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Annabel Pt. 01

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Annabel gets fucked by her boyfriend's dad.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/21/2023
Created 04/19/2021
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All characters in this story are over the age of 18!

Summary: Annabel goes over to her boyfriend's house to enjoy the pool but enjoys a lot more than a swim.


Annabel - Part 1

Summer was always Annabel's favourite time of year. She lived for those hot summer days that allowed her to dress in as little as possible. It was the perfect excuse to wear her tiny bikini down to the beach where she could play in the water, tan on the sand, and enjoy delicious ice cream. It was a shame that Melbourne weather didn't always provide those boiling hot days, even in summer.

So when Annabel woke early on a January morning and found herself covered in a thin layer of sweat, her excitement grew. After checking the weather forecast, she jumped up from her bed and squealed in excitement. It was meant to reach a high of thirty-five degrees celsius and would be perfect for her to head to the beach; she just needed to wrangle her crew.

In her friend's group chat, she sent out a message: Who is ready to hit the sand?

She knew it was early, so her friends probably wouldn't respond straight away. Annabel decided to shower and dress like the plans had already been made. If no one could go with her for some reason, she could just drive over to her boyfriend's house and use his pool.

In the shower, she shaved her arms, legs and vagina. She dried herself and then lathered her body with her self-tanning moisturiser before twisting her damp hair up into a messy bun. Annabel pulled out her favourite bikini; it was a dark navy blue colour covered with different sized white polka dots. It was absolutely adorable, and the navy blue compliment her lightly tanned skin nicely. It was also very revealing; Annabel enjoyed the attention she got from the boys when she wore it, especially from her boyfriend.

Mark Daniels was Annabel's high school sweetheart. They had met in year 10 at their high school; Mark had transferred in, and within a month of their first meeting, he had asked her out. Three years later, they were going strong. Annabel was certain that she loved her boyfriend and believed it was time that they finally had sex.

Annabel was 19 and a virgin. Not that she thought there was anything wrong with that. Annabel hadn't been sure if that was a step she had wanted to take; at least, she wasn't until she turned 18. After her 18th birthday, Annabel had been certain that they would get around to it, but they never did. There had been plenty of opportunities, at both of their houses, at parties, during dates. But it never went beyond oral. The only thing that had ever been buried in her snatch was the purple dildo that her friends had given to her as a gift on her 18th birthday. It was meant more as a joke, but it had certainly been given a workout.

Annabel twirled in the mirror and smiled at her bikini. If the small suit didn't have Mark pouncing on her, then nothing would. Her plan would be to tease him senselessly at the beach, rubbing all over him, maybe blow him in the bathroom if they could find a chance, and then head back to his house for him to finally fuck her. It seemed like a solid plan.

Her phone buzzed on the nightstand. Sliding it open, the group chat revealed disappointment.

Soz, I have 2 work.

Yeah, me 2. Maybe we can hang out tonight?

I have plans with my bf. Soz.

Annabel frowned.

A text message appeared on her screen, and her frown was replaced with a smile. It was a text from Mark.

Hey babe, come use my pool *winky face*.

Annabel let out a small squeal. Absolutely. Be there at 9?

See you then *kissing face*

Turn back to look in her mirror, Annabel let out a smirk. The beach might be out, but she could still get her plan to work.

For the drive over to Mark's house, Annabel threw a thin white sundress over the top of her bikini. She decided to forgo the footwear and only grabbed her phone, wallet and keys. Mark would have everything else at his house.

Mark lived a ten-minute drive away from Annabel in a really nice part of town. The family home screamed money, as did the three very nice cars parked in the driveway. Annabel parked her second hand, Kia Rio, behind Mark's Jeep and hopped out from the car. As she locked her car, a loud whistle caught her ear.

Turning to look, standing at the fence line that separated the Daniels property from their neighbours stood Mr Franklin. He was an older man, somewhere in his late sixties, with a thinned hairline, dark tanned, wrinkled skin, and a small protruding beer gut.

He flashed a toothy grin at Annabel and waved; he said, "Hello, Annabel. You look pretty today."

Annabel offered a polite smile. "Hello, Mr Franklin. Thank you."

The older man had always given her the creeps. He tended to hang around in his front yard, staring at the neighbours. And he was always watching when she would come and go. It had sent shivers down her spine when she had bent down to pick up her keys, and she had found Mr Franklin leering at her. The dress she had worn showed off a heavy amount of cleavage, and he had enjoyed the view.

"You here to enjoy the Daniel's pool?" Mr Franklin asked.

Annabel nodded. "That I am. It's a hot one today."

He nodded. "That it is."

"I better get going," she said, hoping to end the conversation.

Mr Franklin waved. "Of course. And if you ever find yourself needing a pool and the Daniel's aren't available, mine is always on offer for you."

Annabel kept her polite smile in place. "Have a good day, Mr Franklin." She turned and rushed up to the Daniel's front door. Never would she go into that man's house. It was too weird to think about.

Knocking on the door, it was a moment later that Mark pulled it open. Dressed in a black loose-fitting tank top and board shorts, he looked good.

"Hey, babe," said Mark. He pulled her in for a kiss, pressing his lips firmly against hers before pressing a few more kisses down her neck. "Ready for a swim?"

Annabel smiled under his affection. "Absolutely." She gripped Mark's top and held his body against hers. "And for any other activities you might want to indulge in."

Mark chuckled. "Sounds good."

Taking her hand, the couple walked through the house towards the back door. As they reached the large glass doors that opened up out onto the decked pool area, Mark's father, Richard, came out of the kitchen.

"Annabel didn't know you were coming over today," Richard said.

Annabel said, "Last minute plans."

Richard Daniels was a good looking man. It was defiantly where Mark and his brother had gotten their looks from. He was tall, around the 6'2 mark, with short brown hair, blue eyes, and a toned body. He was what women would refer to as a pantie dropper, even if he was closer to fifty.

"Sounds fun. Any other friends coming?" Richard turned to Mark.

"Nope," said Mark. "Just Anna."

Richard nodded. "Alrighty. Stay out of my liquor."

Annabel smirked while Mark chuckled nervously. Their last pool party had ended with the cops being called and all of Richard's alcohol being consumed. He hadn't been happy.

"I'll make sure he behaves himself," said Annabel.

Richard smiled at her. "Good girl; that ones a keeper, Mark." He parted from them and headed down the hall to his office.

Mark pulled Annabel outside, and they both stripped off to their bathers. Annabel placed her dress over the back of one of the lounge chairs and felt Mark's eyes on her. She winked at him as his mouth popped open slightly. She closed the gap between them and pressed the palms of her hands flat against his chest.

"See anything you like?" she asked.

Mark swallowed. "Yes."

Annabel smirked and pushed her hands across his pecks and up to cup the back of his neck. She dug her nails in lightly to the base of his skull and pulled him down for a kiss. It was deep and slow; her tongue sliding into his mouth and teasing his.

A groan was pulled from Mark, and his hands grasped at his hips, pulling her against him.

Annabel broke the kiss and enjoyed the aroused look on his face. She stepped back before turning to face the pool. She glanced at him over her shoulder before winking and diving into the cool water. It was a cold jolt to her body as she swam down, but it didn't cool the small fire in her belly.

When she broke the surface of the water again, Mark jumped in after her and chased her to the other end of the pool. He caught her, trapped her against the wall and kissed her. His body was pressed against Annabel's, her legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck. Mark's hands were skimming the edge of her bikini top, toying with the thin fabric. His thumb slid underneath it, finding her nipple, which had hardened from the cold but seemed to tense even more as he brought another finger to it and pinched it.

Annabel whimpered into Mark's mouth and shifted her hips to rub her centre against his member, which was slowly hardening between them.

The door to the pool area opened, and Mark's older brother, Brian, interrupted them. He yelled out Mark's name, causing Mark to stop and groan. His hand stayed beneath the material of Annabel's breast, and he turned his torso to look at Brian.

Annabel's cheeks blushed when she noticed that Brian could see exactly where Mark's hand was.

"What?" grumbled Mark.

"Mum's car broke down; she needs help," said Brian.

Mark frowned. "So take Dad."

Brian returned the frown. "He won't come; you know they don't get along. Besides, all they will do is argue. Please come and help me."

Mark glanced back at Annabel.

She offered him a smile and kissed him softly. "I'll be here when you get back."

Mark relented and agreed. He kissed Annabel again, removed his hand from her bikini top and swam over to the side of the pool. "I'll be as quick as I can," he said.

Annabel waved the boys goodbye and decided that while she waited, she could tan. She climbed from the pool and dried herself off slightly with a towel. She laid down one of the lounge chairs before lying face down onto it. She felt comfortable enough that no one would see that she untied her top and dropped it onto the deck beside her.

The sun felt nice on her skin, and the heat hadn't become too unbearable. Annabel sighed as she crossed her arms beneath her head and closed her eyes. It was probably only ten minutes later when the door opened, and Annabel snapped open her eyes.

Richard was standing at the door with a bottle of sunscreen. He smiled at her and said, "I didn't want you to burn. Thought I would give this to you."

Annabel blushed, realising that she was lying half-naked in front of her boyfriend's father. She nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr Daniels. That was thoughtful."

Richard smiled and placed the sunscreen on the ground beside her chair.

"I'm not sure how I will reach my back," said Annabel. She hadn't really thought about the implications of what she had said; it had just been a thought.

Richard glanced between her and the sunscreen and then said, "If you wanted, I could do it for you."

Annabel was slightly shocked by the offer. If it had been Mark, she would have been all for it, but this was his dad. Was it not weird for him to offer? Any other guy she would have told to fuck off. But Richard had always been nice to her, never made her feel uncomfortable.

"I made you uncomfortable; I'm sorry. I shouldn't have offered." Richard backed away.

Annabel shook her head. "No, I was just surprised. It's fine. I would appreciate the help."

Richard's smile returned, and he stepped forward again. He took a seat on the edge of the lounge, his thigh resting against Annabel's and squirted some of the sunscreens into his hands.

Lying back down, Annabel tried not to tense when she felt Richard's hands touch her back. His fingers started on her lower back, rubbing in circles before sliding high up. The sensation felt nice, and Annabel's body relaxed into the chair. A small sigh left her mouth.

"Feel nice?" asked Richard.

Annabel smiled. "It does, actually."

"I'm glad."

His hands moved to her sides, rubbing along the curve of her body. His fingers reached just below the edge of her breasts, and for a moment, Annabel panicked. She thought he was going to touch her breasts, but he didn't. His fingers slid back down and then up to her shoulders. She clenched her eyes closed and let out a breath. His hands massaged her shoulders and the tops of her arms.

"You feel a little tense," said Richard.


"Yeah." His hands rubbed her shoulders again. "A young girl like you should be relaxed, not tense."

Annabel sighed. "I suppose trying to find a job has been stressing me out."

"Well, maybe you need to find a way to relieve some tension," he said.

Annabel couldn't agree more.

"Maybe I could help you with that?" he offered.

"That sounds great. What do you suggest?" she asked.

Richard's hands left her shoulders and were back to rubbing her sides. His fingertips grew dangerously close to her breasts. "A massage is always the first place I would start." The pressure of his hands deepened, and they slid further around her. His fingers moved down her sides and beneath her to move across her stomach.

Annabel frowned; she didn't know if she should tell him to stop; it felt good, and he wasn't making her uncomfortable; at least, she didn't think he was.

Richard's fingers moved high and higher.

Annabel swallowed nervously.

His hands reached just beneath her breasts, and the tips of his fingers brushed against the underside of each of them.

A shiver shot through Annabel.

Richard let out a low chuckle. "Your breasts are sensitive, aren't they."

Annabel blushed. She couldn't answer that.

"I saw Mark playing with your nipple in the pool before. You enjoyed him pinching them, didn't you?"

Richard's hands moved up and cupped her breasts.

Annabel gasped; from shock or delight, she had no clue. "Wh-what a-a-are you doing?"

His thumb ran over her nipple and squeezed. "So soft and perky." His fingers pinched and rubbed.

It felt good. Annabel moaned and found herself lifting her body to give him room to move.

Richard shifted on the chair; he moved to kneel on the lounge, his knees pushing Annabel's legs open so that he could sit between them. He leant forward and pressed his mouth to her shoulder.

"My son hasn't been giving you enough attention." Richard pulled Annabel's body up, his hands gripping her breasts; he pressed her back against his chest and forced her to bring up her knees to hold herself up.

Annabel's mind was racing. Her boyfriend's father was playing with her bare breasts, pinching and tugging at her nipples, sending sensations through her body and heating the fire in her belly. She knew that if she explored her lower half, her folds would be wet by now. Annabel didn't know why she wasn't telling him to stop; she should be. Richard was Mark's father. It shouldn't be him. It should be Mark. But Richard was also right; Mark hadn't been giving her enough attention.

Richard released one breast from his grip and lifted his hand to grasp her chin. He turned her head so that Annabel was looking at him. He smiled at her, his handsome face telling Annabel that this had been his plan. He had lured her in like a fish, and now she was on his hook.

"Watching you prance around my house has been torture. I could see how desperate you were for Mark's touch, but there was one thing that he inherited from his idiotic mother, and that was her ability to be oblivious. He couldn't see how much you needed this." Richard's fingers clamped down hard on her nipple.

Annabel cried out.

Richard leant forward and dove his tongue into her open mouth. He ravished her tongue with his, stealing her breath and tasting every inch of her. He released her nipple and slid his fingers along her stomach down to her bikini bottoms.

He broke the kiss and said, "When was the last time he touched you down here?" He slid his finger beneath the material and over her bare mound. He smirked. "Freshly shaven. How lovely." His fingers slid across the lips of my folds, and he chuckled as he found her opening moist. "So needy."

Annabel whimpered. She should protest, tell Richard to stop. But she couldn't seem to make words form.

Richard's finger pushed into her centre and stroked the inside of her walls.

"Ahhh!" Annabel cried.

"I think I should give you what you've been craving," said Richard. He pulled his hand from her bottoms and tugged at the laces keeping the material in place. He pulled it away and dropped it onto the ground. "Would you like that?" Richard thrust his hips forward, and a hard buldge pressed into her ass.

Annabel had seen Mark's cock; it was at least six inches, which was above average according to her friends. But the hard monster that was straining in the confines of Richard's jeans had to be bigger.

"Tell me, Annabel." Richard kissed her chin. He reached down and started to undo his own pants.

Annabel gasped when she felt the heat of Richard's cock slap against his bare ass.

"I think you want me to." Richard guided his hard cock between her legs, the length rubbed against her bare centre.

"I—I—" Annabel tried to speak, but she couldn't.

Richard smirked. "So needy that you can barely speak." He rocked his hips, his cock rubbed against her folds.

Annabel's brain was screaming no, but the opposite had come out. "Yesss." The word slid from her mouth. Her body wanted what Richard was offering, but she couldn't stop thinking about Mark.

Richard chuckled. "I thought so."

He pressed Annabel down onto the lounge, her hands beneath her; he lifted her hips up and rocked his cock against her folds. "I have dreamt about this moment," he said.

Annabel whimpered.

One of Richard's hands held her waist, and the other guided his cock. She felt the head of his cock press against her folds, and for a moment, she changed her mind. Annabel moved to sit up and say no, but then Richard pushed forward. The head of his cock sank into Annabel's lips.

Annabel cried out, her walls stretching around Richard's thick cock. Never before had anything so big been inside of her.

"Shit, you so tight." Richard pushed forward further and sunk himself down into her depths. Deeper and deeper until she felt his pubic hard brush against her thighs. He was buried so far that Annabel couldn't comprehend out full she was feeling.

She gasped and dug her fingers into the lounge

Richard's hands gripped Annabel's hips, and after a brief pause, he pulled out. The stuffed feeling faded but was quickly replaced as he rocketed back in.

The feeling was unlike what Annabel had expected. She hadn't deluded herself into thinking her first time would be romantic. This had been what she kind of wanted from Mark. Fucking on the lounge or in his bed. But the monster cock that was thrusting into her was quickly making her realise what fucking actually was.

Richard's cock was stretching and rubbing every inch of her insides. His fingers were dug into her hips, no doubt leaving bruises. Richard was panting from behind her, grunting with every movement. His balls were swinging and smacking into her clit with every thrust. It was brutal but perfect.

Annabel couldn't keep in her moans and squeals. The cock inside her was pushing and pulling, stretching and stuffing, stroking that fire over and over. Pushing her towards this sense of a cliff. She found herself pushing her hips back against Richard as he thrust forward, meeting him at every chance. Pushing his cock deeper.

"You love this, don't you," said Richard.

"Yess," Annabel moaned.

"My cock loves you."


"Such—a—tight—pussy!" Richard grunted.

The fire in her belly seemed to shift, and Annabel found herself gasping louder. She was going to cum, and it was going to be harder than she ever had before. Richard's cock hit that perfect stop, and it sent her over. She screamed and slumped forward, her face pushing into the pillow.


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