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Angela Jaye can Sing Ch. 01

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Angela Jaye sings at Karaoke night for the first time.
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Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/27/2021
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Hey everyone. My name is Andy and I have a few stories to share with you about how I got where I am today. Exactly where am I you ask? Well, I'm in a good place and a weird place. My good place is my job as a day trader and my weird place is my growing need to dress in fem. Where did my weird place come from? Singing I suppose. My ability to sing led me down the path of cross dressing as a part of my stage act.

Singing has been something I have been doing most of my life. I refer to it as an ability more than a talent. As each year passed, I went from singing along to the radio or TV to talents shows, school plays and summer festivals. You want a Glen Campbell tune? No problem. Care to hear some Guns & Roses? Give me a minute and a microphone. Ask me to carry a long note like Whitney Houston? LOL, no way, my lungs are too small for that. Having a party with the lights turned down low? Cool, Amy Winehouse it is.

And no, I'm not looking for a record label deal. I promise that you will never download my music because there is nothing to download. Besides, my real talent is in day trading. I had the opportunity to follow that dream by using my college funds wisely. Well, maybe not wisely, but it worked out for me.

Getting into trading was easy because I come from a family of investors. My interest was boosted in my final year of high school when the school system sponsored a 2-day future career event. It was called "YOU ARE ABOUT TO GRADUATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL AND YOU THINK YOU HAVE A CLUE ABOUT YOUR FUTURE, BUT YOU REALLY DON'T SO YOU BETTER ATTEND THIS SEMINAR AND FIGURE THINGS OUT BEFORE YOUR COLLEGE FUNDS END UP AS BEER PONG PISS." It turned out to be a valuable event and it was my path to financial security.

I'm not going to carry on about the mentors that the event made available to us, but one example was Henry, a middle-aged investor. He had me write the phrases "buy low, sell high and diversify" on a piece of paper, look at them and then wad it up and throw it away. LOL, he explained the difference between TV commercial catch phrases and the real secrets of making the most out of your initial investments.

I spent the next three years perfecting my skills and making some profits. And thanks to Laura, my final mentor, I knew where to put my profits to keep the IRS off my heels. Who knew that at 21 I would have 401K's, Trust Funds, other tax shelters and Shell companies in my portfolio? Not me, but there they are.

Am I rolling in it? No, not yet anyways, but I am making a living and my commute to work is 17 steps to the back bedroom.

That all sounds like fairly good news and it is. However, the bad news is that I only have like two friends, Cody and Carl. Well, four if I count their girlfriend's Luci and Cindi. Don't get me wrong, I know people, but I don't socialize much with them. My friends are aware of my situation so, they took me out to celebrate my 22nd birthday at a local tavern. Hah, the highly questionable Kelli's Closet.

That sounded well enough until we were finished with our meals and started in on the Raspberry Vodka. Again, that wasn't so bad until Luci and Cindi excused themselves from the table for a few minutes. No big deal, right? Girls powder their noses all the time.

Well, not so fast folks. The girls returned to the table and convinced Cody and Carl to play a game of pool. That's when Luci announced that she signed me up for the next Karaoke tournament right here inside of Kelli's Closet tavern. Not so bad. I should be able to hold my own for a week or two. That's when Cindi announced that they signed me up as Angela Jaye. Whoa, where did that come from? And who the hell is Angela Jaye?

They both went on to explain that they knew I would feel better if I performed as an unknown artist. Yeah, right. I asked them what was really going on and they responded, basically in harmony, that they know what goes on at the Letterman's pool parties.

"Look Angela, guys aren't the only ones who use dark sun glasses to secretly watch what's going on. Cindi and I have laid out by the pool many times and seen you taking some of the guys behind the changing shed."

"Whoa, I never took anybody anywhere, so let's get the record straight. Besides, it was just boys being boys, you know, horseplay."

"BS, horseplay is a rough game of Tag. Groping is groping. Now be truthful. We know you were bullied into going with them, but you seemed to fight back less as the summer went on. And I remind you to be truthful because Conner let it slip one night how much fun he had feeling you up."

"Fine, so the smallest kid in town was bullied. That is not breaking news, you know. Besides, it's Conner you should be talking to. He's the freak. He's the one who asked me to wear a G-String under my swimming trunks because no one but him would know. He made promises of secrecy."

"Hmmm, and did you wear one? Anyways, now we're getting somewhere. So, let's see, two summers ago at the 4th of July party, Conner slipped me $40. $20 for a few thongs and $20 to keep my mouth shut. So, do you remember the little package of three thongs? Red, Black and Purple? Did you carefully open the package or did you rip it open with your teeth?"

"Ugh, fine, yes, I received them and yes, I wore them under my bathing suit a few times. Are you happy now?"

"Relax Angela, we're not here to expose you or judge you. We just know that you're a pretty good singer and we want a summer project. And you're it."

"OMG, so now what?"

"We will finalize our plans later when we have more time. For now, we will keep Cody and Carl out of this as long as we can, but you only have a few days to practice your fem singing voice. Cindi and I will take care of your attire."

"I can sing in any pitch I want at any time. So, how will you take care of my stage outfit?"

"LOL, that's easy silly. You're going to get us a pre-paid credit card and we'll take it from there. And don't get cheap with the funds. You can drop it off to me or Cindi tomorrow. We'll take a few quick measurements to figure out your sizes."

"Somehow this doesn't sound like a spur of the moment idea."

"Well, Cindi and I followed you last summer at one of the night swims. You might remember that night. You were showing Josh the straps of your purple thong and he was on his knees getting a close look. If I remember correctly, his lips were on your hips. Do you happen to remember that night or were there too many nights just like that to remember them all?"

"Shut it, no matter how it looked, I wasn't enjoying myself. Besides, I had a water bug bite and he saved my life by sucking the venom out. That wasn't a hickey."

"OMG, one of you was moaning and I guessing you no longer have a purple thong."

"The snake bite poison had a bad taste, so he choked a little. And he needed something to wipe his mouth off with. However, while you shopping for me, well, I like the color purple. Now shut it, here come the guys."

We ended my birthday celebration and we went our separate ways. Luckily for me, my drive home was very short, about 6 minutes. Not really enough time to process what kind of Truth or Dare situation I just got myself into. However, thanks to the Raspberry Vodka, I slept very well and didn't have to lay in bed thinking about it. I got up in the morning and pushed it off as a stupid thing friends do when their drunk.

I made myself a cup of coffee and retreated to the back deck to soak up a few morning rays before I went to work. I summarized what happened last night in my head. I was semi called out last night by Luci and Cindi. Check. I have a karaoke date in two days as Angela Jaye. Check. I owe the girls a fully loaded pre-paid credit card for my stage attire. Check. I really didn't argue much. Check. I'm going to pick a song to sing that the yuppies won't like so they can vote me out during the first show. Check. I'm catching some rays because Cindi said my legs will need a little color. Check. My neighbor, Mrs. Tanner, really needs to cover up in the mornings. Check.

With my checklist completed, I went to work, LOL, my back bedroom and went about my day just like any other day at the grind stone. That's when Luci texted my boss and asked if I could leave work a little early so I could get the pre-paid credit card. I looked in the mirror and agreed. Luci advised me that she and Cindi would swing by about 5 pm to pick up the card and to take a few measurements.

It still seemed like a dream until the cashier at the Pharmacy store handed me a receipt for the funds loaded onto the card. It started to get real at that point. It became seriously real when the girls showed up and had a fabric tape measure with them. My new reality reached a whole new level as I stood perfectly still, just like they told me to do.

Then it seems that I set it in stone myself when I told Luci that I thought fake eye lashes were one of the sexiest things a woman can wear. Boom, it was over. Just like that Luci grabbed a Sharpie and wrote a label across my forehead. LOL, she couldn't figure what the appropriate label was, so she kept writing things and crossing them out. Somewhere under all those scratch marks was the phrase "karaoke fem boy" or something like that.

Now the moment was here. Everything went from fantasy to reality at 7 pm on Thursday. Luci and Cindi showed up right on time and I was freshly showered, just as they requested. They handed me two pairs of panties and a Denim skirt and told to go into my bedroom and put all three articles of clothing on. The moment I closed my bedroom door it felt like I was opening another door.

It took me a minute to figure out that unlike my Levi's, the zipper on a blue jeans skirt goes in the back. And because the satin panties felt so good on my hips, I didn't mind taking a few extra moments to figure out the skirt. I became quite nervous as I looked at myself in the mirror, but at least the skirt had a modest length. My next instructions were to come out of my room shirtless and to take a seat at the kitchen table. My nerves were killing me, but I did as I was told. Luci jumped right in and broke the ice.

"Are you nervous or afraid Angela?"

"Both, but I mostly scared that some jerk is going to call me out from the back of the bar. Are we sure about this?"

"Absolutely sure. Don't worry, the first night is only 90 minutes long and everyone only gets one turn to sing to start the tournament and set the next round. Now, hush your mouth, close your eyes and sit as still as you can. Cindi will work on your face and I will finish off your wig."

Nope, I wasn't ready for this, not at all, but I sat quietly and let things go. Again, Luci smashed the ice.

"Ah, don't worry about getting a boner Angela. We know we're hot and we will pretend not to look at it and giggle. Your eyes are done. Such a pretty Cow Girl. Now, don't freak out, but I'm going to put this bra on you. Just keep sitting still."

I suppose Cindi just had to say something as well.

"Ah, pretty Angela likes the feeling of satin against her crotch, doesn't she? Now, think of baseball so it goes away or you will get called out. LOL and maybe a date. I mean, we're going to Kelli's Closet after all."

When it was over, it was over, for me. My fears quickly changed from being afraid of being called out to being afraid that I looked better as a girl then I did as Andy. I thought wearing a western shirt that tied around my waist was a little much, but the crop top they had me put on underneath it helped to balance it all out.

"All done Angela. It's time to go. Don't worry, we will stay with you for the entire show."

I followed them like a puppy, but I came up with a plan. I'll select a song that won't guarantee me a spot in the next round. I won't mess up the song, but I'll pick one that doesn't fit with the crowd at Kelli's Closet. Boom, what could go wrong? If the MC or DJ offered Glen Campbell's Wichita Lineman, that would be my choice. The yuppies will vote me out for sure.

"Well, how do I look girls? And be honest. Luci?"

"If I had a dick, I'd fuck you tonight."

"You guys know that I don't have an ID that says Angela Jaye, right?"

"No problem, remember, we're hot and the bouncer is a sucker for us. Now shut it and save your voice."

We made our way in and took a seat at a table. The nice thing about Karaoke nights and Trivia nights is that everyone is a competitor so they all sit apart and huddle with their teams. That eliminated extra socializing. Cool with me. And I hoped I completely emptied my bladder at home because I had no idea how to that in the tavern's restrooms in a skirt.

"You're up soon Angela. I think you have five minutes to prep yourself to sing "Back to black". That's right, we figured you might try to pull some kind of trick tonight, so we told the DJ to lose your sad cowboy song request and replace it with a little Amy W. And by the way, we will make all of your song selections from now on. Go ahead, they are going to love you. Shoulders back please."

As I readied myself for a performance, Cindi touched my arm. I thought this would be one of the loving moments where a friend offers kind words of encouragement.

"Don't worry Angela, you can sing your beloved Wichita Lineman this Sunday night at Willy G's Dirty Dungeon. LOL, I'm positive you will get a date from that crowd."

"Willy G's? I don't have a license to carry a concealed weapon."

"LOL, it's different on Sunday nights. Now go. And use your legs as you sing."

"Alright everyone, our next performer is Angela Jaye. Angela Jaye, whenever you're ready, please step forward."

LOL, the girls told me ten times to keep in character. LOL, what character?

It felt like it took me three hours to walk from the table to the little stage area. Luckily, the Karaoke machine was fairly large and it hid most of my lower body. I don't know where I got the nerve, but I gave the MC a finger point and I gave the DJ a head nod. And just like that, the background music started and just like that, I was singing. That was the longest 3 minutes and 38 seconds of my life, but I made it through it. I gave the crowd a bow and went back to the table. To my amazement, I received a round of applause. Damn, what a time to not know how a girl would use her body to signal a thank you.

"OMG Angela, that was good. I think you pulled it off, but we need to work on your body movements. We'll show you how to sway your hips a little better. By the way, here is a phone number from the guy in the green shirt. OMG, just keep it for a minute. You need a fan base before you get a big head."

"Ah, too late for that. Angela really likes to be the center of attention."

"Shut it, Cindi. That was hard. How long do we have to hang around before they vote me out?"

"Ah, you shut it, Angela and take this other phone number. We know this guy. His name is Jerry and he's pretty nice. The rules say you have to respond with something within three days."

"Whatever Cindi. OK, there are only three contestants left. So, am I the only one who thinks a shorter wig would look better on me?"

"Whatever you want Angela. You keep the credit card funded and we will keep you in proper stage clothes. And speaking of Willy G's, you know your appearance will be of a darker nature, right? You should expect fishnets. I understand that the guys who sit at table 13 use fishnets as dental floss."

"Oh look, they are updating the Leader Board. We should be able to leave in a minute."

"Well, let's see the results before we cash out. And while we're waiting, please tell us about the thing we forgot to tell you to do. It seems like you figured it out on your own."

"What's that?"

"You shaved your legs. What inspired that other than you have been dreaming of a second life for a while now? In other words, how long has this been going on?"

"Well, the truth be told, I didn't shave my legs. I've never had leg hair."

"Hah, we knew that because we have been to the pool with you, remember. We were just trying to get you to talk about shaving. So, we think you should shave down there."

"OMG, seriously?"

"Yes. It will complete the look. Just take your time and be careful. We'll get you the things you will need. Be careful and read the instructions on the foam hair removers. So, when will you fatten up the credit card?"

"Ugh, tomorrow. Look, they are finished with the Leader Board. Check please."

To my surprise, Angela Jaye advanced to the following week of the tournament. Fine, I will accept it, but I pleaded with the girls to get us out of there. I had to pee and my eyeballs were going to start floating. To my relief, they agreed that we could go. To my amazement, they walked me out me by wrapping their arms around mine and putting me in the middle.

"Come on Angela, everyone is watching us walk out. At least try to shake your ass a little."

I suppose I need to record the night as a success. And judging by the high fives and the hollering from the girls on the way home, they agreed too. I didn't join in on the hand slapping fun because of that full bladder thing, but I was smiling. When Luci pulled into my driveway to drop me off, she put forth a few additional items.

"Alright, that was almost perfect, but we can't hide this from the boyfriends forever. We have to invite them in sooner or later, so expect it next week at Kelli's Closet. We want to keep our boyfriends."

"Well, isn't it cheating that Cindi kept one phone number for herself? What's up Cindi?"

"Shut it, Angela. It's Carrie's number. I'm protecting you. She would chew you up and spit you out. You remember Carrie, right Luci?"

"True words Angela. But we promise to pass everything along from now on. So, before we let you go for the night, Cindi is dying to know how many guys "accidently" touched you over the last two years. Cindi is a freak like that and needs her fix. I mean, look at her eyes."

"Another time. Good night girls. I suppose I must admit that I had fun tonight. Just remember, I'm a pretty small person, so limit the number and size of chains I have to wear at Willy G's."

Cindi's request to get her freak on sort of excited me, but I had to put that on hold. But I promise, I will spend a little to remember and capture all the naughty details she needs to feed her nasty thoughts. Maybe I can tell my story while I sit still with my eyes closed while they work their magic on me.

End Angela Jaye can sing 01

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