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Aphrodite's Curse Ch. 011

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Demetrius defeats the Beast of Prion.
4.5k words

Part 11 of the 104 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/10/2016
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Standing on the bow of his ship, Demetrius was overwhelmed with feelings of sadness and loss. His status as an immortal was obviously a wonderful gift from the Goddess, a consolation prize to the curse of constant nudity and eternal frustration, but there was a catch of course. He had been away from his home now for over 53 years and did not appear to be any older than his tender young age of 18 he had been when he started. He realized, as his face was lightly sprayed with the salty sea spray, that everyone he had known in his old life was either dead or very old. Angone, the friend he had tried to save from the Priests of Aphrodite, no doubt has passed to the underworld now perhaps finally able to cum after a lifetime of chastity. His parents and friends, everyone he had ever known, all gone. Whatever the future had in store for him, he had to move forward, as there was no turning back.

His journey to the Island of Prion took 3 months. This quest was going to challenge him like none had before. The legend of the beast of Prion was well known throughout the entire Greek World. Hundreds of years earlier Prion had been a successful and prosperous Kingdom ruled by the handsome young king Alexandros. He not only was king on the island, but was a demi-god as he was the son of the Goddess Hecate and the great warrior Ajax. Born with natural magical abilities and immortal, Alexandros was truly blessed. Sadly, for the subjects of Prion, he also inherited his mother's evil nature and this meshed unpleasantly with the unrelenting sex drive he inherited from his father. As he reached the age of 30, he transformed from a strong young King to a belligerent tyrant as his evil nature only worsened with age. Given his immortal nature and his gifts of magic, the citizens of Prion were helpless to resist.

Alexandros could have probably continued to rule in terror over his island forever, as no human could stop him, but his appetite for soft young female flesh led to his ultimate downfall. Despite having their King a son of Hecate, Prion had for as long as recorded story had Poseidon as their patron God. This served as a source of irritation to both Alexandros and his mother Hecate, but, as Poseidon was an Olympian God, he not only outranked Hecate, his power dwarfed hers. Neither son nor mother could do anything about the continued honor and worship the people of Prion showered on the God of the Sea.

His downfall occurred because of his excessive appetite for female flesh. Standing on the balcony of his Palace one fateful morning he watched as 5 beautiful virgin servants to Poseidon, none older than 19 and at the peak of their desirability, bathed naked in the surf, preparing for the weekly sacrifice. Overcome with lust, he cast a spell of seduction upon them that they were helpless to resist. By the end of the day, rather than preparing for the sacrifice they all knelt nude before Alexandros fighting to have his cock in their eager hungry mouths. The young king smiled as one by one of the beauties, large full breasts swinging free, gobbled his shaft and teased the tip of his cock with their talented tongues. They were helpless to resist as his magic was very strong, but it was not strong enough to resist Poseidon.

The God was furious when he discovered the sacrilege that had been committed by the young king and inflicted a terrible curse on him as punishment. Alexandros was transformed into a hideous creature, his good looks taken from him forever he was banished to a deep cave in the center of the island. Despite his mother's pleas to Poseidon, the Olympian was not moved and would never lift the curse.

Hecate was not powerful enough to reverse the curse Poseidon had cast on her son, so in vengeance she cast her own curse on the whole Kingdom of Prion. Every year a young virgin maiden was to be led to the cave to live with Prion and serve as his slave. Once tasting the cum of Alexandros, she would become immortal, but at the price of her freedom, being trapped inside with Alexandros for a thousand years. Before being taken to her cave the girl was to be locked into a chastity belt that only Alexandros had a key to. Hecate knew this would ensure that at least her son would not be lonely for female companionship and the chastity belt would ensure that he would have his needs serviced well. If the sacrifice was not performed however she would not allow any crops to grow on the Island for the following year, and all would starve to death. The citizens of Prion listened in horror to the curse, but dutifully complied fearing starvation. The sacrifice has been faithfully performed every year for at least 300 now.

As the Kingdom of Prion came into view on the horizon, Demetrius again landed on an isolated patch of beach. He continued to have to be careful as the sight of his Goddess soaked naked body would inevitably cause any woman he encountered to be completely seduced by him instantly. Demetrius had spent the many months at sea pondering how he was going to obtain a lock of hair from the beast, as he was certain that it would not be given willingly. Being familiar with the curse and the annual sacrifice of the young women, he also wondered what he would encounter inside the cave. His heart ached for the poor girls, sentenced to service this horrible monster while also being perpetually in chastity. Looking down at his own denied cock, he felt incredibly mournful as he imagined the pain and frustration of spending hundreds of years denied even human touch. Demetrius vowed that not only would he obtain the lock of hair for his quest, but he would do what he could to help these poor girls.

As he walked further inland, he suddenly saw the entrance to the cave. His blood ran cold as the whole atmosphere surrounding it exuded evil. The rock formed into the shape of a human skull, with the entrance opening through its mouth, which had the appearance of being perpetually locked open in a scream. Demetrius shivered as he realized just how vulnerable he was. Naked, all he had was his spear and the bag which held all of his items from his prior quests, and nothing else. Knowing the reputation of the beast, he could only hope that this was enough. Once inside the mouth, a set of stairs led down into the depths of the cave, and Demetrius followed them to the bottom. All of his senses were on high alert as he realized that he could suddenly be confronted by the beast at any moment.

Reaching the pit of the cave, he discovered he was in the main hall of an underground palace. Hecate had magically enchanted the ceiling to glow so it was mercifully not in darkness. His ears scanning for any sounds, picked up noises coming from a room at the end of the hall. Creeping slowly to the end, he saw that the door was cracked open and Demetrius crouched down and crawled inside, finding a hiding space behind a supporting column. The scene he witnessed filled his brain with anger and hate.

There chained to the wall was one of the girls, still looking as beautiful as the day she entered the cave which could have been hundreds of years earlier. Naked except for the golden chastity belt, she writhed and moaned, obviously overcome with a lust that could never be sated. Through her groans, she begged for release, her large breasts heaving up and down as she panted and writhed in utter erotic agony. From his left, Demetrius heard the laughter of Alexandros, as the beast walked into the light.

He was hideous and his entire body was green and his hair shocking white. Over 7 feet tall he looked quite intimidating and the muscles on his back and arms warned Demetrius that taking a lock of his hair would be no easy feat. Concentrating on the girl in front of him, the beast was still completely unaware of Demetrius's presence. Walking over to her he gently stroked her breast with his enormous hands, causing her instantly to shake and shudder. Reaching down to the lock on her belt, he played with it with his fingers, laughing as she thrashed and begged him to release her. His whole monstrous face twisted in an evil grin laughed as he knelt down and reached out a snake like tongue to lick the lock.

"You ready for your time with me dear girl?" the beast laughed as he ran his fingers up her inner thigh, teasing it with his claw like fingers. Reaching down onto the ground, he opened a bag and then took the key off of his neck and opened the lock removing the belt. Now naked and her pussy free from her prison the girl exploded, violently pushing her crotch into the monster's face, shrieking and crying as she pitifully begged him to touch her. As Demetrius studied the scene, he noticed her whole pussy was glowing gold. Something beyond the chastity belt was torturing her and he sensed that it had something to do with the contents of that bag.

The beast laughed as he watched her fruitless efforts to get off. "Oh yes my dear, I remember you now. It has been some time hasn't it, at least five years. It looks like my powder has been keeping you quite alert while you wait your turn, but I think it is time you had a fresh batch." Reaching into the open bag, he took a handful of glowing gold dust and blew it onto her quivering sex. The touch of it obviously pleased the girl as her moans grew even louder and her thrashing grew more violent. Bending close to her, he grinned as he took a long lick up her pussy which caused her to collapse in violent spasms. Reattaching the chastity belt he locked her back in and unchained her from the wall, replacing the key around his neck.

The girl was hysterical, begging and pleading with the beast to allow her to cum, weeping and kissing his feet. "Well, show your love for me girl, show me how much you want me, and make me want to unlock you." The beast cackled as he lay back on a bed in the corner. The girl practically leapt on him, taking his whole cock in her mouth and kissing and sucking it like a woman possessed. As she worked on him, the beast lazily stroked her ass with one hand and her swinging left breast in the other as he grinned in malevolent glee. Within a few minutes, the beast tensed and shot his whole load into the eager girl's mouth, throwing his head back in pleasure as he erupted into her warm inviting mouth.

Kneeling behind the column and watching this scene take place; Demetrius was both incredibly aroused and completely enraged. The girl was beautiful and watching Alexandros cum in her mouth only made his own situation more desperate as his denied cock throbbed, wishing it too could release its seed. For hours Alexandros was serviced by this girl and seemingly had an insatiable appetite. The beast must have shot his load at least 12 times before finally falling asleep. The girl, cum still dripping from her mouth, curled up on his chest. Tears formed in her eyes in frustration at being denied her own orgasm, coupled with the disgust she felt towards Alexandros, her locked belt reminding her how hopeless the situation was.

As she was just drifting off to sleep, she spotted Demetrius out of the corner of her eye and immediately shot up, almost shouting as the sight startled her. As their eyes locked, he held a finger of to his lips and indicated she should remain silent, which she eagerly obeyed. Demetrius was the first man that this girl had seen in almost 300 years and she finally felt a sensation of hope for the first time since her arrival. She licked her lips at the sight of him as he was simply gorgeous, and this, along with the fact that she had not seen ANY man in so long, and had been teased perpetually since her arrival in the cave, made her almost pass out. Running to him, she instantly attached her mouth to his throbbing cock her eyes glistening in bliss.

Demetrius cupped her chin and brought her face up to his and kissed her. He certainly was enjoying her oral skills, but there was no time for that now, and the curse of Aphrodite would have prevented his release anyway. They had to have a plan. Realizing that the beast could easily beat him in any direct battle, a scheme formed in his mind as he reached into his bag and retrieved the feather of the Phoenix. He explained to the girl that he needed her help, but soon he would free her and the others, but first they needed to act fast. The girl kissed him and assured Demetrius that they had at least an hour as the beast always slept very hard after having his balls drained. Demetrius was to drag the beast over to the set of shackles on wall, trying hard not to wake him. If they were lucky, he would be chained before he woke up, but, if he DID wake up; the girl was given the feather and instructed to use it on Alexandros at the right moment. The sensations of the magic feather should cause him to collapse in uncontrollable laughter for enough time to allow them both to imprison him. He could not be killed, but he could be restrained, and that was enough.

As Demetrius carefully lifted the beast off of the bed and started dragging him over to the chains, he was amazed that he had not awoken yet. His mouth grinned wide as he thought this might be easier than he originally thought. The grin was premature when suddenly his neck was grasped by two powerful green hands. The beast was now awake and also incredibly pissed.

Demetrius was getting his ass beaten, and beaten badly. The beast was on top of him punching him in the face, and although he too was immortal, he could still feel pain and pain was shooting straight down his spine. Scratching his chest with his long fingernails, Demetrius was bleeding profusely at this point. The girl was terrified, but stood in the corner of the room, holding her feather, watching her would be hero getting his ass stomped. As he gasped for air, he cried out to her for help, but she was frozen to the ground in fear. Now rolling on the ground, the bag of gold dust was spilled open onto the floor during the struggle and both Demetrius and Alexandros rolled through it, coating both of their bodies, including their cocks with the magic powder. This turned out to be just the thing to break the stalemate.

The feeling of the powder on his flesh made the violence Demetrius was subjected to even worse. The powder had been designed to tease and torment and it was performing its function perfectly. His balls and cock felt like millions of ants were crawling all over it and despite his pain, he instantly got hard. The beast too was affected as he also was covered and now both man and monster rolled naked on the floor their cocks throbbing in desperate need, locked in a death struggle pounding each other's face. The difference between Alexandros and Demetrius was profound however. Demetrius had just suffered 50 plus years of teasing by various Goddesses, Faeries, Princesses and other beautiful women, so he knew how to deal with denial. The beast however did not, as for the last 300 years he had cum 12 to 15 times a day, so this was a new experience for him and he grabbed his cock in frustration and began to stroke himself furiously. This was just the break Demetrius needed, and he yelled for the girl to attack with the feather.

Kneeling on the floor, desperately stroking his cock with one hand and holding Demetrius by the neck with the other, Alexandros growled and groaned as the sensations were maddening. This was truly ironic, as the powder that he had been blowing on the trapped pussies of his slave girls for centuries was now tormenting him. He had coated them all with this powder, both out of malice but also to drive their desire higher. Knowing that being locked in chastity and having this sensation on their desperate pussy for 5 years would make them incredibly compliant and willing to do ANYTHING to possibly achieve relief. Every five years he would collect the next girl in the rotation and have her service him for a week. After he was finished with that girl, he would reapply the powder and send them back in chastity to his dungeon to suffer and writhe until their next release. Having three hundred willing slaves assured him a constant supply of super eager cocksuckers.

The girl still stood frozen in fear watching the battle ensue. Her eyes filled with tears as she saw her handsome rescuer slowly lose consciousness under the powerful hand of Alexandros. Not knowing what to do, she saw the beast's huge green balls swinging back and forth and thus her opportunity for helping Demetrius presented itself to her. Creeping up behind the beast, she lightly touched the tip of the feather to his testicles and ran the tendrils over both fleshy sacks. Instantly Demetrius was dropped to the ground as the beast collapsed in a fit of hysterical laughter. The teasing power of the feather, coupled with the effects of his own magic powder were too much for the beast to handle. His whole body spasmed as he was reduced to a completely helpless mass of writhing flesh on the floor.

Demetrius, shaking his head clear as he recovered slightly immediately grabbed the beast and slammed him into the wall, quickly shackling his hands and feet. Now he was imprisoned, and as fate would have it, he would never be free again. Still laughing, Alexandros's mind boiled in rage as he spit and hurled vile curses through his laughter. Trembling in pain, Demetrius grinned as he grabbed the beast's hair and snipped off a lock and placed it in his bag. His quest now complete he turned to the girl, his face bleeding and his whole body racked with cuts and bruises, and promptly collapsed at her feet. She cried, not tears of sadness but tears of joy as she slowly ran her foot over the chiseled chest of her savior. She was finally going to be free from her torment and never again would have to serve the hideous monster Alexandros. Exhausted herself, she curled up on his stomach and fell asleep.

A few hours later, Demetrius woke up and lightly kissed the girls face awake. "You are free now! Let's release you from this belt." Walking over to the still shackled beast, he punched him squarely in the face, instantly knocking him out. Grabbing the chain from around its neck, he put the key in the lock of her chastity belt and removed it. Before he could even look up the girl launched herself onto him and planted her gushing pussy on his face. Demetrius was a willing victim of this assault and dutifully used all of his considerable skills on her cunt, licking slowly up and down each warm wet fold, while monitoring her squeals of delight for signs of approval.

Having been imprisoned for so long in chastity, she was insatiable, and he spent the next two weeks licking, sucking and worshipping her pussy constantly. When she wasn't riding his face, she was riding his cock, which to her great delight never softened. Their bodies were twisted together constantly and every lick, kiss or cock thrust from Demetrius caused her almost an instantaneous orgasm that ripped through her beautiful nubile body. Centuries of teasing and denial evaporated over these weeks as she had literally thousands of spasms of orgasmic bliss, wiping out her years of torment and satisfying her needs completely. Finally, she stopped and curled up beside him and kissed him deeply. Demetrius smiled deeply as well; glad he could help release her suffering, and bent down and licked and kissed each of her toes, which to her amazement also gave her orgasms. The girl was now completely, helplessly and hopelessly smitten and wanted to keep him hers forever.

Taking a break from their erotic escapade, they lay together and talked like longtime lovers might. What is your name? He asked and she answered "Melinda". Demetrius explained his curse and his quest, and the girl related her own story of imprisonment and torment. He was sad when she explained that she had to remain in the cave for another 700 years (she had been the first sacrifice) but at least she was free and he had taken care of her needs for centuries. She stroked his face and told him of the hundreds of others imprisoned below and asked him to help them as well. Demetrius gladly agreed, but gulped deep in his throat. His cock strained for release as the passion from this girl had awaked it fully. How on earth would he survive the assault from 300 girls at once that all had this same level of lust. His eyes moistened as he thought of the fate of these other girls, and both went down to free them.


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