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Anything For A Friend

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Exposing a whole new world to my best friend's daughter.
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It was the waning days of Summer some twenty years ago. I hadn't seen my best girl Beth in a while, but that was understandable as her daughter was about to embark on college on the other side of the country.

I had known Linda before she was Linda, just a bump in her mother's belly. And it was normal for her to call me Aunt as it was the same as mine, referring to Beth as their Aunt. So it wasn't hard to get past Beth's request, and that was to seduce her daughter before she left for college. Although her mom, like myself, is Pro-Penis, she didn't want her to miss out on what can also be excellent, woman-to-woman lovemaking. It can be so soft, yet l recall some of the best pounding my pussy ever had was at the demands of Beth's strap-on. Riding it while my husband took my ass remains to be my best memory ever. But l am sure the love l feel for them both play a big part in it.

We hatched a plan over the phone one night, and it was still two days before we put it into action. l was to spend the night with them as a farewell before she left, and the reason for waiting was our husbands were going on a fishing trip that would take them away until late the next day.

l didn't think much about it, that was until my husband kissed me goodbye before leaving. l can't say l was fixated upon Linda, not that there wasn't reason to, as she was a lovely girl with a body l would kill for. My thoughts were focused more on Beth and all the beautiful times we had shared in our past, with and without our husbands. That said, seeing her daughter was the spitting image of her younger mom. It wasn't hard to bounce back and forth, exchanging the two thoughts.

It was clear that l couldn't wait, so l visited my nightstand, and l took out a few of my favorite toys. Not only cumming once but twice more before l climbed in the shower and headed to their place. I gave my pussy a nice close shave with anticipation of it being pleasured before the night was done. However, satisfied being satisfied, my bean was once again engorged and, at the ready, shrouded behind my lace panties.

Once there, nothing led to our plans. Beth and l have always been touched-feelie with each other, so Linda didn't take much note of that when it happened again. The kiss when l first arrived, which lingered possibly too long, stopped by the clearing of Linda's throat. But it didn't seem to have a significant or lasting impression., other than wetting my kitty.

Bring Summer and the last of it, and we went for a swim sometime after dinner. Beth and l were topless while Linda wore hers, but it was so small it didn't leave much to the imagination. She was a full C-cup without need of support; l recall those days. (damn, kids.)

Beth was laying it on thick, too thick, in my opinion. She was playing a lot of "grab-ass" with me, and although I was enjoying it, l didn't think Linda was. At one point, l was sitting on the loveseat inside of the pool, watching and enjoying what seemed like two versions of my best girl, then and now. Linda went along with her mom, tugging her top off, but when her mom came over to me, stuffing her bottoms in my mouth, that was a bridge too far. Linda screamed, "Mother!" and stormed into the house.

I told Beth to stay there, and l rushed in after her, dripping water off my body along the way. I followed her weeping, which unsurprisingly led me to her room, finding her on top of her bed, sitting Indian style. l went to her and held her close to my bosom, completely non-sexually. Linda cried, "Why, why." without expanding upon it.

I waited until she stopped, and then l assured her that her mom only wanted what was best for her, as did l. Just then, Linda's body shook with a chill, the ceiling fan mostly to blame. l got up and went into the bathroom to fetch some towels. When l returned, l peeled my wet bottoms off, then l reached over and aided Linda with hers. As much as l would have liked to have done such seductively, any woman reading this will know it's more a tug of war than a tool of seduction.

With my towel now snuggly wrapped around my body, l draped Linda's over hers, and l began to dry her off. Kneeling in bed and reaching across at one point, doing so tripped me, and my body fell free, landing my naked breasts on Linda's pretty face. I'm not sure if l waited too long or just long enough as Linda took my hard nipple in her mouth. The warmth felt terrific, and instinct took over; l began to rub my ever-wetter pussy on Linda's silky thigh, which seemed to bring joy to both of us.

I then lowered my body, looking deep into her eyes. It was as if a window to memories past of her mother and the love we shared. At that point, l wasn't sure who l was making love to, nor did l care. Plans out the window; l only responded to Linda and her signals and needs. A long and wet kiss before l moved downward, and each nipple got its due before her giggles as l kissed her toned belly.

She moaned at the feel of my warm breath upon her sweet pussy; l paused to look up at her. "Are you sure?" Her quick response was only to nod yes in agreement. l placed the tip of my tongue low, and her outer lips were well as her legs parted as l continued up. Her bean was engorged, and her response was delightful when l wrapped my lips around it, sucking it as if it was a tiny penis resulting in the same response, my mouth full of cum.

l moved back up her body, stopping to kiss it here and there. Then, another long kiss with her taste still in my mouth. She asked. "May l?" My response should come as no surprise. "Of course."

Although l was pretty sure this was her first time, she was already pretty damn good at it; l later found out she was well practiced, if only in her head. Her mom didn't have anything to worry about, but now she would go on her way without the baggage of wondering. But before then, we were not done by a long shot.

It was late into the night, and the hour l was unsure of. l woke to Linda climbing back into bed. Her apology came quickly for waking me, but l assured her it was fine. She returned to bed and leaned into me; my hot Italian blood assured me of a warm, nesting place. Although her body was on the cool side, l could feel the heat resonating from her sweet vagina, which only got my own heated up.

An innocent kiss on her bare shoulder started it again, two hours of bliss before we yielded to the night again. A change had come over Linda in these few hours as if they were years instead. Linda was far less shy and far more willing, which released me from any hesitation, too.

It was to the morning light and a nudge by Linda that l awoke. "Auntie, do you hear that?"

The sound left no question, not to my ears. It was her mom and her masturbating, with nobody in the house left to join her. We got up, not bothering to dress to investigate. We listened at her door, touching ourselves before gathering up the nerve to twist the knob and open it.

Beth was in the center of the bed, eyes closed and legs spread wide open--an array of sinful toys all about her, one inside being guided by her hand. I wrapped my hands around Linda, filling them with her breasts. l pulled at her nipples as my pelvis bumped her from behind. Her moans drew her mom's attention, and her smile, l told her. "Don't stop on our account." With that, she fed her rubber cock back into her love box, now with her eyes fixed upon Linda and l.

l dropped to my knees and pressed my face into Linda from behind, my tongue darting at both of her holes. Linda rubbed her clit, which caused her to climax hard and quickly; this caused the same response to her mother. Feeling left out, l climbed into the bed, laying on my back. "Come and get it."

l draped my legs on Linda's shoulders while Beth sat on my willing mouth, facing her daughter so she could watch her consume me. l don't recall if Beth or l came first, but afterward, when Linda laid up against her as l once again took her to the promised land, that was what remained burnt in memory for me.

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Dandy96Dandy966 months ago

Very hot. I love hot lesbian stories, and this is good. Dan

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