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Anniversary Surprise

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He never expected the present he actually got.
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Copyright 2007 by madengineer3


My wife, Sharon, and I (Bob) have been married for over nineteen years. We have had some minor problems, but to a large extent our marriage has been quite good. We both have different and varied interests. Like most of our friends or family neither of us affiliates with any church, temple, or synagogue. To a large extent we are not overly bound by what society accepts as right and wrong. We figure if we don't hurt anyone else we're doing O.K.. To avoid the restrictive limitations that would be imposed, we have avoided having children. We avoid interfering with each other's hobbies unless they impact the other person. For example, I no longer bring my motorcycle cylinder head in to the kitchen table to do a valve job, and she avoids burning strong incense around the house.

Early on we decided to set aside a couple of nights a week for fun. We both work as professionals, I in finance and my wife in visual arts. Saturday night we have a together time. This is a time for a date with each other. Friday evening is our club night. I meet with some of the guys from work and we either play cards, go to a strip joint, or watch a "stag film" and enjoy a beer or two. My wife gets together with several of her friends for whatever it is that they do, I've never been sure what they're into; whether they are discussing books, movies, soap operas, or what; I just know that she has a lot of fun with these other gals.

Speaking of my wife's girlfriends, there isn't an ugly one among them, but Betty, who is also my best friends wife, is a stunning knockout! She is just slightly plump and has the most provocative nature I have ever run into. She is a bit of a flirt, and she has a beautiful face and beautiful boobs (at least from what can be seen from outside her clothes). Many of my wife's friends are the wives of the guys I hang out with

Our sex life is pretty normal. We cuddle and fool around almost every night and when we wake up in the morning. A few times a week we will get in a really good sex session. I'd place our sex lives as a good 8.5 or 9 out of ten. I'm not completely sure what is keeping us from reaching a ten, but I suspect it is that we pretty well know each other at this point and we tend to stick to our routine playing.

On my own, my hobbies include motorcycles, house maintainance, cooking, and looking at femdom sites on the web. There is just something that I find attractive about a babe doing what she wants with a guy. I guess it's a guy thing.

Our twentieth anniversary is on the third Friday of next month. Sharon has told me to hold that Friday evening open. I feel that she is really up to something because of how she is acting. For example, she'll be talking to a friend on the phone and when I come into the room she will suddenly indicate that she can't talk right then. Now once would be nothing to be concerned about, but after the third or fourth such episode even I started to get the hint. When I try to ask questions about what is going to happen on that Friday, she just smiles and tells me I would enjoy it and will never guess what it is. I've been trying to figure out what is going to happen, but I have no clue.

I have already purchased an anniversary present for Sharon. It is a matching set of diamond earrings, and pendent. All told it has two karats of diamonds in the three pieces.

The last couple of weeks, during our "boys night out" on Friday evenings; Betty's husband, Rob, has been dropping little comments about Sharon's present. He keeps telling me that he envies me. He also commented that some items that he made will be part of the party. Now, I know Rob is into wood working and mechanical stuff but that doesn't seem to be relevant to an anniversary party. Oh, well, I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

******** a couple of weeks have passed **********

The big day had arrived. As I walked in the door, from work, my wife told me that she had some special instructions for me. I am to shave, and take a good shower. Then she wants me to get into the clothes that she has laid out for me. The shower and shave make sense, I mean that I would done that anyway, but the clothes don't. She had placed my oldest work pants and work shirt on the bed; and placed my normal good clothes in a suit carrier next to them. The work clothes were hardly party attire. I tried repeatedly to get her to tell me why I was to wear these. All she would say was something about a minor job just before the party started. We got in the car, and headed to the party. I wasn't overly surprised to have my wife tell me that we were heading to Rob's house. Rob's house is a beauty. He has to have the better part of eight thousand square feet of floor area; and all that area is beautifully appointed. When we arrived, Betty met us at the door and was having trouble concealing a grin. I was trying to conceal my interest in Betty's plunging neck line. It has always been hard to not focus on that cleavage.

Betty started things off: "Bob, I asked Sharon to have you wear your work clothes because I need some stuff moved and I can't lift it. Rob has been away today so I hoped you would help me. Would you be willing to help me move something before the party starts?"

Being "fat, dumb, and happy" I repled just like most guys would. "Sure thing, where is the thing you need help with?"

"It's down in the basement. Something is wrong with the lights, so we will have to work from a pretty poor flashlight, I'm sorry. Oh, and by the way, it is warm down in the basement we occasionally turn up the heat down there to help keep the humidity under control. You know how basements are." Well, at that time I thought I knew how basements were, but you can't be right all the time.

Well, I thought it shouldn't take too long so down to the basement I went with Betty and Sharon. Betty lead me to a heavy looking old mattress that was leaning up against the wall. She said it had two soft cloth handles toward the top end so I reached to get my hands on them when my hand bumps into Betty's breasts. Now, this was a mistake, but I paused for a moment to make sure I get a good feel of it. As I was distracted, by her wonderful boobs, I felt the results of at least four people almost simultaneously snapping what felt like handcuffs and leg irons on me. As I open my mouth to ask what is going on a leather hood was put on my head and zipped shut. As I was still trying to process what was going on I felt something like a rubber penis gag pushed into my mouth and snapped into place on the hood.. To add insult to injury, someone snapped a blindfold over my eyes. They must have "crisscrossed" the cords because the tightening of them has effectively spun me around so my back was to the matress. The matress was then slid away from me and I felt something hard. I am trying to struggle against my bonds, but I can immediately tell that the restraints were attached to some form of rigid thing.

The next thing I could hear was the laughter of several women, my wife included. From the edge of the blindfold I could see that the light had been turned on. I was now hearing what sounded like a boat winch that they put on boat trailers. This thing I have been restrained against was then being dragged across the floor and tilted at the same time. A moment later I felt like I was on a large kid's swing. The wood thing I was bound to was swinging as if it were suspended on ropes or chains. The next thing I heard was the clicking of snaps. The swing thing I was on was no longer swinging. If felt like it had been secured in some manner. Then I realized that there was someone using scissors. That "snick snick" sound is almost unmistakeable. (You know how somone works a pair of scissors just before actually cutting with them.) I started to notice that there was some minor tugging at my clothes, then I realized that they were cutting my clothes off! I struggled, without result, to get loose. Moments later I realized that I was stark naked! The room then went quiet.

Several minutes later, by my best guess, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It sounded like there were between four and six people. Someone was touching the hood on my head. The blindfold was removed. Suddenly I was in a room lit by dozens of candles, and a couple of strong directional lights like would be used when taking pictures. What I saw was delightful and frightening all at the same time. There were my wife and friends. The one who was the most dressed was wearing a string micro-bikini. All of the women wre wearing black face masks like the "Lone Ranger" used to wear. They were also wearing black leather thong sandles. My wife had on a gause blouse that was essentially transparent she had no pants on at all, I had no trouble recognizing her. Betty (at least; I thought that she was Betty) had fishnet stockings on and a very long transparent silk scarf draped over her neck and falling over her breasts. (The scarf didn't really conceal them.) A couple of the ladies were totally nude, and they were carrying what looked like heavy cord or light rope of some kind. As I looked around the room I saw various whips and chains, dildos and strap-on harnesses, I saw candles and machinery I did not recognize. Somewhere in the back of my mind I thought I sort of recognized this place. But I'd never been in a place like this before. Betty walked over to me and bends over my chest. Her breasts were hanging and swaying in a most provocative manner.

"Hi Bob, welcome to your twentieth anniversary party. Sharon's gift to you is to be our plaything for this evening. Sharon has had a sort of fetish desire to see you pleasured by several women. She wants you to be taken to the edge of a climax, but not pushed over; that is until she pushes you over near the end of our fun and games. Nod your head if you understand me."

I nodded, "yes". From her voice I now know that this beautiful creature was indeed Betty.

"The frame you are on is very special. Rob made it for us. Most of it is oak, but some of it is maple or hickory; in any case no one man can break it. Right now your feet are almost next to each other. The portion of the table under your butt and legs is pivoted so that we can spread your legs and provide nice access to your "privates". Watch!"

At that Betty flicked on a switch and the sound of two small electric motors could be heard. There was one motor just about under where each of my shoulder blades were. From the feeling, each motor drove a threaded rod. My legs were inexorably pulled apart so that in the end there was nothing under my cock and balls except empty air and the cellar floor. Betty walked over and bent so that her breasts brushed back and forth over my cock and balls. I was being driven wild!

Betty then turned to one to the nude women, the one with the big breasts, and told her to bring out the shaving tools. The woman came over with hair clippers, several new disposable razors, some shaving gel, a towel, a wash cloth, and a bowl of hot water. She sat down on a low stool and used the barber type hair clippers to remove as much of my pubic and ass hair as was possible. When it was as short as was reasonable she started off by washing my balls, pubic area, and around my ass hole. When they had been well washed, she lathered them. Lord, her hands felt wonderful. My cock was a full mast by that time. Then she started to shave me. She repeated the shaving process twice. I was almost at the point of climax just from her playing with my balls. Then, she moved her equipment away.

Betty took what looked like a "U bolt" with one end of thin rope attached to it and the other end attached to a cut off two liter soda bottle that reminded me of a pail. She held it up where I could see it.

"Any idea what this is for?"

I shook my head, no; But even so in the back of my mind I knew that I had seen something like this before.

"Oh, that's O.K. I just thought a little anticipation might add to the fun. Julie, come over her and see if you can capture and pull on Bob's balls, will you?"

Now, I remembered, I had seen something almost identical to this on one of my favorite web sites, Elsa's Dungeon. As I already told you, I am strangely drawn to femdom / male slave pictures. I guess I find the idea of having a woman do what she wants to a man, and how she wants to do it to be a big turn-on.

With that, one of the other totally nude girls, I assume this was Julie, came over and reached down and started to gently pull my balls and scrotum out so that the scrotum was stretched. As she held my nuts in this fashion Betty put the "U bolt" around my sack, put the flat plate back on the bolt and spun the nuts onto the bolt's threads. When she was finished Julie let go of my nuts and they sagged toward the floor. Betty now brought over a pitcher of water. She started to pour the water into the cut off soda bottle. She was adding the weight of the water so that my nuts were pulled away from my body. When she had finished, a vibrating massager was clipped to the thin rope. The vibrator was turned on and the vibrations could be felt up through the thin rope. It was a delicious feeling!

Betty then started the soda bottle swinging. This gave me the feeling of someone playing with my nuts. It was a wonderful feeling. A woman they called Mary came over with a grin and a feather in her hand. She climbed down under the frame I was attached to and started to tickle my scrotum with the feather. If I hadn't just been shaved down there it might not have been too bad. Now, however skin was very tender and the feather was driving me wild. I was squirming, but as I moved my hips my balls moved. As my balls moved the weight at the bottom end of the cord tied to the "U bolt" resisted the change in its current movement and effectively yanked on my balls. The harder I jerked my hips the harder my balls were pulled. I was somewhere between pleasure and pain, but much closer to pleasure.

Betty came over to my head. The frame I was on had the head and neck supported on a sort of "peninsula". Betty stepped up onto something on the floor because when she stepped right up to me she was standing over me with her pussy lips directly in front of my mouth. She started to rub her pussy lips against my mouth. Of course I took advantage of the situation, opened my mouth, and started to tongue her slit. From the moans she made I must have been doing it right. Between licking her pussy and the feelings from my balls I approached the point where any further tickling would have led me directly to orgasm. I heard Sharon tell them it was time to stop.

The next thing that happened was that the cord that went from the "U bolt" to the weight was disconnected from the weight. I saw them add a longer cord and route this cord through two pulleys up on the ceiling. Then they re-attached the weight. My balls were now being pulled up toward the ceiling. I had no idea why until I saw three of the women, all with large unsupported breasts, putting on what I knew to be strap-on harnesses. The bikini clad woman came over with some K-Y jelly and stared to lubricate my ass. I had a bad feeling about this. The gal lubricating my ass had a tapered wooden shaft that started out with a diameter of about that of a little finger. Over its one foot length it reached a diameter of about 1.5". It looked smooth but I wasn't looking foreword to what I was sure would happen next. Sure enough, she lubed the tapered tool and inserted it in my rectum. She worked it in and out slowly moving more and more of it into my butt until almost all of the shaft had been inside me. It hurt, but in some ways it felt very good! It was a startling feeling to realize that something you would normally avoid could feel so wonderful. Suddenly she stopped and moved aside. The first of the three women with the strap-on harnesses came over to me and was wearing a seven inch dildo about the size of two of my fingers. She lubed the dildo and slid it into me. As she started thrusting three things were happening. I was entranced watching her tits jiggle and sway as she thrust. My balls were being rhythmically pulled on by the string and weight. And, the dildo was stroking my prostate gland. I was becoming hotter and hotter. Just before I could cum my wife told her to stop.

Nothing happened for about five minutes. Then the second of the three women with the strap-on harnesses came over to me and was wearing a nine inch dildo about the size of three of my fingers. She lubed the dildo and slid it into me. The sequence of events continued as before. I became very excited, and then my wife stopped her.

After the next delay the last woman came over and her dildo looked like it was a foot long and about two inches in diameter after the head which tapered to be about 1". When she lubed up she pushed the entire length of the dildo into me, all at once. I tired to scream, but the gag prevented any significant noise from coming out. She worked over my ass about as viscously as I could imagine. I was stretched, hurting, and super excited all at the same time. Again, my wife stopped her just before I could cum.

My wife came over and asked me if I was having fun. I vigorously shook my head no. (How could I tell her that this was a dream come true, after all most men don't want to be dominated, do they?) She smiled and told me that I was about to. She asked me if I wanted to cum. I shook my head yes, little did I know what was in store for me. She reached out and gently petted and rolled my balls in her hand. It felt wonderful. She then asked me if I would like to come more violently than I ever had before. At this point I became nervous, and shook my head no! She just smiled and said that I would anyway. She had Betty put the blindfold back on me. Now I was really nervous.

The next thing that happened was that the weight was taken off my nuts. I could hear the cord being removed from the "U bolt" and heard a metallic "click" sound from that direction. The next thing I felt had to be a butt plug. This had to have been a strange butt plug because part of it felt like metal instead of rubber or plastic. When it was in and expanded I heard another metallic "click" sound coming from that area. My wife had the blindfold removed. She was standing between my legs wearing a pair of rubber surgeon's gloves. No, she had two gloves on each hand. She started to jerk me off using K-Y jelly as a lubricant. She was smiling at me and was using every trick that she knew to make me become harder and harder. As I was just about over the edge, she told me to look at Betty.

I turned my eyes to Betty, and almost froze. She was holding a small black box with switches on it and wires coming off it. The wires seemed to lead to me! At that instant I started to cum, the voltage hit! I think I hit the ceiling with the first squirt. Betty had good timing because every time I started to naturally spasm, she hit the switch. It almost felt as if each shot of voltage was higher than the last. I finally reached the point where I passed out from the intensity of the feelings.

As I began to come around, all the women were gathered around me. My penis gag was gone and my restraints had been removed. My wife spoke: "So, how did you like your anniversary surprise? You'll never guess how we thought of it."

I wasn't sure what to say, so I kept my mouth shut.

"When was the last time you visited Elsa's Dungeon to talk with one of the women dungeon masters?"

"How did you know about that?", I asked.

She ignored my question. "Do you remember your last chat with Elsa?"

"Yeah", I said and then it started to dawn on me that much of what had happened to me had been the subject of our discussions. "How did you know about that?"

"Well, let's just start out by saying that there will be pictures and video of your anniversary present on her site as of midnight tonight. You won't mind that, after all when you joined the dungeon fan club I'll bet you didn't read the fine print. It gives Elsa and her crew full rights to any video or pictures that may happen during your dungeon visit. However, in your case I had them make sure that you had a hood on. Only a very few people will ever recognize you."


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