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Aphrodite's Kiss Ch. 11

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Phil takes over a police station.
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Part 5 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/20/2019
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"Sergeants Fuller and Sinclair, what's going on?" the desk sergeant greeted Ernie and Kara as I led the rest of the group behind them.

"Never you mind that," I told him, much to his annoyance, "Bubba, huh? Could you any more redneck?" I read his nametag.

I then pulled the lanky, middle-aged, mustached man up to my lips and kissed him hard on the mouth, watching the shock on his face as he became putty in my hands.

"Mom, feel free to use him as you please," I invited Mom.

Mom being Mom, she planted her sweet ass on Bubba's desk and lifted the chiton that was her only article of clothing just enough to shove his face into her gash. The man's donut was quickly forgotten as he tasted something far more delicious: Aphrodite's cunt. Of course, Bubba didn't know that this was the Goddess of Love who he was eating out, but he knew that she had an intoxicating scent to her twat and she was very juicy with that creampie left behind by various men. Being under my spell, he had to obey me, anyway, but even without that, Mom was sure to bring him to heel. There was no way in the world that Bubba would able to deny Mom the use of his tongue in her slit.

"Well, that's no donut, but I bet that it has a very nice cream filling for you to eat," I laughed as I kissed Mom hungrily on the lips and led our group past the desk into the station at large.

"Wow, you got that easily past Bubba Billings. Nobody does that!" Michelle exclaimed as I walked over to more desks in the station and the cops stared at the large, motley collection of folks now joining them.

"I need everyone's attention for just a second," I flashed a light at them just enough to drive my point home and throw them off balance.

While these were all cops and thus presumably at least somewhat tough, the combination of surprise, the sheer number of folks in my company, the inclusion of cops in my own harem, and the flashlight helped to throw them all off their balance. That was all I needed to rush the next target, a rookie with a coppery red bob and hazel eyes who startled as I grabbed her and kissed her with no small amount of tongue. When she kissed me back with equal fervor, that really stunned her companions, especially when I began to unbutton her uniform blouse and tear off her bra. Her breasts, small but perky, were now on display to the whole station.

I then took her veteran partner, an older woman who looked to be in her fifties with glasses and iron-gray hair, and also planted a lip lock on her, making her reel with shock. That amazement was especially true once I opened her top and tore off her bra as well. Neither woman made a move to stop me and now their tits were exposed to their colleagues on the force as well as my group. I unzipped each of their pants in a hurry and other stood there as the trousers dropped to their ankles, showing everyone their underwear.

"Good girls ... very nice! Just stand there that way for now," I smiled at the others as the sounds of Mom moaning from Bubba's tongue inside her gash reached our ears.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want?" one of the other officers finally spoke, running toward me to confront me.

Without my own volition, almost as if acting independently of me, my left hand shot out and hurled the man against the wall with incredible force. Well, I thought, I've really done it now. I've assaulted a police officer and in a way that no one could actually prove that I did, yet everyone in the room would know that it was me. Not even my fingertips touched the guy, yet he was thrown back with so much power that he suffered a concussion. Mom looked over at me and winked, making it clear to me that she had used my hand as a vessel to display her power and protect me, much as before at the park. That she could do that mid-climax was a truly staggering feat, but she was Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, after all.

"What the actual ... fuck?" another officer asked me and I walked over to him, kissing him as he tried to back away from my lips.

"I'm not gay... , " he started to protest, but it was in vain.

"Who said anything about being gay, buddy?" I asked him as I unbuttoned his shirt and unzipped his pants in front of everyone.

Two more officers tried to attack me, but I sent them flying across the desks, knocking over two cans of soda, three boxes of donuts, and a lamp. This loud commotion got the lieutenant's attention and he came out with two detectives from homicide to face whoever made a scene in his station. We were in a stand-off for several seconds before he cleared his throat.

"Who are you and why are you taking my officers hostage? Why are you holding up my station?" he demanded to know as I drew closer, my flashlight still in my right hand.

"Come closer to me and you'll understand better," I told him.

Drawn by curiosity, if nothing else, the lieutenant and two detectives closed in on me, at which point I grabbed him by the nose and slid my tongue inside his mouth before he could stop me. I Frenched him in front of his detectives and pulled back, watching the glassy look in his eyes as he transformed into another minion of mine. Whatever I did or didn't do with these unattractive folks was immaterial, of course. What mattered was making them my puppets, my cohorts. If I never kissed them again, once would be enough to make them my thralls now. I controlled them through love, even if a bit one-sided for now.

"Your turn," I told the detective to the lieutenant's right, kissing him before moving on to the other homicide cop, a rather short and slender black woman in her late-30s.

"And now yours," I told her, puckering up and feeling all eyes on me as she joined the others in my service.

That was when Mom came yet again and slid off Bubba's face to use her powers to heal and repair everything and everyone damaged. The three healed officers walked over to me now and tried again, but Mom froze them in place just long enough for me to kiss them as well. When they thawed out, they were already my bitches and they knew it. I looked around and realized that basically everyone in the common areas was mine. I chuckled and took the lady detective's hand as I walked toward the dispatch room.

Before anyone could stop me, I opened the door and walked down the aisle, kissing each police dispatcher as quickly as their heads turned to face me. All but two were female, including the boss, out of eight of them. I looked at the roster, compared their names to their faces, and compiled a list of which dispatchers were now my sluts. I had nothing but respect for their jobs, of course, but I fully intended to dominate this town and the more people I controlled by making them fall in love with me the better.

I then went to the interrogation rooms, grabbed each cop and kissed him or her, followed by the suspects and witnesses, after which I went to the holding cells. I kissed the duty cop there and she blushed a very pretty pink in response. I then called each of the inmates up to the bars, predicting correctly that all of them would come up to the bars where I could kiss them as well. I chuckled as I took down their names, too, along with that of the duty cop.

I looked around me and realized that I had just taken complete control of the local police station in this part of town. They were all mine now, cops, suspects, inmates, witnesses, etc. I could open the cell doors and fuck the inmates in front of the duty cop and she would do whatever I asked while I did so. They would do my bidding in all things and that suited me just fine. Yes, this was just fine by me.

"All of you, my name is Philip Larusso. I'm a major captain of industry about to retire from business and move here. I will be running for mayor and taking over this whole damn town. I'm also a son of Aphrodite, who I can see that you've met. Yes, this is my mother, Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Sex. I'll keep in touch with each of you, though no doubt, you've got work to do. Even so, we can take a little break, can't we?" I returned to the common area and said as I lifted the lady detective's skirt to slide her panties down to her ankles.

"Panties are mine, babe. What's your name?" I asked her.

"Danielle ... Savary," she told me, removing her wig, "don't remember me, Phil? We were once seniors together and I was a majorette. I flashed you my spankies more than once and followed you into the men's room and lockers some days right after school, where we had a fling that I'll never forget. You fingered and ate my butt and it felt so great! I'm sorry that I ... pretended not to know you after that, but I was dating Reggie Parsons, and well, you know. It was hard enough being the black majorette dating a white wrestler and neither of our parents approve of that. I guess ... that. Plus, I was ashamed of cheating on him with you."

"Ah, Dani ... Yes, I remember that you took my virginity, as it happens. Did you know that? I also remember that you were cold as hell to me afterward, far more than before. I wondered why and now I know. Didn't want the jocks to know that you'd humped a nerd, particularly behind his back. You married Reggie, as I gather. When did you?" I asked Dani, who actually burst into tears.

"Right ... after grad. I ... was pregnant, Phil. I didn't know which of you was the father, so I gladly accepted Reggie's offer of marriage, which even his parents had to accept because they assumed that he knocked me up. That was a very short marriage, before Reggie ... left me and remarried. I've been divorced ever since. He was no great loss. Just a local bigwig's son, that's all. You see, when the baby came out, they ran some tests at his parents' request. They never quite trusted me. The blood types didn't match.

"My daughter is yours. I named her Philippa Amelia Savary. I never told a soul who the father was, just admitted that she wasn't his and they agreed to get me into the Police Academy once the child didn't need me to nurse her. I never chased you down for paternity for one simple reason. I was ashamed that I had been ... ashamed of you. Besides, that was a lot of resources and I had no reason to expect you to come back filthy stinking rich. I changed my name back to Savary and moved on with my life," Dani confessed to me, bringing tears to my eyes as well.

"And that, my dear son, is why I didn't keep other men out of her pants over the years. You'd already bred her. Your daughter by her was a surprise that I wanted to spring on you, sooner or later, during this trip, thus getting to meet my granddaughter. Lovely girl, too. Nineteen years old, honey-colored all over, reminds me almost of Beyonce or Mariah Carey or Jessica Alba in a few of her roles, except that her hair is fairer than that. By the way, thank you for telling my son the truth about his daughter at last. His only child ... so far, not counting the ones being made today, who are still very early stage zygotes, not kids," Mom explained as she drew Dani close for a kiss of her own.

"I loved it when you kissed me and claimed me, by the way. I couldn't believe my good luck! I'm surprised that you didn't recognize me, but I have changed and I was probably a rather painful memory. Or maybe it was the wig," Dani said.

"Yeah, it was the wig for sure," I said, caressing her cheek as I admired her still toned body.

"When you took my hand, I ... got so wet, honey! I've never wanted anything more than right now ... I want you to give Philippa a baby brother or sister!" Dani bent over and let me slip inside her rather juicy snatch.

"Do it, son! Knock her up! You're Philippa's Daddy? I can see the resemblance for sure!" the older lady cop from earlier shouted.

"Yeah, give it to her! Pound her sweet pussy!" the jailer told me, no one even caring right then about work.

After all, they all worked for me now. The rookie cop with the bob rubbed my ass while I pushed in and out of Dani, adding to our shared arousal. The older lady cop breathed hard on my neck and the duty officer from the holding cell started kissing my spine all the way down. I was the cock of the walk in that station at least, as proven when I gestured for Michelle and Missy to take on the lieutenant in a threesome and he took it as an honor to get my sloppy seconds.

When Mom began rimming Dani, she all but lost any sense of decorum, curling her toes and moaning like a porn star while I thrust in and out of her soaking wet cunt. As we fucked, Dani started talking about how much she wanted me to meet Philippa ... and fuck her, too. I was more than happy to consider that option, given that I was already more than a little involved in incest as it was. When Madeira started sucking my balls, it made things even tougher in terms of self-control, causing me to bottom out in her delightful snatch.

"We should name this one after my mother. Aphrodite Regina Larusso," I proposed, making her moan a bit, "I think that my mother can ensure that she's a girl, can't she?"

"Oh, that I definitely can ... and will. At least one girl, maybe twins," Mom told me between licks to Dani's pucker, causing the detective to gasp and curl her toes in response.

"You ... you'd give it your name? Our baby, that is? You'd claim her as yours?" Dani's voice cracked, even as I spent my load inside her.

"Hell, yeah, hon. You were a scared young lady, that's all. No sense in punishing our kid at all for that. It wasn't as if I ran out and proclaimed you my lady love, either. I was scared of Dad to an extent, probably in vain, more worried that my stepmother would use this as ammo against me, as she seemed to hate my guts. She went out of her way to make my life miserable to be sure, though I paid her back in spades, much to Dad's grief.

"Anyway, you cheated on Reggie, I cheated later, so did Heather, so did Mrs. Cohen here. I doubt that Reggie was a poster boy for fidelity, either. He was a jock, could have a lot of girls, after all. That's life. I get it, okay? I care for you, the mother of my first child and soon at least one more of my children. It's not their fault, anyway, so if Philippa ever wants my surname, she can have it, too," I said as I caressed Dani's face lovingly.

"So, who's your next lucky victim?" the girl with the bob asked me with a wink.

"You, since you asked so nicely," I took her in my arms and bent her over to slip her pants over her shoes and enter her from behind, "what's your name, cutie?"

"Ashley ... Bird," she told me with a gasp as I drove balls deep into her slick, warm pussy and slapped her bottom good and hard.

"Well, Ashley Bird, I daresay that you got your wish, didn't you?" I asked her as Mom began rimming her now.

"Yesss ... oh, fuck me ... oh ... fucking God! You really are a son of ... Aphrodite!" Ashley reacted sharply with a deep breath as I rammed her harder still, "you can still get it up again so ... soon!"

"Yes, he's my son and he makes me prouder every fucking day. I adore him! I love him so fucking much! Yes, I'm the Goddess of Love, and so, fittingly, I'm in love with my own son!" Aphrodite, my own sweet mother, admitted aloud at last just how she really felt about me.

"Mom ... really?" I choked back tears and focused on screwing this delightful young woman beneath me whose wondrous moons excited me.

"Yes, honey. I'm a promiscuous romantic, but I am the Goddess of Love, so I have my sentimental side for sure. I love how randy and lusty you are, not to mention how sweet you are to me and others. I love my husband and would never leave him, but I also love you. My love for Hephaestus doesn't diminish mine for you, nor does my love for you reduce my love for him. Nor does his love for his nymphs decrease his love for me or vice versa. Now, please, fuck this sweet young thing harder and rougher as she wants it while I eat her delicious ass!" Mom encouraged me during her true confession of love for me before she got back to licking Ashley's pucker.

I certainly needed little encouragement to ram Ashley good and rough, bottoming out inside her luscious twat. She bucked her hips even harder as she took me deep inside her juicy slit, my hands warming those freckled buns in the process with a couple more swats to her lovely flesh. The way that she bit her lower lip make it apparent how much she enjoyed me taking her so vigorously, each quiver and darkening of her flesh making it obvious that she came on me. Every last stroke was glorious as I took her with a furor.

"Cum ... in ... me ... please! I want your love child, too! I want to carry the grandson of Aphrodite in my womb! Knock me up, you stud! Dirty old man ... I love dirty old men!" Ashley confessed her existing attraction to older guys, much to my satisfaction as I spilled my seed in several ropes inside her yummy gash.

"Honey, no dirty old man hates to hear those words, trust me on that!" I winked at Ashley before slipping her some tongue.

"You're next, ma'am," I took the older lady and turned her over to slide inside her delectable snatch from behind, "who are you, babe?"

"You ... you ... called me ... babe?" she reacted with as much surprise from that as from me pumping good and hard in out of her slit with my cock that was still soaked in other women's juices.

"Of course. I always use pet names or endearments for all of my ladies, and once I've made you mine with the Kiss, you're one of my ladies, period. Get used to it, lady," I told her with a smack to her tush, making her jump and push back hard at me.

"Get used to this, too," Mom told us as she stopped rimming this new woman long enough to kiss her directly on the rosebud, "I just made you younger and fertile again, at least long enough for him to breed you as he wishes to do. Think it an honor, as he is the son of a Goddess, after all."

"I'm ... Marjorie Nowak. I'm originally from Prague in the Czech Republic, but have lived in West Virginia for years now. I don't even remember Prague that well ... oh, God ... take me like that, yes!" she pushed back with a vigor that strongly hinted that she kept very good care of herself.

"Well, honey, don't write Czechs your body can't cash!" I punned playfully as I pinched her buns.

"Yeah, well, Czech this out!" Marjorie teased me a bit more as Mom licked her butt-crack and she herself tightened up on my cock, forcing me to cum deep within her slick and gooey walls.

"And you, what's your name?" I asked the duty cop from the holding cells as I kissed Marjorie hard on the mouth.

"Adrienne Comeaux. I'm from Baton Rouge. You want some of this Cajun delight?" my newest partner teased me as I slid in and out of her bald and juicy snatch.

"Naturally, babe," I slapped her fine Cajun ass as I pumped her and Mom began to lick her derriere.

Adrienne knew her stuff and she blushed so sweetly even as she said the wildest, kinkiest things. She clearly adored sex, but also enjoyed the guilty pleasure aspect of it, even if she knew intellectually that there was nothing wrong with it. It was the rush of desire and passion as I took her from the back. It was absolutely phenomenal and the best possible lay to wrap up the fun and games at the station before moving on to the various houses we had in mind.

"Just for the record, Tracy and Gina never really hated you as much as you thought. Your stepmother resented being attracted to you once you grew older, plus she despised how much you didn't seem to need her. You were already so independent at your young age, plus shockingly nerdy for an Italian kid, and well, you get the idea. You weren't easy to control, nor was your father as much as she hoped, so the contest of wills was pretty intense.

"I know that you resent her and rightly so, but your father needed her in some way and I advised him to get a stepmom for you, though I hardly needed to do so. He cared for her, but he also thought of you as his pride and joy. She also knew that you loathed her. Strangely, you never despised Gina and you seemed to forgive her dislike for you due to her being taught that way. I think that they both miss you by now, though, as lonely as they are.


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