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Click hereAs great as it was (and it was) having regular sexual rendezvous with a nubile, and extremely inventive 19 year old girl, Peter Relaford still found the occasional need to hang out with a woman he had a little more in common with. Melanie Wilder filled that void perfectly.
Peter remembered a brief conversation he'd had early in his relationship with Shelby where he'd mentioned a movie Mickey Rourke did called "Wild Orchids" where he'd seduced a much younger woman into several rather kinky situations. His offhand comment was met with a lost look on Shelby's face before she went back to texting one of her friends.
Melanie knew who Mickey Rourke was, and that common frame of reference was something Peter did, to his disbelief, crave. The sex with Melanie was good as well, albeit different than his trysts with Shelby. Fucking the college girl was like standing naked in the middle of a raging thunderstorm, trying to dodge lightening bolts while savage winds battered him from each side. Sex with Melanie was more like standing out in a calm and steady Spring shower with a gentle breeze swirling in all the right places.
For her part, 39 and fresh out of a divorce as well, Melanie was in no hurry for a serious relationship either. She'd found the same level of comfort with Peter as he'd found with her, although she might not have fully endorsed the fact that he was banging a girl half her age on the side.
Melanie was front and center that weekend as Peter sat behind the wheel, driving the couple down the turnpike towards Atlantic City. Stealing a quick peek every now and then over to the passenger seat, Peter felt his crotch stir seeing the way Melanie's freckled legs looked in the tight, knee length skirt she was wearing. Tightening his grip on the steering wheel every few seconds in the late afternoon Friday traffic, Peter had to continually remind himself about the other distracted fools on the road.
Still, he felt his spine tingle each time he inhaled the scent of Melanie's sweet perfume and he lost himself in thought several times imagining how much fun she might be on a trip out of town without all the pressures and familiar faces of home. He'd seen on occasion just how passionate Melanie could be once she'd developed a level of trust with him, especially after she'd had a few cocktails. And he planned on buying her as many drinks as she wanted that weekend at the casino.
Making small talk as they passed a sign saying only 30 miles to Atlantic City, Peter rubbed his fingers together as he held the steering wheel, thinking back to an evening several months back when for the first time Melanie allowed herself to really let go with him.
They'd just been out to dinner at the new Italian place in town. It was the first time since Peter and Melanie had met that he felt comfortable springing for a really expensive night out, but the sex she'd given him when they got back to his place had been more than worth it. Melanie had probably drank a few more glasses of wine than she should, and Peter was instantly intrigued by the woman she became once she was a few steps past buzzed.
There were a few times during the drove home that night that Peter thought Melanie was going to squeeze his cock to death through his pants as he headed home from the restaurant, but somehow me made it to the front door and got her inside before blowing his load. Once inside however, it was on. They started ripping each other's clothes off in the living room and by the time they'd reached his bed, a strewn pile of men's and women's semi-formal attire littered the hallway.
After a frantic and glorious round of coitus, Peter and Melanie found themselves in his bathroom shower. Spending their cuddling time kissing and cleansing themselves under the soft and steady stream of his steaming shower, out of the corner of Peter's eye, something devious caught his attention.
Never one to waste any more time in the shower than he had to, Peter had barely used the shower-jet his Sister had got him for Christmas two years earlier. It was still sitting there dangling by the basket he kept his shampoo on but suddenly Peter looked at it with a new found fondness and curiosity.
Roaming his hands over Melanie's soaking wet breasts from behind as he continued to nuzzle his lips against her neck, Peter whispered a 'shhh' into Melanie's ear and told her to hold on as he reached for the long, stainless steel hose.
"What are you doing?" she giggled, her knees still a little woobly from their rabid make-out session just minutes earlier.
Without saying a word, Peter fumbled with the connection of the hose until he'd fitted it snugly over the shower head. Pulling the heavy head of the shower jet forward, Peter switched it on and gently eased the rotating spray up the inside of Melanie's right thigh.
"HEHEHEHEHE," Melanie couldn't stifle a flirtatious giggle as the millions and millions of tiny water molecules sizzled against her skin.
"...OH..MY," she gushed when Peter raised his hand and began swinging the soothing jets of water back and forth across her well proportioned breasts.
"Is that all that thing can do," Melanie snickered as she reclined back in Peter's arms.
"Nope..not by a long shot," he chewed on Melanie's ear and said just before lowering the head of the phallic shaped shaft directly down against her crotch.
Melanie's feet instantly flexed and shuddered on the floor of the shower when Peter buried the full force of the jet between her thighs. Wincing, Melanie groaned out loud as she grinded her ass backwards against Peter for support.
"Don't you have one of these at home..I'll be glad to let you borrow it," he smiled into Melanie's ear.
"I'm taking it home tonight," Melanie gasped back to Peter, her chest heaving wildly as she clamped her thighs together around the relentless spray of the hand-held and heartless device.
Enthralled by the way the woman in his arms reacted to such a brutal rush of adrenaline, Peter kept the jets snug against Melanie's pussy, rotating it in slow and churning circles over the expanse of her entire vulva until her moans were ricocheting continuously through the steam-filled bathroom.
"OH MY GOD PETER..OH MY GOD..FUCK," Melanie squeezed, her feet now squeaking on the slick surface of the shower floor as her legs gradually turned to jell-o.
Within a minute of having the showerhead placed against her crotch, the back of Melanie's luxurious, but now soaking wet, auburn hair was clinging to Peter's chest as she rocked the back of her head side to side.
Steadying himself on the increasingly slick surface below, Peter could look down over Melanie's shoulder and see the remnants of the sperm he just shot deep inside the woman's womb now flowing down the drain as he cleansed every nook and cranny of her cunt with the virgin showerhead.
"Are you gonna cum again?" Peter mockingly hissed into Melanie's ear, recognizing from the pace of her breaths and tortured groans he was on the verge of pushing her over the edge for the second time of the night.
"YES....GODDAMMIITTT...YESSSSSS," Melanie grimaced in a hoarse whisper as she doubled over between Peter's arms.
"YES PETER...RIGHT THERE..YESSSSS WWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHH YYYEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!," she wailed with desperate clarity a few seconds later when Peter rammed the full brunt of the liquid assault down on her overwhelmed clitoris.
For the next minute or so, Melanie Wilder became nothing more than a sopping wet, 125 pound crumple of writhing flesh and bone in Peter's arms as what felt like a Roman Candle had somehow detonated deep inside her womb.
By the time it was over, Peter had to literally pull Melanie up from her knees after she'd collapsed from the sheer force of her orgasm.
"Are you alright..did you pass out?" Peter asked Melanie as he helped her to her feet.
"...I.....don't know....I don't care...whoooooaaa," she shivered uncontrollably, every nerve ending in her body still firing as she allowed Peter to reach for a towel to wrap around her trembling shoulders as they stepped out of the tub.
For his part, the everlasting memory of the evening was the embedded image of Melanie's face when she came. If there was truly a window to a woman's soul, it was seeing the look on her face at the precise moment she gave up complete control of all her facilities and allowed nothing but her primal need for release to take over. Peter got to see that in the shower with Melanie that evening and knew once a man had done that to a woman, the possibilities with her were limitless.
Passing the city limits sign into Atlantic City, Peter turned and cast Melanie a quick and knowing smile, one she freely returned.
Peter and Melanie's trip to Atlantic City started out the same way most people's do who have more money with them than sense. The slot machines were doing exactly as they'd been programmed and the blackjack dealers weren't treating them much better either.
By 3 am, sleepy already from the long drive down and out a good three to four hundred dollars, they decided to call it a night. Unfortunately, Peter had also taken liberal advantage of the complimentary drinks during the evening and just wasn't in any shape to have his way with Melanie when the two retired upstairs to their room.
A salesman by trade, Peter enjoyed sizing up the people hanging around the casino as he and Melanie frittered away their silly money. Even though he was losing at every turn, he did take a quantum of solace seeing the way many of the men there seemed to steal an extended stare or two at Melanie when they didn't think he was looking. There were older men and younger men, well to do guys and street hustlers of every shape and size and even though she wasn't his Wife, or even really formally his Girlfriend, Peter still brimmed with pride knowing they didn't know that.
That, in and of itself, brought Peter some unspoken cache in the room. It wasn't until the second night there however that Peter's new found cache got put to the test.
The first time had been a little after 8pm that Saturday night when a guy who'd spent a little too much quality time at the bar bumped into Melanie as she and Peter made their way across the casino floor. Instead of simply saying he was sorry and easing past the couple, he reached down and started feeling the 39 year old woman up as his beer soaked breath washed across her face. Peter quickly stepped in but it wasn't long before the myriad of security cameras picked up the disagreement and several well dressed and efficient hotel personnel whisked the man away.
The second incident came about two hours later and was slightly more subtle, but it hit Peter completely out of left field.
Craps was the game of choice at that point in the evening, and it would also sum up the luck they were having as they stood around the table with several other couples. A few times while they were at the craps table, Peter could sense the attention of what seemed to be a rather affluent and portly Arab man on the other side of the table concentrated on Melanie. Peter paid little attention, especially considering a rather attractive middle aged Arab woman who was probably the guy's Wife was sitting directly beside him. At some point, Peter was sure she would put the man in his place, even if it took a kick under the table from her narrow toe'd high heel boot.
Still, when Peter looked up a little while later and saw the man sizing Melanie up once again, something inside him began to boil. For whatever reason, the way this guy was gawking at Melanie was somehow different in measure and intent than the way most of the other guys in the casino had over the previous 24 hours. There was a calmness, almost an ease of entitlement in the way that he mentally undressed the woman to Peter's left.
So when the man across the table stood up, Peter felt his heart jump, and an inexplicable wave of dread momentarily sweep through his system when instead of making his way to the bathroom or another gambling station, the gentleman eased around the table and walked directly up to Peter before tapping him politely on the shoulder.
"May I have a word with you?" the man said to Peter in heavily accented but understandable English.
At first, Peter thought he misunderstood what the man said. After all, the stranger spoke somewhat broken English and there was a substantial din in the room. When he repeated himself a second time however, Peter got the message loud and clear.
"I'd like to make love to the lovely woman you're with," his Arabian accent rattled around inside Peter's head.
"She's not my Wife," Peter found himself replying.
"I didn't say she was," the stranger smiled. " I noticed neither of you were wearing a ring but I can tell she is very fond of you. That being said, I'd still like to make love to her."
Peter didn't know whether to cold-cock the guy in the face or simply excuse himself and scurry Melanie to another part of the casino. In lieu of either extreme, Peter could do nothing more than stare dumbfounded at the patient Arab gentleman.
"I'm certainly willing to make it worth your while,' he added a few breaths later. "It's pretty clear your luck hasn't been the best here at the table."
"We're not in any sort of desperate straights's just our splurge money we're blowing here," Peter wanted to explain but the incredulously crude offer continued to leave him speechless.
Within a minute or so Melanie eased up beside Peter and felt a tad unsettled seeing the look on his face as he stood beside the middle aged man who'd pulled him away from the craps table.
"Is everything alright?" she asked.
Peter nodded re-assuredly that it was but he didn't have a clue how he was going to broach the content of his conversation with the stranger to Melanie.
If Peter had been stunned by the gentleman's offer, Melanie had been positively agasp. Peter fully expected Melanie to wheel back and smack the chubby but well dressed man standing in front of her when he repeated his indecent proposal to her, but it seemed she was startled by his gentle and steadfast ease as well.
It was clear in his gaze that the stranger had become quite infatuated in a short time with Melanie. If he was as rich as he appeared, he could have afforded to hire any escort in town and have her do anything he wanted, but for whatever reason, he was still standing there in front of Melanie and her significant other, making the offer to her face.
Off to the side the gentleman's Wife waited with an air of aloof curiosity. She nodded a friendly smile back to both Peter and Melanie when each cast her a curious stare, as if to say she'd signed off on her Husband's actions.
Peter increasingly found himself in an awkward spot. Instinct told him to grab Melanie by the hand and whisk her away, preventing this from going any further. On the other hand Peter knew about the fierce independent streak inside the divorced woman beside him and that created just enough caution on Peter's part to not to overstep his bounds. And despite the glazed and obviously off-kilter expression on Melanie's face, the word 'no' hadn't quite left her lips.
Asad Aziz was a 48 year old petroleum executive from Rhiyah, Saudi Arabia. He and his 44 year old Wife, Rysa, tried making a least two trips to the US every year. During the Spring they usually trekked to the West Coast, spending a good deal of time in LA or San Francisco. In the Fall they tried spending a week or so touring the East Coast, mainly New York City and Boston, but occasionally when they felt the urge to blow a few thousand dollars gambling, they made their way down to Atlantic City.
Like many wealthy Saudi couples who made a pilgrimage to the US, Asad and Rysa enjoyed letting their hair down away from the constant peering eyes and repression of home. Part of that fun often consisted of some adult play with willing American couples, and over the past 10 years they'd made quite a few friends during their travels.
Through the miracle of the internet, the Aziz had met hundreds and hundreds of friends in cyber space from all around the world, and it was extremely special when they were able to actually hook up with those people during their trips to Europe, Asia or the US.
Setting up a rendezvous was fun, but so were the occasions when Asad and Rysa would be out somewhere and a stranger would catch their eye (Melanie Wilder being one such case) and Asad would decide to make a serendipitous overture towards them or their significant other.
That's not to say it was all peaches and cream. After 9-11 especially, travel to and from Saudi Arabia became much more dicey, not to mention there was a definite chill at the very site of an Arab walking down some American streets. It seemed with each passing trip to the States however, attitudes were getting somewhat better, but the couple still did try to frequent places where their was affluence among the clientele, figuring the more wealthy a group of people, the more open minded and tolerant they were to other people who had money, no matter what creed or country of origin.
There were plenty of times Asad had been shot down, but he always approached the couple in a friendly and non-threatening manner and never had a problem taking 'no' for an answer.
There had been many couples however that eventually accepted the Aziz's offer. Often times Asad could sense immediately if the chemistry was right and it wasn't long before four adults were enjoying each other's company somewhere in private. Being a life-long student of human nature and motivation, sometimes Asad found himself offering other inducements. After studying Peter and Melanie for a good hour or so, he quickly determined even though they weren't married, it seemed like there was still quite a bit of passion and comfort between the two. To Asad there was also an air that they were perhaps open to discovery. His instincts told him the odds of getting of getting the couple on the other side of the craps table to go along with his offer were slim, but each time he looked at Melanie, Asad knew he'd kick himself if he didn't at least try.
After a few more drinks, and a few more stares deep into Melanie unsuspecting brown eyes, along with the silent but approving nod he got from his Wife, Asad decided to finally walk over and make his pitch.
Needless to say, Asad wasn't surprised to see his initial inquiry fail. Having seen with his own eyes the amount of money Peter had lost at the craps table, and the rolling eyes look of dejection each time he lost a little more, Asad thought he could offer the man a small amount of cash once he got him alone to perhaps get his foot in the door. When Asad saw Peter's reaction to being offered $500 to sleep with his Girlfriend, he knew he may have made a miscalculation. The complication was further heightened when Melanie excused herself from the table to see what was going on with Peter.
After explaining his intentions to her as well, Asad could see the incredulousness grow on the American couple's faces, but still an outright 'no' was yet to be uttered. Realizing the offer of cash wasn't going to be a proper enticement, a radical counter-offer suddenly popped into Asad's head.
He'd still leave the money on the table, but what Asad suggested next left both Peter and Melanie a little more curious about joining the Arab couple upstairs.
The thought of watching a chubby Arab man have sex with Melanie did nothing to arouse Peter's senses. The money he'd offered would have, in most cases, reeked of desperation but Peter was sure he could see a real affinity, if not true infatuation in the man's eyes for Melanie. The thought of having sex with the Arab's man's Wife did certainly peak Peter's curiousity, but the sales job it was going to take to convince Melanie to maybe join in a threesome with him and the man's Wife was going to be tough, even for him.