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An Unlikely Outcome


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Finally realizing the girl was suffocating on his cock, he untangled black fingers from her silky blonde hair, leaned back and braced himself against the wall on weak shaky legs. He couldn't remember the last time he'd come that hard... or that much.

Gagging, gasping and spluttering, snorting gooey globs of the old black man's thick cum mixed with snot from her nose, the girl fell sideways onto the cold tile floor. Her chest heaved and shuddered as she tried to catch her breath.

She rose to her hands and knees and, head and hair dangling, tried to retch the contents of her stomach onto the floor but nothing came out but long strings of watery bile.

After a short while, she looked up at him with bloodshot blue eyes, got shakily to her feet and wiped her mouth with a slender arm.

"Thank you," she rasped, and then stumbled out the door and was gone.

The old man looked after her, his heart still hammering in his chest and his legs barely able to hold him upright.

Fuuuuuck that was good! That white girl can suck a mean dick, he thought. His vision was still cloudy and his head felt as if it was filled with cotton after one of the most intense orgasms of his long life.

He still couldn't believe she'd sucked him off after seeing and smelling how nasty he was down there.

From that day on, he showered every day and stayed on the late shift. He'd be ready in case that fine-ass white girl ever came back for seconds.



Sara turned right instead of left when she stumbled out of the 7-Eleven, spluttering, gasping, and moaning with disgust.

She braced a hand against the building's corner, bent down, gagged and retched again, trying to heave up the old man's half-gallon of semen gurgling heavily in her stomach but nothing came out but more bile.

The taste of the old man's bitter salty cum lingered in the back of her throat, it ached from the way he'd literally fucked her face like a madman, and the rotten stench of his unwashed organ hung disgustingly on her skin. The cloying, fetid stink coated her as if she'd bathed in a sewer. Though she wasn't aware of it, there were thick globs of drying spunk on her face, chest and shirt.

A faint breeze did nothing to cool her intense arousal. She radiated heat like a furnace.

Her loins throbbed and itched with need and her hard pink nipples rubbed maddeningly against the soft cotton of her tank top.

She had to leave, HAD TO. If she'd stuck around, she would've of willingly had sex with that foul-smelling old black man... and she would've enjoyed it too.

She hung her head in shame at the admission, even if it was in the depths of her mind.


Was this her life now? Was she destined to hunt up disgusting old black men for the rest of her life, destined to use them instead of young handsome men to sexually gratify herself? Were her needs so twisted and perverted after her brief experience with old Hollis that he and men like him were all she'd ever crave for the rest of her life?

Again, she considered following her instincts, getting in her car and driving to see the old man, to seduce him... and to hell with his wife. Well, the old woman had said she could stop by anytime.

Her body burned at the memory of Hollis' twisted skeletal black hands on her body, at the feel of his lips on hers, at the remembered pleasure of his large wet tongue in her mouth, and at the unbelievably pleasurable feeling of his massive black cock sliding into her depths. She remembered every ridge, swell and bump on that wondrous, pleasure-giving member and wanted, more than anything in life at this moment, to feel it thrusting relentlessly into her again.

Instead, Sara walked. The dark streets were empty of people, the street lights buzzed and hummed and the few strollers she passed stared at her in admiration and curiosity. She didn't look like a hooker, but who else would be walking the streets, skimpily dressed so late at night.

She knew she shouldn't be out there, but she'd seen something from the corner of her eye as she drove home from work a few days before and her feet unconsciously carried her in that direction.

It was as if an alternate personality took over her body when she was aroused. Her normal, sweet and innocent personality watched and screamed from within while a depraved and wanton version of herself took control. They were both her, but the fact was that she couldn't seem to control herself when she was turned on. Ever since sucking off the old black man at the 7-Eleven, she was nearly panting with lust.

She turned right at a narrow alley between what had once been an Italian restaurant and an empty office building. To her left were a pair of old battered dumpsters squatting side by side against the wall, just beyond was a small structure made of cardboard, battered plywood, planks and other odds and ends.

On the other side of the ramshackle hut, a pair of filthy homeless men sat on battered barely-held-together lawn chairs sitting on top of a wide sheet of cardboard covered in dirty footprints. A faint light came from the flickering flames of a fire burning in a metal barrel. One of the men was in the process of passing a bottle of cheap liquor to the other.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw them and when the two men spied her not a second later, they stared at her in amazement.

They were old and black, apparently her new favorite flavor. Their clothes were dirty worn rags. There were holes on the knees of their pants showing dry gray skin, their battered shoes were held together with duct tape and their hair and beards were a tangled woolly gray mess.

The good girl side of her won out and she admitted to herself she'd made a big mistake. She had to clear out as soon as possible. Sara kept walking, giving the two staring old men a wide berth, intent on running and making a quick exit when she got to the other side.

"Good eve..." she started to say as she passed the two staring old black men but her words faded away into the eerie darkness of the alley and a shiver of dread and excitement roiled down her back. She took off on a run, hoping they wouldn't be able to catch her.

She heard the two men scramble from their chairs, tipping them over in their haste, and expected to hear them scurry after her. She found out why they didn't a few seconds later when she nearly ran head-on into a brick wall.

The alley was a dead end.

She'd have to turn around and somehow get around them in order to get away.

She spun and saw the two men blocking the way on the dark narrow alley. The light from the wood fire burning in the barrel turned them into a pair of ragged black silhouettes.

"Well, well, well, what 'ave we hea," said the shadowy figure to her left in a high phlegmy smoker's voice.

The sound of his harsh laugh sounded more like a horse whiney.

"Whatchu tink, Rob-O? She hea to have a gootime wid us?" the man asked, nudging the other man playfully.

The other man gave a derisive snort.

Sara tried to dodge around them but only managed to be herded deeper into the alley.

She backed away, cringing with fear as their claw-like hands reached for her.

Each of the men grabbed a handful of blonde hair and dragged her screaming towards the cardboard their knocked-over lawn chairs laid on.

The pain in her scalp was excruciating, she batted and scratched at their hands, trying to get them to let go of her hair, or ease up even a little. All she needed was a second and she'd be gone, but they didn't let up.

The talkative one, stepped close behind her, pulled her head back painfully by the hair and hissed in her ear.

"Bitch, you betta stop fightin' us or I'ma hurtchu," he said, his harsh high voice menacing and frightening in its intensity.

"Rob-O, give tha little ho a taste o' what she'll git if she doan do what we say."

The other man let go of her hair, drew back and slapped her face resoundingly, snapping her head to the side and making her knees give out so that the man behind her held her upright by her hair. Lights flashed before her eyes, her bruised cheekbone ached and the skin of her cheek burned and throbbed with pain.

"I dunno Bones, I tink she might need another taste," Rob-O said, raising his arm to slap her backhanded this time.

Sara got her feet under her, closed her eyes and raised an arm to block him. But the blow never came.

She opened her eyes and looked up at the grubby old black man.

"We ain't hurtchu if ya jus sit back and enjoy the ride," he said, the wrinkled and deeply-grooved skin of his skeletal face above a thick gray tangled beard bunched and knotted into a threatening smile.

Sara stared wide-eyed at the man, he was probably younger than Hollis, more mobile and less well-fed, but he was worn and old. She could tell he'd lived a hard life. There was something about the look in his eyes. There was lust there mixed with anger and resentment, as if he was angry at her for something, or maybe she represented something he disliked or hated.

He did resent and hate her. Her youth and beauty, the color of her skin, the brightness of her hair, her perfect slim curvy figure, she represented everything he could never have. She also embodied every white woman who ever accused him of... something, every dirty cop who arrested him for nothing other than the color of his skin, and every restaurant where a white man kicked him out because they "didn't have a table available for one of his kind."

Bones, the old man pulling her head back by the hair, looked over her shoulder and down at her chest as he yanked up her tanktop, releasing her firm round breasts to their lusting eyes. They bounced and swayed, heaved and quivered as her chest rose and fell rapidly in her terror.

"Hoooo-wheeee," he hooted in admiration, his dark skeletal hand swooping in to grope and squeeze a perfect succulent orb, pinching the hard pink nipple teasingly.

"Dis one fine ass ho," he said in awe, looking up at his partner. "We goan have us a goot time tonight."

The other man's jaw dropped and raised both hands to fondle the girl's other perfect breast.

Sara tried to look down at the hands touching her, but the man behind her was still painfully pulling her head back by the hair.

Her head snapped forward when he suddenly released her and pawed at her ass.

God, the homeless man before her, Rob-O, looked and smelled horrendous. He wore a beanie on his head and, even though it was a warm nigh, wore a filthy sweatshirt filled with holes and covered with old food stains.

Her delicate nostrils flared as the strong scent of stale body odor, rotten food, sour urine, and shit wafted from him and his partner in a reeking foggy haze.

At that moment, the good girl was still in command, the one who did as she was told, followed the rules, kept her legs closed, got home before dark and didn't put herself in bad situations.

But the other, darker version of herself, the one who wanted these disgusting homeless men's hands on her body, who was as wanton and depraved as a street whore, who ached for old Hollis and his huge magic black cock and the way he made her feel, and who took charge of her feet to bring her to this dark alley, raged inside her like a caged beast.

That part of her slavered and seethed, fighting against the invisible walls of her will. It wanted these men to take her and use her, it wanted to pleasure them and give herself to them.

With every passing second those invisible walls weakened and began to crumble.

A low moan escaped her lips and she squirmed helplessly under their touch.

Bones raised his head at the sound.

"Faaaack, Rob-O, I think she like dis, bruh," he mumbled through half-rotted teeth. The reek of his breath added fire to the fuel of her lust.

The other man grunted and nodded, his hands fondling her pale supple flesh, his dark eyes fixed on her lush body with laser-like intensity.

Sara felt the man behind her draw back, pull the draw string of her shorts and then the white cotton material slid down her legs. Unresisting, she raised each foot, allowing him to remove her soaked shorts completely.

"Holy shit, Rob-O, dis girl ain't wearing any undies and her shorts are soaking wet," the man said in whispered amazement. "Bruh, she DEFINITELY came her to fuck, fo sho."

In the darkness, the two men couldn't see her face flaming bright red in embarrassment and humiliation, because the man was absolutely right. After leaving 7-Eleven only a few minutes before, after sucking off the old black man behind the counter, she'd let her feet carry her to this alley, the very place she'd spied these two men when driving home from work one day intent on getting them to scratch burning the itch between her legs.

She turned as Bones straightened and a shiver when through her heated body when she saw him bring her shorts to his nose and draw in a deep breath, rubbing the wet soggy things all over his face and inhaling her scent as if it were ambrosia of the gods.

Quivering, she whined and the raging beast within her was that much closer to shattering the invisible cage holding her back.

When Rob-O leaned forward and took her rock-hard pink nipple in his mouth along with half her tit and sucked powerfully, the beast within exploded through the barrier.

It was finally free and it was ravening for old black cock.

Sara's inhibitions and resistance disappeared in an instant.

A whine escaped her lips and she looked sideways urgently at the old man rubbing her soaked shorts on his face, grabbed him by his ragged shirt, wrapped a slender arm around his neck, drew his face to hers and kissed him.

His foul breath washed over her like a steam bath as he gasped in surprise.

Her other hand grabbed the old black man sucking on her nipple by his tangled filthy hair and pushed his face tight against her boob, squirming at the pleasure and pain as his mouth sucked even harder, his cheeks drawn in tight.

She moaned into Bones' mouth, exploring the stumps of half-rotted teeth and the gaps where they were missing with her small pink tongue.

She was lost in a fog of lust and depravity. Their stink, their hideous countenance, her body's shiver of disgust at their touch made her pussy virtually drool with uncontrollable sexual hunger.

A part of her wished she was in that soft wide bed with Hollis kissing her while driving his massive black cock inside her, safe in the knowledge that she belonged to him.

She DID belong to him, her soul longed for the broken-down old man, but at this moment her entire being was centered on the powerful aching need at her core and on the two homeless old black men who were about to ravish her.

With the beast freed from its cage, that need was all-consuming, overwhelming any and every resistance.

The homeless man sucking her nipple ran his hands over her pale firm tits, down her ribs, over her flaring rounded hips to her outer thighs then shifted to caress her quivering inner thighs.

She shuffled her feet apart giving him better access. The old man sank the upper edge of his hand, along the length of his forefinger to the curve of his thumb and rocked it back and forth between her sopping wet nether lips, at the same time pushing the pad of his thumb against her swollen clit with a firm steady pressure.

She whined into the other homeless man's mouth and her knees nearly gave out when Rob-O's hand rubbed between her lips and his thumb pressed harder on her button.

After nearly ten torturous minutes of this, Rob-O suddenly grabbed her hips, turned her body and pushed down on her back. Sara broke off the languid kiss, caught herself on Bones' neck and continued to kiss him passionately while Rob-O knelt behind her and sank his face between her ass cheeks, the tip of his broad nose bumping her tightly-clenched asshole and his scraggly beard tickling her sensitive skin.

Then she whined again into Bones' mouth when she felt Rob-O's thick tongue plunge between her inner and outer labia to tongue the furnace-hot skin of her pussy with demanding urgency.

Sara arched her back and thrust her ass against the man's incredibly stimulating tongue.

Rob-O felt both the hot young girl's pussy and asshole clench and relax, clench and relax as he ate her sweet little cunt for all he was worth.

Meanwhile, Bones kissed the smoking-hot young blonde with the same burning passion he'd felt with the first girl he'd ever kissed more than 60 years before.

The years fell away as he gasped into her sweet mouth and he filled his hands with her perfect firm round breasts, tweaking her nipples between thumb and forefinger.

Sara rotated her hips and ground her ass against the old man's face behind her, reveling in the languorous intimacy of kissing such a grotesque caricature of a man with such burning uninhibited passion while another licked her aching wet pussy to distraction.

She felt the pressure build and build and knew a monumental orgasm was but moments away.

She was completely unprepared when it came.

When the old man behind her sank his thick tongue deep in her pussy, she opened her mouth wide and screamed with pleasure. She screamed so loud that Bones had to cover her mouth with his and shove his tongue in her mouth to keep her quiet, to keep her from drawing attention to what they were doing in this narrow stinking alley.

And, yes, they were doing it "with" her and not "to" her. At this point, she was a completely willing and eager participant. There was no resistance, no fighting them off... nothing but compliant and fervent participation.

The girl pushed back hard against Rob-O's face as she came, her pussy clenching tight enough to make his thick slippery tongue pop out. He tried to push it back in but she was too tight, instead he latched onto her clit and the skin around it and sucked mightily.

He heard her squeal even with her quivering muscular thighs squeezing his face tightly between them.

Sara saw stars flash before her eyes and sucked on the thick tongue in her mouth as if it were a cock while her body rocked in the throes of a powerful orgasm, intensified by the fingers pulling on her burning itchy nipples.

She didn't realize when she did it, but she'd sunk her hands under Bones' pants. They were clenched tightly around the old man's cock in a death grip, pumping it rapidly up and down, making loud, wet squelching noises.

A thick viscous substance slimmed her fingers making the hard thick cock slide easily between her hands, no matter how hard she squeezed.

With another whine of hungering need, she pulled her hands out, yanked the homeless man's pants down, almost ripping them in her urgency, aimed his cock at her face and engulfed him to the root in one quick frantic plunge.

Sara gagged on the cock lodged in her throat and at the foul taste of the nasty old homeless man's cock. It was even fouler than the 7-Eleven guy's unwashed cock. It was caked with a dried and crusty cheese-like substance that smelled worse than a sewer, maybe even worse than a rotting corpse.

It was beyond disgusting, and yet her tongue scrubbed eagerly at his member as she drew back, scraping her teeth along the cock's curved and bumpy length, drawing the dried stuff into her slavering mouth.

She gagged and her body heaved at the urge to heave up the 7-Eleven man's cum gurgling in her stomach but she kept control of herself and began to work the homeless old man's cock like an artist, bobbing and twisting her head, moaning and slobbering, making wet gurgling choking noises.

She did everything in her power to make the man cum in her mouth, while her own loins churned and heaved against the one whose face was shoved between her ass cheeks, sucking her aching clit while she came.

After a few more heart-rending moments of ecstasy, when he sensed her body coming down from the monumental orgasm, Rob-O pulled back, yanked down his pants, gripped himself and aimed his raging hard member at the girl's flushed red pussy. He parted he nether lips with its glistening wet uncircumcised tip and pushed hard, trying to sink into her.


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