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Antebellum Archives

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A plantation slave impregnates his master's daughter.
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CONTENT WARNING: This story contains depictions of American slavery, racism, use of the N word, and situations that could be considered non-consensual/reluctant. If you do not want to read those topics, you have been warned.

This is a piece of historical fiction. Though inspiration was drawn from slave narratives, it does not claim to accurately represent plantation life in the antebellum South.


Mmmm, here she comes. Some solace on this sunny day. A respite from my backbreaking labor. The sumptuous, delectable, creamy white beauty Massa keeps locked away in the Big House. Delicate, delicious, and most of all unattainable.... Delilah.

"Good Day, Miss Abernathy," I greeted when the pale nymph's carriage drew past.

We slaves had all taken off our hats, as we always did when the Master's family was near. Forgetting these manners around Delilah, his only daughter, was grounds for an immediate lashing and no one dared misstep. We had to treat her like she was the Virgin Mary herself, and virgin she was....

She'd had her menses years ago and was now at the courting age of 18. I'd heard talk of the neighboring plantation owners' sons vying for her hand, but none had yet won her heart. Nor had they her Father's, the keeper of the keys to the candy pink kingdom.

"Hi, Big Pete!" she chirped whilst rolling past.

I puffed out my chest, proud to be the only slave she addressed. And by my nickname no less, which I'll admit was most assuredly appropriate. If one thing's true, it's that I'm a Big Nigga. In fact it's my size that first caught Massa's eye.

"Strong as an ox," he said. "Can do more work than three niggas," he said.

Of course that just meant more toilin' for me. More life suckin', sweat pourin', goddamn miserable labor. I could never meet Massa's count at weigh in, and no matter how hard I worked my back met the whip. He expected me to pick more cotton than humanly possible, but his unjust punishment did far from motivate. And all this hell just for some goddamn cotton. White gold he called it, that bastard plant....

As the young Miss Abernathy continued past, a parasol over her bouncing curls to protect her porcelain skin, I noticed she'd dropped something. It was glittering like a star in the dirt.

"Miss Abernathy, you dropped this!" I called out as I ran to pick it up, but she was already gone.

The lost object was an earring set with a dazzling teardrop ruby, a stone the likes of which I'd never seen. I stared at the oriental gem as it reflected a bloody mirage around me and briefly considered pocketing the prize, for its beauty was otherworldly. But I knew that risk was far too great; theft was a crime worthy of death! I was in a dilemma though, for I also feared telling Massa cuz he'd surely think I stole it! But if I didn't, he'd interrogate us all til we spilled! God damn this demon slavery! Damn it to hell! There is no winning in the South for a nigga like me.

My fate was sealed the day I was born to my slave mother. She was a bright quadroon, the product of a white beast raping her mulatto mother. Fortunately I had less of the devil's blood in me cuz my Papa was Black as night. He was sold off 'fore I was even born, but with me I carry that dark complexion, and of it I am proud.

The real difficulty was going to be finding a moment to speak with Delilah alone. She was always with a caretaker, and if she was caught talking to a slave it'd be mighty scandalous! God must've been looking out for me though, because the next day around noon the perfect opportunity arose.

I was out washing tools in a stream, my raggedy pants and shirt discarded, when the little missus' dainty white ass came traipsin' down the riverbank. I didn't hear her coming and was surprised when I looked up.

"Oh! Miss Abernathy! You startled me!"

I dipped into the river so as not to embarrass the lass with my naked state.

"Hi, Big Pete!" she giggled, staring at me all curious-like.

I wondered how long she'd been standing there watching me, and if she'd seen, well... Big Pete!

"What are you doin' up there, Miss Abernathy?" I asked.

"Hehehe! Oh nothing! Just on an afternoon stroll..."

"All alone?" I followed up, not to frighten her, but rather for my own safety. I wouldn't dare be caught in a situation like this; it'd be the scandal of the century!

"Yes, all alone," she replied, still giggling like a coquette.

Delilah was never by herself, especially not down by the river, so I had to wonder if she had an ulterior motive. I saw the way she was lookin' at me, her expression so intrigued, almost as if she wanted to see more....

I took a huge risk, inferring that the girl had snuck off to catch a glimpse of me bathing. She was at that age now, the age where a girl needs a man, and it seemed my masculine body may have stirred something within her. So I tested my theory and slowly rose out of the water.

First came my cannonball shoulders, corded in thick muscles. They were attached to bulbous biceps and hefty pectorals, all cultivated through years of blood-letting labor, the likes of which her white kinfolk had never endured. She had likely never seen a body so thoroughly worked, so strong and muscled, and it seemed to spark in her a primal lust.

Delilah's blue eyes turned black and her cheeks flushed red as all six of my abdominal muscles came into view, coupled with my cut V lines. Some of the slave girls I messed around with were well acquainted with my body and said those muscles were their favorites. Because, of course, they pointed to...


Delilah's saucer eyes couldn't keep away from my swinging flesh as it lifted out of the stream. Big and Black, I was sure she'd never seen anything like it, if any man's at all! Well lucky for her, her first would be a specimen to admire.

With the life I've had, you don't feel bad boasting about the few blessings you've got. And blessed I am!

My long black serpent is as big as the rest of me, truly capping off my nickname. The massa balked when he first saw it, taken aback by its virility, but the slave trader promised I would sire generations of strong Black niggas. Massa then happily purchased me, a smug grin on his devil face as he considered the wealth he could squeeze from me. But now it was my turn to be smug.

"Is there something you need from me, Miss Abernathy?"

Staring at her well-blossomed bosom and corset-pinched waist drew blood to my nether region. I took a calm breath, focusing my energy into my phallus, making him grow and contort until fully turgid. Now standing proud as a lion, Black as the berries around the us, he pointed directly at the young missus.

"Oh my! Um...." She was biting her lip, squirmin' her sweet thighs back and forth. "P-please, Big Pete, c-call me Delilah."

"You sure, Miss Abernathy? I wouldn't wanna be inappropriate."

I slowly began stroking my shaft, more out of instinct than anything. She couldn't stop staring at it, utterly entranced.

"Y-yes, Pete, it's quite alright. I feel as though it would be less formal."

"Okay, Delilah, if that's what you wish." We stood for another minute, totally silent as she watched me stroke. "And tell me now, Delilah, why is it you wish for us to be on less formal terms?"

"Oh! Ummm...." By the way she was looking at me I knew the answer. "Y-you've just been with us for a long time now and I love you like family!"

"Mmmmm, is that right, girl? You love me?"

We were still standing our ground, about 15 feet apart, and the tension couldn't have been thicker.

"Y-yeah! I do like you Pete!"

I don't know what had gotten into me but I was feeling bold and brash. I knew the risks of acting with impropriety around a white girl, and the massa's daughter no less, but this wasn't about skin color. This was about two animals who needed to be together in the way only a male and female can. I could see it in her eyes, hear it in her stuttered breaths--the need to mate.

Filled with lustful confidence, I asked, "Delilah girl, why don't you do something for me."

"W-what's that Pete?"

A small part of me was terrified but the rest didn't care.

"Why don't you take that dress off for me, honey? It's so hot out. Don't make much sense for you to be all covered up."

She somehow turned even paler, standing petrified like a ghost. She hadn't yet run though so I figured I still had a chance.

"You heard me, girl, I want you to take that dress off. Feels nice and cool in here."

"Ummmm... P-Pete! I-I....."

She was trembling like a deer.

"It's okay, sugar, ain't nobody gonna see but me."

"A-are you sure.....?"


Of course I wasn't but I didn't give a hoot! We'd been alone long enough that gettin' caught already meant a whippin', so I thought hell, might as well get to see some fresh tits!

"I-I don't-"

"Come on, baby, listen to Big Pete."

It was such a risk to pretend I had any authority but my sheer size naturally gave me some. And it seemed to work because slowly I saw the girl move her hands.

"That's it...." I cooed as she gently pulled the garment off her delicate shoulders. One then the next, until her dress was held up only by her breasts.

I nodded at her to continue and she brought her hands behind to untie the corset's ribboned knots. I saw the whalebones loosen and her dress began to separate from her petite body.

"Hhnnngggg...." she moaned as her pale breasts became exposed to the sticky Louisiana air.

It must've felt freeing to be naked in the outdoors, likely her first time since birth. Yet also demeaning, since Delilah wasn't used to being "uncivilized", unclothed, like a "savage". As if we chose to have such meager possessions....

As she bent forward to shimmy the dress beneath her lightly curved hips, her perky, youthful tits shook and swayed. I'd never seen creamy white breasts nor pink nipples and admittedly the sight was erotic! I've always believed the Blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, but pussy is pussy and I was not opposed to seeing this lovely woman's naked figure.

She straightened and her sweet tits bounced into place, her nipples hard like rocks under my masculine gaze. Traveling down her smooth, slim tummy, I saw her hands covering up her little flower.

She looked at me, terribly embarrassed to expose herself, but I shook my head. Then she pleaded with her eyes, desperate to save a sliver of modesty, but I continued to admonish her.

"Show me, girl. Show me your little quim."

She quivered, so ashamed to obey, but ultimately did so. As her hands moved behind her back, I was graced by the most darling virginal blonde bush. Beneath it I could just make out her little lips, tucked cozily between the gap of her chubby thighs.

"Turn for me, girl," I requested, pleasuring myself to her nudity.

Without making eye contact, for her shame was crippling, she turned around to display her perfectly peachy cheeks.

"Beautiful," I told her, admiring the silky blonde locks cascading down her lithe spine. "Now bend over, Delilah. Bend over and display yourself to me."

She let out a lust-filled moan and I could see liquids glistening between her legs. I had her in a wanton state now and knew she'd obey me, just like the other women I'd bedded. Once you have 'em like this, all wet and needy, you become the Massa.

"Bend over," I said again more sternly.

It was the first time I'd had any semblance of power and it was exhilarating! I finally felt like a Man, how God made me, and wasn't about to let this feeling slip.

I ordered Delilah one more time and she whimpered weakly before finally pushing her butt out and leaning over.

"That's it girl, let me see it. Show me that creamy white ass."

I could hear her sniffling as she bent forward and swayed for me, but the tears simultaneously dripping down her thighs told me everything I needed to know. She loved it, loved displaying herself for a man, loved being a wild animal. And just like a bitch in heat, she knew she needed to be bred.

"Show me that little quim now, girl. Reach back and grab your cheeks." She did so reluctantly. "That's it, now pull 'em apart so I can see your tiny pink cunt."

She was really crying now while spreading for me but I didn't give a shit. I was soaking in every ecstasy-filled second. Bossing around the massa's daughter, getting her all randy, making her show me her cunt! It didn't get any better than this! Except, of course, for the real thing...

"Keep that ass spread for me, honey. Don't hide that pussy from me!"

She shook frantically and spread her cheeks wider, desperate to show off her dripping pink hole. I couldn't believe how easily I'd tamed her, but in her virgin state I shouldn't have been surprised. A girl her age needs a man to treat her like a woman, to rut her and fill her womb, and I was just that guy.

Stroking my flesh like a mad man, I waded out of the river and stepped onto shore. Her white ass as my target, my Black spear guided me up the hill. Closer, closer, I couldn't wait to break open that tight, virgin slit.

But just as I was nearing her glistening pink pussy, I heard from afar, "Delilah?"


The girl and I were both ripped out of our fantasy and thrown back into the reality of the antebellum South. A Black man being caught naked with white woman was immediate grounds for a lynching! And she knew the consequences too! Sure she'd cry rape, but the town would never look at her the same.

Aware of the stakes, Delilah grabbed her dress and sprinted away. Again deerlike, she was gone before I could turn. Frustrated but no longer afraid, I dove back into the river and collected my tools.

"Damn....." I thought. "I'm gonna breed that white cunt."

With the image of her dripping pussy bent over and spread, I jettisoned virile man seed into the rippling water. Next time, I promised myself, it would be into Delilah.

As I made my way back, once the orgasmic stupor had faded, I became fearful of the young lass tattling. At any moment, she could run to her father or the overseer and tell them I tried to seduce her. It wouldn't matter that she willfully obliged, Mr. Abernathy would happily whip me to death!

That night I was on constant watch for a band of white devils to come riding in to swoop me. I'd seen it happen before and prayed to God she wouldn't tell. But then I remembered the looks she gave me, how wet her quim was, and I knew she needed more....

Yes, Miss Abernathy needed this big Black dick inside her, craved it, and wouldn't dare have me punished until she received it. Of that I was now sure.

For the next few days Delilah avoided me, which was easy enough with her sheltered life. But come Friday her feminine urges must've returned because I caught her pokin' around the corner, stealin' glances while I worked. Pretending I didn't notice, I seized the opportunity and took my shirt off. This must've excited the girl because she could no longer stay hidden, peeping out often while I chopped logs.

We made eye contact once and she gasped then pretended to run, but a few minutes later she was back. Realizing how badly she needed it, I ventured down the path towards an old barn where we kept tools. It was seldom frequented and thus the perfect location to lure in the massa's daughter.

I walked down whistling and could hear her rustling in the bushes behind me. With a smirk on my face, I entered the barn and waited.

It only took about a minute before she poked her head in through the window. I was sitting in a chair hot with anticipation, and when I caught her she blushed then ducked again.

"You gonna come in here?" I asked boldly, knowing she wouldn't risk this behavior if she wasn't alone.

Slowly she rose again and looked at me through the broken window.

"I-If you'd like me to....."

"You know I would, girl, and I think you would too."

She blushed hotly at my accusation but didn't deny it, then eventually moved towards the door. It creaked as she slowly opened it, then she scurried in and slammed it with a startle.

"It's okay," I assured her. "Nobody's around."

"A-are you sure...?"

Even though I wasn't, I replied, "yes, girl, so come here now. Come on over to Big Pete."

I was sitting on a wooden chair in the middle of the room and beckoned her in with open arms. I'd already removed my clothes and could see her eyeing my flesh as she got closer. When she finally got up to me, she was trembling terribly, her little body nearly the same height as me while I sat.

"Let's get that dress off now, huh baby?"

I noticed she'd worn an airy summer dress and wondered if it was for easy removal. Since she was shaking, I took the lead and lifted the bottom up. She looked at me with panic-stricken eyes but I told her everything would be okay.

"My, my...." I chuckled. "No knickers. Naughty little girl."

She tried to push her dress back down once I saw her blonde bush but I was much stronger. Finally I got her to hold it up herself while I leaned forward to stroke her thigh.

"Mmmmmmm......" I exhaled when I felt her soft skin.

Delilah had the luxury of soaps, hot baths, perfumes and the like and smelled absolutely divine. So clean and feminine, her very scent had me fiendish. With my two large palms wrapped around her slim thigh, I brought my lips to her skin and kissed it.

"Hnnggg...." she shuddered.

"You like that?" I asked, looking up at her. "Take that dress off, baby, I need to see all of you."

I rubbed up and down her smooth leg and she could no longer resist our connection. In a heartbeat she threw the garment off then looked down at me with wild, confused, horny passion.

"You're so sweet," I said while kissing further up her leg, eventually reaching her belly button.

"Uhhh..... Mmmm...." she exhaled as I traced my lips lower until they hit her light blonde fur.

"So sweet......"

My big hands were squeezing her legs and traveling up to meet my face in the middle. As I nuzzled downward, she shook with pleasure she'd never felt before. It came from deep inside her, a throbbing that intensified as I got closer to her little flower.

"HMMMM!! UNNNHHH!!!" she moaned when I tickled her lips.

"That's it, let me give you what you need."

I pushed my finger in slowly, taking in every inch of her moist, tight pussy. I couldn't believe I was the first man to enter this treasured hole and gained immense pride knowing I had. I, a Black man, was her conqueror, forever and always, and she could never change that.

"Oh! Oh Big Pete!"

She was on her toes now, humming and squealing as I dipped my long middle finger in and out of her wet hole.

"You like that, baby? You like when I play with your quim?"

"Ohhh!! Uhhh!"

"I know you do, honey, I know you do."

Still looking up at her darling face, I trailed my prickled chin past her clit and planted my thick lips right on it.

"OH GOD!" she shrieked, but I didn't let up.

I started kissing her little clit, sucking and licking her engorged flesh. She became feral as I ate her out and could barely handle it, kept trying to push me back. Though I knew she was sensitive, her flavor was too mouthwatering and I had no intentions of stopping.

"Spread your legs out," I ordered and she quickly complied.

With more of her cunt accessible, I could now lick her from the bottom up, dragging my whole bearded jaw along her soft pink lips. She screamed and cried as her feminine essence drenched me, but I didn't care. She was no longer in control of her body, I was, and I planned to do what I pleased.

Without asking, I pulled Delilah down onto my lap. Her wet pussy was hovering over my cock but I knew slamming it home wouldn't work. No, I needed her to love it so she'd come begging for more.

"W-wait... P-Pete..." she trembled as I tactfully pushed my bulbous black tip into her dripping pink hole.


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