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An Interview with a Cuckold

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A Literotica fan wants to know about my cuckolding.
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Because I so love seeing my wife with our friend, I am compelled by my own prurient desires to write a cuckold story. The title and this first paragraph tells you all you need to know about this self-absorbed work of fiction. So, enjoy.

"So, what can you tell me about your cuckold fascination, John?"

"Please Dr. Mason, call me johnnie."

"Very well. johnnie it is. Now why is it that you have a burning desire to see another man have sex with your wife?"

His question made me think. Dr. Mason has read a number of my stories and contacted me through Literotica. He asked via email if he could visit with me. He wanted to try to understand why so many men like me love seeing their wives fuck other men. He was also interested in writing biographical cuckold stories and was doing research on the fetish.

After several emails discussing which questions were not off-limits, I agreed to meet with him. That I'd introduce him to my wife would be determined by how my interview went.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "It's hot. I mean I love my wife dearly. Yet, seeing her with her lover is indescribable."

"Oh, I think there's more to it than that, johnnie. Tell me, how do you feel when you see him and your wife fucking?"

"To be honest, a number of things, er feelings go through me. First I get kind of jealous but that goes away quickly because it's really what I want."

"Go on."

"There's a feeling, a sensation that a little something is taken from me. I watch closely as his cock enters her. He gives her the pleasure I envy. Still every hard, throbbing, pulsing inch of his big, beautiful cock that has my wife begging him for more leaves me less of a man."

"That feeling of being emasculated, Dr. Mason is nearly intoxicating and for some reason, it always leaves me wanting more of it."

I watched him write that down.

"Before we go further, can you tell me how it started? Who initiated the event that led or drove your wife into the arms and into bed with another man?"

"Why does there always have to be someone to blame, Dr? Sometimes it's a decision made by two consenting adults."

"I'm not looking to blame anyone, johnnie. I'm trying to understand you becoming a cuckold in the first place. To understand that I need to know how it began."

"I'm sorry I misunderstood your question Dr. Mason. It's just that talking about this is well....."

"I get it, son. You're reticent to discuss your failure to satisfy your wife sexually."

What Dr Mason just said made me uncomfortable and a bit combative. "But I do satisfy her sexually," I said a bit too assertively. "She loves how I perform oral sex on her. It was my wife who taught me how to please her that way."

"Yes, wonderful. I'm happy for you but before we go further, lose that tone, johnnie. I do not appreciate, nor do I condone sass."

"I apologized, Dr. I get defensive about my being a cuckold sometimes."

"As well you should. Now, you satisfy Cindy with your mouth. But she turns to others to enjoy a nice fat cock. How did that start?"

I shifted nervously. Even though I knew they were going to be asked, his questions were personal and embarrassing. "I introduced her to my friend and my wife was attracted to him."

"And that's it? She snuck off and slept with him?"

"Dr. Mason, you must understand that my wife has never cheated on me. She didn't sneak off. She told me that she could tell he has a nice big cock and told me to ask him to come over and fuck her with it."

"So, you asked him. How did he respond?"

"He told me that he'd consider it, but he had certain requirements that had to be met."

"Pray tell. What were those requirements?"

"First, he wanted me to assure him that I was all-in. He had me sign an agreement that basically states that I asked him to have sex with my wife. That it was me who initiated it, as you said."

"I take it you signed?"

"Oh yes. I even typed it up and paid for the notary. It's all very legal you understand and holds him fault-free."

"Were there any other requirements incumbent upon you?"

"A few. He gave me explicit instructions on how she should be dressed when he visited. He instructed me to refrain from sex with my wife with the exception of oral for a week before his visit. He asked me to describe my wife's pussy which I did. He stated that he does not like hairy pussies and it was my duty to shave her for him."

"Is that all?"

"That's most of it. He wanted me to keep a certain brand of alcohol on hand for him; things like that."

Dr. Mason was writing quickly before continuing.

"And you met all of his requirements. Can you tell me why you acquiesced so easily, johnnie?"

"You would have to meet him to understand that Dr. He's so, um, he's built well, handsome, very handsome, and his self-confidence shows. All that plus, he showed me his beautiful cock even before Cindy saw it. I knew it would make her happy, satisfy her the way I can't. And that made me very anxious to see them together."

"You mean fucking, don't you?"

"That correct, Dr."

"Excellent, johnnie. Let us move forward to their relationship and how it affects you, shall we?"

"Yes sir."

"Please tell me about the first time he visited as you insist calling it."

"Cindy was in the bedroom. She was putting the final touches on her attire. God, but she was sexy. He was due at 7 PM. I shaved her pussy at 6 PM so it would be as smooth as it could be."

"One of the things he required was that my wife use heavy make-up, you know, like a professional whore might wear."

"Did your wife have any issues with that?"

"Oh, no sir. She was all for it. Cindy loves looking sexy, loves the attention she gets from men. So that was a no brainer. And when I told her he wanted to see her in a garter belt and hose, and sexy panties, she had me run out and buy her those things. I even took it upon myself to purchase a nice negligee for her to wear for him."

I saw Dr. Mason adjust his cock before jotting down his notes and figured he was becoming aroused at the thought of my wife in her sexy outfit.

"Go on."

"Well, she was still preparing for him when he rang our doorbell. Cindy sent me to answer it which of course, I did. I welcomed him onto our home, but he's been there before you know. That's where they met for the first time, when I brought him over."

"He settled into my recliner and sent me off to make him a drink. I had his favorite as he instructed and brought him his drink."

"Then my wife made her entrance. Believe me when I tell you I had butterflies in my stomach, Dr Mason. Cindy looked so damned good. The negligee I bought her left her nice round bottom exposed so he could see the thong I bought her."

"He stood and took her in his strong arms. I watched him feel my wife up, my dick was hard, you can believe that. When he felt her pussy and saw it had been shaved per his instructions, he turned and winked at me. My heart beat faster then. I knew I had done all he had asked of me."

"Please, johnnie, continue. The first time they fuck is of great importance to my work."

"I watched my wife reach down and touch his cock through his trousers. You should have seen the smile that lit up her face. I could tell she was more than pleased. That she was happy with our selection of him as her lover became more evident when she knelt down, pulled his hard cock out and sucked it. Now that was a surprise because I didn't know she did that."

"I've come to understand, johnnie, that when a woman sees a nice big cock, it becomes almost impossible for them not to take it in their mouths and become his cock sucker."

Now I had to rearrange my boner. "Really? I didn't know that Dr."

"I'm sure you didn't."

"The first time they had sex, I was to remain outside of the bedroom allowing them privacy. I could hear though. He was making her cum over and over. I was masturbating and when I heard my wife tell him that he owned her pussy, I climaxed."

"And that was how it started, and he's been visiting for over a year now."

Tell me johnnie, do you have any particular feelings seeing them kissing, I mean before they do the deed?"

"This is kind of embarrassing, but I wish they'd hurry up and get to it."

"By get to it, do you mean fucking?"

"Uh huh."

"We'll get back to that. Tell me, what is your penis doing while they're kissing?"

"Oh, yeah, it gets hard," I grinned sheepishly.

"Do they undress in front of you?"

"Eventually. Sometimes it seems to take forever for them to get to that stage. They are in no hurry."

"I see," he said as he wrote down my answer. "Now tell me, I mean if you can, do you sometimes help them get undressed?"

"I like it when her lover tells me to take her clothes off."

"Why does that excite you?"

"Okay, now this is really embarrassing."

"Take a deep breath, johnnie. You can tell me."

I fidgeted with my hands before summoning the guts. I looked at him and blurted it out. "He makes me tell him why I'm undressing her. Even though all three of us know why he's here, he makes me say it."

"He "makes" you tell him. Interesting. And what is your answer to his question?"

"You want it verbatim?"

"That would be helpful."

"I say to him, so you can fuck her, sir."

"Very good," he said scribbling that down. "How does he respond to that answer?"

"Well, he always makes me say it again but use "my wife" instead of her."

"Now johnnie, I thought we agreed you'd tell me verbatim. Please do so."

Another deep breath to gather courage. "I say, so you can fuck my wife, sir." The thought occurs to me that I'm getting a bit of the same feeling when I'm answering my wife's lover's questions. I adjust my throbbing hard-on which is not lost on Dr. Mason.

"Do you find my questions arousing, johnnie?"

"No, sir. But they um, yes. They're well, I get the same feeling when I talk to him as I'm getting right now."

"You mean an erection?"

I nodded.

"Show me, please."

"Say what?"

"Show me. Let me see your penis."

"How is that gonna help you understand?"

"Never mind that. Take your pants down, please. This is an important part of my research."

Clearly Dr. Mason was growwing annoyed with me stalling. I stood and turned my back to him. I unfastened my belt, unbuttoned the waist and pulled my pants and boxers down at the same time. I hesitated a second before turning to face him and sitting back down.

Dr. Mason seems interested in my dick. Reaching in his pocket, he pulls out a cloth sewing tape measure. Tossing it to me he asks that I give him an accurate accounting of my erection.

I look at him in disbelief, "Really?"

"You didn't think that I was going to touch it, did you?"

"No, sir. I guess not." I pulled the tape along the length of my throbbing cock from the base to the tip. "There, 5 3/4 inches," I said proudly.

I rollled the tape back up and prepare to toss it back. "Nah, that's okay, he says. "You keep it."

"Thanks, Dr. Mason," I said dropping it on my pants on the floor beside me.

"That 3/4" is important to you, isn't it?"

"Yes sireee Bob. I mean I don't measure up to him of course, but I'm proud of what I do have."

"Have you ever been asked to measure your penis in front of your wife's lover? Has he ever insisted that you do that?"

I blush, "Yeah. He likes to see if he has had any effect on my growth."

"Hmm. What does he think he does that affects the size of your penis?"

"I think we're moving way too fast here Dr. Can we get back to where they're undressing? Please?"

He chuckles to himself as he jots down some stuff.

"Fine. You were telling me that you undress your wife for him so he can fuck her. Now, this may be difficult for you to answer but please try."

"Okay," I told him.

"Has he ever once asked you to undress him?"

"Oh, heck. That's easy. Yeah. Lots of times."


"And I undress him."

"Tell me, how or rather where do you start?"

"I know you want me to say with his pants. But I always begin with his shirt."

"I don't want you to tell me anything other than the truth, johnnie."

"I'm sorry Doc. You're right. I apologize."

"Go on."

"I begin with his shirt because that's what he wants."

"And where is your wife, Cindy, right? Where is she while you're preparing him to fuck her?"

The wording of his question made me wince and my erection twitch, but I carried on. "Sometimes she stands beside him watching. Other times, when he hasn't been around in a while, she'll lay on the bed, the couch, depends on the room we're in and rubs her pussy telling me to hurry."

"Good, very good," he says scribbling in his notebook.

"Then I next go to his trousers...."

"Not yet, johnnie, please. A few questions about your wife watching you. Do you like being watched by her. Does it excite you when she tells you to hurry?"

I shrugged. "Either way. Her watching me isn't what I'm there for if you get my drift."

"I certainly do."

"Her telling me to hurry, well that's just a waste of her breath."

"Why is that a waste?"

"Because, duh, I want to see them fucking so I'm getting him naked as quickly as I can."

"Yes, of course you do. Let's back up for a second. Are you dressed when you are helping him disrobe?"

Crap. I knew he'd ask that. I was hoping we got passed it but nooooo.

"Sometimes I'm completely naked, Doctor."

"Yes, and the other times, johnnie?"

My face burns hot. This is the kind of thing I don't want anyone to know. The doctor looks up from his pad and sees I'm struggling. I watch as he sets his pen and pad down and stands up. Adjusting his cock, which was not lost on me, he steps in front of me.

Taking the back of my head in one large hand, he hugs me to his stomach. "I know this can be very difficult. But, johnnie, I must say, thus far you have been very brave, a very brave boy indeed."

"Thank you, Dr. Mason," I said relieved that he understands the degree of difficulty there is to be admitting all of this to him.

He held me to him for a few minutes until he was sure I'd regained my composure. My cheek is pressed against his throbbing cock. It feels warm and comforting.

When he is seated again, he writes something down on his note pad.

"Let me try to make this easy, johnnie. "Are you like you are now? By that I mean wearing a shirt but otherwise naked?"

"No sir. See, he wants me to be completely naked when he gets there, I mean to our house."

"Your house. Of course."

"So, once when Cindy has been undressed, He tells me, um, he wants me to uh."

"Take a deep breath, johnnie. Relax."

I inhale deeply and exhale slowly a few times finding it does relax me some. "He tells me to put my wife's panties on, Doctor."

"Yes. I had my suspicions. How does that make you feel? I mean wearing panties for your wife's lover?"

"Yes, well, at first, you know, kind of silly. But as time went by, I got used to it."

"Yes but that doesn't tell me how it makes you feel."

My answer came quickly. "It's more of him shredding my manhood. It's more of that addictive feeling that is both humiliating and yet, so very arousing."

"I know this must be very hard for you, my boy. But you're being very brave and very helpful. Do you like wearing panties for him?"

"Thank you, Dr. Mason. I do try to be helpful. Do I like wearing my wife's panties for him? I guess it's okay."

"Tell me johnnie, my brave boy. Did your penis become hard when you covered it in pretty panties?"

"Really hard."

"Would you say that wearing your wife's panties for him is a good thing, a good experience?"

"It must have been for him."

"I was asking about you, your feelings. But go on. Why is it a good experience for him?"

"Because he surprised me with a gift of my very own panties. Did I say that he's very thoughtful?"

Dr. Mason chuckled. "Very thoughtful indeed."

"Would you remove the rest of your clothing please."

It was not a request.

"Doctor's orders?"

"Doctor's orders," he smiles.

"I have noticed that you haven't hair on your body. Is that natural?"

"No, sir."

"Was it he or your wife then, who had you shave your body?"

"Both Dr. One night, after they fucked and we were sitting around talking, Cindy and he agreed that I would look better in panties if my body was devoid of hair."

"How did that make you feel?"

"I felt I'd better do it to please them."

"Would there have been consequences had you not shaved?"

"Dr., there are always consequences if either or both are displeased with me, or they feel I've disrespected them."

He spends several minutes writing down what was just discussed before moving on to his next question.

"Let's talk about respect, johnnie. What is expected of you in terms of giving the man who fucks your wife respect?"

"That's easy. I am never to address him by his given name anymore. I must always, even when he is not visiting, refer to him as sir or Mr., I won't use his last name here."

"Of course not. I wouldn't expect you to. Are there any other ways he has you demonstrate respect for him?"

"He has many ways for me to show my respect for him. When he and my wife entertain, I am always to defer any decisions to him. I am to treat them as a couple and he as the man of the house. That's particularly hard for me when our parents are visiting."

"I assume they know he is fucking your wife?"

"They don't hide the fact that he has taken my place in our bedroom and in her pussy."

"That's how it should be, don't you think, johnnie?"

"Yes, sir, it is. I have never felt more pride in them as when they are showing public displays of affection when others are around to witness it. But then again, seeing them openly display their affection for each other shreds my manhood to the point that it's completely gone."

Unconsciously, I reached down and gently play with my boner, thinking about the times others have seem him feeling my wife or her clutching his big cock through his trousers.

Dr Mason stops writing and admonishes me. "There will be time for that later, johnnie. Be a good boy and leave your little penis alone for now."

"Yes sir. How much longer will this take, sir?"

"Longer than necessary if we have to stop so you can beat off."

We both laugh. "You're right Doctor. I apologize for indulging myself."

"Thank you. It's to be expected that you would be aroused when talking about to me about them. But tell me if I'm incorrect in my thinking. He uses a strong hand to control you and your dirty little urges. Am I right in that assumption?"

"You are correct, sir. He wants, no that's not right. He has instructed me to seek his permission to jack off."

"What if he's not there and you cannot resist rubbing one out, tugging on the 5 3/4" boner?

"I am to call him and ask for his permission if my desire to masturbate becomes so overwhelming that I must cum."

"And if you fail to get his permission and beat off?"

Shifting uncomfortably, I admit the truth. "I have been given more than one bare bottom spanking by him."

"Deservedly so, I suspect."

"Yes sir."

I watch as he goes back over his notes, turning page after page. "Ah yes. Here is where we got sidetracked. So, now you've gotten him undressed so he can fuck your wife. Do you participate further?"


"Go on, johnnie."

"Well, and this is very hard for me to admit but there are times when he allows me to suck his cock until it's hard. Then he sometimes lets me place him in my wife and hold his balls while he fucks her."

I see Dr. Mason adjust his erection again before jotting down what I have told him.

"I can tell by your answers, johnnie that you find pleasure when sucking his cock and holding his balls. Would that be a fair statement?"

I blush and nod in the affirmative. "It's another way for me to show my respect, Dr."


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