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Another Innocent FIL


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"Daddy Jenny, I like being called daddy when we are like this," he told her with a squeeze.

She laughed, she was testing him, "Mmmmm, I thought you might prefer that," she told him as her arms tightened around his neck.

"There is one thing I would like you to know though Daddy, you do realise don't you that you will always be my number 2, not my number 1, don't you?"

He looked at her, "Yes," he said, I understand that baby." And he did, he wouldn't even try to replace his own son in her affections, that really would be too much, even for him.

"Good," Jenny told him, "now I have to start dinner, and after that, you need to go home, I will have a very hungry man on my hands tonight!" Her giggle was heart warming, he loved the lilt in her voice. "Erm, what about...?" he mentioned.

"Tomorrow," she finished for him, "if you want to be here about 10am, I think I might have your breakfast ready for you. And I bet that you just love your oats, don't you?" her flowery lilting giggle made his cock jump.

She made dinner for her two men, making sure they were well fed, Cliff made his exit, and before he was out of the drive Jenny was dragging her husband up the stairs. He didn't know it, but he had a lot to do. His new wife's horniness was off the scale! She had been thinking too, having two men under lock and key was going to be great. It hadn't been in her mind, but now it had happened, she liked it.

She wouldn't have to look for a guy, not that she was ever going to once she had married. But her husband's dad had literally fallen into her lap, she would now make the best of it. She could have almost any man she wanted, her cute tiny beauty had been a hammer for her growing up. No boy, teenager, youth, or man, had stood in her way, and she had learned how to use what she had.

That was why Jenny knew about men and their weaknesses, and to a man, and boy, their weakness was her herself. She had learned to pout at a very early age, to flash her eyes in certain ways that made boys flip. She learned that walking, and moving in this way or that, got attention from men and boys, and sometimes they didn't want to give, especially when they were with their girlfriends or wives.

She knew she had been born lucky to be as beautiful as she was, and her gratefulness for it was genuine. Even being as small as she was, was a stroke of luck. As well as being able to entice any male because of the way she looked. She also looked so vulnerable too, Jenny could put a 'help me look' on her face, and they would fly to her, it made every male want to be her rescuer, her knight, her guy.

Almost all of her life males had chased her, to try and lead her to sanctuary, their idea of sanctuary. But it had been Jenny who led in every case, she had led them by the nose. She fed and watered them by giving them sustenance from her body when it had suited her. She wasn't revengeful in any way, every man or boy who had been her guy, had been more than thankful for her, upset yes, when she had ended the relationship.

Jenny hugged herself, if she had seen and been able to map out her life, choose her path, she would not have thought of this. She would not have considered it even just for a laugh. But now, now she had two men who she knew loved her, she loved one dearly, her husband, and she knew she would grow to love his dad. There was no reason not to, he was a great guy before this, now he was even more of a great guy. She knew she could trust him, and there was one more thing in his favour, his cock, he had a great cock! And that was all Jenny wanted, a great cock, now she had two to use and toy with.

She attacked her husband that night, he was even a little afraid of the way she went after him, but not when she had finished. Jenny took her husband to the cleaners, she emptied him totally, not only of his cum twice, but his strength too. He went to sleep a very happy man, cuddled up to his beautiful new bride, he could not have been a happier man.

The next morning she forced a wank on to him, he had asked her not to, he ha to go to work, but Jenny got her way, she always did. She had sat on him facing away and gone to work, he surrendered like she knew he would. She had made him spout his morning load. Then she turned him over and spanked him, saying.

"Don't you even try to say no to me again, you naughty man," her giggle made him smile.

He loved her and would do anything to please her, and he was more than grateful she had married him. He knew men drooled over her when they saw her, but he felt he was safe. Jenny never once gave him grounds for concern, she never flirted with them, nor teased them, not in front of him anyway. And there was no way he himself could resist her when she turned her eyes, and attention on him either.

He went o work confidant that for the rest of their lives she would be there when he returned from wherever he might have been. He didn't know that in about three hours, his own father would be balls deep in his new wife's pussy. And he would never know that because of his dad, no other man would ever get a look in with her. Jenny would, hopefully, remain faithful to the two men in her life.

Jenny got ready for his dad to arrive, her pussy was already way ahead of her, it too was looking forward to the visit. Jenny knew now that she needed him. She needed him from the point of view that her satisfaction would be taken care of. He wasn't better than her husband, to her there was no need for comparison. It was simply that she needed the two of them, which had become obvious to her now after her clandestine dalliance with her husband's dad. Neither man would be able to stay the course with her, so neither man was better than the other.

Jenny was happy with that realization, she got ready by wearing next to nothing. She had on a short white silk robe, that came between her knees and thighs. It was loosely fitting so it flowed around her, tied at the wist in a bow. She had on stockings, a tiny suspender belt, backless heels that could be discarded in an instant. No panties, no bra, her fabulous silky hair was in a pony tail, dangly earrings, and a little make up.

He arrived fifteen minutes early, she had guessed he wouldn't be late, so early was expected. She didn't know he was early simply because if she had changed her mind, he would know sooner rather than later. He hadn't knocked, he had just walked in. And his eyes did the obligatory 'pop,' out of his head when he saw her stood at the top of the stairs looking down at him.

Jenny was stood on one foot, the other leg bent at the knee, she never said anything, she just turned and walked in the bedroom she gave him when he was here. Cliff her father in law, took the stairs 2 and 3 at a time to get up as fast as possible. His heart had flipped when he had seen her there like that, it had answered all of his prayers that she hadn't changed her mind.

By the time he was diving into the bedroom his cock was at full sail. Jenny was laid on her side, one knee sexily raised, elbow and hand supporting her head, and looking at him in the way only Jenny could look at you.

"What kept you mister, I'm waiting, and I don't like to be kept waiting. Come to me, and now!" She didn't need to say anything more, he was brought to heel immediately, and happily.

"Sorry princess," he grinned, he jumped on the bed, and went for her.

"Whoa there tiger, hadn't you better lose these?" she said, and tugged at his sweater. He looked sheepish and apologetic.

'How,' he thought, "can she do this to me?'

"Sorry princess," he said again, jumped back of and nearly ripped his clothes off.

"That's better daddy," she said in her best little girls voice, her look of utter defencelessness tipped him over. She got his cock in her hand and he was gone, he needed to be in her as quickly as possible. Jenny, luckily for him, did too.

"Come on daddy, make love to me, make love to your little girl daddy, make love to your lovely daughter daddy, I want you in me daddy, do me daddy, do me?" He needed no further bidding, he was over her and in her in a heartbeat. Jenny laid back and wallowed in the fucking he was giving her, her arms and legs went around him , and he was in her heaven sent cloud of primeval sexual grace.

She had turned from the siren she was, to a wanton hussy in a second. She had to be fucked and royally, her father in law supplied it in spades. He was on top form and Jenny knew she was being hard fucked, and just the way she wanted to be right now. She held her husband's father tightly as he went on his personal mission to give her everything she wanted, and everything he could give her.

He was so wrapped up in her, he forgot about himself and this aided his battle to fuck his beautiful daughter in law as hard as she might ever have been. His cock was a piston driven by the steam generated within him, he drove at her, he sensed she wanted to feel some hurt and pain as he screwed her ass off. He achieved it, Jenny wailed, she "Oohhhhd," and "argggghd, Ohhhh, Ooooh, Oh daddy daddy, hmmmm, Arggggh," she screamed into his neck as her head rose up by his fabulous punishment.

She bit him, her teeth leaving deep marks, this served to drive him on, he battered his gorgeous daughter in law endlessly. Jenny came, and then came again, then she was cumming one after the other until they rolled into one. Then came that moment every man fears and yet wants more than anything, to cum. The build up started somewhere near his toes, and the top of his head. He knew that when the two met, his own explosion would, if he was stood on his feet, knock him out.

The sensations crashed through his ass and his stomach, and met head on. Cliff blasted his cum into her fertile womb once again, while his body convulsed, his hips smashing into hers one last time. And staying there while his balls emptied themselves of the gallon of loaded cum in them. He moved, his hips drawing back to facilitate his cun laden cock and balls, he pumped gently now as he drained away.

He looked down at his beautiful sexy daughter in law, his own son's wife laid there almost death like under him, her eyes closed, her mouth open, her arms flopped above her head. Her feet had fallen away, he kissed her mouth, she never responded, but he wasn't worried, he was so manically delighted, because he knew, he had fucked her, hopefully, as hard as she ever had been.

He knew he had done better than he ever had too, he hadnever fucked a woman as good as he had just now. And it was all down to her, he saw that now. The way she was, the way she made him feel, the way she enticed him, the way she had, in essence, controlled him. The way she had made him make love to her, the way she made him to do her. And in doing so, she had made him give of himself, made him cum harder, and better, than he could ever remember, or had.

He was looking at her serene face when her eyes fluttered open.

"Wow daddy, now that is what I call being screwed," she smiled a great soft smile, "kiss me daddy," she said quietly. He did so with a heartfelt desire to please her, there was nothing she could ask for, that he wouldn't give her, not now.

Jenny gently moved him off her, "I need to breathe daddy," she grinned. He dropped onto his back, Jenny breathed softly beside him, and after a few moments, she turned, lifted herself up, and leaned over him to give him her best kiss. The one that said, 'You are, and you were, fantastic. That, as far as I am concerned, is as good as it gets.'

Then she dropped her head on to his shoulder and lay there contemplating him. This, she said to herself as she waggled his cock, "is brilliant, have I struck gold or what?"

And he knew he had too, he felt it in him, that this was as good as she had ever had, stamina or no stamina.

She hadn't been beaten by him, there wasn't a man alive who could, she knew that. But he had come close, and now she also knew that this would go on for as long as it lasted, because it was, he was that good. But she would be careful, watchful and observant, no one would ever know. She would not put herself at risk, or in a position where she would be exposed.

Her father in law, rolled her on to her back and got over her, she liked this bit, the bit where her man got bossy. He was right over her face, she gazed up at him longingly, knowing what her eyes and lips were telling him, he obliged and kissed her heavily, so heavy that they both gasped for breath when he pulled away.

The face below him was like one he had never seen, she was a Chameleon, she could change the way she looked or seemed at will, and it was all in her power to keep him where she would want him, under her personal lock and key, just like his son was.

Both men were her willing prisoners, she would love them both unconditionally. They would never wonder, never ask, never question her of her love for them, if it was true, and she would show them demonstrably every day, every night. Jenny sighed happily into his mouth, this very act tied him to her further.

She ran her finger nails up and down his back, she had never met a man yet who didn't lov this, she ran them down the crack of his ass, fingered his butt hole and she squirmed above her. Even in the top position she was enslaving him. Jenny gloried in the power she had, the power of woman!

She also knew how to use it, learning over the years how to tap into a man's helplessness, when confronted by a beautiful superior sexually feline feminine woman. One lesson she had learned from an old boyfriend was how to tame a man. She had been going out with this particular guy for about 3 weeks. And one night while they were having dinner with friends, she realised he was showing her off.

She knew he was smitten by her, but he was also so arrogant that she was his, too overconfident. She did like him, but at the dinner, he had stood up and told the table, and the world beyond it, that she was his now, that she belonged to him. And condescendingly, he was going to marry her.

Jenny was furious, "Who the hell do you think you are?" she jumped up and confronted him. "Telling everyone I'm yours, I belong to you, you are going to marry me! I do not 'belong' to you or anyone else, and marry you, HAH! You can shove that as far up your ass as you can get it." Then she had tipped her wine over his head and walked off.

He had followed and begged forgivness, she had just left him standing. He called her repeatedly, she ignored him completely, never again would she allow a man to behave like that. Her husband already knew not to disrespect her, and her new father in law was learning it too, just by her being who she was. Jenny was the furthest you could get from nasty, but she had a way of letting her man know, what was good for him, and it was her.

"Come on daddy, let me get you into the shower, I want some fun," she told him. He of course readily agreed, he knew right there, right then, that if she wanted some fun, then so did he! And off they went, his cock in her hand. Once in the shower Jenny made her father in law grunt and groan, she played with his cock and balls, she kissed him wholeheartedly, then slowly sank to her knees to give him the blow job of all blow jobs as far as he was concerned, never had he had one as good as this.

She deep throated him, he had seen her sucking him yesterday, but today he watched as his whole cock disappeared into her luscious mouth. He saw her cute little nose right up against his pubes and was hypnotised by her. He had to hold on to stop from falling down, and she had him up and running in top gear in no time.

His hips were pumping all of their own, his knees in serious danger of giving way. And then that unforgiving tingle that told him he was on his way and no stopping, nothing could stop this, only Jenny, and he knew she had no intention of doing so.

"Jenny," he half pleaded, he was in mortal fear in case she did stop, he was at the point of no return. She squashed his balls gently and he shot his second load that day. Jenny being the pro she knew herself to be took it all. The first salvo was deep in her throat because that's where his cock head was, then she pulled back for the rest, she wanted to taste him too.

She sucked and licked until her father in law's head sank on to his chest, he was beaten once more. Jenny had got him again, her victory was sweet tasting, as well as all the lovely cum she had just swallowed. He was now a convert, her convert.

Later as they showered and loved, she took him back to bed, he was like a child with its mother, her leading the way, him happily following. They flopped into bed where serious tender love and touches, kisses and hugs took place.

Jenny was truly in her element, to have two men, two men such as these, her loving husband, and her equally loving father in law at her behest was more than she could have ever dreamed of. She in fact had not dreamed of it, never a twitch of a thought such as this had entered her extremely fertile mind. One of her husband's friends had, but that was history now, for the time being any way she sniggered to herself.

In mid afternoon she made him get up, "You never know Mike might come home early one day," she told him matter of factly. He saw her point and never commented. As they lounged in the sitting room, Jenny in his lap again, kissing and giving him all the attention he could handle, she told him.

"I'll come to yours tomorrow daddy okay?"

He immediately agreed, "10again?" he answered.

"Yes, that'll work for me, see you then," she kissed him and he left. That night she sent him a test, "Sorry, I can't make tomorrow, next day, hopefully. Please don't answer this text okay?" she wrote. Jenny was going to keep him on his toes, make him know it was her that would make the decisions for them.

He didn't answer, and knew he was going to be lonely all of a sudden tomorrow. He called her in the morning as she knew he would. She never answered the first two calls making him wait, to make him worry and want her more.

"Hi Jenny," he said, "are you alright, what happened?"

"Oh hi Cliff," she answered, "nothing is wrong, Mike said he might have the afternoon off so it wasn't possible for me to come over."

"Oh I see, okay, can you make it tomorrow then?" she could hear the hope in his voice. She was delighted, it was absolutely necessary in her mind to keep him gagging for her.

"I'll do my best daddy," she said throatily, "I'll let you know later okay. Look I'm sorry," she continued, "I have to go, got a lot on today, bye, mwah, mwah, mwah." She sent kisses down the phone and put it down on him.

Her father in law was beside himself with rage and desperate need for her. He raced up to his bedroom, threw himself on it, and jacked off to the picture of her in his mind riding him. He felt better afterwards, and settled down, "she's right," he told himself, "we have got to be careful, I'll do exactly as she wants." And that was him under the lock and key she had made for him.

The next day she called him as she set off, she was as bad as he was really, she needed him in her. But that was for her to know and not him. When she arrived, Cliff her husband's father was like a puppy dog, he fawned over her. She toyed with his cock as he tried to hurry her up stairs. She looked magnificent, short mini skirt, thigh high heeled boots, and a tiny top, he knew there was nothing underneath. Her hair was down and around her face, she was so glorious he could have cum there and then.

They dived on to the bed and jenny undid his zip, fished in for his cock, he moaned with pleasure as she got him. He went for her, but his beautiful daughter in law put her hand on his chest and pushed him down again.

"Get down and stay down," she growled sexily. He did as he was told and had to endure her just squeezing him, lifting her gorgeous eyes in a teasing fashion. "Want me daddy, hmmm, do you want your sexy girl again, hmmm?" she rolled her hand up the shaft and he nearly choked with the lust he had for her.

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