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Ann Ch. 02

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Ann continues sucking off black doctor.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/22/2022
Created 06/03/2009
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"That was wonderful." Colin said as he helped Ann to her feet.

"Mmmm...but I've got to get back to my husband." Ann caressed Colin's cock as she replaced it into his pants. She left him to zip up as she hurried away.

As she walked around the side of the building and into the back of the parking lot, Ann saw Doug walking from their car back toward the front door. She told Colin she had to hurry and quickly walked to the car and then toward the front door. Doug had just turned from scanning the hall again and saw Ann walking toward him.

"Where have you been?" Ann asked first, making it seem that Doug had been the one missing.

"Looking for you, where've you been?"

"Let's just go," said Ann.

When she got in the car, Ann was horrified when she noticed some blades of grass clinging to her stocking clad knees. She quickly closed her door to extinguish the light. She was furiously brushing at her knees when Doug leaned over and kissed her.

Before she could stop him, his tongue was searching her mouth. My god, thought Ann, could Doug taste Colin. She certainly still could. Both Ann and Doug were silent during the ride back to the hotel, each wondering why the other was so quiet but unwilling emerge from their own erotic thoughts and speak first.

Doug's mind was alive with thoughts of his wife. Certainly Ann had been more flirtatious, at times even seductive, tonight than he'd ever seen her. Neither Doug nor Ann were prudes particularly. They'd discussed things like swapping and affairs, but neither had the bravado move things beyond personal fantasies.

Tonight had seen Ann allow the interns to fondle her breasts and ass while dancing. She ground her pubis against them and, as even Ann acknowledged, caused them to get erections. Several times, he'd seen her kissing one particular intern deeply. All this had caused Doug to become aroused.

Ann, on the other hand, was musing about her own actions, the touching, the smell and tastes, the heft of Colin's manhood in her hand. Little flutters and flares ignited and pulsed through her clit as, head back and eyes closed in the car's dark interior, Ann experienced a series mentally generated, mini-climaxes, something she'd never done before.

Her breathing was so shallow as to be nonexistent as she mentally approached the pure excitement that had been Colin's moment of fulfillment. She re-lived his slow, perfectly timed piston movements as he took his pleasure from her mouth.

Colin's performance reminded Ann of how the Romans viewed oral sex. It was the man who gave the woman fellatio, not the other away around. Tonight, Ann considered the blowjob Colin's gift to her, not her gift to him.

Doug had noticed something else. Though Ann undoubtedly thought she was being surreptitious about it, her attention kept wandering to the black intern although she didn't dance with him, or otherwise attempt to tease him as she had the others.

All the same, Ann appeared to be most irritated when she watched as the black fellow fondled other wives on the dance floor or in dark corners. Just as they were set to leave, he'd seen them talking together, then both were missing. What had happened? Doug suspected Ann had gone somewhere with him and let him grope and kiss her. He really wanted to find out what happened with Colin.

Back in their room, Doug started asking Ann some questions about what happened just before they left the reception. He told Ann what he'd seen and how both she and Colin had gone missing for several minutes only for her to turn up in the parking lot. How, when he kissed her in the car, he'd noticed her mouth was a little hotter and wetter than usual - slimier, actually.

Ann asked him what he thought had happened. Doug said he guessed that Ann and Colin had gone somewhere and kissed and he had fondled her, probably concentrating on her big breasts. That the kissing had left her mouth wet and the fondling had gotten her so hot she'd juiced her panties.

Doug said he'd bet that if he touched her pussy right now she'd be sopping wet. Ann flushed red. Doug was almost right. She'd be wet all right, but her panties wouldn't be juiced...or even there. Before he let her go, Colin had insisted she give them to him. Rather than enter into a debate at a time when she wanted to hurry, she reached under her skirt and whipped them off.

Doug smiled as he figured he'd guessed right and asked Ann for the story. He said her could take it. As a matter of fact, he told her, just the thought of the young black man touching and kissing his wife had given him the firmest erection he'd had in years.

Ann's mind was racing, should she admit the truth? Laugh it off and say nothing happened? Go along with Doug's version until she could sort things out? She knew that if Doug touched her cunt he'd know something and that her cunt needed touching soon no matter what. She decided to start with the truth and see where it led.

Ann took a deep breath, said OK. She lay back on the bed, opened her legs, and began to finger her clit. Doug's mouth opened slightly and he stared at his wife's hand moving between her legs.

He sat on the bed and his head moved, involuntarily, closer to her pussy. Although he'd suspected that she, like him, masturbated sometimes, and he'd felt her hand rubbing her clit to get off during intercourse, he had never actually watched her jerk off (or whatever it was that females did).

When he got over his initial shock at Ann's behavior, Doug realized she had no panties on. " Why you sly old tease," he'd accused her, "you went without panties tonight!" Ann let him think that. There was no way she was going into it just yet.

Ann knew that if she was going to tell Doug about Colin, she didn't want to be looking at him when she did. And she didn't want to be interrupted by a bunch of silly questions her husband would undoubtedly ask. "Was he bigger?" "Did his cock make you wet?" Etc. So Ann hooked her foot behind Doug's head and pulled it down further toward her aching, soaking womanhood.

"I want you to lick me while I tell you what happened."

Doug couldn't remember that last time he'd been so turned on, if ever! He was well beyond refusing to do what Ann was asking. As his head traveled the few remaining inches, Ann moved her hand and his tongue reached out and licked her slit.

Doug knew that, when she was really turned on, Ann would occasionally ejaculate during sex. As his tongue explored the sheer volume and stickiness that was her pussy, he wondered if tonight was going to be one of those nights

Ann moaned and began her tale but Doug's tongue made it difficult to relate her adventure with Colin. She had closed her eyes as she managed to get through most of the story despite her rising passion. She opened them to look at Doug when she spoke of kneeling in front of Colin. It didn't take a genius to guess what would come next and she wanted to see Doug's reaction to determine how much to relate.

Ann knew she didn't perform oral sex as much as Doug would have liked and then only as foreplay to intercourse. She never let him come in her mouth much less swallowed, so she wanted to monitor his reaction as she began to describe blowing the young, black doctor. She knew she could continue when she watched Doug reach down and begin stroking his erection.

Having Doug eat her out while telling of her encounter had been nothing short of genius. Not only could she concentrate on the story and re-live the act as fantasy, but Doug was unable to interrupt. As an added bonus, Doug's tongue was bringing her to her second orgasm of the night. Like she, Doug had never employed oral sex as a way to get his wife off.

Ann's voice was barely a whisper (she wasn't even sure he could hear her, his hand was stroking his cock furiously and his moaning made his tongue into a vibrator against her clitoris) as she described asking Colin to shoot in her mouth.

Doug was climaxing onto the sheets as Ann verbally brought Colin to a magnificent climax and remembered the feeling of total womanhood she had experienced with her mouth on his cock and his come on her tongue. Ann clutched Doug's head and screamed in orgasm.

The next morning, Ann and Doug both agreed the activities of the previous night needed a thorough thinking through and discussion. As Doug was leaving on a business trip that night, they agreed that neither would do anything unilaterally until they had an in-depth conversation about it. The trip would give them some time alone for soul-searching.

* * * *

The week after the reception, Ann called Margie in the morning to ask if she could re-schedule their lunch date. Ann had an important afternoon deadline and needed to work through lunch. Margie suggested they meet at Henry's for drinks after work. Since Doug was out of town, there was no good reason for Ann not to accept.

Ann arrived early and Margie late. Ann had been at the bar for half an hour when Margie arrived and was half way through her second bourbon and water. Ann was still struggling with telling Margie about Colin. She wanted Margie's advice and besides she just wanted to talk to someone about it.

Ann was concerned with what would Margie think. Would she be shocked? Disgusted? Understanding? Contemptuous? Disappointed? Jealous? She didn't want to lose Margie's friendship. Ann smiled to herself. Margie would be shocked all right. But what else?

When Margie sat down, she ordered a drink and Ann asked for "one more". Ann wasn't used to drinking that much in that short a time span so she was definitely loosening up. Were the drinks a subconscious way of admitting she wanted to tell?

When the drinks arrived, Margie handed Ann a pink slip of paper. It was a phone message.

To: Margie

From: Colin.

Message: Have someone named Ann call.

A phone number followed. Ann went completely pale and her hand trembled as the paper fell to the table. Margie looked at her friend with concern and said, "Ann, what's going on?"

Ann told her everything about the reception, except the part about discussing it with Doug. She even told her some things she'd sort of left out with Doug. Ann admitted to her friend that as he held her head and fucked her mouth, she was not just hot.

She was hotter than she'd ever been in her life. Her pussy was flooding juice. Her panties were totally soaked through. And as he neared his climax, she realized she was going to come too. When he shot off, Ann slipped her hand into her panties. As soon as she touched herself, she came so hard she almost passed out.

"I've thought a lot about it, these past few days," Ann admitted, "and I honestly have to admit that blowing Colin was the best sex I've ever had in my life."

The pink slip of paper lay on the table through out the conversation. Now, when the bill had been paid and the women readied to leave, both were staring at it.

Margie finally looked up at Ann and asked, "If you're not going to call, do you mind if I use that?" Ann reached for the paper and slowly slid it into her purse.

* * * *

Ann lay on her bed and slowly massaged her clitoris as she though about what would happen tomorrow. She had just hung up the phone after talking with Colin and was incredibly turned on. Even though she'd promised Doug she wouldn't do anything until he came home from his trip and they'd had a chance to discuss what happened at the reception, she'd lost control during the call and said she'd meet him tomorrow at his apartment.

Now, as she masturbated, she fantasized about what his big cock looked like. Even though she'd already sucked him off it had been so dark behind the reception hall she never actually saw it.

Ann knew Colin was hot to fuck her, but she was fearful about doing anything like that before discussing it with Doug. She'd already given him a blowjob, so giving him another didn't seem as radical as having intercourse.

She made Colin promise that if she came over, there would be no vaginal sex. It didn't take her long to reach orgasm as she thought about mouthing her young black stud again.

Ann dressed rather conservatively in slacks, sweater, and blazer when she went to visit Colin the next afternoon. The slacks were to ensure that Colin's hand couldn't find an easy path to her pussy. She wasn't sure how long her resolve would hold out once he touched her there and she really didn't want to have intercourse.

The thing most striking about her as she prepared to leave was her mouth. She'd spent more time applying lipstick than she ever had before. She'd actually gone to a department store that morning and talked with the salesgirl about different lipsticks and application techniques.

Along with not wanting to escalate the relationship without talking to Doug first, Ann also wanted to find out if just sucking Colin could raise her to the same level of excitement again as it had at the reception.

Ann arrived at Colin's apartment at exactly three in the afternoon although it had taken several additional trips around the block and a stop in a restaurant to freshen her lipstick to avoid being early.

She didn't want to appear as eager as she, in fact, was. Colin made them a rum drink from his home island. It was delicious, but Ann didn't need the alcohol to loosen her up for what was to happen.

Ann and Colin sat on the couch, and Colin started to kiss her and massage her breasts. Ann turned her head and let him kiss her neck so he wouldn't mess up her beautifully made up mouth. She wanted to save that for the main event.

Colin had removed her blazer and pulled her sweater over her head as he rubbed her big tits. As always, the breast play got her hot. Ann removed her bra for him and he was sucking and lightly pinching her nipples. They were very hard and it made Ann feel really horny.

She knew she'd better stop him or he'd be pulling off her slacks next, so she pushed him back, She slid off the couch and knelt on the floor between his legs. She rubbed his crotch and was pleased to find that he was hard.

She pulled down his zipper and extracted his hard cock. She gasped audibly. The fantasy organ she'd conjured up during her masturbation session the previous week was no match for the reality of this magnificent erection. Her cunt twitched; juices were flowing.

Ann knew she'd probably get very wet during her afternoon session and had actually put in a panty liner even though her period wasn't due for two weeks just to keep from soaking through and wetting her slacks. Now she wondered if the liner was going to be enough.

Colin's cock must have been more than eight inches long and very thick. For the first time in her life, Ann was happy she had a large mouth. She'd been teased about it in high school and Doug said her mouth was even bigger than Julia Roberts'.

Ann stroked Colin's meat and loved how her white hand appeared on the jet-black cock. She took her eyes off his organ long enough to look Colin in the eye. She told him how beautiful he was and how she'd been thinking of sucking him again ever since last weekend. Then she slowly licked her lips all around and blew him a kiss.

Finally, she lowered her head and took the head of his cock in her mouth. Gently, Ann moved her head up and down on Colin as she stroked his shaft with her hand. Unlike Doug who she could easily take fully in her mouth, Ann knew from that last time that she couldn't deep-throat Colin.

Still, she was curious about how much of him she could envelop. She lowered her head as far as she could, pushing farther when she felt the head of his cock at the back of her throat. When she pushed as far down as she could, Ann felt the distance between her lips and the base of his cock. It couldn't have been more than an inch or an inch and a half. Colin moaned.

"No woman's ever gotten that much in her mouth," he said, "I'm not going to last long if you keep that up."

Ann was close to the edge herself, "Do it," she said, and thrust her mouth down on his cock while moving her hand to the front of her slacks.

Even though she was rubbing her clit through her clothes, Ann easily reached a shattering climax. Colin watched as she shuddered on the end of his dick. Seeing her orgasm while sucking him sent Colin over the edge too and he shot off in her mouth. Ann again swallowed it all, then collapsed on the floor. She lay there breathing heavily while Colin did the same on the couch.

Ann didn't wait until she was fully recovered. She pushed herself up and pulled her sweater over her naked breasts. She stuffed her bra into her blazer pocket and knelt down again between Colin's thighs. Ann looked at his half soft penis. It was still much bigger than Doug's. She studied it. There were little traces of her lipstick on it. Some semen was leaking from the tip.

She reached down and touched it causing Colin to jerk. He opened his eyes and smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Let me just finish cleaning up," she told him and licked the leaking cum from his cock.

Ann took it into her mouth and squeezed the shaft from the base toward the tip like she was milking a cow. She was surprised at how much was still left as she sucked it into her mouth. She let it linger on her tongue for a minute as she savored the taste.

It really wasn't bad, hardly salty. Ann gave a final swallow and told Colin she had to get going. She gently kissed his cock head before she tucked it back into his pants. She reached up to kiss him, but this time it was Colin who moved his head and she kissed his cheek.

When Ann got to the car and looked at the clock, she was surprised that it was only 3:20. How had all that have happened so quickly? She looked at herself in the visor mirror. Her hair was a mess, but the salesgirl was right about the lipstick. Her mouth still looked great! As she drove home, Ann knew she'd soon be masturbating again.

* * * *

Ann met Colin five more times in the six months before he finished his internship and moved to New York for his residency. Doug was aware of all except that first time while he was away. Although she often wondered what it would be like to feel his big cock fucking her, she never let it happen. Their sex consisted exclusively of Ann masturbating while sucking off the handsome black doctor. It continued to provide her the most rewarding orgasms she'd ever had.

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