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Another "Honey, We Have To Talk"

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Wife's request backfires.
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Another "Honey, We Have To Talk"


I decided to write about a common theme here in Loving Wives. The wife begins a conversation with her husband saying a version of the phrase, "Honey, we have to talk" and all hell breaks loose. My venture into this fray resulted in two separate tales, as I debated which way that I wanted to take the story. It is not necessary to read either one first, they are totally unrelated.

Special thanks to andyinoz ; Charlie ; Ted L, these very capable people make my work better.


For 15 of their 17 married years, Brody and Kayla Williams had been living the American dream, at least by all normal measure.

After graduation from college, Brody joined his father's company, William's Construction and Excavating. Kayla, had graduated with a nursing degree and was hired by the local hospital in Brody's hometown.

When he was younger, Brody had been like many young men and partied hearty, barely graduating from the state university with a degree in business at age 22. Wine, women, and song was his mantra until he met a beautiful young woman named Kayla.

She had grown up in a conservative family and, when she met Brody at a fraternity/sorority social, she was technically still a virgin. Kayla and her previous college boyfriends had only engaged in heavy petting. Midway through her sophomore year, a friend of one of her sorority sisters introduced her to a guy, Bill, and they became exclusive. She allowed him to touch, and even to suck, her bare tits.

Eventually, Kayla allowed him to finger her to orgasm while working her boobs. She then rewarded him with a hand job, causing Bill to cum on her chest, which was a first for her. However, not being ready to give herself completely to a man yet, she refused to allow him further access.

Near the end of their sophomore year, Kayla realized that her beauty wasn't enough, and that she would have to lift her game, to keep Bill interested over the long summer break, since they lived hundreds of miles apart. She promised to give him BJs, but Bill wanted a full-service girlfriend, and spending a summer, with make out sessions few and far between, her offer was too little and came too late.

Bill dumped her, and Kayla was devastated. She questioned her decision not to have a full sexual relationship, she pondered, "Will I be able to find my white knight without giving up being a virgin? Was Bill 'the one' and I missed my chance? If I yield and the guy turns out to be a jerk, what then? Would my reputation suffer? If I got branded a slut, who would marry me then? The girls here all think I'm a prude and stupid, that I'm missing out on the fun a college girl should be having. But Mom says that the right guy, my white knight, will treasure that he has been the only one."

Kayla began her junior year at State, still stinging from her break-up with Bill. She was hoping that they would get back together but, after a month, it was obvious that wasn't going to happen. Bill had hooked up with a girl who was rumored to be "easy".

She resisted her friends' efforts to find her another guy.

In the spring of their junior year, Kayla and Brody met at a fraternity/sorority social. She was attracted to him, however, he was completely smitten with her.

That weekend, a group of friends invited Brody out to "The Spot". From past experience, he knew that there would be an abundance of beer and sex. Brody was quite handsome and, typically, he would have some form of sex, with various young women, at one of these events. On occasions, he'd had two naked women simultaneously test his ability to rise to the challenge. He'd never had any complaints.

Brody had learned that Kayla was not a party girl and, knowing that news about a scandalous weekend event would spread around campus like wildfire, he declined the invitation. He hoped to get a date with Kayla and didn't want her to hear he'd attended an orgy.

Unfortunately, Kayla went home for a visit that weekend, so Brody had to wait to ask her out on that date.

Her sorority sisters knew Brody passed on the hot weekend, and made sure to tell Kayla when she returned. She was impressed, and secretly pleased, but when Brody called the next day to ask her out, she acted indifferent. Kayla's sorority sisters had convinced her to play games with Brody, and have him "work" for her, even though she'd decided Sunday night to accept a date with him.

Their romance grew slowly, mostly due to Kayla acting on the poor advice that she make Brody "earn" her. For the rest of that spring they only dated each other, but had not formally agreed to be exclusive.

Throughout the summer they talked on the phone nearly every day, and several times he made the 400-mile trip to see her. Twice, she had made the short journey to visit him for a weekend. When she did, she got to meet his family, as he had been introduced to hers when he visited her. They were young and having fun, Kayla having more than Brody.

While on summer break, when Brody wasn't available, Kayla went on a few dates with her old high school boyfriend and another guy she knew from town. She felt justified that she wasn't cheating because Brody had never pushed that they have the talk and agree to be exclusive. Her technical virgin status had been maintained, but neither young man went home with blue balls.

The extra fun was halted in August and, when she and Brody reconnected at school, she reasoned that it would be better to not mention anything about those dates to anyone.

Her sorority house was alive with tales of naughty summer activity when she got moved back in for her senior year. It was difficult for Kayla to keep her silence while the other girls related tales of getting extra from guys that weren't their boyfriends, but it seemed necessary to ensure Brody was kept in the dark.

He had remained true to her, feeling that they were exclusive, even though that had not been hashed out. When he returned to his frat house, he found it to be getting some remodeling work done, so he and one of his frat brothers shared an apartment off campus.

The couple resumed their dating, but Kayla kept getting her head filled with advice from some sorority sisters. Suggestions were made of how to make Brody bend to her every wish by playing games with his head. One of the recommended games was to make him jealous, and it nearly ended their young relationship.

Responding to pressure from her sorority sisters, Kayla told Brody that she was going to accept a date to an annual event held jointly by Delta-Delta-Delta fraternity and her sorority.

She said, "Brody, it's a one-time thing, and doesn't alter our relationship."

However, Brody had received a "heads up" regarding Kayla's plan, and his answer was not what she expected.

He replied, "Well, my fraternity has the same relationship with Sigma Kappa. Heather asked me to take her, and said she'd make sure that I enjoy it. I said I couldn't but, since you're going on a date, I'll give her a call. Enjoy your party!"

Brody turned and left a stunned Kayla standing alone on her sorority house front porch. A moment later she ran inside crying.

Early in their relationship, Brody believed that he had met his future bride, however Kayla wasn't certain that she wanted to become Mrs. Brody Williams. She still debated with herself that maybe she had wild oats to sow and the path to marriage would permanently close that door.

Some of her sorority sisters had filled her head with the joys of debauchery, and delighted in pressuring Kayla to join them, causing her to fantasize about participating in their wild and outrageous college parties.

Missing out left her conflicted. To participate, she would either have to break off with Brody, or lie to him and cheat behind his back. Kayla reasoned that if she stayed true, and eventually married Brody, then his would be the only cock that she ever got to sample. She didn't want to give him up, but she didn't want to miss the chance to be with other men, hence the dilemma.

Kayla's roommate, Diane, knew some of the girls were trying hard to get Kayla to "loosen up". She was in their room when Kayla came in sobbing. Diane felt it was time for a heart-to-heart talk, so she revealed some 'home truths' about the consequences of reckless partying. Truths that Diane had learned the hard way.

She told Kayla, "The partying sounds great now, but just wait until you wake up the next morning with no idea what you did the night before. It's terrifying when you start to ask yourself questions. Who did I fuck last night? Was it safe, could I have picked up an STD? Could I be pregnant? How many people know what I did? Will I get a reputation as a slut? Will I ever get a decent man if everyone thinks that I'm 'easy'? Will what I have done cause me to lose the best man ever? Because, if you do these things, you will lose Brody.

"Think about that. Nearly every girl in this sorority will be hoping, maybe praying, to find a guy half as good as Brody. He's a hunk, he's charming, and he has future success written all over him. That's what you have right now. Do you really want to risk that for some cheap thrills that could have a serious negative impact on your life? Just saying. Do what you believe you have to," Diane said, finished with her pep talk.

It was now up to Kayla to choose.

One of the reasons Kayla picked nursing as her major, was the fantasy of falling in love with a doctor, and living the good life. She reasoned, Brody isn't a doctor, but his family was rich, which she didn't know when she first started dating him. He would step into a well-paying career and, eventually, become CEO of his father's business.

All things considered, Kayla decided that Diane was right. Hanging on to Brody was more important than sowing wild oats.

Kayla stopped crying, quickly improved her appearance, and rushed over to Brody's apartment. She pounded on the door until he let her in.

"Brody. I am so sorry. I don't want to date anyone but you. The girls were pressuring me to go to the party with that other guy. I wouldn't have done anything with him, I swear. Please don't go with Heather," she begged him.

"I don't know. She made me a very impressive offer," he said, fueling Kayla's distress.

"I've apologized and humiliated myself by begging. I don't know what else I can do, except to tell you that I won't go on that date. I'm going back to my room now. Please give me an answer when you decide if it's going to be Heather or me."

Brody didn't answer, letting her return to her room to, hopefully, stew in the mess that she'd created by allowing her sorority sisters to influence her actions.

He called Heather instead.

"Well Brody, how'd she take it?"

"Not well. She just left here, after begging me not to date you."

"She doesn't have a clue that we're just good friends, does she?"

"No, and thanks for the heads up about what she was planning to do. If I'd been hit with that shit, cold, with no warning, I don't think I could have handled it."

"I don't believe that. You're a smart cookie, baby. But it always comes off better when you surprise the person that thinks they're surprising you!" Heather said.

"None the less, thanks. I hope that you didn't fuck up your party plans by offering to help me," Brody said.

"I didn't want to go to that party anyway. Sweetheart, you know that I'd do anything for you. We'd probably be lovers if you weren't so against the idea of fucking your best friend's sister!"

"Heather, don't say stuff like that."

"Deny it all you want, but it's true. Listen, I've got to go. Good luck with her, and call me anytime. Bye." Heather ended the call and Brody sighed.

Two days later, Brody felt that he had let Kayla sweat enough and called her.

"I was wondering if you'd like to watch a DVD or something tonight."

When she hesitated, he asked, "You've got plans don't you? That's Ok, we can make it another time."

Without hesitation, she responded with, "It can be rescheduled. I want to see you tonight."

Brody heard a hint of suppressed emotion in her voice.

"Are you alright? You sound like you're crying."

"I thought I'd lost you," she said, then broke down into a full-blown sob.

"See you tonight at six," she sniffed, then hung up.

That night, when she entered Brody's apartment, tears filled her eyes.

"Brody I'm deeply sorry that I jeopardized our relationship. I realize that I created a situation which could have gotten way out of hand, and possibly caused us to breakup. Please forgive me."

"I've got to tell you; we came awfully close to being done. Not to brag, but I do have options, and if you're not 100% on board with being with me..."

"Am I in competition with Heather?" Kayla interrupted.

"There is no competition. If you want me for your boyfriend, I'm yours, provided you now agree with being exclusive. Dating is one thing, but when I'm in a relationship with a woman, there is no wiggle room. I don't share," he told her emphatically.

"I know Heather is your best friend's sister. Is that why you haven't taken up with her?" Kayla asked, risking being told that it was none of her business.

"Heather and I are good friends. Our relationship has always been complicated. There's more involved than the fact that she's Teddy's sister. I won't discuss anything beyond that."

What Brody wouldn't tell Kayla was that he had concerns about Heather's moral compass. By accident, he'd seen her in action. One time at "The Spot", Heather had become very drunk and took on three guys at once. Sure, it was similar to things he'd done numerous times, and he wouldn't condemn her, or even mention it, but he felt that he couldn't be her guy because of it.

"I want to be your girl again. Your only girl," Kayla said, interrupting Brody's thoughts about Heather, but silently hoping that he never found out about her extra summer activity.

"I've never wanted anyone but you, since the day we met. I need to be able to trust you. Can you swear to me that you'll stop listening to your sorority sisters, and that I'll have no reason to worry when we're apart?"

"Yes, I'm completely and exclusively yours," she replied, with conviction.

Brody was convinced and put the incident to rest.

With their relationship renewed, they matured as a couple, thinking as one and acting as one. No one who knew them doubted that they would end up married, not even Heather.

Soon after rekindling their relationship, Spring Break arrived and, with it, the realization that graduation was approaching.

One day they were at Brody's apartment, with his roommate gone, which allowed them some precious alone time. In the middle of a passionate make out session, while Brody was feasting on her bare breasts, and fingering her pussy, he spoke the words that none of her previous boyfriends had uttered.

Brody whispered, "Kayla, I'm in love with you."

Kayla was unable to answer him immediately, because a debilitating orgasm ripped through her. When she recovered, Kayla helped him shimmy out of his pants, then started stroking his cock. While pulling lightly on his manhood, and moving it up near her chest, she said, "Say that again, and cum on my tits."

Extended stroking wasn't necessary, as Brody was already set to explode.

He looked into her eyes and said again, "Kayla, I'm in love with you."

As soon as his words came out, so did his jiz.

As his cock painted her tits, she giggled and said, "Give it all to me!"

For the first time, she pulled his still ejaculating cock to her mouth and tasted her lover.

"Oh Jesus, oh Jesus," was all Brody could manage to say, as he finished his best orgasm ever.

"Umm, baby, that tastes surprisingly good. We'll have to do that again. Oh, and I love you too," she said, the last part seeming more like an afterthought.

"I would like to repay you for that awesome gift," he said, while taking hold of her partly opened pants, but looking into her eyes for approval, before tugging them the rest of the way off of her.

Kayla nodded her head yes, and lifted her bottom to assist her uncovering. As he moved into position to give her oral pleasure, she didn't resist, and willingly spread her legs, allowing him unrestricted access to her body. Brody inhaled her essence, his mouth approaching her treasure. As he licked and nibbled, with a reasonable amount of skill for a young man, she clutched the sheets on the bed in ecstasy.

It didn't take long for Kayla to reach her orgasm. She lifted her hips, humping her sex at Brody's busy mouth, and screamed, "Yeeeessssss. Oh baby, just like that. Yeeessssssss."

She continued to convulse several minutes after she had peaked, but to Brody's credit, he didn't stop until she pushed his head away, and covered her still throbbing pussy with her hand.

"In case you're wondering, that was a first for me and it was wonderful. Baby, I want you to do me like that, as often as you like. Actually, please do it more often than that. There's only one more thing for us to explore, and I think that I'm ready. You have to promise me that you'll love me forever," she said.

"You know how I feel. I love you with all of my heart, forever."

"I'm ready. I've been on the pill for a few weeks, because I thought that we might get to this point. Make love to me baby. Please be gentle, but do it to me, take me now."

She gave a small gasp as he penetrated her fully, ripping her hymen.

As he hesitated, concerned for her comfort, she said, "That's supposed to be the worst of it, now fuck me."

He did as she requested, but the excitement of being inside her for the first time caused him to cum much sooner than he had hoped. He felt bad that she hadn't arrived at a release.

Kayla, sensing that he felt like he'd failed her, said, "Lover, that was awesome. Just stay inside me. This feels so good that I don't want you to ever get off me. This was my first time, OUR first time. Let's savor it."

She wrapped her legs around his, and locked him in place. This simple action assured Brody that she was pleased with his performance. After a short recovery period, she began to make slow humping motions with her hips, even though his penis had mostly softened. Her grinding up at his groin became more frantic, and his cock became rejuvenated, joining the effort.

Brody was able to contain himself on this second coupling. Kayla began building to another release, and as she arrived at a shattering orgasm, his excitement soared and caused his cock to inject sperm into its new favorite spot. They kissed and swore unending love to each other.

The approaching graduation would change lives, as people went out into the unknown, to careers and other relationships, but Brody knew what he wanted. During a sunny picnic in the park, he took a knee and asked Kayla to be his wife. She was overjoyed.

Brody's career path had been decided for years. He was to take over his father's construction company. Kayla graduated with a degree in nursing, so their plan was for her to work in a hospital near Brody's hometown, where the construction company was located.

They lived together in anticipation of becoming man and wife, while she applied for a nursing position. Brody's father didn't offer his son a management job. He wanted him to understand the work, beginning as a laborer, then an equipment operator, then moving up the ladder to bidding jobs and management.

His father also wanted to make sure that Brody had left his wild ways behind him.

Kayla was an instant hit with Brody's family, all of whom were ecstatic that a young woman of character had tamed the hellbent young man.

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