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Anna Kendrick - Payback

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Anna Kendrick makes up for a somewhat innocent mistake.
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Anna Kendrick - Payback

This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

* * * * *

Josh was enjoying a lovely evening out with his new girl, a pretty blonde called Megan. She was tall, lean and pretty sexy, lips to die for and legs that went all the way up; he was hoping to get a chance to slide between them soon, but it was only their second date and things would take time. He was happy with that however as she was gorgeous and really fun, into a lot of the same things as him like rock climbing and fitness. They sipped at their drinks and chatted, Megan playing with her hair as they did, making him feel it was going somewhere, or at least had the potential, a magical night out in Los Angeles.

That was until Anna Kendrick showed up; he was friends with Anna, he worked in production and had been involved in a few projects she'd worked on over recent years and they'd actually become good friends. She was out with a few friends, enjoying her Friday night as much as him but in a different way, taking in a couple of cocktails too many as she let go. She wasn't much of a drinker, and was of diminutive stature at just 5'2", so when she started on the sauce it didn't take too much to go to her head. In a low cut grey silk dress that showed off her fantastic chest and hugged her curves, she was laughing and giggling with her girlfriends, avoiding attention that was being directed at her and just having fun. Spying him, she let out a small cry of surprise and pleasure to her friends and told them to watch her stuff as she stood her drink down on their table and got up, teetering on her high black heels and edging her way out from her seat. She clacked over to him on the tall shoes, fairly bursting in on his moment with Megan at the bar.

"Hey!" she exclaimed excitedly, interrupting them loudly and breaking their moment, both of them looking up a bit shocked.

"Whoa, hey," he replied, surprised to see her and have her appear like this.

"How's it going? Who's this?" Anna asked, sounding almost demanding as she looked to Megan.

"This is Megan," he said, holding his hand out to indicate her as if it was needed.

"Nice to meet you," she said, turning back to him, her charisma and beauty just overwhelming the situation. She scowled at Josh past Anna, noticing how his eyes flicked down to her chest to take in her fantastic tits almost spilling over the top of her dress as she leaned forward towards him. She leaned forwards to hug him, lingering just a little longer than she might in a hug he returned, pulling back with a smile to stand close to his chair in the loud bar.

"Great to see you out, haven't seen you in a few weeks since we wrapped up," she beamed.

"Yeah it's been a little while," he said, sensing his dates mounting frustration at the pretty actress intruding on them.

"Well hopefully we'll work on something else together soon, you always do a good job on me," she said teasingly, giving him a wink that didn't go unnoticed.

"Thanks, I'm sure something new will kick off soon," he said, glancing to Megan again who wasn't looking too happy.

"I'll make sure you're there," she smiled, pulling away and brushing her fingers along his thigh playfully.

"Nice to meet you," she said, an offhand comment to Megan as she left, Josh unable to stop himself checking out her tight ass as she edged back through the throng of people towards her friends. Megan downed her drink, finishing the glass as he looked back to her and standing it down bluntly on the table.

"I think I should go," she said, glaring at him. What had followed was a brief but intense conversation, or rather rant, about how he was very close with Anna, a little too close to be simply professional and she wasn't sure how this would work if he was with her on set all day. She didn't know the details of their working relationship, which really wasn't as close as Anna might have led her to believe, but the long and short of it was that Megan told him she wasn't sure now, stood up and left. He went after her but to no avail, the blonde hailing a cab and disappearing into the night even as he told her it wasn't like that and he was sorry if she got the wrong idea. He didn't know whether there was any chance of getting her back, he hoped this was just a blip, but he was angry and frustrated, feeling that Anna Kendrick of all people had just appeared and ruined his chances with her. He gave a embittered sigh and headed home, mind tumbling over everything. He wasn't going to go back in and make a scene with Anna and tell her off, he'd probably get thrown out anyway, resolving to speak to her later.

* * *

The next morning, Anna woke blearily to her phone ringing for what turned out to be the third time. After fumbling to get hold of it and sitting up to answer, feeling her head immediately twinging with her hangover, she picked up the call and mumbled a greeting. What she received was a wake up call, quite literally, as he unloaded on her; clearly angry, he chastised her over how she had come and cut into his night out with Megan, leaning over in her dress and being all flirty to the point where Megan thought something was going on between them and he couldn't be trusted around her. She now wasn't speaking to him and things might be permanently ruined, it was all Anna's fault and this was bullshit, that she'd ruined what he'd really thought was going somewhere in a few moments without even caring.

Anna stumbled over her words, trying to take in his blunt, and loud, accusations through her muffled ears, hearing still dulled from the music the night before and the hangover that prevented her getting a proper handle on things. Things came back to her and she remembered having seen him and the blonde girl out, knowing she'd just intended on a casual hello but also realising some of what he said was true. Feeling guilty, she let his tirade blow itself out, hearing him breathing hard on the other end of the phone, his anger and frustration in her evident. Speaking calmly, she apologised to him and then, holding back his "sorry isn't good enough" part, suggested they meet for a coffee in a bit, explaining that she was feeling it from the night before and he needed her coherent to talk this over. He seemed irritated, like she was diverting it, but agreed.

She collapsed back in her luxurious bed, breathing deeply and pushing her hands through her hair; she hated the thought she'd wronged him, never intending it and the thought she'd wrecked his potential relationship ate at her. Pulling herself heavily from the bed, Anna put on some fresh coffee to get herself going, taking time to drain a couple of mugs of it with plenty of sugar as she tried to function before getting in the shower. A long, steamy shower helped immensely, washing the night before off herself and just standing under the refreshing hot water relaxed her and made her feel so much better for the day ahead. Which seemed like it would be quite tense potentially as she had to somehow right this wrong she'd committed whilst drinking, not that that excused anything. She got out of the shower and got dressed into a simple top and jeans, drying her hair off and applying make-up to cover the shadows under her eyes and add some colour to her cheeks, making her look less hungover than she was.

She got to the coffee place she'd suggested, a quietish place where she knew they could talk and straighten things out. Well, as quiet as it got at coffee places around L.A. He was already waiting for her, clearly still frustrated but evidently more calm than when he'd spoken to her earlier on. They met pleasantly enough, a slight hug and then got coffee, sitting down outside at a table for two tucked away on the edge of terrace where it was quietest and they could have a proper conversation.

"Nice night out then?" he asked, an edge to his voice that said it was a loaded question.

"What I can remember of it," she replied quietly, glad he couldn't look into her eyes through the dark sunglasses she'd put on to shield her hungover gaze.

"Yeah, you must've had a few drinks. Certainly enough to come and interrupt me and Megan," he said, sipping his coffee.

"Look, I'm really sorry about that," she said, looking at him as he stared at her with a steely gaze over his cup. He didn't reply, just letting her words wash over him.

"No I really am. You know I am, you know I wouldn't deliberately come and do that to you," she said sincerely, imploring him to see the good in her. He grumbled and internally relented, knowing that no, Anna wouldn't come and do that to him, but it didn't change the fact that she had.

"Maybe not but you did, and now she's not feeling it," he said angrily, evidently holding it back but clearly boiling with rage at how everything had shaken out even though he appreciated it hadn't been intentional.

"She said that?" Anna asked, a little surprised it had been such an incident when they seemed to be getting on so well.

"Yeah, in as many words. Said she's not feeling things now, not sure she can trust me around you if you're like that with me and such...and now I guess that's it," he said, frustrated but then giving an exasperated sigh and looking at the ground.

"Wow," she replied simply, rather shocked at how abrupt it all seemed to be.

"Yeah," he said, not giving her anything else.

" know maybe it's not meant to be, if it's going to flare up over something like..." she started, but he cut her off.

"No, no. It was going great, we were really vibing and I thought that something could really come from things with her and then you just turn up and it's gone. I haven't seen you in months and you appear at that moment to just torpedo it for me and then go off to dance the night away, it's bullshit," he said, glancing up at her, angry again but it faded quickly as he looked back at the floor, frustration in his lost squeeze evident.

"And it's over nothing! There's nothing going on between us but it's enough for her to throw in the towel already," he said.

"I'm really sorry, Josh..." Anna tried, feeling herself deflating and rather helpless.

"And it's been so long since..." he started, just rambling now and stopping himself.

"What, since you last..." she probed, a little surprised since he was a decent looking guy and she knew other girls on set had shown interest in him.

"Yeah," he muttered, giving another sigh.

"How long?" she asked, finding herself vicariously curious. She wasn't sleeping with anybody herself at that time, enjoying just being single and uncomplicated, but it intrigued her and she couldn't quite help herself.

"Months," he replied, not really wanting to discuss this with her.

"How many? Come on," she urged.

"Over six," he replied, enough said.

"Damn alright," she said, taking it in, quite surprised he hadn't been laid in that time. Perhaps he just wasn't into casual sex, plenty of people weren't.

"And now she's done with me and I just....back to square one," he grumbled, frustration still evident in his tone.

"Is that all you wanted from her? To get your leg over?" Anna asked, not really expecting him to be so about the physical with how he'd seemed with her.

"No of course not, she seemed great and we really clicked, but I won't deny it was on my mind, you'd probably think about it too," he said, looking to her again.

"You're probably right," she conceded, knowing full well he was actually completely right. Sex was important. He just drained his coffee and sighed dejectedly; he didn't know where to go with this, and whilst complaining at her helped get it off his chest it didn't solve any of the fallout from last night. Anna could see his mix of emotions, just struggling with the turmoil and vexation of it all, not knowing where to turn. She really didn't want to lose a friend over this.

"You know, I'm single right now," she said quietly, breaking the pause.

"" he asked, not sure where she was going with it. Maybe it was sympathy.

"So...maybe you could have some fun with me?" she said, heart starting to pump hard. She'd never put herself forward like this, but she felt guilty about it and he seemed like he could really do with a fuck. He was pretty good looking and she wouldn't say no to a decent roll right now either.

"What?" he said, more in shock than anything else.

"Yeah, you know, let me help make it up to you for causing all this trouble. Help relieve some of your...frustration," she offered. He just sat there staring at her in shocked silence for a moment; Anna had long been a friend, they'd collaborated on quite a few projects now and their friendship had grown strongly, but he'd be an idiot if he said he hadn't noticed her. The petite brunette had curves in the right places and a heart of gold, he couldn't deny he'd like to fuck her...and here she was offering herself to him on a plate.

"I'd love to," he said, straightforward and to the point, not letting this opportunity pass him by at all. Her heart surged, knowing he was 99% likely to reply affirmatively but still feeling the rush as he took her up on her offer. She knew this was blurring lines between their friendship, making them far more than just friends, but she wanted to make things up to him properly and this was what he needed.

"Great," she said, putting on a front that covered her nerves, "how do you wanna do this?"

"How long are you giving me?" he asked after a pause, wanting to know what time he would get to enjoy her body.

"How long do you want? Be realistic though," she said with a smile, breaking the tension a little. He smiled back, heart pumping with exhilaration now at the thought of getting his hands on the cute actress.

"A week?" he offered, feeling perhaps he was pushing his luck a little but wanting to get all he could from the deal. Anna raised her eyebrows, immediately sceptical.

"A week? That seems a bit much," she replied, thinking it over.

"You owe me," he pressed carefully. It seemed to go over well though, for him at least.

"I do," she conceded, thinking further, "I had more of a good night in mind."

"A night isn't really enough for us to get to really know each other physically," he said, Anna nodding thoughtfully at it. They'd need a little time to vibe together.

"Ok how about a weekend? This weekend," she said, looking him in the eye.

"It's a good compromise," he said, but she could see he was a still a little disappointed. Everything she was offering was a treat of course, but she decided to sweeten the deal; after all this wasn't all about him and if she liked it then she might want more.

"Ok how about this. We'll make it a weekend, but we can decide at the end of the weekend whether we want to continue. And I'll sleep with you tonight so we can get to know each other a bit before we get into this. How's that?" she said. It was her final offer and he could tell with her expression that this was gonna be it.

"Deal," he said smiling. He was gonna get Anna Kendrick, and that certainly helped make up a bit for losing his opportunity with Megan. For now at least.

"Ok, so I'll come to yours tonight. I'll give you a call later and we'll sort out the finer points," she said. Both their hearts were racing, anticipation and adrenaline, thoughts and fears of what might be to come later on.

"Sounds great," he said. Their conversation somehow fell quiet and then into a fairly normal chat for a while, the topic at hand bubbling silently in both their minds as they spoke no more of it. They said their goodbyes after the coffee and headed home with a promise of a call later on.

That evening, Anna stood in front of her mirror wearing a nice but simple black dress; it was snug and satin, hugging her lovely petite figure closely to highlight everything about her that mattered. Even though they'd been friends for years she still wanted to show off for him and she was sure this would do it. Underneath she had sexy underwear on as well, a pair of black hold up stockings and silky matching set of midnight blue bra and panties on to impress him. She had given him a call shortly before to arrange a time, heart pumping hard as she dialled and spoke with him about what was to come; she'd arranged to head for his for about eight, giving her plenty of time to get ready and prepare herself with a couple of shots to calm her nerves. He'd asked her to shave her pussy, liking if she was completely smooth for him; she normally rocked a tidy landing strip, grumbling a little internally at the request but deciding she would do it for him. She'd arranged a taxi, which seemed to arrive deceptively fast to pick her up, giving her a few last seconds to calm herself before heading out of her luxurious house to her rendezvous with him.

Arriving at his place, a far more modest but pleasant apartment further out in the city, she glanced around to make sure she was in the right place and then paid her driver, heading for his door. She didn't even have the chance to knock as he opened it for her, having seen her draw up, wasting no time in getting Anna into his place.

"Evening," he said, unable to refrain from smiling widely as she stepped up to his place with her high heels, carefully crossing the threshold.

"Hey," she replied, letting herself be shown in as he closed the door behind her. Walking into his place, she looked around the tidy apartment; it was definitely a guys apartment, understandably, but it was pleasant and clean, somewhere she'd be happy to spend time.

"Nice place, been here long?" she asked, looking back to him, taking him in a bit. He wasn't as dressed up as her but he'd made an effort with a shirt and styling to his hair.

"A couple of years now, yeah. Flown by," he replied. There was a pause, a slight awkwardness to things as they were friends but this was changing the dynamic between them.

"You look great," he said, eyeing her up and down again.

"Thanks, I did it for you," she said, smiling to him before glancing down her dress again, liking the way it highlighted her figure.

"You didn't have to, you'd look great in anything," he said, which was true -- he'd have had her in anything she turned up in.

"Now you tell me, I made all this effort for nothing!" she playfully responded, rolling her eyes dramatically, her famous dry wit on show as he gave a laugh.

"Most definitely not for nothing," he said, stepping to her and quite confidently sliding his hand onto her silky waist. He stood several inches taller than her despite her high heels, looking up to him as her heart pounded, same as his. He leaned down and tentatively kissed her, their lips meeting softly and just hesitating a moment before their tongues met, smoothly twisting together as their kiss deepened, his hand pulling her closer as she reached out to grasp his shirt. She sank back to her heels as they broke apart, the tension high in anticipation, waiting for a move to happen.

"How do you wanna do this?" he asked, not wanting to rush her.

"I dunno, I've never really done this before," she replied, looking away, wanting to be cool and confident but just feeling a bit awkward.

"Do you want a drink or something?" he asked, sensing her nerves, feeling them himself.

"Good idea," she said, taking a breath and letting him show her to the kitchen.

"What do you want? I have some stuff, hopefully something you like," he said

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