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Apocalypse Slaves Pt. 16

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In a desolate future, survivors must scrap a living.
11.6k words

Part 16 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 10/13/2016
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Apocalypse Slaves Pt. 16

By: AlexClayton/DieselJester


Author's Notes: Model based off of "Val/Valerie" from the game Lust Epidemic.


CHAPTER 1: The Last Lottery

Well... I guess that I've had a good life... Val thought despondently as she looked at her name flashing on the screen from the results of the last lottery for the Seattle-Tacoma Hab. While whatever that was going on in the midwest had prompted the governor to suspend the lotteries in the future, this one had still been underway and it was impossible to stop once the Hab AI Computers started it. After 8 years of getting her degree at university and then 20 years of teaching secondary school after that, Val was retired and was eligible for the lottery for the first time as she had yet to find another role in which to contribute to society. She'd put in an application to start teaching at the Sea-Tac Hab University in the fall, but her application hadn't been fully reviewed yet. Now it would be ignored as she was going to be expelled from the Hab by the end of the week.

So, at the age of 46, Val would be heading out into the horrors of the wastes for the first time. It made her wonder how long she would last.

Depressed about what her immediate future now held, Val went into the bathroom and took off her clothes to drown her sorrows in a hot shower... probably one of the last she'd ever take again. Before she even got to that point, she rested her hands on the counter by the sink and hung her head for a moment. Then she looked at herself in the mirror. She had the face and body that anyone half her age would be the envy of; light, sun kissed skin, a face that still radiated youth and beauty, big green eyes, and an hourglass figure with hips and a bust that wouldn't quit defying gravity. The only thing that betrayed her middle age was her grey hair that she kept cut short. She stood up and rubbed her big, supple breasts... large DD Cups... with soft pink nipples that only had the slightest bit of sag to them, knowing that they'd be the target of raiders up and down the west coast. Val knew that she'd have to lay low and keep out of sight the moment she was out of the Hab if she wanted to remain free.

With a heavy sigh, she got into the shower, cranked the heat up as far as she could stand it, and lay down on the floor, letting the falling water wash away her worries for now. She could do this... she figured. She was an intelligent, educated woman who'd spent years studying and even more years teaching so that her students could have a better shot at life. Some had been victims of the lottery, being expelled from the Hab over the years, but most had made it and succeeded. And now they were the legacy that she'd be leaving behind. Despite having on again/off again lovers over the years, she never did settle down and have children of her own. Her students were her children and it pained her that she'd now be leaving them behind. But, on the other hand, now she'd be putting her education to the practical test and she hoped that she was ready for it.

After a while, she reached up to the shower's shelf and retrieved one of her dildos there. As she'd taught her students, especially the girls, one of the keys to survival out in the wastes was to get into the survival mindset, even if that meant preparing yourself for the total worst case scenario. In her case, that would be capture and being forced to breed. So she closed her eyes, spread her pussy open wide, and rubbed her slit with the dildo to warm herself up, all the while picturing that she was being taken by raiders. It's a fantasy that she'd role-played out before with a couple of her lovers... men who'd fancied themselves as tough guys or pretended like they were the mythical Caine or something.

Once she was wet, Val roughly plunged the dildo into herself. She shoved it in hard and deep as she figured a raider would do. At the same time she arched her back and cried out from the sudden wave of pleasure that shot up her body. Once she was spent, she let the dildo slip out of her as she just laid on the floor of the shower and let the water cascade down upon her. Then she rolled into a ball and cried, mourning the loss of everything around her and possibly the loss of her own life or freedom should she be caught by raiders out in the wastes. It wasn't fair. This last lottery shouldn't have even taken place but it is what it is. At least she'd go out knowing that no others would have to suffer her fate from the Hab again.

She just hoped that she'd survive long enough for whatever was happening out east would make life better for everyone. Maybe, just maybe, this was the dawn of something greater.

Val just didn't hold her breath that it'd come.


CHAPTER 2: Expulsion and Capture

With all of her affairs in order, and her standard issued survival backpack strapped onto her back, Val slowly trudged forward in the line of the unlucky winners of the lottery. She took a deep breath as she passed through the gates of the Hab knowing that she'd never return.

Noticing that many of the exiles were forming groups and heading east or north, which led further inland, Val struck off by herself heading southeast towards Mount Rainier. There were lakes and streams on and around the mountain that she could settle down next to and maybe find an old cabin to fix up. What she didn't want to do was follow the crowd as they would draw the attention of the raider gangs in the area that inevitably showed up on Exile Day.

Val walked on alone for a couple of days, keeping off of the old roads and camping off of trails. If traders came along, she hid. If she found tracks that were recent, she went the other way. After three days, she made it to the base of the mountain and started looking for the old trails, maps, and visitor centers that might've survived the Flare. If there were any, they'd be on the eastern side of the mountain that would've shielded it when the deadly solar strike happened all those years ago.

Her heart sank on the fourth day when she found one such cabin. Smoke from the old, rustic chimney told her that the cabin was already occupied. She'd have to move on. Then she paused as she realized that there were a lot of tracks around the old building along with a lot of gear strewn about. That meant only one thing; raiders. She'd stumbled across a party that was obviously using this cabin as a base of operations. Val needed to leave quickly before she was spotted.

Moving slowly at first, she backed up while keeping the cabin in sight. There were a couple of raiders coming out in their shabby clothes and ramshackle armor made out of leather and scraps of metal. She backed right into a tripwire that shook a nearby tree and jingled a bunch of cans that were tethered together by a chain. The two raiders at the cabin looked her way, picked up their pipe rifles, and charged right for her.

Val turned and ran full out through the woods, knowing all too well what was going to happen if she was caught. Shouts of alarm erupted from behind her, alerting the others in the area to her presence. Val now tore through the underbrush, heedless of where she was going or what the branches and foliage was doing to her clothes.

When she broke into a clearing, she heard a loud metallic pop from her left. A second later a net wrapped around her body, ensnaring her arms and legs and knocking her to the ground. She immediately tried unwrapping herself from the netting but it was too late. It gave the raiders and all of their nearby patrols time to get to her and surround her. She was captured.

With a heavy sigh she realized that despite all of her knowledge and education, she lasted only four days on her own.


CHAPTER 3: Claimed

Around her, the raiders cheered as they got her out of the net before dragging her to her feet and quickly bound her arms behind her back. The leader leered at her. "Got us a ripe one... even if she is a bit old," he commented as he reached up to twirl a dirty finger through her short grey hair. "What's your name, woman?"

"Valerie," she replied simply. Part of the law of survival for women was to do what you were told when you were told to do it. No more, no less."

"Oh my gawd! Miss Valerie?" one of the younger raiders asked incredulously, pushing his way to the front of the gathered crowd. "Is that really you?"

Val looked in the direction of the youthful voice and picked him out of the crowd. She knew all of her students and recognized him as Scott, one of her students from a few years ago who was unlucky enough to have been picked in the lottery before he could find a job in the hab. She let out a heavy sigh. "Oh... Scott..." she said with a tone of pity even though she was the one trussed up and helpless. "I had such high hopes for you when you graduated. I had hoped that you'd at least survive on your own and become a rancher or something... not fall in with these types."

Scott shrugged indifferently. "It was either become one of them or slowly starve," he said. "Or get tortured to death... or be forced to be a gladiator in their slave pits... or any number of things. I prefer being alive and fed, thank you, and YOU were the one who taught me to either beat up a raider, or become one for survival."

"Hey, Scotty," the leader said, looking at him and jerking his head Val's way. "You know this broad?"

"Yeah," Scott nodded. "She is... er... was... my History of Survival teacher back in high school."

"Well then, ain't that quaint. I bet you had a hard on for her with the kinda tits she has."

"Oh yeah, a lot of us did," Scott grinned.

"Well then, I'll let you do the honors since it was your net that caught her; strip and fuck the bitch right here." Leader then leered at Val. "Should be like fucking your son or something."

Val let out a heavy sigh. She knew something like this would happen and she knew that there wasn't anything she could do about it right this second. All the attention was on her. She'd have to play by their rules until the opportunity to escape came up. Val watched as Scott marched up to her with a triumphant grin on his face. "It's okay, Scott," she said softly. "Do what you have to-"

She was cut off by Scott backhanding her. "Bitch, don't go all motherly on me! I've been wanting to fuck you for YEARS now! Hell, all of us guys have had wet dreams about having you. Now I'm the one who actually gets to do it!" he said cruelly amid the cheers of his fellow raiders. Val got the message and kept her mouth shut, but also kept her face turned away from him as he reached up and ripped her blouse open, making buttons fly all over the place as her white bra clad mounds were exposed for them all to see. She then bit her lip and tried not to let her emotion show as the younger man, who happened to be her former student, started mauling and molesting her breasts. Val's face reddened with embarrassment and shame as her nipples hardened and Scott went after them. Then she was making a pained whimper as he pinched them hard while pulling on them a bit before releasing them.

Scott grabbed her by the shoulders and started pushing her down to the ground. Knowing better than to fight him, Val allowed herself to go down onto the relatively soft, mossy ground of the forest. He put her right onto her back in the middle of his fellow raiders where he then pulled off her shoes and socks before going for her belt. Once that was undone, he gripped the waistband of both her jeans and her panties, pulling them both down her long, slender legs to bare the rest of her body to them all. Even though she was already spreading her legs, Scott made a show of kicking her ankles apart while he was taking off his raiders harness and opening up the fly of his pants. Then he was mounting her, dry humping her pussy with his hardness to get her wet while he busied himself with her breasts once again. This time he suckled on her left tit while squeezing and fondling her right. Val let out an involuntary gasp as pleasure shot through her body from her chest and her loins.

Another tiny involuntary cry of passion escaped her lips as Scott's cock grazed her pussy in just the right way, tearing across her clit. Scott took that as an invitation as he lifted his hips off of her long enough to reach down between them, spread her open, and slide his cock inside. Val let out a deep groan as she felt herself get penetrated by his decently sized manhood. His cock bottomed out inside of her and their loins became locked together. Scott groaned with pleasure as he grabbed her by the neck to make her turn her face towards him before he hungrily planted a kiss onto her lips. His tongue probed deep into her mouth just as his cock was now slamming deep inside of her pussy. Val let out a muffled moan herself as he continued to dominate her and have his way with her body.

She might've actually come had Scott lasted more than a few thrusts. But it was to no avail as she figured that the poor boy hadn't had any release for quite some time. After about the 10th time he shoved his cock into her, he held it there and she felt his hot seed spurt up into her body. His cock throbbed a long time as he flooded her pussy and her womb, making her glad that she'd been taking radroot ever since she left the Hab. Still, she was able to find a small amount of pleasure in the act and who knew, maybe the rest of the raiders would take her next. It was a perverse way of looking at things but she was in survival mode now and she really didn't want to die.

Once Scott was spent, he lifted up off of her, leaving her laying on the ground. He thrust his fists into the air triumphantly as the raiders cheered around him. The leader stepped forward and thrust something at him that Val didn't quite catch as Scott redid his pants and put his harness back on. "Here, you claimed her, you keep her!" he declared.

"Alright!" Scott pumped an elbow down in celebration. Then he hovered over Val and she saw what he had in his hands; an iron collar with manacles attached to it by chains. He reached down to grab her by the hair, making her get up onto her knees. Then he untied her ropes so that he could then lock the heavy collar around her neck before slapping the manacles around her wrists. At least the chains going from my wrists to my neck are long enough for me to stretch my arms out all the way... and my arms are in front of me now, Val thought, even though the chain that ran between the two manacles didn't allow her to spread her arms wider than shoulder width. Scott then latched another chain to her collar, a leash, that he then attached to his belt. "Let's go, Slave," he sneered as he reached out and groped her left breast again. "I'm going to enjoy having you as my personal sex toy."

"Yes, Master," Val said meekly, quickly acknowledging her new status. Then she fell into step behind them as the raider party moved on in search of new prey, leaving her clothes strewn about in the clearing as they left. Scott did have the decency to grab her shoes and allow her to put those on before they left, the only apparel that he was going to allow her, it seemed.


During the march to... wherever they were going... Scott couldn't keep his hands off of Val's ample breasts. After a while, Val got tired of it and started jerking away from him. "Scott, please, it's starting to hurt," she pleaded with him in a whisper when they stopped to rest while the forward scouts went out to haul in a couple more captives.

Scott scowled at her as he slapped her bare ass, hard, making her yelp in pain. "Bitch, this ass along with these tits," he said, grabbing her nipples and twisting hard enough to make her collapse to her knees. "If I want to play with these udders like I was trying to get milk outta them, I'm going to!"

"Just gag the bitch and be done with it, bro," one of the other raiders suggested. He rummaged around his pack and tossed Scott something that Val didn't quite catch. "Here, use this," he suggested. "I found it in one of those pre-Flare sex shops a while back. Haven't had the opportunity to use it yet."

"Thanks," Scott said, catching it and looking down at Val. "Tilt your head back and open your mouth, slave," he commanded.

Whimpering in submission, Val complied, realizing that she crossed a line with Scott that she shouldn't have done. She'd made a mistake in thinking that she could resume their teacher-student relationship. Now she was going to pay for it. Val saw that Scott had a ball and dildo gag that was designed to fill up her mouth and throat. It had holes in it that would allow her to breathe through her mouth, but it certainly would make it nearly impossible to communicate short of grunts, groans, and whines. The elongated and downward curved gag was pushed down into her mouth and it slid down her throat. Val had to force herself to relax as the ball was then pushed in and the dildo portion deep-throated her. She gagged a bit as she struggled to get used to it while Scott latched the leather straps behind her head to secure it.

Scott stepped back to admire his work. "Thanks! Looks good on her. What'd ya want for it?" he asked his friend.

"Let me fuck her while we rest and we'll call it even," the man that Val was now calling Trader in her mind, said.

"You heard him," Scott jerked his thumb Trader's way. "Get over there and ride his cock."

Val mumbled out as much of a "Yes, Master," as she could with her newfound throat gag as she got to her feet and walked over to Trader, who was already whipping his cock out. She was still wet from when Scott fucked her earlier in the day when she was captured so sinking down onto Trader's cock was easy for her. She let out an involuntary moan as she was penetrated for the second time today. Then she started to ride Trader's cock even as he commanded her to do so while he reached around and slapped her ass.

"Damn these are nice, fine titties, Scott," Trader mused as he then leaned into her and suckled on her left breast while she bounced up and down on his lap. He then reached around with both hands to spread her ass cheeks wide open. "We should fuck this bitch properly, fill up all of her holes."

"Oh yeah," Scott readily agreed as he undid his pants enough to whip his own cock out again. He spat into his hands and generously lubed himself up before kneeling behind Val. "Stay still, slut," he ordered her as he guided his cock up to her back passage and pushed himself in.

Ooohhhhh Goooood... Val moaned behind her gag as her eyes rolled back into her head from being triple penetrated by two men and the gag. Their degrading banter faded away as she soon lost herself in the pleasure of having all of her holes filled. Scott now controlled the pace as he fucked her ass, which in turn made her fuck Trader's cock. The two cocks moved opposite of one another while the two men mauled her breasts. The orgasm that she so desperately wanted during her initial quickie with Scott now came with an earth shattering intensity that made her let loose a shrill scream from behind her gag. Her body shivered and shook between the two men, who didn't last long after she came as she then felt their hot cum shoot up into both her pussy and her ass nearly at the same time.

"Guess the bitch liked that," Trader chortled as Val fell limp between them, erotic shudders spasming intermittently through her body.

"Guess so," Scott agreed as he pulled out of her and stuffed his cock back into his pants. "Alright, slave, get up and let's going. That's enough rest for you."

"Yes, Master," Val meekly said in a muffled voice as she stood up on unsteady legs and followed behind Scott, who now had her leash in his hand.


CHAPTER 4: A New Life

Val watched silently and dispassionately as five more girls and at least ten guys were rounded up and captured by the raiders who'd caught her. They were people who, like her, had left the Seattle Hab because of the lottery. Only five of the men were taken with them though as the raiders made the ten of them square off against one another in fights to the death. The ones that survived were 'invited' to join them.

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