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Andy, June and Me

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A sad little tale.
3.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/30/2023
Created 09/25/2009
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She looked like a young girl lying there; a young girl with a grown woman's breasts. She looked so innocent as she slept with her head on my pillow and anyone looking at her right then would never have believed what an insatiable sexual being she had been just one hour before.

I watched her breasts rise and fall with each breath and I wondered what Andy would think. Would he think I was a low-fife asshole and his wife a cheating whore or would he understand? I laid there staring up at the ceiling and relieved the last eight years in my mind.


That first night she had walked in the front door of my apartment and had wasted no time.

"Where is the bedroom?"

I pointed and she said, "Hurry" and as she headed for it she was pulling her sweater over her head. Her bra hit the floor as she walked through the bedroom door and she was kicking her skirt and panties away as I walked into the room.

"Come on, hurry up and get your clothes off" she said as she pulled the bed covers down and got on the bed. I quickly stripped and got on the bed with her. Her legs were spread wide and as I moved between them I lowered my head to her breasts and placed a hand on her pussy.

"No" she cried, "None of that. No foreplay, just fuck me. Just push your cock into me and fuck me."

Anticipation must have helped her get wet so even though she was pretty tight I was able to work my cock into her. Every push of my cock was met by her pussy being shoved up at me as she moaned:

"Yes, yes, oh yes, oh sweet fucking Jesus yes."

When I was in as far as I could go her legs came up and clamped me tight and her hands gripped my ass cheeks. Her nails dug into me and she cried:

"Fuck me. Please fuck me; fuck me hard, fast and hard."

She wanted it hard and fast, but I didn't want to give it to her that way. I didn't want a fast and frenzied fuck; I wanted it to last, but she wasn't going to be denied. Her body thrashed around and she worked her pussy on my cock; shoving it at me to meet each thrust and in the end she got what she wanted and I drove at her hard and fast.

She had already cum twice and I was close and told her I was going to cum and I asked her if she was protected and she moaned, "No, no don't" and I assumed that she was telling me not to cum in her and I tried to pull out, but she grabbed me and cried:

"No, don't stop, please don't stop, I'm almost there. I'm almost there."

I drove back hard into her and got four more strokes before I had to let go and as I flooded her with my release she moaned, "no, no, no" and pushed me off of her. She scrambled around until she could get my cock in her mouth and then she sucked me hard while her fingers worked her clit as she tried to bring on the orgasm that I had taken her to the edge of. As soon as my cock started to stiffen she climbed on top of me and used her right hand to guide me up into her. She moaned as I slid into her:

"Hurry honey, hurry. Get me off; make me cum, make me cum."

I shoved hard up into her and she cried out, "Yes baby, like that, just like that, make me cum." I rolled her over onto her back and fucked her as hard as I could and minutes later I was rewarded with a loud, "Oh fuck!" as she came. As soon as she orgasmed I eased back some. I wasn't as young as I used to be and a steady hard pace like she wanted could have very well done me in. She had one more small climax before I came for the second time and then I pulled my softening cock out of her and fell to the bed next to her.

"Are we done" she asked.

"For a little while. I don't charge back up as fast as I used to."

"How many more times will you be good for tonight?"

"Twice more before morning maybe."

"Why only maybe?"

"I'm not a young man anymore sweetie and memory isn't the only thing that goes when you age."

"I can help."

"I'll just bet that you can."

She did, and she got her twice more before I had to leave for work in the morning.


I met Andy when he came to work for the company I worked for. My first opinion of him was that he was that he was a nice enough kid, but just that - a kid.

The company we worked for was basically a job shop for one of the major auto companies. We did all the weird shit that they couldn't or didn't want to do for themselves. For instance, car company A comes out with a new model that is comparable to something that the company we worked for sold. The company we worked for would go out and buy a half dozen of company A's new models and then would turn them over to us. We would tear apart the model so our company's engineers could look at the car. We would cut sections out of the "A" posts (that's the front pillar on either side of the windshield, cut sections out of the roof rail, the floor pan and anything else that the engineers wanted to look at and then we would scrap the car.

But our biggest area of concern was building replica cars and handling advertising locations. In the automotive industry there is a bit of a disconnect between selling the current years models and the new models that appear in the fall. Typically they produce the current model until the middle of July and then they convert the assembly line and start cranking out the next year's models which go on sale in September.

The problem is that the advertising - the TV spots, the magazine ads, the Hertz and Avis brochures - have to be in place by the time the new cars hit the showroom floor. It takes six to nine months to get the ads produced, but the cars haven't even begun to move down the assembly line so what did the advertising companies use for vehicles in their ads? They used the cars that my company put together.

The way it worked was that the auto company would have gone through a design process as much as three years before the car would be introduced. The design would go from the drawing board to technicians who would build a clay model of the car to use for other design purposes. One of the things they would so with the clay model would be to make a fiberglass mold of it. When the auto company was done using the mold for their purposes they would send it to us and we would use the mold to make fiberglass bodies. We would cut the steel body off of an existing car and then mount the fiberglass body to the stripped chassis and then send it to the paint shop for a paint job. It was a lot more complicated than what I just described, but that is the gist of what we did.

What happened then was that the ABC advertising agency would call and say that they needed a red four door in Palm Springs for a fourteen day shoot. We would load the car into an enclosed truck and take it to Palm Springs (or San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco - any place that had lots of sunshine in January, February, March and April). The thing was that when you drove that truck to Palm Springs you might not get home for months. You would be in the Springs and you would get a call telling you that as soon as ABC was done shooting you needed to get the car to Tucson so the DEF agency could shot brochures for Avis. Then a call would send you some place else. I've left Detroit in January and not gotten back until late May or early June.

Anyway, back to Andy. He was hired as a painter and he had worked for us for about six months before he was paired up with me for a location shoot. It was to a studio in LA and then from there to San Francisco and then down to Palm Springs. We were going to be gone for a little over two months. The company had a policy of paying for a plane ticket for your wife if you were gone from home for more than thirty days and on day thirty-one of our trip Andy's wife June stepped off the United Airlines 727 in San Francisco.

June was a cutie. Only 4'10'' and maybe -- just maybe -- 100 pounds, but a good part of those 100 pounds were tits. I didn't see much of Andy and June after our day was over. They were in their room catching up on what they had gone the previous thirty days without. Gradually they slacked off and we started going out at night drinking and dancing and having a good time. Andy wasn't much of a dancer and June loved to dance so she was constantly dragging me out onto the floor. I'm 6'1'' and when I danced with little June her tits were always pressing into me way down there and I couldn't help what happened. Occasionally she would come in contact with what she caused and all she did was grin at me and tell me that I was a dirty old man.

I liked Andy and he and I became good friends. Andy and I worked locations together several times over the next couple of years and every time he could swing it June was with us. Andy and June were crazy about each other, but that did not keep June from flirting with me. She flirted with me something terrible, but we both knew that it just fun. She loved dancing with me and when the inevitable happened she would giggle and tell me that I was a dirty old man.

And I was! If June hadn't been married to Andy I would have picked her up, thrown her over my shoulder and raced for the nearest bed. When we were home I usually had dinner with June and Andy once a week and after work on Friday Andy and I would stop at the bar with the guys from work and June would usually join us there. One of those Fridays as I was dancing with June and she was rubbing her tits all over me I said:

"You are an evil little bitch and one of these days I'm going to forget how much I like Andy and you are going to find yourself on the backseat of my car."

She laughed and said, "Promise, promises; that's all I ever get, promises."

I don't deny it; the attraction was there, the ache was there, the lust was in my head, but Andy was my friend.


I was on location in Florida and I called the office to check in and Norm, my boss, told me that Andy was in the hospital. He had been changing a left rear tire on the side of the road and some asshole had hit him and kept on going. Andy was hurt pretty bad. Half a dozen broken bones and he was in a coma. I asked how June was taking it and Norm told me that she was a wreck. I got daily updates when I called in, but there wasn't any change. Andy was in traction and still in a coma. I called June a couple of times, but the calls all ended when she broke down crying.

It was three weeks before I got home and the first thing I did after dropping off the prototype car at the shop was to drive over to the hospital. Andy was still in the coma and while I was there June showed up. She came running into my arms and I held her while she sobbed into my chest. Later I took her to dinner and she gave me Andy's prognosis.

"The doctors say he could come out of the coma tomorrow or he may never come out of it. They just don't know."

For the next four months I went to the hospital almost every evening more to support June than for any other reason. She had no living family and neither did Andy so to keep her from being all alone I was there for her to lean on. I took her to dinner two or three times a week and three times I took her out for drinks and dancing, but those times didn't turn out well. She felt guilty over trying to enjoy herself while Andy was stuck in a hospital bed and before the night was over she would be crying.


I was sent out of town on another trip that turned into three months away from home. I called June two or three times a week for an update and found that nothing had changed. When I returned I called her and asked her if she would like to have dinner with me and she said she would so we arranged to meet at the hospital.

She was in the room holding Andy's hand when I got there. She brought me up to date which didn't take long. Outside of Andy being out of traction nothing had changed. She asked me to go with her to the hospital cafeteria for a cup of coffee. We sat down at a table and then she said:

"I'm not a bad person. I've tried hard to be a good wife, but this situation is killing me. I've found myself wishing that he would die and end his pain, but then I think that I'm being a bitch and that he isn't feeling any pain and all I'm doing is wishing he would end mine. God knows I love him, but how long can this go on? I've heard that some people have been in comas for a long as twenty years. I find myself crying at the thought that my life for the next twenty years is going to be nothing but daily trips to the hospital. I'm too young for this Rob."

Yes she was, but what the hell could I say? I took her out to eat when we left the hospital and, given the way the last three times had ended, I was surprised when she asked me if we could go for drinks after dinner. I of course said yes and was surprised again when she chose a place that had a live band. We hadn't finished our first drink when she said, "I want to dance Rob" and she stood up and waited for me to get off my chair.

Several drinks and a half dozen or so dances into the evening and in the middle of a slow dance where she was up against me she asked:

"Remember the time way back when you called me an evil bitch and told me how one day if I kept it up I would end up on your back seat?"

I nodded my head yes and she said, "Could tonight be that night?"

I stepped back from her and looked at her and she sobbed, "Don't look at me like that Rob; please don't look at me like that. I'm sorry, but I can't stand it. I'm young Rob and I was used to a steady diet of love making. I have gone almost eight months without and no end in sight. I need it Rob. I need to get laid and it has to be someone I trust. I love Andy Rob and I will be here for him when he comes back. I want to be faithful, but I can't do it. I can't keep doing without for what might be years. You are the only one I can ask who I know won't run around bragging about it the next day. Please Rob, it has to be someone I like; someone who knows that I'm still going to be Andy's and who won't expect a long term relationship. Just once in a while Rob. That's all I'm asking, just every once in a while to keep me from going crazy. Please Rob, don't make me pick up strangers for one night stands. Help me out Rob; please help me out."

I'd like to be able to say I was noble enough to be able to say, "We can't June; it just wouldn't be right and besides, Andy is my friend" but I can't say that. I thought of all the times we had danced and she had looked up at me with that evil little grin. I wanted her then and I wanted her now. I could console myself by saying that I was doing it for Andy. That I was keeping June away from one night stands and the possibilities of STDs, that I was keeping her safe for him, but I couldn't kid myself. I wanted her. I was semi-honest with myself about it. I knew that under any other set of circumstances I would have said no to what June wanted, but I also knew that she wasn't bullshitting me - if I didn't do it she WAS going to find someone who would and as long as someone was going to get it, it might as well be me. So I said yes.


In the morning she had gone from my apartment to the hospital and I didn't see her again for three days. Friday evening after work I stopped at the hospital and she was there. Still no change to report. I suggested dinner and she said:

"Couldn't we just go to your place?"

After that it was twice a week for two weeks and then three nights and then four. Then came the night she said:

"I have a problem."

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant."

"You said you were on the pill."

"I was...I mean I am, but with Andy in the hospital and me not planning on doing anything I wasn't paying much attention to them and sometimes I forgot to take them for a week or two at a time. I started back on them religiously when we started seeing each other, but I guess it was too late. It must have happened during those first few times. What am I going to do?"

"Whatever you want June. It is your choice."

Her face go t red and she snarled, "You bastard! You miserable bastard! Sure, go ahead and dump it on me."

"Whoa there little girl; I am not dumping anything on you. We are in this together, but it is your body so you get to choose whether to carry the child or not. Whatever you do I am going to be with you."

"What will I do if Andy wakes up?"

"We will cross that bridge when we come to it. We both want Andy to recover, but we can hope that it isn't for another nine months. If you decide to keep it hopefully you will have it before Andy comes out of his coma."

"But what do I do when he wakes up and sees me with a baby?"

"When he wakes up we will tell him that it is mine. We will tell him I got married while he was in his coma, that my wife had the child and then abandoned the child and me when she ran off with a truck driver. You can say that you were helping me with the baby since you had the time while he was in the hospital."

"I guess I could have it and give it up for adoption."

"No you can't! It is my child and I will take it when Andy comes back to us. You only have two choices June. To have it or not to have it. Your body, your choice. But if you have it the child will be ours until Andy wakes up and then, unless you decide to tell Andy about us, I will take the child."

"Well I don't like the idea of abortion so I guess that you might as well get ready to be a daddy."

That decision caused a major change in our lives. June gave up her place and moved in with me until Anita was born and then we found a bigger place. When Anita turned three June said, "She needs a brother or sister."

It has been eight years since Andy went into his coma and the doctors are still saying that he could come out of it any day now or maybe never. June and I have three kids now, but she still goes to the hospital every day and sits in a chair next to his bed and holds his hand while she talks to him. I don't know what she says to him - that is private between the two of them - and I don't know that he even hears a word that she says.

June still has hope that Andy will recover and while I would also like to see it happen even though it would complicate my life I doubt that it will happen. I have heard stories about people who have come out of a coma after ten, twelve or fifteen years, but they are very, very few and far between.

I'd like to marry June and make our arrangement legal, but she won't divorce Andy and I don't blame her for that since I have always known the depth of her feeling for Andy. I spend a lot of time wondering about what will happen when - and if - Andy recovers. That she will go back to him I have no doubt - none whatsoever - and Lord only knows what will happen then. June is a dedicated mother and dotes on our kids. There is no way she could walk away from them even for Andy so she would have to tell him about them and how would that play out?

If Andy was understanding and would accept the situation June would want the kids with her, but they were mine also and they were my heart and I wasn't going to play the part of visiting dad or visiting Uncle Rob and I damned sure wasn't going to accept any sort of joint custody arrangement and see them every other week.

The sad thing is that the only solution is the one that neither June nor I want and that is for Andy to never come back.

And isn't that just a kick in the ass.

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calflashcalflash2 months ago

Other than the names, this.story had no connection with the previous 2. It should have been presented as a stand alone instead part of a series.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades4 months ago

Thanks for your writing.

bereznikbereznik5 months ago

Very little connection to the other stories aprt from having Andy as one of the characters only gave it 2 stars.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggart5 months ago

I like most JPB stories. This was one however was a stinker. Barely related to the other two stories in the series and seems to go out of its way to crap on Andy. Low score.

usaretusaret5 months ago

Incomplete and has nothing in common with “Shayla”

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