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An Unusual Threesome

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Story of a woman, her cuckold husband & her lover.
8.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/13/2022
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Disclaimer: I am not married, I do not have a boyfriend at the moment and I have never been in a situation where I have cuckolded anyone. I know that this is not a realistic situation so please suspend the reality of this story and treat it like the fantasy that it is meant to be. I love thinking and writing about power exchange between adults and the dynamics that it brings about. If you do too, then...Enjoy!


PART 1 - A Dream Realized

Chapter 1

We had been living together for two years before we got married and we had been together a third year before I started dreaming about seeing other men. Timmy was a wonderful hubby and he adored me but he was quite submissive. I dreamed of a "take charge man" who would literally throw me down on the bed and fuck me. Timmy wasn't that guy.

Just after our first anniversary a new tenant moved into the apartment next to ours. I peeked out between the shades and watched him as he carried his free weights into his place. I continued throughout the day quietly peeking as he unloaded his truck. By mid-afternoon he was hot and his shirt came off. I was hot too but in a different way.

This guy was the total opposite of my husband. Timmy was fun and playful. He looked a bit like a teddy bear who was fluffy and warm. When we met he was perfect for me after coming out of relationships with football players who never treated me well. Timmy loved me and made me feel good about myself. The guy moving in next door was more like the football players I dated and reminded me of the good side of those relationships - the hot sex.

I called to hubby who was in the other room working on his stamp collection. "The new neighbor has moved in, we should invite him to dinner!"

"Sure, sounds fine." was the somewhat bored reply. I got up and stood at the doorway to his stamp room.

"Hey, why don't you go over and invite him. You should meet him. You might like him." Actually I wanted Timmy to be more like him.

He dragged himself away from his work and went out the door. I continued to watch from the window, doing everything I could to not be seen. I watched as Timmy approached him. They shook hands and I smiled as I saw that the guy's grip was solid and probably hurt Timmy's hand. At this point my hand was reaching down inside my shorts to feel my growing wetness.

A few minutes later I heard our front door close. "He's coming to dinner at 7, his name is Bill" I heard Timmy say as he hurried back to his stamps.

"Wonderful!" I yelled back pulling my hands quickly from my pants.

Chapter 2

After washing my hands really well, I went to the kitchen and started cooking. I really wanted to impress this new hot neighbor. As I puttered about the kitchen, the image of Bill shirtless, muscles popping as he carried boxes stuck in my head. Timmy, of course, was clueless back in his stamp room.

I was ready for him to arrive at 6, a full hour ahead of time. I waited impatiently watching the clock. At quarter of seven I called Timmy to set the table on the porch and put him to work doing clean up chores.

It was 7 on the dot when the door bell rang. My heart leapt. It was time to meet this handsome man and find out what he was really like.

Bill was dressed nicely in a collared (and rather tight) short sleeve shirt and jeans. His muscles popped on his arms and I was still remembering the muscles on his chest. I wanted desperately to give him a hug but I held myself back and shook his hand, politely welcoming him to the neighborhood.

The three of us sat for dinner and I kept making Timmy get up to get things so that I could talk to Bill. And as I talked to him, I realized that this was an intelligent and outgoing man. He and I worked in the same field, so we had a lot to talk about and the two of us monopolized the conversation.

Every so often he tried to turn the conversation to Timmy but it never really went very far. I kept his eyes on me as much as possible and he seemed to enjoy that.

With some dessert in front of us - cookies and fruit since I wanted to look healthy AND fun - the conversation turned to our apartment. He commented about the differences between his and ours. I almost stuttered as I offered to show him our place.

After talking Timmy into doing the dishes I walked Bill around our first floor. When I took him up to the second floor my legs were shaking. I wanted this man and I wanted him bad. I showed him the little guest room and joked that if he ever needed to get out of his house, he could stay here. Don't have any idea why I said that. It was so stupid.

Then I showed him the Master bedroom and he commented about how nicely it was decorated. And at that point he said something that sent me reeling.

"I would rather stay in this room."

In my mind I ran down the stairs and told Timmy that I was about to fuck this man in our bedroom. In reality my knees buckled a little and my face blushed. Little did I know that in the not too distant future he would have an opportunity to stay in this room.

Chapter 3

The dinner that night was the first of a number of dinners with Bill that summer. It was hot and we often sat on the porch drinking wine and talking. Well, Bill and I were talking. Timmy joined us until he got bored and went in to start on the dishes. I could tell Timmy was frustrated with us not giving him attention and one Friday before Bill arrived I decided I'd better tackle this problem.

"Are you upset that we have Bill over so often?" I asked, hoping to start a deeper conversation.

"No, he's okay. I just feel like a third wheel. You two have so much to talk about and I don't fit in"

"How does that make you feel?

"I feel like I am loosing touch with you." He was right. We hadn't talked as much as we used to. We hadn't had sex as often as we used to either and both of us knew it. He was the one who was brave enough to bring it up. "We don't have much sex either. I think you are in love with Bill."

"I am not in love with Bill," I responded firmly. "I will admit that I lust after him though."

"Do you want to sleep with him?" he asked sheepishly. He was afraid to hear the answer.

"Yes, I do," I responded.

"Well, Fuck, why don't you just go ahead and do it," he said raising his voice. I could tell he wanted to cry.

"If you tell me no, I won't do it but if you agree...." My voice trailed off. I couldn't bring myself to say the words that could stop where this was going.

"Just do it. Let's just stop pussyfooting around and get it over with" And with that he retreated into his stamp room.

I wanted to follow him and ask again. I wanted to give him another out. But at the same time I didn't want him to say no so I held back and made plans for dinner.

Our dinner went as usual with the same chatter about our jobs and our lives. Timmy was a bit more reserved and I knew why. After dinner he retreated quickly to the kitchen and I started coming on a bit stronger to Bill. As we talked I touched his hand. I moved closer to him, invading his personal space a bit.

Bill noticed it right away and asked what I was doing. I took a breath and came right out with it.

"I want to have sex with you and I have talked with Timmy and he is okay with it." I said as quickly as I could. I barely looked at him as I said it, fearing he might not feel the same way.

"Are you sure? Is he really good with this?"

I looked up into his eyes. I wanted to melt. "Yes, he is."

"Maybe I should talk to him?"

"No. Let's just go upstairs."

We got up together. I took Bill's hand and led him through the kitchen and up the stairs. Timmy and I caught each other's eyes as we walked by. I sensed some sadness but also saw that he was accepting it.

As soon as we were in the bedroom the door was shut and Bill and I quickly undressed each other. There was an immediacy to our action. And without even opening the covers of the bed we were down. He was forceful, totally the opposite of Timmy. He took control and fucked me hard. As soon as he was inside me I realized that his penis was very different than Timmy's. I haven't been with many men in my life and my standards were probably a bit low. Bill had by far the largest cock I had ever had.

When we were done we lay together on top of the bed for a bit but it was obvious that we had to move. So we both dressed and went downstairs where we found Timmy in the living room with the TV on high volume. He was probably trying to drown our our noises from upstairs. I realized that I hadn't even thought about how much noise we were making up there.

Timmy didn't get up as Bill went to the door. He didn't even say good-bye. I didn't know how to say good-bye either. I wanted to kiss him one more time but didn't dare. I just said thank you and he was gone.

Timmy and I didn't talk that night. He came up to bed just after me and I pretended to be asleep until I actually fell asleep. He twisted and turned all night.

We did talk the next day and I told him I wanted to keep having sex with Bill. Until I said it out loud I didn't even realize that was what I wanted. While we had never discussed it both Timmy and I had implicitly agreed that this would be a one time thing.

Timmy was shocked. "Do you want me out?" he asked. I could just leave and be out of your life."

"No, I don't want that," I replied. "I love you. I want to have a better life with you. Let's try and spend more time together."

"And what about the sex? Is it over between me and you?"

"No, I still want to have sex with you." I didn't know if that was true or not but I had to tell him it was going to be ok.

Bill continued to come over for Friday dinners and we continued to spend some time in bed after dinner. Each night he came down to find Timmy in the living room. I don't think they ever talked to each other. Bill just slid out the door. I remained in bed and when Timmy arrived we went to sleep without much conversation.

Timmy and I did, however, start to spend more time together after this. I made an extra effort to do more with him. I truly did love him and I enjoyed our time together even more after this thing had started. I did try to have sex with him more often too but it wasn't the same. He seemed more nervous like he had to try to be better than Bill. Both he and I knew it never would never be quite the same.

Chapter 4

As winter approached, Bill was now coming by more regularly. He was there every Friday night and sometimes again on Saturday. At first it was under the pretense of dinner, but then it just became a trip to the bedroom. Timmy would watch TV and try not to be around when Bill left.

I couldn't tell what was going on with Timmy. While we had a good time during the week, he wasn't the same. He was more withdrawn. We had a few arguments, one where he threatened to leave but I knew he wasn't going anywhere. And it wasn't just that he had nowhere to go. I truly believe he wanted to be here. If he left, we were done. If he stayed there was hope. And while I loved the sex with Bill, Timmy was my true love. I didn't want him to go.

One cold Friday night, after what seemed like just another wild sex romp, Bill and I stayed warm cuddling in my bed. I could tell he didn't want to leave and I didn't want him to go either. "Would you like to spend the night?" I asked. It was a question I had wanted to ask for months but never had the nerve.

"More than anything," he replied, "but what about Timmy?"

Without saying anything more, I hopped off the bed, slipped on a pair of shorts and my little green top. I walked downstairs where Timmy was slouching on the couch watching TV. He looked like a little boy. I leaned down and smiled at him. "What do you say babe, shall we try the sleepover thing...?" I asked. "Him and I in our bedroom and you in the guest room...?"

He looked like he was going to cry. He couldn't say anything so he just shook his head as if to say yes.

I stripped off again as I made my way to the bedroom for my first full night with my lover. Before falling asleep I did think about what it would be like in the morning. Would Timmy and Bill meet at the coffee pot? Would they talk? Would the three of us have breakfast together? So much to think about but then sleep took over.

PART 2 - Seriously, Full-Time

Chapter 1

Timmy reluctantly agreed and that may have been the biggest mistake of his life. Within the month, Bill was with us every weekend. He would come on Friday night and the three of us would have dinner. We would sometimes watch a movie or some TV. Bill and I were usually crunched up on the love seat and Timmy lay on the floor. Later it would be the Master bedroom for Bill and I and the guest room for Timmy.

Timmy wasn't a happy camper during those weekends but he went along with it because he loved me. He also didn't have anywhere else to go. I have always made more money than Timmy and he needed me to make ends meet. Would he to leave, his living situation would become desperate. Besides, he had me to himself all week and I made sure that he got the all loving that he needed during the week. I think Timmy loved having sex with me more than anything else in his life. He was very sexual in nature and I had been a big win for him when we married.

For me, the weekends were all about Bill. Went we weren't having sex in my room (which probably occurred four to five times a weekend) we were out doing things together. We visited parks, went out to dinner, even went to a few parties at his friends' homes. We looked like any other couple when we were out on the town.

Timmy was back at home and with little to do he turned to cleaning the house which made our home even better. It was like having a maid in every weekend. He did laundry, including some of Bills, he washed floors and windows and even made dinner for us on nights we would be home to eat. I don't really know why he started doing all this, perhaps he was just bored but I think it was more. Timmy was becoming even more submissive.

Timmy and Bill co-existed but never got along very well. Of course there was the jealousy thing. Bill had taken me away from Timmy and that hurt real bad. On top of that Bill was a bit of a bully. He was definitely the alpha male in the house and he looked down on Timmy. He also literally looked down at Timmy as he was at least 6 inches taller and probably outweighed the little boy by a good 50 pounds. Timmy was a bit scared of him.

The three of us made it through the winter together and when spring came we had some decisions to make. Bill was coming up on a year in the house he was renting next door and his lease was ending soon. The owner had decided to sell the place and he had no interest in buying it.

I was sad. Even though he wouldn't move far, I liked having him next door. So one Friday night while we lay in bed I suggested that he move in here.

He smiled. I knew he liked the idea. "Where would Timmy go?" he asked.

"He's gotta stay. I'm sorry but he is my husband and I'm not ready to leave him."

"I dunno"

"Look, it has worked for almost a year. He won't be happy but he loves me and I don't think he will leave quietly. He really is good for us."

We finally decided to talk to him in the morning and agreed that we should do it together. That night we had the best sex we had ever had. Something had changed with us. We both knew life was going to get real different real fast.

And Timmy was asleep in the guest room, oblivious as to what was going to happen to him next.

Chapter 2

Saying that the conversation went poorly would be a huge understatement. Timmy went from total disbelief to downright angry.

"Can we talk about this alone?" he said, looking at me after we broke the news to him. I had decided that morning that telling him this news couldn't come across as a question. It had to be delivered as a done deal. I really didn't want him to try to put a stop to it.

"No," I responded as gently as I could. "This involves all three of us and we have to have this conversation together."

Bill just sat there quietly. He did have a bit of a smile on his face like he had just won a big game. I think that made it worse for Timmy. Thinking back on it, perhaps I should have talked to him alone.

"S-s-o, He is going to be here all the time?" He was beginning to stutter now. He wouldn't even look at Bill.

"Yes, in two weeks he moves in and then he will be here all the time." I felt like I was talking to a child who wasn't really understanding what I was saying.

"And I have to live in the guest room all the time?"

Bill and I had talked about this earlier in the morning. I knew this would be the nail in the coffin for poor Timmy.

"Well, that is the other thing. You know Bill works at home so we need to turn the guest room into an office for him."

"What?" He was getting louder now, more upset or maybe more nervous. "What happens to me? Do I have to leave? Are you kicking me out? "

I tried to battle his anger with calm. "No, Timmy, we are not kicking you out. You are my husband and I want you to stay with us. If you choose to leave that's up to you. We can't hold you here. But I want you to stay. You are just going to have to sleep downstairs in the stamp room."

"There's no bed in there!" He was yelling now.

"Don't worry, Timmy. We will buy you a bed. It will have to be a single bed to fit in the room but we will get a nice bed for you to sleep in." The stamp room was small and I did have some concerns about the bed. Even a small single bed would take up most of the room.

But what about our, our..." He glanced at Bill not wanting to ask what he was going to ask next. I knew where he was going.

"Our sex, Timmy?" He looked at the floor knowing the answer would not be good. "Well, you know Bill is my sex partner now but I do have some good news for us." He looked up at my wondering where I was going. "Bill has an evening meeting every Tuesday and he has agreed that we can have that evening to ourselves."

I thought that little bonus was going to help but it only escalated things. Timmy looked up from the floor and stared angrily at Bill. "You agreed? You gave us permission?" He was yelling now. "What the fuck! I don't need to have permission from you to make love to my wife!"

For the first time that morning Bill spoke. "Yes, you do. She's mine now, Timmy, you may be her husband but I am her lover. If you don't like that you can just leave." Bill was trying to be calm, like we had talked about earlier, but he wasn't very good at it.

Timmy's response was short and quick. He stood up and looked Bill in the eyes. "Fuck you!"

With that Bill stood up, ready for a fight. "You little bastard. Your wife wants you to stay. As far as I'm concerned you can go out on the street like the bag of garbage you are. And if you don't do what you are told, I will throw you out myself." With that he grabbed Timmy by the shirt. I feared he was going to pick him up and hurt him. This was getting out of control.

I had to get this talk back under control. "Both of you, sit down," I yelled. Much to my surprise they both obeyed. "Look, this is the way it is going to be. Bill is moving in. You, Timmy, are moving to the stamp room. The three of us are going to live here peacefully or else someone is going to have to leave." I looked right at Timmy so he understood who the someone was.

There was quiet for what seemed like a long time. And then Timmy looked down at the table and quietly said, "I understand."

Chapter 3

The next few months were like a whirlwind. There were lots of ups and downs and emotions from all three of us as we got used to our new life together.

The two weeks after we broke the news to Timmy were heavy duty sex weeks. It wasn't me and Bill, it was, in fact, Timmy that I was with. Timmy was like a mad man on drugs. He was trying to get as much sex as he could because he knew he was going to lose it soon. He was like a squirrel gathering nuts for the long winter ahead. Looking back I probably shouldn't have let him have so much sex. It made it that much worse when he had to move to the stamp room.

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