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Another Friday Night

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Son is busted jerking off to late night skin flicks.
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Another Friday Night, another campy titty movie on Skin-emax. Jacob was home alone again, a frequent part of his weekly routine which didn't bother him. At 18, fresh out of school, he was enjoying having nothing to do but jack off and sleep in. The summers in Florida - and his mother's refusal to run the AC as much as he'd like - drove him to multiple showers a day. But right now, he was alone, it was 1:30 AM, and the lubricant he had found in his mom's bedroom was working like magic on his stiff rod.

"God damn I love her tits," Jake whispered to himself as he took his sweet time stroking his cock. The star actress was bent over a pool table getting fucked, one of the better scenes in the movie. This was the second skin flick on tonight, and Jacob hadn't cum once. He wanted one big cumshot to put himself to sleep.

His sister, Jennifer, 21 years old and on break from college, was out late also. This was typical for her as she didn't even live at home anymore and was only visiting for a few weeks. Maybe she was with their mom looking for guys at the Deep End?

A few months earlier, their mother Amanda had finally divorced the son of a bitch she had been married to the last 4 years. It wasn't Jacob or Jennifer's father. No, this asshole was an abusive drug dealer that got what he had coming. Pulled over with a pistol under the seat and say goodbye to Derrick! The first visit Amanda made to him in prison was to get the divorce papers signed.

The lawn outside lit up brilliantly as the unmistakable headlights of Amanda's Jeep Wrangler came speeding down the driveway. Some random song by Counting Crows was blaring over the radio, uncomfortably loud even from inside the house.

"Holy shit!" Jacob shot up, yanking his underwear and shorts from the floor. His cock immediately began retreating, slimy with his mother's lube like both of his hands. The door of the Jeep slammed shut, Amanda yelling at the top of her lungs about being too hard to handle now, echoing the lyrics of the song that had cut out after she killed the Jeep.

No time, she pulled up right to the kitchen and was already inside before Jacob could run the lube back to her room. He was barely able to get his hands under the sink to rinse them off before the kitchen door flew open, slamming into the wall.

"God damn, Mom!" the slam scared the shit out of him. Jacob's heart was pounding. He had been very close to getting caught with his cock out.

"Hey, boy!" his mom said sternly as she slowly walked into the kitchen. Her face said 'smashed' all over it, but she had her balance and stood up straight. She was wearing a turquoise halter top and white capris with sandals, toenails painted orange. The white lace of her bra stood out prominently along the edges of the top.

"You scared the shit out of me!" Jacob laughed nervously, truly startled by her entrance. She must have kicked the door in. Amanda laughed back, appearing to be in a great mood. The way she rode up to the house, scream-singing and practically beating her own kitchen door's ass, it made sense. She must have had a great time.

"I see! You need to be ready for anything. I bet I could kick that ass right now!" His eyes went wide with surprise as Jacob's mom threw a straight kick right to his face in the middle of the kitchen. The bottom of her sandal was a few inches from his face as he pushed back from the sink, dodging for dear life, but laughing.

"God damn, Mom!" for the second time in as many minutes. Jacob quickly back peddled into the living room to give himself distance. This wasn't the first time his mother had come at him like this. Every now and then she'd challenge him to some ridiculous fight seemingly because she could throw one mean kick and that was it. He would lead her to the couch, catch her ankle on the next one and drop her down for the night.

"Don't run from yo momma!" Amanda laughed and took a few quick steps forward. Her next kick immediately followed, and as expected Jacob caught it easily in his hand. Her balance was all on that left leg now. Jacob slowly rotated her towards the couch and prepared to let her fall backwards in what he hoped would be the place she fell asleep with little hassle.

As Jake forced her into a steady pivot, neither mom or son were speaking. It had gone quiet for only a moment, until the unmistakable, rhythmic sound of a woman being fucked became the only thing you could hear in their trailer.

Amanda and Jake, facing each other at first, only had to turn their heads slightly to watch what was unfolding on the screen. Amanda's kick still held in midair, the two watched in silence as the couple on screen continued their lovemaking. A pair of amazing tits were on full display, heaving forward with each thrust from her companion as he continued to fuck her from behind against the pool table.

Busted! It took a moment to sink in for Amanda, but Jake knew immediately he was caught red handed. His face burned with embarrassment, so much so he couldn't look back at his mother.

Though her drunken mind was slowed, Amanda's wobbly vision eventually found enough focus to process the visuals on her television. The entire situation dawned on her; one foot held high by her son, who was only defending himself from being kicked in the face by his drunk mom who also just so happened to interrupt he jacking off to porn. For her, this was hilarious. Her son was always such a snarky smart ass that she was thrilled to fill this empowered and armed to tease him forever.

Watching her son's face turn red, she noted his gaze was fixed on the screen. For her, this was a sign of how horny and desperate the little ass had been. She didn't realize how mortified the kid actually was. Jake's entire body was frozen, and Amanda took the opportunity to free her ankle from his grip.

"Jesus fu-!" Jake cried as he stumbled backwards into the chair he had just been occupying. His mom and yanked her leg free and shoved him in the chest with that ridiculous drunk strength people can have sometimes. That, and Jake was just caught off guard.

His mother stood over him laughing, mocking the way he fell backwards. "Jesus Fu, Jesus Fu!" She was doubled over, and then dead silent. "Ooooh son, look what I found!" she cried in a hoarse whisper, too excited to be loud. Thrilled. Slowly, as Jake watched from the chair, her hand lifted and brought into his view the bottle of her sex lube. Feeling his face contort further, he died inside as his mom erupted in another fit of laughter.

Both of their hands shot out and grabbed the remote at the same time. "Don't you DARE turn it off, mister. You are BUSTED, and I will NOT let you live this down, not after all the shit you've been giving me lately. Your snarky little remarks, sir!" Honestly Jake was a great son. The snark and smart assed treatment she received was never mean, but he certainly teased her relentlessly sometimes. He would take it too far every now and then, and she let him know, but now it was her turn.

"Mom come on, this is fucking embarrassing! Turn it off, please?!"

"No!" Amanda's brain had been working wonders considering the state she was in. Many things occurred to her in rapid succession. He had her lube, and she knew where she kept it. He dug through her dildos, vibrators, magazines, tampons, all that shit, just to use her lube. How long had he been doing this?


"Shut up." She didn't want to hear anything from him, and without realizing it her face had become one of cold anger. Her son violated her privacy while sitting at home without a job and jacking off. Probably every night.

"I'm so-"

"Sorry? For what? Going in my room while I'm out trying to enjoy myself? Digging through my shit" her mind skips a moment "and violating my privacy and trust?!" In that brief glitch of a moment Amanda felt her pussy start to warm up.

"Look, I-"

"God damn it Jake, shut up." Amanda stood up now, still holding the bottle of lubricant for him to see. The edge had come out of her voice now, she was quickly coming back from the spike of rage she had felt at first. "This thing is half empty! I know how much was in here yesterday. I still can't believe you went through my fucking dresser, you little shit!" Her inflection was almost playful as she spoke, revealing the joy she was experiencing just enough for her son to notice. He rolled his eyes.

"Oh grow up! You're busted, get over it," Amanda quipped at his eye roll. "And Jesus, son, how long have you been at it tonight? It's not even 2 yet. I come back before last call once and catch you in the middle of some marathon stroke session?" She was laughing again, watching Jake's face turn red, again.

"Mom god damn, can we move on please?" Jake pleaded, his mother stepping back awkwardly to let him stand back up.

"Oh no, we're gonna crack open a couple of cold one's and finish this movie. I came home alone tonight, you idiot." Amanda laughed, plopping onto the sofa. "Bring us some tall boys from outside."


It was well past 2:00 AM now, and the softcore porn had yet to stop playing on TV. As the current movie's credits rolled, the next one started up. Jake and his mom had gotten comfortable on the couch, a 6 pack in progress between them already.

For Jake, the evening had gone from a near blowout with his mother, to one of the craziest, insane experiences he would ever have. He had lost his erection quickly after his mom had come crashing through the door, but 5 minutes into sitting there with her he was rock hard once again. Amanda sat to his right, leaving him against the arm of the sofa. The TV was angled in such a way that she naturally leaned back into Jake's side to get more comfortable. His erection came roaring back.

"Put your arm around me like a damn gentleman!" Amanda demanded, half-joking and half-serious. Jake did not hesitate. He could see straight down her top, her white bra glowing from the light of the TV. On screen a different woman, middle-aged, blond (like his mother), was having sex with her husband to some cheesy music. Her hips gyrated as she stretched her arms above her head, letting her hair fall, writhing in feigned ecstasy.

Jake chugged from his beer a bit as Amanda did the same. "Why are you watching this, again? Why are we watching this, again?"

She heard him, but didn't really have an answer she was confident in providing. "To make you as uncomfortable as possible, son." As she said the word uncomfortable, she lightly dug her left elbow into his crotch, deliberately rubbing his cock through his shorts. "Yeah, I bet you're really uncomfortable now!" Amanda was back to her sidesplitting laughter again.

Jake, however, was not irritated anymore. He just got his dick rubbed. By his drunk mom. While watching softcore porn and drinking beer.

"Oh yeah, mom, I'm super uncomfortable," Jake began, his tone over-the-top with sarcasm. "I'm super uncomfortable sitting her watching a middle-aged blonde bombshell get fucked while an even hotter middle-aged blonde bombshell rubs my dick through my pants. I'm soooo uncomfortable right now." The beer had gone to his head. What he thought was going to be snark came out as more of a confession.

It was silent for a while. Well, it felt like eternity to Jake and Amanda, for sure. The only sounds in the living room were the sounds of lovemaking, soft kissing, the sound of sheets sliding over naked flesh. Amanda could feel her son's heart pounding, and her own panties becoming wet. The warmth of his body was comforting, and she felt an ache for intimacy that she had not felt in a long time.

"You think I look better than this lady right here." Amanda blurted out. She didn't ask Jake a question. She was acknowledging, out loud, what he had just said. She could almost feel the heat from her son's face, and knew she had made him blush again. "It's ok, hon," she said. "You're damn handsome yourself!"

Without looking back, her gaze still fixed on the screen, Amanda moved her arm again to rub her son's dick through his shorts. She wasn't trying to press hard into him, she wanted it to feel good for him. She was flattered by his comment, her own face turning red now, her pussy wet with a daring fantasy.


"Shhh, movie."

On screen a woman was going down on another woman in what looked like some high-powered attorney's office. Jake looked down at his mother's chest, her nipples erect now and poking through her halter top. He noticed her breathing was ragged, and that she was no longer trying to rub against his crotch. In the dim light from the TV he noticed why: his mother had slipped her left hand into her pants and was trying to rub herself incognito. Or not. Clearly she knew he would see her.

As Jake noticed, Amanda took her son's right hand and moved it to her chest. Their hands tangled, she pulled her top up and freed her tits, pushing Jake's hand onto her right breast and squeezing it with him. She slumped down slightly, turning her head to the left and reaching for her son's lips.

Jake placed his left hand beneath her chin as they locked eyes, but he didn't kiss her. No, he pushed his thumb into her mouth. "Don't make me ask, mom," Jake whispered, his voice full of command and confidence. Amanda felt a heat rise within her as she took his thumb into her mouth and began to suck on it. Jake felt her tongue moving, the vacuum of her mouth sucking. His cock throbbed. He was so hard it hurt.

"You're playing with your pussy, mom."

Amanda nodded.

"You're making me play with your tits, too."

Amanda nodded again.

"And yes, I do think you are way fucking hotter than these skanks on TV. You're fucking gorgeous. I've been digging through your panties and smelling your dildos for years."

Amanda's pussy was flooding her panties now. She had smashed Jake's hand into her chest, pinching her own nipples as he gently caressed her flesh.

"That's why I watch these movies every time you're out. The lead ladies always look like you." Jake pulled his hand back from his mother's mouth and started to unbutton his shorts. Amanda was too drunk to even notice.

"You really think I'm sexy, don't you?" Amanda was swimming in emotions. Her body needed attention, she was lonely, she was drunk, she was in a great mood, she had energy, she needed to indulge.

"Mom, you are sexier than anyone I've ever seen or met." Without Amanda noticing, Jake had managed to pull his dick free from his shorts. She had slid down a bit further, almost lying on the couch instead of leaning against him, but still in his embrace.

"You're just say-" and then she saw it. Turning her head only slightly to the right, her son's cock was mere inches from her face. 7 inches of thick, hard cock stood stiff, right in her face. She could smell him, feel the heat of his body radiating. She looked up, and they made eye contact for the first time since sitting on the couch.

Jake looked down at his mother, a gentle smile on his face. "I'm just saying, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. And I love you, mom. And because you love me," Jake grabbed the base of his cock with his left hand, and the back of his mother's head with his right, "You're going to put this dick in your mouth and swirl your tongue around it, and smooch it, lick it, make out with it, all that kinda stuff."

Amanda felt her son's hand start to push her head and she resisted. She heard her son scoff, her gaze now focused solely on the tip of his penis, only inches from her mouth.

"Oh mom, all that shit talkin' earlier, rubbing my dick through my clothes, don't fuckin chicken out now!" and it was Jake's turn to laugh. He felt her resistance weaken for a moment, letting him get his dick against her lips. There was enough precum to lubricate the tip of his penis, and he focused through the beer buzz to spread it around his mother's lips. She pulled back after a sec.

"What the fuck, Jake," she said quietly, no force or authority behind the words.

"You need it, I need it." He pushed her head back down again.

"I do." Amanda opened her mouth, barely, enough to let the tip of her son's cock slip between her lips. Her fingers continued to work her clit under her pants. Getting comfortable, Amanda slid onto the floor, making Jake turn with her and sit up straight at the edge of the couch.

"I can help." Jake grabbed his mother's pants at the hips and pushed them back, helping her get them below her knees. Once she felt her knees touch the carpet she returned her attention to her son's cock.

Jake quickly slipped his shorts and underwear down to his ankles as Amanda positioned herself between his legs. Her son grabbed her by the face and put both thumbs in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around both as Jake gently gripped her entire head and lowered it to his crotch. As his cock touched her lips, he moved both hands to the side and back of her head.

"Relaaax mom, I'm in control here. You're not going to suck my cock, ok? I'm going to fuck your mouth, but I love you, so I'll be slow and gentle." Jake stood up from the couch and held his mom's head in place. His hips retreated slowly, and pushed back in even slower. He wanted to savor every second of this.

As he pulled away, his mother suckled his penis, trying in vain to keep it inside her mouth with only her oral vacuum. Pushing back in, she would relax her mouth and let the saliva drool all over his shaft. Her tongue would dance around his corona, slide across the bottom of his shaft, and steal away the precum with each in-out cycle of cock.

Looking down, Jake smiled as he noticed his mother still playing with her pussy. "We both wanted this, didn't we?" he mused breathlessly, his balls aching to explode after his long edging session earlier.

Amanda pulled away from her son's cock. "Yes, Jake, I've needed this. I have needed some good dick, and I never thought it was at home." She had reached over and grabbed her lube, pumping some onto her hand. She massaged it into her son's cock, the cold liquid making him gasp.

"God damn that feels fucking good, mom," Jake hissed through gritted teeth. "I really could cum any second, be care-c-careful." His entire body shuddered as he fought back the urge to cum.

Amanda laughed softly, enjoying the control she was now holding in her hands, literally. "How long had you been stroking this dick before I got home?" She could tell he had been at it for a while. Her son's balls were tight, his cock would not stop twitching and throbbing in her hands. It was dark red, the tip swollen and visibly oozing precum any time it wasn't in her mouth.

"Oh god mom, all fucking night. Right when you leave I turn on these titty flicks." His cock was being masturbated by an expert. His mother knew exactly what to do, alternating between fast fist pumps and lightly teasing his balls, rubbing her thumb in circles against his frenulum, and licking the precum from his cock.

"When I leave? Like, you do this all the time?"

Her son grunted a reply.

"No wonder I thought I was going through lube so fast. You've seen my dildos for years apparently?"

"Oh yeah," Jake was so close to cumming, he was happy to talk and be distracted. Amanda had mercifully restrained her efforts now, slowly caressing her son's cock with both hands, pumping more lube onto his shaft and even massaging his balls. Looking down again, Jake realized his mother had come out of her pants completely and had squatted in front of him. This let her pussy spread open completely, and she was visibly dripping her juices onto the floor as she rubbed her clit and slid fingers in and out of her hole.

"I would say it's embarrassing, but we're past that." Amanda didn't speak for fifteen minutes. For fifteen minutes she shared a sexual adventure with her son. For fifteen minutes Jake held back a nerve-destroying urge to cum.


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