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Ann: A Love Story Ch. 26


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I was frustrated, but not about my lack of knowledge of things pertaining to his department. It was more by his snobbish demeanor and his 'I'm superior to you' aura he was trying to portray. I saw it for what it was. A guy that was looking to intimidate an interviewee by putting them on the defensive and never letting them talk. I knew Carol was really talking about the people that would be my peers when she said they were more operators than managers. But Pete fit the same mold. He seemed more into the machines themselves, than working with the people that would run them.

It was a brutal interview, which seemed to please him. But I weathered the barrage of inane questions as best I could. He was going out of his way to frustrate me, but I took his shots at my abilities...or his perception that I lacked them, and gave him thoughtful, meaningful, and polite answers. It helped that I had the advantage, and knew I was likely being watched behind another two way mirror. It kept me from being rattled. And I was thankful the whole thing only lasted ten minutes, although it seemed more like an hour.

When that interview concluded, there was about a five minute gap where I sat alone in the room and waited for the next, and last, interview. I had a face to face with Jeff, the manager of the department I hoped to work in. I had done an extensive phone interview with him, which led to me being flown out in the first place. I wondered what else he could possibly want to know that we hadn't already covered over the phone.

Jeff sat down after shaking my hand, and smiled at me. It was an odd smile, and yet it put me at ease.

"So, how did your interview with Pete go?" he asked.

"That would depend."

"On what?"

"On how honest you want me to be, and on how much I'd be working with him if I'm hired."

"Well, I certainly want you to be honest. I need to be able to trust the people that work for me...and they need to be able to trust me. So, we should be able to say things to each other in confidence and know it stays there. And to answer your other question, you'd be working for me. Pete runs another department. I'd be dealing with him, and you'd be working in conjunction with the guys that work for him...who, by the way, are a great group of guys."

"Well, if that's the case, Pete is an asshole."

"He's an asshole?" Jeff asked.

"That's being kind, actually. But I'm not sure how blunt you want me to be."

"Please, be blunt."

"He's a fucking asshole. He's got a superiority complex, and his department is going to go down in flames because he's got no intention of letting go of the reigns and delegating."

Jeff got up and stuck out his hand.

"It's been great to finally meet you, Neil."

"That's it?" I asked.

"Yep. That's all I needed to hear."

I was a little stunned. I didn't get to explain myself. A sudden fear shot through my body. I'd been too candid. Figuring I'd blown it, I walked out with Jeff, who led me to the front of the office. I stood there, stunned.

"We'll be in touch in a couple of weeks, Neil. We need to get together and go over the results of your interviews, and the testing. I can't say much more than that now. Try not to worry about it. I'm sure you've done terrific. I appreciate you taking the time to come out. Have a safe trip back."


It was just before 4PM. I was standing alone, looking out the front window of the office in the little area that passed for a lobby. I could see the black convertible in the parking lot, with Tina inside. The top was up, and she was listening to the radio as she waited for me. I could tell by her head bobbing in rhythm to a beat I couldn't hear. I took a deep breath and started to walk to the door, when Carol called out.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye?"

"Huh? Oh...I'm sorry. I didn't know you were there."

"Come on. I'll walk you to your car."

She took my arm, and we walked out into the bright sunshine of the late afternoon. I looked at her, and noticed that she'd unbuttoned one of the buttons holding her blazer shut, which exposed her bra.

"Not shy, are you?"

"I decided to push it and see if anyone would say anything."


"Nope. They look, but they don't have the nerve. I love the stares though."

Carol noticed I was a little out of sorts, and asked if I was okay.

"No. I really struggled with that one interview. And then I think I was a little too honest with Jeff."

"Did you really call Pete a fucking asshole?"

"No, I described to Jeff that Pete is as a fucking asshole. It's not like I said it to Pete's face. Shit, that got around the office fast. I thought Jeff said I could trust him, and that what I said would stay between him and me. I really fucked that up!"

"First of all, it went from Jeff, to me and Mr. Evans. That's it...and he had to tell Andy. That's his job. But it won't go any further, I promise you. And second, Pete IS a fucking asshole, and you're the first one to say it. Bonus points for you, Bond. Andy was still laughing when I walked out."

"So, I didn't fuck up?"

"Far from it. You were honest. Everybody else that Pete has interviewed has caved to the way he treated them. You held your ground with him, and then you called it like it was. I'd say you just helped yourself big time."

We walked out to the car, and Tina saw us approach. She got out of the car, and stood there waiting for us as we walked around the front. Tina had a broad smile on her face, and it was a knowing smile. She stared at Carol for a moment, and I finally had to break the ice.

"Pussy, this is Dr. Holly Goodhead. She's on our side, although I'm still not sure who she's working for."

"FBI," Carol said quickly, thinking on her feet as she continued playing our little game.

"Really. What's your cover?"

"I'm Carol Shade."

"I'm Tina Roberts. You fucked her, didn't you James!"

Carol's shade turned red. I just smiled and asked, "What makes you say that?"

"One; you always seem to find a way to fall into bed with a pretty woman. Two, she's not wearing a blouse. I find it hard to believe she started her day in just her bra. And three, if I'm not mistaken, there's cum running down the inside of her thighs. I'm guessing since she's with you, it's yours."

"Shit!" Carol said as she looked at her legs.

"He cums a lot, Dr. Goodhead."

"Yes he does," Carol said as she sheepishly looked up.

Tina looked at me, trying to act pissed. "Damn James! I'm out doing all the grunt work, and you're getting your jollies fucking the snatch of the week!"

"Hey!" Carol snapped.

"No offense, love. But you better watch your back now. Girls tend to end up dead shortly after our British friend nails them. Be very alert for guys carrying gold paint."

"We're not going to have a cat fight, are we Pussy?" I asked.

"I'm not jealous, James. Just wary of what could happen. I hope you didn't jeopardize the mission because you couldn't keep your pants on."

"I didn't have a choice. I was being given a physical. And you know how I am once I'm out of my cloths, Pussy. It has a mind of its own."

"Yes, James. Just an adolescent teenager with overactive testosterone, aren't you? Then again, I can see why you'd have trouble controlling yourself around her," Tina said as she strolled over and lifted Carol's head with her finger to force her to make eye contact.

Carol trembled as Tina moved closer. I'd never seen Tina act the way she was. There was something about her that was dominating...not in a 'leather and whip' sense. But certainly she was in control, and Carol responded nervously to Tina's lead. I could see in her eyes she was excited by Tina. And if I could see it, there was no doubt that Tina could too.

"Tell me, Dr. Goodhead...does that surname of yours refer only to men, or are you just as good at doing women as well?" Carol's eyes flew open as Tina moved in closer, kissing her. Carol closed her eyes, and let Tina take her breath away.

Tina broke off the kiss and smiled at Carol, taking her hand. She led her to the car, and opened the door, making Carol sit down. Tina grabbed the camera out of the passenger seat.

"I need some photos for evidence, Holly. I hope you don't mind, but I'm supposed to document all stages of our mission," Tina said as she deftly flicked the remaining button of Carol's blazer, making it pop open. Just as efficiently, she opened Carol's bra, even though Carol made an insincere protest. She was excited that she was exposed in public...even though she was hidden from view.

There was a car next to the driver's side of our rental car between us and the road, and the Camaro was positioned between where we were and the office, which was well over a hundred yards away. With the car door blocking one way, and me standing guard on the other, Carol was totally out of view. But that didn't diminish the fact that she was exposing her wonderful tits in the parking lot where she worked.

Tina took a couple of pictures as Carol sat there, smiling nervously. That look changed to shock when Tina said, "Spread you legs. I need to see the cum."

"Excuse me?" Carol said, not wanting to believe what she heard.

"I need proof that Bond fucked you. Moneypenny is keeping an account of his 'Bond' girls so they can track what happens to them. There's always a price to pay for fucking an agent, Holly. It could be your life, or hopefully in your case, you just have to pose for some lewd pictures. Now spread your legs."

Carol reluctantly did as she was told; only to be ordered to spread them even wider. The look on Carol's face defied her protests. She wanted to have her picture taken. And she proved that by spreading her legs as wide as she could. As she did, Tina took a couple of general pictures, before moving in for a couple of close ups.

"Yep, that's James' work all right. He really messed up that pretty little pussy of yours. Let me clean that're about to make a huge stain on that nice skirt."

Tina handed me the camera, and gave me a quick wink as she dove between Carol's thighs. Starting with those magnificent limbs, Tina licked her way up the inside of each leg, slurping up the trail of cum that had escaped Carol's pussy. Once she'd finished that, Tina honed in on the source of the leak, locking her mouth over Carol's reddened cunt.

"Oh fuck!" Carol said as she started to shake. I took some pictures, getting a great one of Carol cumming for the first time. Tina didn't stop. She dug her tongue deep into Carol's tight little snatch, in search of more mouthful's of my sperm as it mixed with Carol's clear cum. It only took a few minutes, but it resulted in a clean cunt and three nice climaxes for Carol, who was panting and starting to sweat again.

When Tina finally stood up, she wiped her mouth on her arm and looked down at the limp form that was lounging very unladylike in the bucket seat of the car. Carol opened her eyes to look up at Tina. I'll never forget that look on her face. It was one of pure satisfaction.

Tina looked down at Carol, noting the half open eyes. "It looks like you liked that. Let's see if you're willing to return the favor," she said as she put her shoe on the seat of the car. I noticed it was a new shoe. She'd worn black pumps when we'd left the hotel, but she was now wearing red ones that matched her slinky dress. She pulled the front of that dress up, exposing her bald pussy for Carol.

"God that's hot! How long have you been shaving?" Carol asked.

"Forever. I love the feeling. You should try it."

"! Fuck, you're shaved too, aren't you?" Carol said, looking at me. I just nodded, and she said, "I can't believe this is all happening!"

She sat up, and Tina grabbed her by her long brown locks and pulled her into her pussy. There was no extended buildup for her to get used to the idea. Carol didn't have time to think about it at all. She was being force-fed, and Tina was grinding her pelvis hard into her face. For her part, Carol seemed to be making the best of the situation, and was working hard to please Tina. A few minutes later, Tina screamed out...not holding back. She came, rattling the windows on the office building as her sound waves bounced off of them.

Tina finally loosened her grip on the hair in her hand, and Carol came up for air. Her lips and chin glistened in the sun from the wetness that covered her lower face.

"How did I do, Pussy?"

"Wonderful, Dr. Goodhead. You get to keep your name."

"I can't believe I just did that! Thank you both so much. This whole day has been like a dream. And I think I came more times today than I have in the last six months. God, I'm exhausted...I need to go home and crash."

Tina helped Carol get herself together, and I gave her a hug before we left.

"I hope you get the job. And not because of what happened either. I really think our company needs you."

Tina handed her a couple of pictures. "Just in case he doesn't, here's something to help you masturbate. It was great meeting you, and eating you."

"Same here," Carol said as they shared a hug.

"Ready to go, James?" Tina said.

We waved as we drove off, this time with me behind the wheel.

I looked over to Tina, who was sitting back with her eyes closed.

"Are you okay?"

"Never better, James. How about you?"

"I'm fine. Are you hungry?"

"No. I can still taste you and Carol. I don't want to ruin that right now. Just drive, and let me know when we get to that mountaintop. I want you to take a couple of pictures."

I smiled when I thought of what that could mean.

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244Jake244Jakeabout 6 years ago
Staying ahead of the game is so hard on a person, thinking helps...

If you are not helping on your way up the ladder, it is lonely at the top!

244 Jake

shadowsslaveshadowsslaveabout 15 years ago
Great Chapter!

I'm SO glad that Neil was honest with Carol and voiced his concerns about getting the job on his own merit as opposed to possibly getting the job because they slept together. I just knew that was going to hit him after the fact because of how he's struggled proving his worth in his current job situation so it really was a relief that him and Carol talked about that. Now...if he gets hired, he'll know it's because he's qualified and deserves that opportunity. I loved the way he handled Pete and also Jensen in the interviews, lol. I know Neil is supposed to be 'Bond' and all and Ann put this whole plan together to help boost his confidence but the way Neil handles himself...maybe playing 'Bond' has helped him be a bit more secure within himself, but I think underneath it all...Neil does have a little bit of 'Bond' in him. I don't think he would be able to pull any of it off if he didn't. I can't wait to see what Ann says when he tells her about Carol and what happened between all of them...including Tina. Great chapter! And as always...with some of the hottest sex scenes I have ever had the pleasure of reading!

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