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An Impossible Love

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Fate brings together two unlikely people.
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Driving in and around Los Angeles isn't easy.

The roads are almost always congested.

I was in a great mood. My older sister just got engaged in Dubai.

I drove care-free my new Ferrari on the way back home.

In one of the less busy intersections when a red light was on a huge truck tried to pass another car. What a moron!

I turned to the right, still distracted for by the trucker's irresponsible driving and hit a woman who started walking on a pedestrian crossing.

I stopped immediately, but not before she fell on the road...

I exited the car and approached her.

She wasn't moving, but her eyes were open.

"Lady, I am sorry. He didn't see you. Are you OK?"

She gazed at me for a long moment and then blurted, "I think I am. But to be on the safe side, I'll probably need X rays of my legs."

"Ma'am, it was my fault. How can I make it up to you?"

"Young man, just be more careful next time. Driving a sport beast like yours requires you to be extra cautious, because it loves to accelerate fast."

"Look, I'll take you anywhere you want to go. Tell me where you wish to have your X rays done and I'll be happy to pay for it. I hope you are not planning to sue me. It's a new car. If my father finds out about this unfortunate 'event', he'd take the car away, or bring me home in an instant for embarrassing the family!"

"Young man, I have no intention of suing you, so take it easy. most likely everything is all right, so calm down."

I looked at her. Her hair was slightly disheveled and the dress somewhat wrinkled, but there were no signs of bruises or blood anywhere.

"Please lady, let me drive you. Any preference where you wish to have your x rays done?"

"Yes. I'd rather have it in Cedars Sinai."

"Good choice. It's the best hospital around."

I opened the side door and she limped slowly into my car.

It took me 25 minutes to reach the emergency room.

We didn't talk. I watched her from the corner of my eye.

The woman looked like mid 40s. She had a pleasant face and was dressed conservatively.

We reached the hospital. I parked and accompanied her to the registration area.

The receptionist smiled at the lady, "Dr Marom, it's nice to see you here. What can I do for you?"

"I need to have x rays of my tibia and fibula. I had a minor accident."

"Please sit down on the chair. I'll talk to the techs and let you in as soon as possible."

We sat down and I glanced at her, "Lady, I didn't realize that you are a doctor."

"Young man, we haven't introduced ourselves yet. And it wouldn't have made a difference. Would it?"

"Ma'am, my name is Naif and I am an engineering student at UCLA."

"Please to meet you. Even though I'd rather meet people in different circumstances. My name is Yael Marom and I am one of the hospitalists working here."

I looked at her admiringly, "Dr Marom, you were so nice to me after I hit you on the road... Would it be OK if I wait for your x rays results and then drive you home?"

"Naif, driving me back to the same intersection is a better idea, because my car was parked near by."

A young tech came out and smiled at Yael, "Dr Marom, you can come with me now and thanks for the cookies you sent to our team the other day."

Yael smiled at her and together they disappeared into the next room.

I waited for 30 minutes and then she showed up.

She smiled at me, "Good news, it's only a superficial bruise. I also have minor lesions on my calves, but no major damage, so you are off the hook!"

I led her to my sports car and noticed that her walk was not completely normal yet. She was somewhat wobbly, but she tried to hide it.

She amazed me. Instead of suing me for injuring her, she was trying to make ME feel better, by letting me think that she was OK!...

This is not the America I heard about from my friends, where every little wrongful encounter was expected to end up being sued, especially if the culprit was rich... And seeing my expensive car, I was sure that she knew that I had enough money...

"Dr Marom, I..."

She interrupted me, "Naif, my name is Yael. I am Dr Marom only when I see patients."

"...Yael... I cannot thank you enough for being so patient with me. Please, will you do me the honors and join me for a dinner in a restaurant of your choice?"

She stared at me, "Naif, I feel much better now. You don't have to go out of your way.

Just drop me at my car."

"But I want to! Please..."

"Young man, what is wrong with you? Why take an old woman in her 40s to a fancy restaurant? Isn't it better that you spend your time and money on people your age?"

"Yael, everything I learned about you so far suggests to me that you are a good person. Your age has nothing to do with it. And money is a non issue. Please..."

"If you insist. Do you like Italian food?"

"Ma'am, I'll take you to the best Italian restaurant in town. Would you like to go now? Unless your husband and children are waiting for you at home..."

She had a contagious laugh, "Naif, I am not married and no children either. I live alone with my cat. I haven't been at home since morning and I want to feed my cat, so I prefer to have it some other time. I heard that Osteria Mozza is the best Italian restaurant in LA, but you'll have to wait months for reservation, so why don't we go for a simpler one?..."

I chuckled, "Yael, Mozza it is. When is the best time for you?"

"Naif, I don't think you heard me. You cannot just decide based on my wish, you need to find out when they can accommodate us."

"Yael, let's make a deal. You tell me when you want to have the dinner. If I cannot get a table EXACTLY on the day and time you selected, my Ferrari is yours!"

Yael grinned, "That is very generous of you, but I am happy with my Toyota Corolla.

It would be impossible to get a seat on weekends until October, but hopefully you can get a table Thursday evening, either this week or next."

"Yael, I can get it anytime I want, but I won't fight you. Can you make it the upcoming Thursday at 7 pm?"

"That will be nice. Thank you. I'll be ready by 6:30 pm."

I drove Yael to her Corolla.

Before she exited the Ferrari Yael gave me her address and phone number.

Then she smiled at me and disappeared inside her car.


Thursday I showed up on time at her house.

It was a simple one level house with a small yard.

Yael opened the door, led me to the living room and promised to be ready soon.

On the side wall there were multiple family pictures, including Yael as a child with an older boy (brother?) and 2 parents, Yael in Israeli army uniforms (!) and Yael in a wedding gown with a young adult (likely former husband).

She came out from one of the rooms, saw me looking at the pictures and said, "So now you learned about my life in a nutshell."

I gazed at Yael. She appeared very different than immediately after I bumped into her.

Her face was much cuter than before, with some make up, mascara and lipstick, that made her look at least 10 years younger. Her hair was tied in a bun behind her head.

Her black dress was relatively short and highlighted her shapely legs and large breasts.

I whistled appreciatively.

She blushed, "Young man, age wise I could be your mother. Do you behave like that with other older people?"

I chortled, "Not really Yael. However, I have never ogled an attractive 40 something woman before..."

She smiled warmly, "Naif, the only reason we go to a restaurant is because you nagged me. Stop behaving like a guy who goes on a first date. By the way, you look very handsome with your suit and a tie."

I grinned, "OK mommy, I'll try my best to behave..."

We arrived at the restaurant. The parking area was almost full.

Yael nodded her head, "I told you that this restaurant is high-class. We'll probably need to wait forever for a table..."

We entered and saw a long line of people waiting.

Yael smirked, "As I was saying..."

I did not wait in line. I approached the receptionist and whispered something in her ear.

She called one of the waiters and mentioned my name.

He came by, "Sir, your table is ready. Please follow me."

I let Yael walk first and watched her surprised face as the waiter guided us to the best table in the house.

It was in a slightly darker corner. Through the window we could glance at the setting sun!

She sat down, waited patiently for the waiter to leave us and asked, "How did we end up getting this perfect place without waiting? Are you a member of the mob? Did you threaten the owner?..."

"Not really. In America money is god. I talked to the owner and asked how much will it cost me to get the best table for two for this evening. He gave me a price. I told him that I'll pay him twice that amount, if by the time we show up, the table will be ready for us."

"Naif, you drive a Ferrari, pay extravagant price for the best seat in the house and claim that money is not an issue. Can you elaborate?"

"I am the oldest son of one of the richest men in the United Arab Emirates. My father owns rich oil fields as well as several highly successful stores in Dubai. Before I left to America he said to me, 'Naif, I do not care how much money you spend there, but I expect you to graduate successfully and on time. If you do that without getting in trouble, everything I have is going to be yours!'. So now you can understand me better. And what can you tell me about yourself?"

"I was born in Israel, lived much of my life in a town near Tel Aviv and like every Israeli girl, served in the army for 2 years. I studied medicine in the Hebrew university of Jerusalem and then came to America to do my residency and fellowship here. Over here I fell in love with a nice American guy and we got married when I became an attending. We planned to wait 5 years before having children. Unfortunately, he died 3 years later as a result of terminal cancer. I applied to few hospitals in the west coast and ended up in Cedars Sinai."

"Yael, your life story is very interesting. I am sure that it wasn't easy as mine. Just thinking that a girl has to serve in the army is chilling. And after that your husband died at a young age..."

Her eyes became teary, "Well, as they say, life is not a box of chocolate..."

I smiled at her, "Unless you are a spoiled rich dude, who can afford to do whatever you want..."

Yael grinned through her tears, "Naif, you are right. But you are still very young. The longer you live, the more curve balls may be thrown your way!"

The waiter showed up and asked politely if we saw on the menu something we liked.

He stood near our table and waited patiently for our order.

I guess the owner already notified him that he'd better be EXTRA nice in order to deserve a big tip...

Yael chose the sprouting cauliflower and Halibut and I selected the goat cheese ravioli with the Wagyu beef Segreto. We added some wine and finished with Italian gelati.

We both loved the food. It was delicious and was nicely served.

At the end Yael joked, "I noticed the prices. It is an expensive restaurant, especially since you promised the owner to double the price. I hope you won't go bankrupt after we are done here..."

"Dear Yael, I highly doubt it. But I have a serious question to you. I know that physicians make good money in America, so why do you drive a Corolla?"

Her cute smile lighted her face, "Driving around Los Angeles is a hassle. I hardly leave town, so why want anything fancy driving only to work and back? I need a reliable car with good radio. Many colleagues of mine try to impress themselves or others and drive everything from Porsche to Mercedes, but at my age it doesn't seem important..."

"Yael, every second sentence you mention 'your age'. Why don't you get it, that you are very attractive?! Most men don't care about your biologic age. They care about the way you look, about your attitude, about your ability to be funny and nice, about being smart and not a gold digger and... the fact that you have no extra baggage like children or very sick relatives who might take too much of your time..."

"Naif, you may be right, but you are too young to judge others, especially since all your life you were overprotected... or better still, spoiled!"

"OK, I accept the criticism. But I hope to change your mind about me being a spoiled brat."

"I never said that."

"True, but I think that you judge me too harshly."

"I am sorry that you got offended. It was never my intention. I appreciate everything you did after our minor 'incident'.

"Lady, your apology is NOT accepted. BUT, I may forgive you if I let me see you again..."

"Young man, why would you like to see me again? I told you, now we are even! Is our opposite background so attractive? You know what I mean- Israeli and Arab... Or you have an older women fetish?..."

I chortled, "I was never attracted to older women before and I do not recall ever thinking about my mother in terms of Oedipus complex. I just find YOU attractive. You being Israeli and Jewish may have something to do with it, but I simply find you very practical, funny, not impressed by 'king-dollar' and... good looking!"

"You sound like a nice guy, so I'll be honest with you. What are you looking for? Isn't it going to be more appropriate to look for somebody your own age? It's not just that biologically I am much older, but your generation have different priorities than ours. For example, I love to read books and newspapers, while you are more likely addicted to your cellphone. I enjoy watching movies in the theater, while young people use Netflix on line. Why me?!..."

I gazed at her eyes, "Yael. In my opinion you are the most interesting woman I've met since coming to America. I would like to know you better in spite of potential differences. If we see that too many conflicts arise, we can split, but why not try?..."

"Are you saying that you want to date me?!..."

"The short answer is 'YES', but if the word 'dating' scares you, we'll use a different word. I wish to go out with you to a movie theater of your choice. I want to step out with you to an Israeli restaurant in town. And one day I want to take you out on a trip to Morocco. What do you think?"

"I think that you are crazy... Cute, but crazy!"

"Yael, will you go with me to a movie?"

I saw her hesitating, "Are you sure you really want to do it?... Everything about your appearance and character suggests to me that 90% of girls you ask out, will be elated."

"So, would you, PLEASE, be one of those 90% and... be elated?..."

Yael laughed, "You are so stubborn! OK I'll go with you to see a movie. You can decide which movie you like us to watch, but if possible, no horror movie or too much bloodshed."

I smiled at her, very happy.

Later I drove her home.

Before letting her leave, I kissed her cheek and whispered, "Thank you pretty lady."


I called Yael and suggested 3 movies. A very old romantic comedy, a new French drama or Avatar.

She chose Avatar, "I wanted to see it for a long time, but I never got to watch it."

I went to pick her up on Saturday evening from home.

She opened the door and looked beautiful!

Yael's hair was loose and framed nicely her delicate face features.

For a change she put on light red lipstick and small silver earrings.

She wore a long blue dress, that exposed a generous cleavage...

With her 3"high heels shoes, she was only mildly shorter than me.

I glanced at her, signaled 'thumbs up', kissed her cheek and whispered, "Lady doctor, you look absolutely stunning! Will you do me the honor and accompany me to the movie?..."

She blushed. Even the red color cheeks appeared delightful on her!

I opened the Ferrari's side door for her and helped Yael get in the low seat.

I tried to impress her, by driving slightly above the speed limit and she smirked, "Naif, this evening I am inside your car, so you won't hit ME, but be cautious of other people on the streets..."

I got the message and slowed down. She was probably right, LA area was never a good place for speeders. But if everything clicked between us, I would take her to other places with less traffic and higher legal speed limit!

Inside the theater the audience filled only 30% of capacity.

Most people already saw it or chose to see it on streaming services.

Nobody sat near us in the last row.

"Yael, would you like popcorn, soda or a candy?"

"Not really, but you can take whatever you want."

I declined. After the movie, if she'd be in a good mood, we may eat outside.

The movie started and we folded down our seats into a comfortable position.

I lifted the separation wedge and pulled Yael closer to me.

My hand wrapped around her shoulder.

Yael commented that she loved movies with Sigourney Weaver and leaned her head on my upper chest.

I have seen the movie before, so knowing the plot, it was fun to focus on the amazing computer work of James Cameron.

Yael concentrated on the scenes.

In the first half an hour I noticed that while watching the movie, Yael let her guard down and became fairly emotional.

She was mumbling to herself, laughing and later even having tears in her eyes.

In one of the sad moments I let my hand caress her shoulder gently, occasionally going lower to her upper hand.

She continued watching the movie with one of her hands around my waist.

When the captain of the ship was talking about destroying the Na'vi, Yael began crying quietly again.

I hugged her tighter into me and whispered, "Girl, men can be cruel to others. Take it easy..."

She hugged me back and looked into my eyes, "Why can't people accept others the way they are? They did it to American Indians, to blacks, to Jews... So many people are bad!..."

I lifted her chin, kissed her lightly on her plump lips and said, "You are right, but not always it's a simple black and white or good vs evil."

She didn't answer. She continued hugging me and concentrated on the movie.

With both her hands around me, the front of her dress became loose and moved forward, exposing her cream colored areolas almost all the way to her nipples.

The view was very tempting.

My hand continued massaging her upper arm, now sometimes slipping to her side boob.

Yael was still focusing on the movie and did not react.

Gradually my palm moved to rub gently only her side boob.

She gasped, but did not change her position.

My cock slowly but surely began hardening and pushed forward.

Not long after that my pole reached Yael's hand around my waist.

In the beginning she did nothing. Then she stared at me for a long second.

She gazed down at my bulging area and lightly touched it.

She looked at me again and her other palm pulled my caressing hand onto her covered breast.

Yael did not talk.

Her hand lightly stroked my erect cock, while mine massaged her ample boob over her dress.

Yael's eyes centered on the screen again, but mine were directed toward her barely covered tits.

In one of the loving moments of the film, I let my fingers move gingerly to her cleavage, touching her smooth skin.

She moaned quietly and her hand clutched around my covered hard member.

Two of my fingers trailed slowly on her naked upper areola and then moved under her bra.

She stopped breathing for a moment and her chest heaved.

My fingers found her hard nipple and tweaked it once.

She moaned harder and stared at my face one more time. Was it lust?

I kissed her lips and they spread for me.

Her warm and moist mouth was inviting and sweet.

I found her tongue with mine and both danced together.

My palm covered her perfect tit under the bra, stroking and massaging it harder.

My pecker was now at it's maximum erection, suffering in it's confinement.

I jiggled slightly, hoping to find a better position for him inside my tight pants.


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