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An Uncomplicated, Concise, Long, Involved Story

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He watched them undress.
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An Uncomplicated, Concise, Long, Involved Story

He watched as the couple slowly, enticingly undressed in front of each other, a private showing for just themselves, a man, a woman and a watcher. It was a precarious place he watched from, a place most people simply wouldn't notice and yet it was a place he felt almost at home. How he got there might be confusing to some, to others I might seem inevitable, for Andrew it was either an uncomplicated, concise tale, or a long involved story.

The uncomplicated, concise tale went like this: On a partly cloudy Wednesday afternoon he climbed the last flights of stairs, his footsteps echoing off the concrete steps, his hand sliding over the smooth railing and his heart beating wildly from the exertion. Noticing how the stairs narrowed and steepened as they rose up from the top floor toward the room, Andrew paused to catch his breath. From where he stood he could see that there was a chain on the door, but the lock on the chain was broken. Apparently he wasn't the first to visit the roof.

After negotiating the narrow staircase and meticulously unchaining the door, he pushed hard on the door as it scraped noisily on the roof. Stepping out he felt a quick chill as the breeze rushed over his sweaty skin. Ignoring the cold he walked to the edge of the roof until his toes rested against the parapet wall and he looked out over the city.

It looked dirty, just as he imagined it would, with the noxious sounds of car horns, ventilation equipment and airplanes seeming to echo the filth. Andrew took a breath of fresh air and let the acid tart taste of it permeate his nostrils, burning them. He looked down at the traffic below, noticing the tiny people winding through the cars, then noticing the building across the street, the canopied entry, the faded brick, soot stained window sills and cloudy glass.

There was some movement in a window a few stories below the roof level but he couldn't quite see. He squeezed up next to the wall from the stairway but still was at too much of an angle to look inside. Looking at the wall, he saw that there was a ledge just wide enough to let him slide around the stairway walls. Stepping up on the ledge, he pinched his fingers in the gap between bricks and sliding his feet side to side, he slid down the wall until he found a recess in the wall just big enough for him to sit in.

Carefully pinching the brick, he balanced himself, swung into the recess and sat down. The timing was perfect and he sat back as the woman reached behind her, unfastened her bra and then, cupping her hands over the front, she slowly pulled the bra away, letting her breasts settle into position. Her nipples were dark and, even from his distant vantage point, Andrew could see they were firm and erect.

The man then stood up from the bed, walked over to the woman, bent his head down and took the nipple into his mouth. He sucked one for a long time before moving on to the other. Andrew could see the man's saliva glistening on her breast and he continued watching as the man created a trail of moisture down the woman's stomach and then along the waistband of her panties. The tongue waited patiently as the woman slipped her thumbs into the silken fabric and pulled the panties down, letting them fall to the floor.

She opened her legs, reached her hand to the man's head and guided him. Andrew imagined the taste of his wife's pussy as he saw the man's face slip between the woman's thighs. In a few moments she began to move her hips, languidly pressing her delicate flesh against his mouth. Her hands caressed his head as her fingers ran through his hair, seemingly encouraging him, later her grip seemed more intense as she guided him.

Andrew watched as her hip movements quickened and became more pronounced and he remembered how his wife would push against him, grinding her pussy onto his face. She would moan loudly as she came, often saying his name. He watched as the woman leaned her head back and then suddenly seemed to shudder, her body flexing and then relaxing.

Pulling away from her lover she sat on the bed as the man stood and faced her, his cock bulging in his underwear. Andrew watched her carefully stretch the elastic waistband and each it over the erection. Only when she let his briefs fall to the floor did she grasp him with her hands, one hand on his shaft, the other cupping his balls.

She leaned forward and touched the tip of her tongue to the tiny hole in the purple head of his cock. Andrew pictured his wife sucking his cock, remembering the sight of a glistening strand of moisture dangling between her tongue and the tip of his cock. His balls tingled as he noticed the woman suddenly lurch her head forward, taking the head of the cock into her mouth. Her one cheek bulged for a moment and then he saw it draw inward as she sucked hard.

The man's knees quickly bent and Andrew thought they might have buckled, but the man didn't fall, instead he arched his back, giving himself entirely to the woman. She began stroking his shaft with one hand, kneading his balls with the other and bobbing her head up and down over the head of the cock. Yes, the man was now moving, thrusting his hips, much like Andrew remembered the last time his wife sucked his cock.

Andrew's wife was an incredible lover, especially good at sucking his cock and that last time she seemed to put everything into it. All Andrew could do was simply lose himself in the sensation until he came, spurting his cum into her mouth. His wife swallowed every drop and then asked if he liked it.

Andrew answered, "I think that was the most incredible experience ever."

Her reply still echoed in his mind, "Just something to remember me by."

"Remember you?"

"Yes, I'm leaving Andy, moving back upstate," she replied as she stood to get dressed.

"Okay, I can start pack..."

"Andy, you're not listening. I'm leaving. I'm leaving you."

"But why? Why after all..."

"You know why, I don't need to tell you."


A horn sounded outside.

"That's Barry, he's driving me. I'll contact you about my stuff."

"Jamie, please don't go."

"It's too late, I'm gone," she said, walking quickly out of the bedroom.

The man suddenly arched his back and Andrew could see the muscles in his ass flex as he came. The woman swallowed several times before pulling her head away, gently milking a last few droplets from his softening cock and then giving it one last suck. She then stood up, embraced him, kissing him hard on the mouth.

Andrew stood as the woman did, firmly gripping the brick to balance himself. As the couple across the street lost themselves in the kiss, he slowly released his grip on the brick wall and took one step forward. Suddenly he felt himself back in his wife's arms again, the exhilaration of making love, the incredible rush of coming deep inside her. For the first time since she left he felt free, almost like...


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AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
not that

It's a theme which pops up now and then. One can be devastated, desparate and not wanting to live any more or whatever it is you're feeling after she leaves you for someone else, but there's more in life than despair. Time heals all wounds, maybe, some may never heal completely but even then, not hat. Closure. That's what's needed. Turn the page and move on. She didn't love you like you loved her.

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