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Aphrodite's Kiss

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A kiss is all that it takes to bestow the gift.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/03/2018
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I must have really been out of it the night before, as I didn't recall what happened to me, other than meeting that luscious blonde at the bar and hitting it off with her. What exactly she was doing alone was beyond me, but I remembered that she admitted to being married. I didn't seem to mind her marital status, at least, but then again, why would I? I wasn't her pastor, her confessor, her rabbi, or whatever. It wasn't my job to counsel married spouses or safeguard a marriage that might already have issues (or might not). If she wanted to stray from her wedding vows, as I saw it, that was no fault of mine, even if she did so with me.

Well, she wasn't with me when I awoke, so maybe I dreamed it all, I thought, as I was certainly horny enough last night. I had a high school reunion to attend and I was the only bachelor of the class, though I had certainly been laid enough between various girlfriends, booty calls, flings, etc. I hadn't exactly been faithful to any of my women, either, but again, I just never saw the point of it all. The monogamy deal seemed to me nothing but an exercise in deliberately frustrating oneself and others as some kind of bizarre and completely unnecessary sacrifice for the sake of love. This brought to mind something that the blonde had told me and it jived with everything that I had ever really believed about affairs, romance, relationships, marriage, etc.

"Love was never meant to be so cruel. It's not about forsaking others. It's about embracing each other. Whoever wanted to make people choose between lovers was a sadist," the blonde crystallized what I had always known, deep down, about love and sex: it was never meant to be exclusive.

The events were still a haze, but recalling those words, I now realized that it was no drunken fantasy. I had really taken this ravishing fair-haired beauty to my hotel suite and bed, enjoyed her company and her body as she had apparently enjoyed mine, and passionately bonded with her in ways that were hard to describe. One thing was sure: she was no virgin, though she reminded me a lot of Kimberly Perry from the Band Perry in that one song and video "If I Die Young." Well, that is, she reminded me of her in appearance. She had a far more carnal attitude than Kimberly did, though, thankfully.

The blonde lady was elegant, intelligent, charming, opinionated, and very ardent, to say the least, and yet she was gone in the morning. I couldn't quite grasp why she left me before I could wake up, unless she feared her husband's wrath or something. I wondered if he had any idea of what kind of woman his wife he really was. In any case, I felt a greater confidence that I had done the right thing by staying single and avoiding marriage, at least the form that it took these days, all full of chivalry, monogamy, and other absurdities. I didn't mind courtesy, but people feeling entitled to special treatment while claiming equality was the worst sort of hypocrisy in my book.

That was when I noticed the scroll. It had a very strange form of writing on it, definitely not in English, and since I hadn't learned whatever dialect this was, I was very confused as to what the blonde wanted to tell me. I saw red lipstick on the signature, so for fun, I brought it to my lips, and that was when I felt a chill go up my spine. The next thing that I knew, a new infusion of power or strength, like an electrical charge or current, shot through my body, through my veins, through my nerves, bones, muscles, cartilage, etc. I felt more awake, more alert, than ever, and my hangover was gone for good.

This was when I looked at the scroll again and could actually understand the words on it. They were in an ancient dialect of Greek, of course, but what they claimed was truly astonishing.

Dear Phil

If you're reading this, then I have left you already. It was a great tryst and I hope to do it again, but we can't have a regular, long-term relationship or anything like that. It just wouldn't work, not with you being a mortal man and me being, well, me. You'll understand well enough, in fact, when I elaborate. What I have done for you is what needed to be done. I have given you the gift that I give to a handful of mortals in history, that of my kiss. Aphrodite's Kiss. If you kissed the lipstick on this note, you have it and can now read my words, whereas before neither was true.

You see, my dear young man, yes, I know that you see yourself as older, but to an immortal goddess, well, you're still very young...I am Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, Beauty, and, well, Sex. I was called Venus by the Romans, but Aphrodite is both truer to my name and to my nature. This comes to the next matter, and I know that it has always been a sore spot for you, because I know you like the back of my hand, even though you don't know me. You see, my dear Phil, I am also your mother. Yes, that's right. You, my dear boy, are a son of Aphrodite, just like Aeneas. I conceived you, bare you, and then gave you to your father to raise. If you ever wondered why you had a single dad for a while, that was it.

No, your father never knew the full truth. I couldn't explain it to him. He just wouldn't understand. But you get it now, don't you? It's not that I didn't wish to raise you, it's that I had to sacrifice motherhood for the greater good, sad to say. This wasn't the first time and it won't be the last. I'm made to breed, but not to nurture. I'm made to make many men and women happy and spread joy and love and lust, you get the idea, but not to attend PTA meetings and Little League and play dates. I'm just not very domesticated, I'm afraid.

In any case, I adore you and care very much for you, and given that I don't have to worry about any genetic consequences, I feel the urge to make sweet love to you...and also to fuck you. I must also give you the ability that comes with the Kiss, my Kiss. This gift will bless you with a special bond with every person that you kiss on the mouth, men and women alike. It doesn't matter who else they are with at any given point. They may or may not continue those other relationships, and naturally I hope that they do, as sharing is best, but they will permanently crave and ache to serve you, ahead of everyone else. These people will adore and admire you, lust for you, bond with you, pleasure you, and even live at your beck and call. They will be your playthings, your personal cum-sluts, your sex toys, if you will.

Yes, I know that this goes against everything that you were taught or raised to believe, but trust me, this is for the best. Free will is never more than a half-truth at best, and it has been abused by mortals in any case. It has been corrupted by society's perverse moral code and laws, so mortals need to be released and liberated from both free will and the dictates of the community which supersede it. It's for their own good.


Aphrodite, aka Mom

P.S. I'm pregnant to you now, so make sure that you make one of your new sluts your wife. The baby will need a stepmother. None of the others will mind and your blushing bride will never reproach you about other women. She'll be far too enthralled by you to even consider it.

I shook my head in disbelief, unable to quite grasp what to think or say about this situation. How often does one find out that one's mother is an immortal goddess, or that one slept with his own mother, and thus slept with, and impregnated an immortal goddess? For that matter, how often does one find out that one's mother/goddess/lover has given one a gift of some kind that will take effect every time that you kiss someone? I had the high school reunion going on that night, so there was plenty of opportunity to possibly exploit my new advantage.

I hadn't exactly been hitting a dry spell, to be sure, but much of that was my wealth and success (Mom, how much of that did you help along...I have my suspicions) helping me along. I wasn't ugly, of course, though not dashing, either (apparently, from what I could tell, Mom's beauty countered Dad's homeliness quite well, but even sleeping with Dad certainly proved that she wasn't shallow...I mean, the Goddess of Love actually went to bed with the likes of him!), but I was a bit older now, and so there were always younger women who thought me a creep just for being older. That is, until I would bring out the money, then suddenly, I was a stud and got plenty of female attention. Others liked me as I was, no mention of money (though I never hid it, nor did I flaunt it), but my looks didn't hurt. I didn't inherit Dad's baldness, thankfully, though my hair and beard now had a few silver streaks due to hitting my late thirties.

"Well, nothing for it. Time to freshen up and hit the breakfast buffet," I thought aloud, "thanks, Mom. I guess that I was right in thinking that someone had been looking out for me in several cases. It certainly explains that time that I didn't drown."

I tried to rush through my shower, but found my hands busy stroking myself as I washed, evidently full of lust and hunger for some serious booty. I felt the intense arousal all through brushing my teeth, combing my hair, and getting dressed, too. It was a powerful surge of lust far beyond even the boner that I had, and I knew that it was somehow connected to Aphrodite's Kiss. I just didn't know how it caused me to be so damn horny all of the sudden.

As I left the room for the breakfast buffet, I encountered the maid that the hotel sent to clean up the suite, of course. She looked about twenty or so in age and I felt the intensity of my lust grow even stronger, especially after I handed her a ten and she looked at me as if I were some kind of god. That was funny, wasn't it? This was a fine hotel. Were guests typically ungrateful and stingy to that extent these days that they didn't tip the staff? Bugger them! Those were the same lot that probably whined about taxes, but didn't spread the wealth whenever they got a tax cut.

"What's so strange?" I asked the girl after she stared at me some more, even as I slipped Mom's note into the left front pocket to keep others from reading it.

"Sorry, sir, it's just that most of these guys don't tip me and the women are often even worse about it. Usually because they think that I'm after their husbands or boyfriends or whatever and the men are often afraid to tip me in case their wives or girlfriends get jealous. It's usually single men who tip me, truth be told. Sorry, didn't mean to talk too much," the girl apologized twice now.

"Shhhh...It's cool. Keep the ten and this as well," I handed her a second ten now, just to spite the assholes who didn't tip her...gutless and jealous bastards, all of them.

"Oh, thank you, sir! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she actually hugged me in her sincerity and on instinct I pulled her in for a kiss.

The effect was truly electric. Something...changed in her face, in her eyes, in her whole expression, as my mouth enclosed her cool lips. It was lust...plain and simple, raw, burning, primal, animal desire. I felt it, too, and before I knew it, her skirt was raised, while my hands made short work of her underwear and my tongue descended upon her...dick? This did nothing to dissuade me, as I planted kisses on the head of her prick and even on the hairless balls. I flipped her over and spread her cheeks to rim her ass, tonguing that crack as if my life depended on it in fact. I felt her softly groan and moan as I lubed up my cock and her cornhole to ease into her bottom at last.

"You're from Thailand?" I asked now, as she pushed back at me with fervent lust that few could imagine if they didn't experience it first.

"Philippines, Manila...oh, fuck me, sir!" she begged for more as I plowed her backfield good and hard.

"Good know what you want and what I want, too. I want to plunder the booty and then you can get back to work, of course. I'm going to fuck your sweet ass good and hard!" I declared as I hungrily ravaged her luscious bottom, taking her for all that she was worth.

"Fucking take me...please! Take me whenever you want! I'm... yours!" the maid declared with heated lust, her urge to take it balls deep in her asshole stronger than ever.

"This ass is mine, isn't it, now? I own it! Push back harder at me if you agree. Use your sweet hips!" I egged her on, playing for keeps...I decided that she was my date for the reunion and anyone who didn't like it could suck an egg.

"Yes...this! It's your ass! You own it, sir!" the young woman bit her bottom lip as she took every inch of my thick cock up her tush and pushed back eagerly at me.

Not two or three minutes later, my new companion spilled her load onto the carpet and I erupted in her asshole. She panicked now at what just happened to the floor, so I grabbed handkerchief and used it to wipe up whatever I could. I then caressed her face and made a quick decision. She would never have to work here again, not if she didn't want it. She was mine. I was keeping this one in every sense of the word, and if anyone didn't approve, that was too fucking bad. She'd have to share me, of course, but any lover of mine would, and she would never have to work or struggle or worry about her future again. I had made her my bitch largely by accident rather than design, but having done so, she was my responsibility and I would take care of her for the rest of her life.

"Here, let's clean you up and then you're coming with me to the breakfast buffet. You're not working here anymore. Let them fire you. Or just tell them that you quit. Either way, you're mine now. I'm keeping you. Just understand that I'm not the faithful sort, so you'll have to share. I don't expect you to be faithful, either, though. The point is that and me, it's for keeps. It's permanent. Deal?" I asked the girl, but the glassy look in her eyes spoke volumes as I cleaned her up.

"Yes...Master," she told me as she dove in for a kiss, which I gave her back with a lot of tongue, open-mouthed and messy.

"You're my slut now, aren't you? What's your name, honey?" I asked her directly.

" the wine, sir," she answered me, biting her lower lip again as I fondled her bottom and kissed even harder.

"Well, Madeira, breakfast is now on me. Every meal of yours in the future is on me, unless it's on somebody else. You'll never have to work or pay for anything again. This is your life. You're also my date tonight for my twentieth high school reunion. You'll be staying with me in the suite and everything. How does that sound?" I teased her as I helped her make herself presentable for the public.

"I'm your girl, Master. Always your girl. Forever," Madeira swore to me.

"That's what I thought, baby. You'll never regret it. I promise you that," I assured my new lover of her permanent status.

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OpenWordsOpenWordsalmost 3 years ago

People that believe as the main character does are either not parents, or they are shit parents. Monogamous relationships exist for the safety and well being off children. It's kind of simple to understand. But stupid will stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

girl = no penis. 1 - learn to annotate whats in your story.

falcon72falcon72about 4 years ago

If you are going to include transgender, tell the reader upfront. Not everyone wants to read about it.

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2ualmost 5 years ago
Gay sex out of nowhere?

Really, gay sex just out of nowhere. 1* to punish for mis representing your story.


I loved it will be writing more. People who tell you that it's shirt should try and do better.

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