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Any Chance We Could Ch. 44


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A half hour later I'd finished scrubbing and was sitting under the umbrella finishing a bottle of water. It was warm and not very satisfying. I made a face just as Janet came out the door.

"I hope that look wasn't intended for me," Janet said with a scowl.

I'd replied, No, the water's warm, sorry.

"Cindy said she'll be out shortly with lunch and drinks. May I join you?" she asked.

Please do, I'd said.

I stood to pull out a chair and she sat in it. As she did, she leaned over a bit and with the top five buttons undone her blouse fell away from her chest to reveal a bare breast. Then she looked directly at the front of my trunks, and said, "Whenever you're ready, I'll help you with your equipment."

Equipment? I'd asked.

She looked up, "Yes, your computer, cameras, printers. What'd you think I meant?"

I confessed, Sorry, your open blouse distracted me.

"The blouse, or my bare boobs?" grinned Janet


Besides the blouse, which was simple white cotton, she wore mid heeled slides and white shorts. Elise joined us shortly, wearing a form fitting yellow polo shirt, knit yellow short shorts and mid heeled slides as well. She took one look at Janet and said, "Excuse me."

Swaying her hips as she walked over to the cabana, entered a side door and reappeared in a few minutes. As she walked toward us her breasts were jiggling. She'd obviously taken off her bra.

"More comfortable, Elise?" Janet asked.

"Given the present company, it appears that a bra is superfluous. Are you wearing a thong, Janet?"

"Same as you," Janet shot back.

I was saved by the cook. I couldn't have stood up to save my life fearing my cock would've caught on the edge of the table. More likely, my visible excitement would have contradicted my effort to look calm. But as luck would have it, the table top was clear glass. When the food and drinks were put on the table, the battle seemed lost already. I was aware that both ladies seemed very interested in looking at my plate, or at me through the table top, before looking at each other with a grin.

After lunch, a few beers apiece, and conversations about photojournalism, photography, engineering, fashion design, community growth and design issues, The Air National Guard, and life in general, much of the afternoon had passed when Virginia joined us. I noticed she was wearing two inch heel black strappy slides, a semi-sheer blouse, and a straight skirt that ended at the top of her knees. She appeared to be bare legged, and was wearing a slip, or something similar, under her blouse.

After talking for a few minutes rehashing her errands with Janet and Elise Virginia said, "Excuse me, I just need to get these hose off."

Elise looked aggravated. "Mom, if you'd just wear stockings instead of pantyhose in the summer you'd probably be more comfortable. I know I am. What about you Janet?"

"I've never tried them," Janet admitted. "We talked about them in our fashion history classes and I intended to give them a try, but never got around to it."

"I'll be back in minute," Virginia said

That conversation aroused me once again.Damn, this is going to be 'the summer of perpetual erection'. Some problems are nice to have,I thought before wondering if there was a shrine for that in Guadalupe'.

Virginia came back, obviously bare legged and she'd taken off the slip as well. The bra under her blouse seemed to be a little creamier than white, and the cups seemed to not fully cover her breasts. My heart skipped a beat when I noticed her deep brown areola were partly visible through the light material. I tried to take a casual surveying glance to enjoy the sights. But, as several times already today, I got caught.

"Mom, Jack is looking at your tits," Elise said.

Just admiring I managed to choke out.

"Are you a breast man?" Virginia asked with a slight smile.

Legs and asses, too, I stammered.What kind of comment was that? I need to think before I open my mouth.

"Hmm. I'll take that as a compliment. I'll be right back."

She returned from her brief foray inside, breasts jiggling as she walked back across the deck. Her nipples were erect and pushing against the fabric of the blouse. My eyes enlarged some when they noticed that her bra was missing.

"Can you see better now, Jack," Virginia said with a playful lilt in her voice. With a slight smile she added. "Not too immodest, I hope?"

I could only take a deep breath because speech was beyond me. I kept wondering how I got so lucky to be around three sexy and teasing women.

"I'll take that as a yes, then," Virginia said.

"I told you so, Janet" Elise smugly remarked.

"Dinner is at six, underwear is not optional. Janet and Elise, go with Jack to empty out his car. I noticed nothing was in his bedroom and walk over with him to get some clothes. Take Cindy, too. Extra hands will help make the job easier," Virginia suggested.

The three ladies and I made several trips from the car to the bedroom and put the computer and printers in the study. Taking a route through the adjoining backyards we walked to my house to get some more clothing. I took several blazers, slacks, several pairs of khakis, socks, and underwear. Each of us had an armload and I hoped that no one would pass by and see us. We could've been mistaken for a gang of thieves carrying off loot. No sooner had I had that thought, Mrs. Kurtz merely waved as she drove past.

We walked back up to my assigned bedroom. While they helped hang my things in the closet, I noticed Janet lingering over a pair of my red silk boxers before she put them in the dresser drawer.

I told them not to worry about the suitcases. I'd get them unpacked and put away before dinner. Before leaving, Cindy showed him me a basket in the bathroom where I was to put my dirty clothes.

After a necessary shower, I put on clean clothes, a collar shirt, khakis, and a blue seersucker jacket, then walked out the bedroom door into the hallway. As I did Virginia came out of what I assumed was her bedroom two doors down from mine and walked toward me. In four inch heels, hips swinging she came towards me in almost the same manner as I'd watched her daughters doing that morning.

"Did you wear underwear, Jack?" she asked.

I blushed, Yes.

Did you?I wondered. When she said "Yes" I realized I'd said it out loud.

Sorry, Virginia. I guess it's been a long time since I've been among such beautiful women, especially three, I'd explained.

"I like that you feel that way," Virginia assured me as she touched my arm. "Don't apologize. I hope you'll enjoy your summer with us."

I felt my cock starting to harden as I said I certainly shall.

Virginia was wearing black sling back heels, a black silk blouse, demurely buttoned, and a white silk skirt. I couldn't tell if she had on hose, the lighting in the hallway hindered that observation. She did smell fantastic, though. The light didn't affect that. She casually slid her arm through mine as we walked the length of the hall and descended the stairs with her hip occasionally gently bumping mine.

Janet and Elise were standing in the living room when we entered. Both girls were wearing mid-heeled pastel colored strappy sandals, colorful sundresses with gathered tops and straight skirts. Elise's skirt was about four inches shorter than Janet's, which was a couple of inches above her knees. Given the firm appearance of the busts of both, I assumed they were wearing the required bras.

"Let's enjoy a glass of wine, shall we?" Virginia suggested.

Before anyone replied she crossed to the bar and returned bringing an opened bottle and four glasses to the coffee table between the two couches, an arm chair at one end and the fireplace at the other. She sat them down and poured half a glass for each. Elise moved to stand next to me, took a glass from her mother and sat down crossing her legs. When she sat, I glanced down and saw a dark flash of stocking top at the hem of her skirt. Stockings, not pantyhose, I silently hoped.

When Virginia handed me a glass, her hand touched mine. I thought it lingered a little bit longer than necessary. "Enjoy, Jack," she said with a smile.

I took a sip but remained standing until Janet sat down across from me, and Virginia sat in the arm chair. When I sat next to Elise she slipped her free hand into mine hand as smoothly and comfortably as if we held hands every day.

As we enjoyed the wine and made plans for the days ahead, I noticed that as Janet crossed her legs and scooted forward a bit her skirt began to ride up.No stocking top, must be pantyhose,I'd mused.

Virginia's skirt was not as short as either Janet's or Elise's so I couldn't see any hint of stockings or pantyhose, but when she made a casual move with her hand to smooth her skirt my educated eye noticed a telltale bump on the top of her thigh.

Kill me now. I've seen everything,I thought. No one questioned that remark so I must have safely made it to myself. Elise kept her hand in mine with her thumb gently caressing the back of my hand until we moved to the dining room for dinner.

One of the topics over dinner was my photographic expertise. I explained that with my new Nikon D1X and my old D1 I was going totally digital, no film, no developing, only bits and bytes on a card in the camera and computer drive. That I could then manipulate the results in my computer programs. I noted the cards in my cameras were removable and could be replaced mid-shoot if necessary when they filled up, just like a roll of film. I also explained that I typically shot in the highest resolution so the final result could be enlarged to sixteen by twenty inches if desired. I also explained that I could shoot rapid-fire in natural light but was often constrained by the recharging time of the flash in indoor or low light situations. Tomorrow I'll hook up my computer and printers.

"Can you take some now?" Janet asked as we moved back into the living room.

No, I don't think so, I'd explained. It's been a couple of weeks since I used either of the cameras and the batteries probably needed to be charged, which I hadn't done yet.

"Why not find out?" Her gorgeous smile was hard to refuse, my resistance fell so I went into the study, grabbed one of the cameras, the one least used from the last session. I turned it on, and there was a little bit of power left, probably enough for ten to twenty flash pictures. I took the battery out of the other camera and put it in the charger,plugged it in, and went back to the living room.

"How sensitive is digital?" Elise asked, "More than film?"

Yes, and can be more forgiving, too, I'd added. Over the next five to seven years the technology and the capabilities of digital cameras should be amazing.

Janet turned sideways, sat up straight, put one arm on the back of the couch, dropped the other to her side and smiled. I told her with that smile I didn't know if I'd need the flash.

I took three with the flash and five or six without. Tomorrow I'll show you how I can pull detail out of dark pictures, I'd told them.

"Will you take a few of me, too?" Elise turned to look at Virginia, put her hand against the back of the couch, and moved her hips and legs forward. Her skirt rode up in the process, exposing the garter clasp on her left leg. Elise stuck her chest out, and then pulled her skirt up just enough so that the garter clasp on her other leg showed as well. "Make sure that you have me from head to toe. I want to know how well the contrast of the stocking tops will show"

Oh, they'll show because of the darker tan. I'd wondered if my cock was sticking so far out that it'd get in the picture.

Virginia was sitting in the arm chair with an amused grin. "I see taking pictures of my daughters is hard work."

I turned a little red when I noticed she was looking directly at my erection. I didn't know what to do about it except agree. Yes, and getting harder with you watching. I'd remarked.

I took ten shots of Elise, the flash taking longer and longer to recharge each time, signaling that I was about at the end of what I could do. The skirt rode higher on her thighs each time. I swore that on the last four I'd managed to squeeze off that I was getting flashed by her panties.

Virginia wryly remarked, "See why I said that underwear was not optional? Enough of this. Too bad you can't print these tonight."

Yes, it is, I haven't set up the computer or a printer. It'll take some time, I'd informed the women.

"Let's go outside then, and enjoy the cool evening," suggested Virginia, standing and extending her hand to me.

After an hour or so of conversation with more wine and coffee, the conversation turned to me twice trying out unsuccessfully to be a walk-on for the Mizzou tennis team.

"Jack, would you want to play some tennis in the morning?" Virginia asked after she'd finished another cup of coffee.

I'd replied, Sure, but early, while it's still cool. Then afterwards I'll set up the computer and you can see what I took.

After more conversation, Virginia stood, excused herself, touched my cheek with the back of her fingers, and said, "Looks like a nice summer ahead. See you about seven. I'll tell Cindy we'll want breakfast after tennis."

Janet and Elise waited a few minutes before they too stood and said their goodnights. Elise mischievously pulled her skirt up to the top of her stockings.

"You enjoyed seeing my legs in stockings, didn't you? I'll see to it that you get to see a lot of mine before the summer is over. Mom was wearing stockings too, but I'll bet you didn't notice."

I'd thought so, but didn't say it. I reached out my hand and moved my fingers underneath the hem of her skirt and touched Elise's thigh right on the bare skin above the stocking. She jumped a bit, smiled, and dropped the hem of her skirt before both girls walked back into the house.

"Janet, don't be so stodgy. Wear stockings to dinner tomorrow, not those pantyhose," Elise remarked as they walked in.

I sat alone enjoying the cool and quiet of the evening looking across the way towards my family's pool and deck. Images of my sister began to flash across my mind. It had been an evening like this one, only in early June last year. Both Claire and I were briefly home at the same time. She was about to return to San Francisco and me to Princeton for some summer sessions. I'd wandered into the darkened kitchen looking for some liquid refreshment when I heard voices on the pool deck.

A few torches were burning on the edge of the deck as Claire and her boyfrienddu jurewere lounging alongside each other on one of the double chaises. Her top was off and he was enjoying caressing, sucking and licking her beautiful tits. I noticed my camera on the kitchen table. As I moved out of the kitchen into the shadow of the sun structure, I changed the ISO setting for ambient light pictures. Then I'd leaned back quietly drinking my beer and watched.

After five or ten minutes she pulled his polo shirt off and had her hand inside the waistband of his shorts. She began moving her arm as they kissed. Finally she said, "Take 'em off."

He stood, kicked off his Sperrys and dropped his shorts and boxers. To me he didn't seem particularly well hung, her hand almost completely covered his erection.I'm bigger, but aren't we always,I thought. I also knew he didn't compare with some of the jocks I'd seen in the showers at the frat house.

"Pull mine off," Claire said as she reclined and stuck her legs in the air. Her boyfriend obliged and tossed them across the deck along with her panties. I guessed the boyfriend didn't want them running back to her. He began rather awkwardly caressing her thighs while kissing her. She was holding onto his cock and sliding her hand up and down it, not much though, it was pretty short.

She spread her legs and her boyfriend got on top of her. With her hand providing directional help he seemed to be entering her. As he began rocking his hips I recalled her asking, "Are you in?"

"Mmm, yes," he murmured then exclaimed "Oh shit, oh shit, I came. Sorry. Sorry."

As he rolled to the side she said, "Too bad you're a better kisser than a fucker. I'm tired and have to get up early tomorrow. Call me."

As he stood and began hurriedly pulling on his shorts and polo he said, "I don't have your number."

"I'll say," his sister snorted while laying there still unclothed. "See ya."

Evidently he was a guy she'd just met. As the guy walked out the gate, he slammed it closed. She sat up and began looking around for her clothes. I put down the camera after taking another quick picture.

"Want a beer to go with those clothes?" I'd asked as I walked out from the shadow.

"Oh God, Jack you startled me," Claire said clutching her chest with her hand. "How long have you been there? Were you spying on me?"

"Long enough to see you get naked and have an attempted fuck," I said.

Claire turned and sat on the edge of the chaise, put her arms back and rested on her hands. Her breasts were as gorgeous as I'd ever seen them in the few peeks I'd enjoyed over the years. The glow of sexual arousal made her breasts and my sister appear to be more beautiful than ever. My eyes quickly scanned her. Her legs were slightly parted and her neatly trimmed bush was on display.

"If you get me a beer, we can talk," Claire said smiling in the bright moonlight.

"If you stay as naked as you are now I'll get a beer and maybe we can do more than talk," I'd replied moving toward the kitchen.

"Bring a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses and get a real treat," chuckled Claire.

"Red or white?"

"White," she'd responded.

Before walking back out to the deck I kicked off my shoes, pulled off my shirt, and pulled down my shorts and briefs. If she said anything I was planning on telling her that I felt obligated to take off mine since she was nude.

As I walked back across the deck I could feel my erection growing and when I got next to her I was fully erect, all seven inches of me.

"My God, Jack, you've been hiding this from me. Why haven't you done this before?" she exclaimed reaching for my dick and wrapping her hand around it. "It's so beautiful. My hand hardly goes around it." I smiled as I recalled being very surprised when she leaned forward and licked the head before she tentatively took it into her mouth.

"Whoa," I'd said but didn't pull back. "I'm your brother."

"Yeah, and I'm your sister. Who'd be safer to have sex with than you? That premature ejaculator who just left?" she nodded in the direction in which the guy'd left.

"You don't have a problem fucking me?"

"Who said anything about fucking. Wanna eat me?" she asked with a two hundred watt smile.

She turned her body, laid on the chaise and patted the cushion at her side. I moved down next to her. We lightly kissed as my hand tentatively moved to cup one of her breasts. Her moan emboldened me. Our kisses intensified rapidly as our tongues tangled. Breathing heavily she broke the kiss, "Turn, I'm going to lay on top. I never dreamed you were such a good kisser."

I turned and lay flat on my back as she laid the length of my chest and stomach but turned to face my legs. I found heaven as she took me into her warm wet mouth. I began to part her lips and probe her vagina with my tongue. Her scent of arousal was just perfect I recalled thinking as I began to spread her lips more and lick her from her clit to her asshole. As she was jacking and sucking me I found her clit and began suckling on it and playing with it with my tongue and lips.

I heard her groaning and her hips began to buck against me. She took her mouth off my dick. "That's it, right there," and then she began gasping as I felt her orgasm coursing up her stomach.

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