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An Erotic Fairy Tale, Part 4

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Backdoor Voodoo. Tave claims Tink's anal cherry and more...
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Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/14/2019
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Author's Note:

Part 4 of Tink and Tave's erotic fairy tale focuses on anal sex. If this is not your thing, you may want to skip to page 2. Something truly magical happens then, setting up Part 5.


An Erotic Fairy Tale, Part 4 (of 7): Backdoor Voodoo

"I bet your mouth could get me ready in no time," I suggested to the naked, short-haired blonde girl who was lying next to me, glaring.

"Oh, I'm not betting with you anymore, mister," Wendy, who everyone called Tink, snarled. But as our gazes lingered on one another, I thought I saw a softening in her eyes.

"That's probably good, considering how badly you lost this round."

Moments before, I'd won a bet, and the stakes were me getting to fuck Tink's ass. Her virgin ass. The initial bet had been that I couldn't hold off coming until she'd ridden me to an orgasm for herself. If I won, she'd have to finish me with her mouth. Given that I'd been a complete virgin myself until earlier that evening, Tink seemed pretty confident that she'd win the bet. But after she came before I did, giving me the win in round one, I suggested double or nothing instead of her sucking me to completion. She'd raised the stakes by offering anal sex if I didn't come before her second orgasm.

Tink almost won round two, bringing me close to the edge by talking about wanting me to fill her with my cum and licking and sucking her own nipples. But I kept her close to orgasm too, talking dirty to her, calling her a slut and a whore. But what finally brought me victory, albeit by the smallest of margins, was when I sat up, my dick still deep inside her, and attacked her nipples with my lips and teeth. She came almost instantly, and I did the same in the next second. But I'd beaten her by enough.

Still, the suddenly timid Tink tried to talk me out of anal, first saying I probably couldn't get it up since I'd come three times already, then offering a threesome with another girl as an alternate prize. But I'd stuck to my guns, which brought us to where we were now, with me suggesting she use her talented mouth to get me hard again.

"Oh, fuck it," she groaned, rolling her eyes. "Give me a minute, okay?"

"Sure," I said, enjoying the view of her tight, rounded ass as she walked to the small bathroom attached to her private room. Tink was a college freshman like me, but whereas I lived in a traditional dorm, she lived in a privately run one where four girls shared the same kitchen and common room but had their own bedrooms and bathrooms.

"What's this?" I asked when she tossed a tube of something on the bed and sat back down next to me.


"It has glitter in it."

"I know."

"Will it be okay for..."

"I hope so. It's water-based, plus It's all I have."

"Well, it says it's okay for anal. But why do you...?"

"I thought it'd be exciting for my pussy to glitter for a guy. Turned out he didn't hardly notice, and I had glitter coming out of me for days, so lose/lose altogether. Not sure why I didn't just toss it."

"Tink, if you don't want to do this..."

"What makes you think I don't want to do this? Just 'cause I'll be shitting glitter for a week?"

"Everything. I don't want to make you do something you don't want to do."

"Hey, I said I would. See—informed consent at its finest."

"You don't have to. It's okay," I said, rubbing Tink's arm.

The blonde girl stared at me for several seconds, then rolled her eyes like she had moments earlier. But something seemed different this time, as if she was waiting on something I was not giving her. And her next words confirmed my suspicions.

"You ever think maybe, just maybe, I'm acting so reluctant and being such a bitch about it all is because I want you to make me go through with it?"

"Um, no, not really. Not until right now."

"All this informed consent bullshit makes it so much harder to make a guy push a girl's boundaries, even when said girl offered anal sex as the reward for a bet and let herself lose that bet. Oh, and she has lube handy too."

"You said you used it in your, um..."

"I did, yes. But I didn't have to go get it now. I could've said I didn't have any lube if I didn't want to go through with letting you fuck my ass. Or, imagine this, I could've never agreed in the first place. And I certainly could've made you come first if I wanted."

"Like you didn't try."

"I had to try. Otherwise, you would've been pissed I let you win, like when you thought I was stroking your ego after we fucked the first time."

"I don't think I would've been pissed at you letting me win with anal sex on the line. I think I would've accepted that."

"Maybe," Tink shrugged, and like every time she did, her round, enticing breasts bounced in a way that made it hard for me to think or breathe. "But maybe I wanted you to think you beat me so you'd be more willing to push for me to go through with it after I made a big deal about not wanting to."

"Fuck, you're making my head hurt," I groaned.

"Sorry. Anyway, I'll get you hard, and then you can use the fucking glitter lube."

"Wait, did you really mean the threesome offer, or was it part of your little game?" I asked, my mind trying to reconcile what Tink was saying now with what she'd said and done earlier.

"Maybe it was real, maybe it was part of my' game'," the blonde grinned, her feigned innocent expression at odds with the gleam in her eyes. "But I knew you'd never take me up on it with my virginal ass on the line."

"So, you've really never done anal before?"

"Nope. I've been waiting for the right guy."

"And you think I'm the right guy?"

"Oh, I sure hope so."


"Shut the fuck up, Tave," Tink said, kissing me lightly on the lips. "You keep yammering away about this shit, and I might decide you're not the right guy. Say you understand what I'm telling you."

"I understand."

"Good," the blonde girl smiled, then she lowered her head to my lap and sucked my still mostly soft dick into her mouth.

At first, nothing seemed to be happening, but after maybe thirty seconds, my cock started to grow, getting firmer and firmer, causing Tink to concentrate on just the first half of it, then the first couple of inches.

"Did you like that?" she asked a few minutes later, running one hand up and down my slick, rigid shaft.

"It was incredible."

"Beyond anything you'd ever imagined?" she teased, paraphrasing what I'd said both about my first blowjob and then sex.

"Oh, yes," I agreed.

"Hmmm. Well, just wait until I keep your dick in my throat as you get hard. That'll really blow your mind, and your load shortly after, I suspect."

"Oh," I said, my cock twitching at her words.

"I'd have done it now, but my nose is burning a little again, and I didn't want you so far down my throat I had to breathe just through my nose. Plus, I didn't want to go through all the work of getting you hard and having to taste my own pussy juice on your dick just for you to come too soon. If I'm gonna take it up the ass, I want the full experience."

"I thought you liked tasting yourself..."

"On your lips, yes. On your nasty cock it's just gross," Tink said, but her eyes were laughing, and after I failed to say anything else to her for several seconds, she winked at me.

"I don't understand you," I admitted with a long, deep sigh.

"So few do," she chuckled. "Now, let's get this over with."


Tink, head hanging almost low enough to touch the floor, whimpered as I tried to add a second finger to the first. I backed off again, wondering if this was ever going to work.

The first attempt had taken place on the bed, with the blonde girl on her hands and knees. But after several failed attempts to put even one lubed—and glittering—finger up her ass, she suggested we move to the floor.

"On the bed I know I can sink into it and get away," she said by way of explanation for the move. "On the floor, I won't be able to do that."

So, we moved to the floor. And sure enough, she'd kept her ass up when I shoved the tip of my index finger inside of her. I gave Tink a few seconds to adjust before slowly, carefully, moving the whole finger inside of her. Once we had hit that milestone, I began working it in and out, and soon she was relaxed enough for me to add a second finger. Or so I thought.

"If I'd known anal sex was going to be this messy for me, I'd chosen the threesome option," I complained, not meaning it but wanting to get a rise out of the girl.

"Shit, I'd carpet munch all day while you got BJ after BJ from the other girl and you both ignored my needs rather than go through this."

"Should I stop?"

"Or maybe you should quit trying to baby me."

"We talked about that," I grumbled. "I don't want to hurt you."

"And I said it's gonna hurt, so why not get it over with. This drag it out, lame-assed, gentle bullshit is much worse than... ooowww! What the fuck, dude?"

"You said you wanted me to stop babying you."

"Yeah, I meant I wanted you to get going. I didn't say ram your finger inside my anus while smacking my ass."

"I smacked it once," I pointed out. "And I think you liked it. I got the same feeling the first time I did it."

"What kind of slut likes getting her ass spanked?"



"And maybe the same kind who's ready for two fingers up her ass too."

"FUCK!" Tink screamed as I pulled my index finger out, added the still lubed middle finger to it, and shoved both inside her anus. "That fucking hurt."

"You want me to stop?" I asked, and when I received no answer, I repeated the question.

"No," she admitted finally, looking back at me over her shoulder. "But I don't want to have to say that either."

"Then how can I know when you really want me to stop?" I asked, turning my fingers in a slow circle, expanding her impossibly tight anus. "Isn't that the whole point of encouraging informed consent?"

"Fine, we'll use a fucking safe word. That better?"

"What's a safe word?" I asked before my mind supplied the likely answer. "Wait, never mind, I get it."

"Good," the blonde snickered. "It needs to be something that takes you out of the moment. How about 'Ferris'."

"My brother's name? That should work for me, but I can't believe you remembered it. I told you that..."

"The day we first met, yeah. Well, who the fuck can forget someone naming their kid 'Ferris Berris', especially when they named their next kid 'Tavis Berris'."

"Can we not talk about my parents and my brother?" I asked. "That and all this prep with my fingers is making me lose my, um, you know."

"After everything we've done this evening, and what we're about to do, you can't say to me that you're losing your erection?"

"It's embarrassing."

"It shouldn't be, after coming three times and enduring this misery. Here, let me help."

Tink pulled off my fingers, knelt up, turned, and took my mostly hard, but not ready, cock into her mouth. In almost no time, my full erection returned. The blonde sat back on her heels for a moment, winked at me, then went back to her hands and knees and presented her ass to me again.

"I suggest you take it now while you're ready," she said, not looking back at me.

"Maybe so," I replied, landing a sharp smack on both of her ass cheeks, making her jerk forward and yelp with both impacts.

I squeezed out a big dollop of the glittery lube directly onto her anus, then pushed it inside with my index finger. Tink shivered and whimpered at the invasion, but that was all. Taking that for a good sign, squeezed out more lube, this time on the head of my prick, and rubbed it all up and down the length. When I was sure I was as lubed up as possible, I knelt behind the girl and pushed the knob of my dick against her anus.

"Stop! Stop! I changed my mind," she said, wide eyes trying to meet mine. I shook my head and kept pushing.

"It's too fucking big," she continued a moment later.



"Shut the fuck up," I growled, telling her what she had told me earlier.

"And if I don't?"

"I'm not sure I'll be able to do this."

"Oh. Okay. I'll shut up."

Her response, more than anything else we'd said, more than anything else we'd done, assured me that she actually was a willing participant. And that knowledge emboldened me. Taking a firm grip on her hips, I forced the head of my dick past her sphincter and into her anus. The blonde shuddered and gasp but said nothing.

I gave her a moment to get used to the feeling, and then I pushed another inch inside. The sensation was unbelievable, tight and smooth, gripping me even tighter than her pussy when it spasmed in orgasm.

"Oh shit that hurts!" Tink yelped.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Did I say the safe word?"


"Then, no. I just needed to express what I'm feeling."

"Um, okay."

"Now, let's get this over with. Ram the rest inside of me."

"Only about two inches are in."

"Fuck," the girl moaned. "It feels like at least twice that."

"So, do you want me to try to get two more or..."

"I said ram it in!"

Reacting to her words, not the ever-present concerns of my conscience, I pulled back so only the head was still inside her anus before pushing forward with as much force as I dared.

Tink screamed and shook below me as all my length but maybe an inch filled her.

"Is that the whole thing?" she groaned a second later.

"Almost," I replied. "About an inch to go."

"God, it feels so full. And it hurts."

"It'll get better in a bit, right? I mean, some girls like this, don't they?"

"That's what I hear. Fucking masochistic sluts."

"Or I could stop now. Technically, you lived up to your promise."

"You pull out, and I'll kick you in the balls," the blonde snarled. "I said you could fuck my ass, and you're gonna fuck it, not just stick your dick in it."

"You are fucking impossible," I said, withdrawing a few inches and trying again to get all of it in.


I forced the reverberating sound of Tinks shriek out of my mind and repeated my actions once, then twice, then three times. Tink yelped or shrieked each time for the first several, then she whimpered and moaned as I established a rhythm—not slow but not as quick and hard as I'd fucked her pussy.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," she whined after a few seconds of no sounds coming from her except low moans. "It fucking hurts... but good... real good."

"What?" I asked, sure I'd heard her wrong.

"It hurts," she whimpered. "But it feels good too."

"So don't stop?"

"Don't you fucking dare!"

"Go harder then?"

"Yeah," Tink murmured. "Yeah, do that."

I picked up my pace, still being careful but now driving into her jiggling ass. The smooth, tight sensation of her anus gripping me as I moved in and out of it harder and faster sent chills through my body. And after a few seconds, I became acutely aware that had we done this after my first orgasm, or maybe even after the second, I would've never lasted this long.

"Oh yeah, yeah, fuck yeah," she panted a few seconds later, and I knew we'd turned a corner from it hurting her to her feeling the aroused.

"That feel good?" I managed to ask as I fought to get enough air in my lungs.

"Yeah... yeah... yeah... oh yeah... yeah..." Tink whimpered, the sound music to my ears. She had to be really worked up now, if not close to climaxing.

"You going to cum?"

"Yeah... yeah... yeah..." the blonde chanted.

Chills again spread through my body, and I knew my own orgasm was seconds away. So, I swatted her right ass cheek several times, watching it turn red as louder and louder 'fucks' mixed in with her 'yeahs'.

"You like getting your little whore ass spanked while I fuck it?"


The blonde convulsed beneath me, her words running together into an inarticulate moan, much like had happened before. For a moment, I thought that was it for me, but no release came. It was as if I was right on the edge but couldn't finish. Desperate, I grabbed both her hips and thrust in and out of her ass as fast as I could. I didn't use as much force as I had been, yet my pace still made her butt shake with each impact. For the third time, I felt myself shiver as a chill radiated from my core. I couldn't believe I hadn't come yet. It was impossible.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God," Tink cried out. "I'm gonna come again!"


"Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah," the sweat-soaked blonde panted in quick succession before her body tensed and she quit breathing. I knew I should stop and make sure she was okay, but I was so close that I feared denying my orgasm would bring agony. Plus, she'd stopped breathing for a few seconds for each climax during her multiple orgasms from my tongue, so I figured the same would happen this time. But it didn't. Not right away. Finally, I was so worried that I stopped with my dick all the way inside her ass, leaned across her slick back, and landed a light slap on her face. It was enough.

Tink expelled the air she'd been holding in her lungs, then sucked in more, her body shuddering with each labored breath. As for me, my cock pulsed inside her tight as ever anus, but I still didn't come. I briefly thought about starting up again, but I didn't know if the girl could take it.

"You haven't come, have you," she croaked a few agonizing seconds later.


"Then come. Fill my ass. Claim me as no man has ever claimed me. Make me your slut, yours to fuck as often as you want, in whatever hole you want, as long as you want."

"Fuck, Tink," I moaned as spurt after spurt of cum blasted out of my cock, as if on her command.

"That feel good, Tave?" she asked as my spunk continued to spew into her rectum. "Coming so hard in my ass."

"God yes," I said, light-headed.

"And you've claimed me now."


"All of me?"


"As your slutty little fairy?"

"God yes."

"Oh Tavis, I love you," the girl called out, and my mind only had a moment to process her declaration before a warm, golden light permeated every corner of the room.

As the light grew brighter and brighter, I clamped my eyes shut. But even so, an almost painful brightness seeped in. Then, in an instant, all that remained was a red afterglow and fear of opening my eyes. But after maybe a minute, I did so. At first, I saw only darkness. But it wasn't complete darkness. A soft, shimmering glow came from behind me.

As my eyes adjusted, I looked for Tink. I didn't see the blonde girl, but a small shape, maybe six inches in height and hovering in the air, drew my attention. The golden glow I'd noticed upon opening my eyes came from it, and for a moment, I could not discern any details about whatever it was. But then the light dimmed, or perhaps my vision adapted to it, and I realized the thing floating in front of me had tiny silvery wings, as well as the shape of a miniature, naked woman.

"Tink?" I asked, and I knew in an instant what had happened. I'd passed out after I came, and this was some kind of bizarre dream.

"Yes, Tavis," she said, her voice as much in my head as in my ears. Or perhaps more in my head, as I realized that all I could hear from the tiny flying figure were squeaks and whistles.

"What is..., um, what are...?"

"You claimed me. Now I claim you. Come with me, and we can fuck forever."

"How?" I asked, sure I'd wake up at any moment. "You're not even as tall as my cock is long."

"If you come home with me, you'll be the same as me. Then we can fuck all we want. And it'll be even better than before. See?"

With her last word, Tink fluttered forward and kissed my bottom lip. A tingle, warm and pleasant, spread from my lip, flowing throughout my body.

"Think of feeling that on your cock," the fairy giggled, which I heard in my head as human Tink's giggle but sounded in my ears like the tinkling of tiny bells.


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