married to Karen, the events coordinator at the Metropolitan so I called her and met with her. She had some great ideas and whenever she thought of something new she rang me. If I was at home I just left the room so you wouldn't overhear the plans and get suspicious.

"Then after a couple of months of too-ing and fro-ing, we met at the Hotel for the final touches a couple of weeks ago. Last weekend I would have been here to finish everything off but I had to go on that stupid corporate weekend. What a waste of time that was. But anyway I came here on Tuesday to finalise everything once and for all."

Julie went pale as she realised how close she had come to being found out. She decided there and then that she would never speak about this ever again. She needed to be able to give all her love to her wonderful husband from now on.

"As I was planning I was so excited with what I was doing I thought I'd give it away. I was so happy about it all. I thought you'd get suspicious because I've wanted to make love with you much more these last few months than for a while. But I was just so excited about the party I couldn't help myself. I was like a kid in a candy store."

Julie felt even worse now. Scott loved her and wanted to show her how much he loved her. She had just stupidly jumped to the wrong conclusion. Well, she'd make it up to him. She'd be the best damn wife anyone ever had.

When she got out of hospital she began to do just that. But ion her quiet times she remembered Peter and eventually she spiralled into a depression. Scott was so worried about her that he decided to take some time off work and take her on a holiday.

Some weeks later, Julie woke up and felt like vomiting. She just made it to the bathroom on time. She felt nauseous for a few hours and then it cleared up. The next day was the same, nausea then fine. This went on for a few days until Scott sent her to the doctor to find out what was going on.

Julie went to her GP who did all the standard tests but found nothing. Then he asked her whether she had her period recently. She thought about it and realised it was about five weeks since her last one. When she told the doctor this she asked for a urine sample. She got a test strip, looked at it and told Julie she was pregnant.

Julie burst into tears. She just left the surgery, got into her car and drove. Eventually she found her way home. Scott had already arrived home from work. He was really worried about her.

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick."

Julie knew that she had to tell him. She felt sick too.

"Sit down, Scott. I've got to tell you something."

His first thought was that she had cancer and he said so.

"No, it's worse than that. You know when you started planning my party? You were acting strangely and I couldn't work out why. We've always been so open with each other. I began to worry when you started to hide things like phone calls from me. Then you were so happy all the time and wanted to make love all the time. I spoke to some friends and they said I had nothing to worry about. Then I asked a work colleague and he told me you were exhibiting classic cheater's behaviour."


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