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Angie's an Adult Redux Pt. 03

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Angie, the parson, and her husband become lovers.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/26/2019
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The next morning was a Sunday and Angie went to the service along with her parents, each of them remembering their two family threesomes of the day before, while Angie recalled her own little orgy with Ray Lassiter and the Dumonts. She was wet during Reverend Mitchell's sermon on "unconditional love and other forms of love," which somehow seemed fitting. Angie regarded her love for her parents as very multifaceted, though she was skeptical that any love could exist without some kind of context or condition, some catalyst. It would be, hopefully, an interesting point to raise with Samantha after she seduced the parson and her husband, Ronald.

In the meantime, Angie noticed that she needed to pee, so she headed to the ladies' room at the church in a hurry and forgot to lock her stall as a result. She had barely wiped herself afterward when none other than the rector walked in on her. Reverend Samantha Mitchell stood gaping for a second, not turning away from the half-naked Angie, her eyes glazed over with fascination and desire at Angie's shaved pussy. She couldn't help herself, much to Angie's delight.

"Reverend, I don't mind you looking, but can you close the stall to give us some privacy first, please? It's a good thing that most of your parishioners have gone home already. Knowing Mom and Dad, they're probably home by now. I took the bike to church today, just in case. I doubt that they bought my excuse, but who cares? They know what I am and love me anyway. Is that unconditional love, as you spoke of in your homily? What do you think? Or is that just the family love, storge? Right now, however, the relevant loves would be phileo and eros, don't you think?" Angie mused while teasing Sam.

"I suppose storge and agape sometimes overlap, yes," Sam answered huskily, her breath now quite heavy as she admired Angie.

"If we're going to do more than just stare at each other, Reverend, may I borrow your wipes? I know that you carry them. You know, the sanitizing kind. Now I know why. Did you actually need to pee, by the way?" Angie asked her pastor in her most seductive tone of voice.

"Actually, I don't need to pee. I followed you in here. And, yes, you can borrow my wipes. Here, take as many as you need, Angie," Sam spoke in earnest, her lustful confession arousing Angie even more as the Sloane girl wiped herself clean.

"So, now we know the truth. You want me. I want you. Does your husband know that you're gay, or at least bi?" Angie confronted the rector, still teasing her and watching her sweat a bit.

The woman's face was even more attractive when her skin glistened like that. Angie enjoyed making the minister desperate for a taste of her sweet pussy and her equally delicious ass. The difference was that unlike some other teases, she intended to satisfy her victim as long as the lady didn't ruin it. She hoped to use her control of the situation to prevent Sam from doing anything foolish, like trying to keep this a secret from her husband, not to mention that she could manipulate the reverend into performing some weddings. Yes, having such influence over an Episcopal clergywoman would have its uses.

"Not yet, but I can't keep it a secret for much longer. I've wrestled with it for a while, Angie. Trust me, I have. The sermon I gave made me realize how selfish and unloving I have been toward Ronald. He deserves to know his wife, truly, in more than just the Biblical sense, doesn't he? I love him, but my conduct hasn't been that kind or considerate. If I cheat on him with you, and it seems that I am about to, that would be even worse. What do you want from me, Angie, and why are you discussing theology and ethics while trying to seduce me?" Sam confessed, torn between her love for Ronald and her lust for girls.

"It's simple, Sam. You don't mind if I call you 'Sam, ' right now, do you? You share it with him. All of it, Sam. Your lust for me. Your taste for younger women. Yes, I figured that out. And you share me with him. Yes, I want both of you. You're both hot to trot. I want to bed both of you. Shouldn't a man and woman, being one flesh, share all of their loves with each other? How else can the two become one and remain one? Don't cheat, share. Be a loving wife and share your young lover with your husband. We can seduce him together. You want a taste of me, you must agree. I won't be a party to lies and double standards. I want to offer you my body, but not at any price," Angie asserted, knowing that she had the pastor under her thumb now.

"Yes, I agree. Thank you. That is a loving escape from betrayal and selfish cheating. Besides, I couldn't say no to you if I tried. I've been lusting for you for a good while now. I wonder what that says about me as a Christian, but what can I do. Your ass alone would tempt anyone with a pulse, man or woman, I would imagine. May I now?" Sam pleaded for a taste, hungry to sample the flesh of the young woman in front of her.

"Hey, the 'flesh is weak', as says the Scripture. Yes, my dear, Sam. You've agreed to my terms. You can taste me, but you first need to call your husband to come over, urgently, so he can see it for himself. Then and only then can you eat me out," Angie demanded.

"Yes, thank you, I will," Sam dialed her cell phone and reached her husband, who was busy reading in the church library, of all places.

Ronald W. Mitchell didn't quite know what was happening, but when his cell phone rang and his wife's voice came on, sounding ragged, he rushed to see what was going on. She was either really horny or really in trouble. Sam had been known to use the ladies' room now and then to entice him after services, and the naughty thrill more than excited both of them.

"Hi, honey, what's going on?" Ronald answered rather anxiously.

"Come and see, dear. I have a surprise for you in the ladies' room. I think that you'll love it," Sam's voice oozed undeniable sexual meaning.

"Yes, baby, I'm on my way," Ronald put down the book and rushed to the ladies' room, while the phone remained on and he heard slurping in response.

Sam had ceased to speak and started licking Angie's twat, a prize so long out of reach, but now available and irresistible to her. Angie didn't fight her anymore, and in fact, held her head in place, making sure that the minister kept up the good work. Sam had a damned good talent for oral sex, at least with women, whether it was natural, caused by it being her own sex, or from enthusiasm. Most likely, it was all three, anyway. All that Angie knew was that she got the most intense pussy lapping so far in her life from a married clergywoman in a stall of the ladies' room of St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church. Samantha D. Mitchell was born to eat cunt for sure.

The slurping, followed by moans of pleasure, made Ronald wonder what was going on, but his curiosity only excited him more, and his adrenaline pumped as he hurried to get to the ladies' room. What he saw when he entered was an opened stall and his wife's body reaching out into the walkway, while he heard slurping and moans again. By now, it was clear that the latter came from someone else and the former from his wife. Samantha had gone down on another girl, and she had invited him to witness it. What did this mean for their marriage?

"Sam, is that you in there? Who is with you?" Ronald wondered openly.

"It's me, Mr. Mitchell. Can I call you 'Ronald?' Your wife, the good lady reverend, is showing me the true meaning of eros, at least between women. Such a sinner right now, but given how much of a saint she is otherwise, God will understand. Unconditional love and all that. How about you? Do you love your wife enough to share her? She is hoping so, because she loves you enough to share you. It would be a pity if you didn't love her back with the same measure of ardor, don't you think? Do you see? Your wife is bisexual, aren't you, Sammy? She especially likes younger twats like mine, nice and bald. She invited you because she wants you to join us. How about it? Up to loving your neighbor?"

Ronald responded by walking up to the stall and pulling his wife up for a kiss on the mouth. He got a nice taste of Angie from her lips, only to have his wife push him down to his knees for some more pleasure straight from the source. He took the hint and began licking Angie, while Sam removed his pants and started sucking his cock on the floor. This double onslaught of pleasure more than got him ready, but the angle was awkward, they got up and walked over to the sink.

Angie bent over the faucet and spread her cheeks, telling the couple, "Time for both of you to use me at once. Sam, I know that you want my ass. You should lick it, just the way you ached to do yesterday, at my birthday party. Ronald, fuck my teenage cunt. Fuck it hard and fast. Give me your cock, deep inside my pussy, just the way I like it. Take me from behind like the slut that I am."

Ronald didn't wait for a better invitation, sliding his cock into Angie's pussy, while Sam began rimming her in front of him. Angie was spot on about the rector. She had craved very much the chance to tongue the teenager's ass. Ronald, meanwhile, began earnestly pounding her cunt, giving young Ms. Sloane exactly the kind of satisfaction she sought from men. It was an incredible first threesome for the couple, both of them enjoying this adolescent lover who seemed to know them better than they knew themselves. They both knew that she had ensnared them fully and that they would be at her beck and call in the future. Neither of them had the strength of will to resist her wiles. It might be a sin, but it would be a sin that they would share, as did Adam and Eve. They had both sampled the forbidden fruit together and they both adored it.

It was extremely difficult for either Angie or Ronald to hold back for much longer, and Sam was frankly not far behind herself. At last, however, Angie came in a series of back-to-back climaxes from the double effect of the cock in her pussy and the tongue on her ass. She tensed up as she did so, and then went slack, while she felt Ronald expel his seed inside her cunt. When he withdrew his now softening dick from her twat, Sam immediately began cleaning up his mess, which triggered yet another release from the horny eighteen-year old.

If Ronald thought that his work was done, however, he was wrong. Sam waved her ass in his face and moved her hips with such evident body language that he found himself kneeling behind her and making her cum messily on his face. His tongue didn't need much encouragement to lick her cunt or ass, after all. Sam had a very nice booty by any standard, just as delightful in its own way as Angie's was in hers. Her pussy was also bare, and so tasting it was a simple matter of sampling her juices, not anything else.

By now, the trio were drained for the moment, and each had to clean up the evidence of their tryst, but they all had grins on their faces whose meaning was rather apparent. Angie wasn't done with them, anyway, as she was about to prove. She kissed both of the Mitchells fiercely on the lips and slipped them each some tongue as well. Then she handed her panties to them as well, as she hadn't bothered to put them back on.

"I think that we should have a nice little lunch date and discuss the future. I am not ready to give this up, and obviously neither are you. I think that the three of us can be lovers for a long time to come, don't you agree? Besides, there are still many acts that I want to perform with the both of you. How about it? Want to share? Call it erotic love, friendship, or unconditional love ... there's some kind of bond between us. No sense in throwing that away, is there?" Angie encouraged them, adding a wink for effect.

"Well, nothing wrong with breaking bread with a young sister in Christ, is there?" Sam asked her husband.

His answer was a smile that showed his fine teeth in all of their glory. Ronald was also glad that he belonged to a sensible church, not one of those fundamentalist denominations. Many Episcopalians had learned to discern the wheat from the chaff in Scripture and have faith in a God who didn't judge consensual sex as long as it was honest and kind. To him, all bawdy wit and puns aside, there was something very Christian about accepting all kinds of people, including saucy young women like Angie. If they shared their bodies with her, wasn't that an act of love, too?

"Well, Reverend, you're the authority about matters of faith, so I will defer to your greater understanding," he winked when he finally answered.

Both women gave him a kiss as they got ready to "eat out," words with clear double entendres in the minds of each. Sam was also frankly relieved that Ronald was pleased and not angry with her, that he understood that she wasn't trying to cheat on him, but to include him in the fun and games. She needed this, as did Angie and he, and now their mutual needs could be sated together. She was free to explore her sexuality in full at last. She owed both Angie and Ronald a lot for that, the former for confronting her, the latter for keeping an open mind and not jumping to conclusions about her intent when he caught the two women together. He must have worried for a second, understandably, but he asked questions instead of assuming anything. That was perhaps one of the perks of being married to a detective: he was naturally curious.

After putting Angie's bike in the back of their van, the Mitchells found a spot for her to sit near the front (though it wasn't extremely comfortable) and began discussing possible eateries. Several choices were considered and rejected, mostly because Angie was too young to legally drink. Naturally, they listened to her ideas as well, as she was a rather smart and sensible young woman.

"Sapphire Pizza!" Sam and Angie suddenly spoke in unison, smiling as they realized it.

"That the new pizzeria that you visited the other day?" Ronald asked curiously.

"Yes, dear. It's an old-fashioned pizzeria with some modern twists, such as wi-fi and vegan dining choices. They also have a kind of 'don't ask, don't tell' policy about people going on dates or things like that. Someone wants privacy, they get a nice, cozy booth in the back and no one cares if you make out a little. It's a very hip joint, at the risk of using old clichés," Sam explained with a wink.

"Meaning that if the three of us wanted to kiss each other and play footsie under the table, people won't complain. My friend Jillian's mother Janet runs it. She's a lesbian, but more in a cute, tomboyish way than clearly butch or femme. She used her settlement money from the divorce as start-up capital for the place. Talk about living in the future, not the past! It'll be great!" Angie exclaimed, her bubbly enthusiasm spreading to the couple that she hoped to bed a lot in the future. She just hoped that they didn't get jealous over her attraction to both mother and daughter: they were both so yummy, just like their pizza.

"Works for me," Ronald answered briefly, all smiles at the thought of a chance to make out with both his wife and his new mistress.

"Me, too, honey. I can't promise not to grab both of you and use you for sex when we're done making out, however," Sam licked her lips in eagerness.

"Neither can I," Angie salivated at the thought of riding Ronald or rimming Sam, among other things.

When they got to Sapphire Pizza, Jillian greeted Angie personally and ensured that they got a nice booth. Their hostess grinned at the sight of the trio, clearly catching on that there was something between them. She also brought them menus and drinks, no questions asked. The only exception was that Angie's drink was soda and the Mitchells got beer.

"So, that's weird, I don't recall Sapphire Pizza having hostesses. Downright friendly, too," Sam commented.

"They don't. That's Jillian. I think that she's onto us. She's a bit of a wild child, a free spirit, nothing wrong with that. Very open-minded, as you can see. Plus, I have to warn you, she likes older men," Angie explained with a saucy look as she caressed both Sam's hand and Ronald's.

"Well, nothing wrong with that. I saw how she looked at Ronald, anyway. Like a young lioness eying a nice, juicy zebra. She evidently shares our great taste in men. Ronnie, dear, do me a favor. If that young minx throws herself at you, have the good sense to fuck her silly. Just don't wash your dick or your mouth afterward. I want to taste her juices on you. I bet that she's delicious. For my part, I might go after the mom," Sam encouraged her husband, her hand slipping into his pants to punctuate her point.

"Wow, you're the perfect wife!" Ronald exclaimed, while Angie flashed him her pussy through her spread legs and open skirt.

"No, the perfect wife would have surprised you with a threesome on our wedding night. Still, I'm not so bad, am I? Tell me, Angie, why did you give us your panties?" Sam asked to solve her curiosity.

"That's easy. I want you to wear them some time. I'd like to wear yours, too. Maybe we can swap panties back and forth on a regular basis, so our smell can get on both. It's nice and intimate, don't you think?" Angie suggested, her tongue sliding along the straw as she drank her root beer.

"Hot damn, that's a great idea! Maybe I can slip mine to you now," Sam offered, not waiting for an answer before she slid her undies down to her ankles and gave them to Angie.

Both women smelled strongly of their arousal, and it intensified as they ate their pizza, something that Jillian noticed as she saw how the trio shared slices, fed each other, and tangled their tongues together. It was clear that whatever jealousy the girls had, it was overpowered by their shared lust and love for each other and for this lucky stud. It was also clear that Angie didn't limit herself to the two with her. She had an apparent penchant for seducing couples, judging by her body language and the way that she viewed various other guests. It was also obvious that neither husband nor wife gave a damn about that.

Jillian found herself continually drawn to the threesome going on in front of her, especially as the women seemed to egg the man on, urging him to flirt with her. She couldn't help but flirt back with her typical eagerness, even dropping a pen and bending over to let Ronald see the top of her thong. She also saw her gal pal grab the pair of undies from Sam, smiling as Angie sniffed them in evident pleasure.

"Ronnie, dear, if you don't fuck that girl soon, she won't be able to focus on work at all. I know that it's partly our fault, but she is locked on to you. She wants you, baby. Don't worry, the two of us will still be here when you're back, ready and willing to jump your bones when we get home," Sam urged her husband, desperate to see the poor girl get her wish.

"Yep, though I can't promise not to grope her in your absence. Jillian, babe, come over for a sec," Angie winked at them.

"Yes, Angie," Jillian rushed over, quite happy to hear her out.

"You want Mr. Mitchell, don't you? Sam and I want him to take care of you. He's been nice enough to agree. I have other partners. Soon Sam will, too. Why shouldn't Ronald as well? He's one scrumptious guy. Go for it. Find a room really quick and have your way with him. No condoms, though. Sam here wants to taste you on him. I can't say that I blame her. I want to as well," Angie proposed, kissing Ronald while rubbing Sam's pussy under the table, just as Sam was engaged in stroking Ronald's cock and balls.

"Mother, may I! Alright, stud, looks like you have your next half hour planned for you, and just for that, lunch is on me. Fuck me, Mr. Mitchell!" Jillian took Ronald by the hand while Sam let go of his privates.

While her husband was otherwise engaged, Sam started playing more aggressively with Angie. She even smeared some of Angie's juices on the rest of the pizza, followed by her own. It was tough for them not to gobble up the remaining slices with that special flavor added. They fingered each other under the table, constantly licking them clean. They grinned at each other with incredible desire, knowing what awaited them when they got to the Mitchell house and could eat each other to repeated orgasms.


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