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April - My Life on the Game Ch. 01

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More stories from April, the streetwalker.
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A work of fiction

April : My Life On The Game

Chapter 1

It's 2015. 5 years of my life devoted to my owner, Martika. Happily giving myself to her. Being a street hooker for her. This is my life. Not new life. Not now. I've balled so many punters and earned shitloads of coin for her.

Martika says that I've made £600,000 from my sexual services. All to her. Sure, I've had £4,800 from that, all to myself, but I really don't give a shit about that. All that matters in my life is hooking and earning coin for my owner.

I'm pretty much low maintenance - just cigarettes, toast, pasta (at times), fruit, vodka, heroin and cocaine - I don't need that much to keep myself going.

I've just had my pint of vodka and some coffee and toast, finishing up a cigarette, as the kids - Martika's - are watching cartoons. Martika is in housewife mode - doing the washing up, cigarette between her lips... dangling.....chatting about her day. Mark's just finishing off his coffee.

I'm just in my robe, of course. Naked underneath. That's how Martika has ordered me to stay.

Martika's planning on going to the Brothel, after she's took the kids to school, and getting them all sorted to start their day.


Martika herself doesn't do alcohol anymore. Her grandmother, Sue, died late last year an' she went to shit for a little while. So did I. She made me do the same as she did....which means shitloads of heroin and cocaine, alongside god knows how much vodka, boo.

The bitch had a 'lost New Year', where she was away from her family, getting shitfaced with a bunch of guys, gangbangin' 'em, and a couple of days away, where nobody knew what the fuck was happening. Mark, bless him, thought that the bitch had died. She came home looking like shit, got a slap around the face for it... and the kids were crying. I was in the backroom when all that shit was going down. Fuckin' awful, boo.

Then...literally days later...the bitch got swine flu. Fuckin' swine flu?!? She nearly ended up being hospitalised. Mark let her come home and looked after her. She was near death then. I helped out. That's what loyalty is, right? She is my owner after all.

She got herself better, thank fuck. Me? I, thankfully, calmed all that shit down to my normal - for me - level of drink and drugs and continued hooking.

So, she got her shit sorted. Lost a lot of weight. Got back out selling herself. Back on the drink and drugs. Then she started with a back problem. I'd used to joke it was from too much bangin' punters. She thought that shit was funny....

She went to see a specialist...who put her in touch with a specialist...who did a shitload of scans and blood tests. In that doctor's office, alongside Mark, she was given her diagnosis; stop the drinking or you'll not live to see Xmas.

Respect to the girl, she just gave it up just like that. No fuckin' moaning or bitching. Just...stopped.

That was just a few months ago. Bitch still pours out my drinks but she says that she has no fear of going back to it herself.

Proud of her. She's my boo....

Anyways, she says she's much better for it. Mark says that she used to have the shakes until her first drink. I get that. I have the same. Scary when it first happened, but when Martika told me to shut the fuck up and get a drink down me it stopped.

We do a couple of lines of coke, each, after Mark goes to work and Martika takes the kids to school. Me? I get my shit together and have a shower. The door goes as I'm putting on my face...clothes already in place.. Then she gets herself quickly showered and changed and we're heading off to the brothel, in our hooker finery, cigarette's lit and going in.

Bitches are already in - Wendy, Candy (my sister), Sarah, Donna - and Jackie (Wendy's sister) is front-of-house. Bitches are all made up, wearing their leather and lace shit....fishnets...big ass heels.. Candy and Donna are hitting the cocaine and Sarah is lighting up her cigarette as we enter.

Martika always gives the best pep talks to the fellow get them ready for sex and selling themselves.

After the chat...the bitches are all gee'd up...just like I am for her. She has an amazing way with words.

Candy gets up and we chat briefly. She's been established now, like, a year or so. She's took to it well. Afraid of Martika, our owner? But of course. But she earns well...looks the part....high on drugs most of the time....drinks a shitload of vodka...but bitch does good. The punter's love her.

Sarah? She's fairly new. Bestie with Amber. Cool bitch. Good fuck, so I'm told. Whilst Candy is the main earner for Martika, Sarah...she's, like, no 2 on Martika's books. That's the brothel bitches, y'know? Wendy? Part timer...older....does good business. Donna? Complete slag. She'll fuck anyone. Earns well. Been a couple of years with Martika.

Anyways, I give Candy a hug, tell her to 'Earn well, bitch...' and Martika and I go back to her home.

We get in, I throw my jacket on the hook, light up and fix a couple of coffees for us.

Martika's relaying what the Brothel girls did last night and how everything went smoothly.

Now, the Brothel has been doing good business. The bitches on the street, like me, vet possible punters to use the facilities there. I mean, on the streets you could pull any fucker, right? Some are really gross. Bad smells and shit. Some can have anger issues. On the streets, we have to deal with that kind of crap although Martika's rep means that she takes no crap from anyone.

I have seen her lay out some fuckin' idiot that was trying to rough up one of her bitches.

She took her heel off, spike side out, and that 4" thing went right through that punter's face! Crazy shit, y'know? She also has Amber, her niece, who's into that martial arts shit. I've seen her high kick the fuck out of someone. No joke, boo.

So, she don't want that crap for her knocking shop.

So, nice punters. Willing to pay extra to fuck the slags. Oh, and the promise of bareback too. So they're clean and shit. Very important.....and, like I had said before, all of us slags are tested every month, without fail, to make sure we're clean. Any disease and we're the fuck out of there until we're fully clean again. Stands to reason. It's Martika's reputation on the line. She's the boss, y'know?

That's the brothel. By invite only. Punter's get a number to ring and an address. There's a bit of a car park thing there too. What happens is we give the details to the punter and we also give their details to Jackie, the front-of-house girl. Just so no fucker from off the street can just blag a spot, y'know?

Meanwhile us street girls have to fuck anyone that pays. Well....I fuckin' have to do. Can't be owned and not do shit for her, right boo? As Martika always says 'You're not here to think, you do what I tell you to do. Without question. My decision is your decision. You try to think and I'll batter you, fucker!'

Simple. That kind of gets me off too. It's nice being owned....controlled.....made in her image....expected to fuck for her....earn for her.....make the money....give it all to her.

That's my biggest thrill.

I cum hard over that.

Anyways. That's that. Martika's not working tonight...she's trying her best to be a wife and mum. To that end, she and Mark are just going out. Date nite and all that.

We do house shit - cleaning and our slutty finery....that's how we roll - and have a bite to eat, sorting out the home for picking up the kids and then sorting out the evening meal for Mark, when he gets home.

Me? I shower, change and get ready for working my beat. I thrive on this shit.

I do a couple of lines of coke, tousle the hair on the kids, light up a cigarette and pick up my jacket.

Just takes around 10 minutes or so to get to my corner...meeting and greeting my fellow sisters of the street out tonight...


Gemma....all the bitches out tonight.


I get to my spot....just as Elena is leaving her's...getting in a car....and Kat's just heading down the alleyway with a punter. We say hi.

I walk a few paces, back and forth. Swinging my hips as I do so. Taking a drag of my cigarette.

Few minutes...and I get picked up. A regular. In a car.

Get the cash, strut around the front of the car, get in and head to the car park. Few of the other bitches are out there. I think I see Emma. I definitely see Jess and Sofia.

Anyways. Whatever. This bitch here is needing to get her punter off and back on the streets again, so I pour myself into the back of his car, hitching up my skirt. His condom encased cock is throbbing in my general direction before he eases himself into me.

"C'mon, boo. Give me a good shafting.." I whisper into his ear as he lies on top of me....grunting...pushing that fairly medium sized cock in and out....full length...long hard thrusts....initially...then picking up the pace until he's a blur of motion. I'm getting turned cervical juices help lube my fuck partner....he's hitting soon....I'm breathless but try to purr and moan him on to his climax. I'm nearly there, but not quite....whilst he shudders to a halt. I tell him to stay inside me whilst I vigorously finger my clit before eventually cumming myself.

He wasn't expecting that. I wasn't expecting that!

He gets off of me...there's a near silent "Wow.." from him as I get myself up off the seat, skirt down again...and slide back into the passenger's seat, next to my man. He grins a huge shit eating grin...I echo it back.

"Thanks boo, that was really fuckin' somethin'..." I say to him.

We drive back. I lean over, kiss him on the cheek, thank him for picking me up and get out. Back to my spot.

I light up and wait a while. A car pulling up. I sexily stroll over, cigarette in hand, and take a drag. Hooker 'stoop' at the door and reeling off the prices. It just pours from my lips.

This guy wants a fuck, so I get the money, drop my cigarette butt to the floor, put my heel on it and then sidle round the front and get in. I never ask his name. He asks mine though. We drive back to the hooker's car park. Park up, then down to business in the back seat.

He cute. Asian. Smells good. Works out too, going by his pecs in that tight t-shirt. Whatever. Nice to fuck a cute guy but I take on anyone, right? That's what gets me really off...

I uncouple my seatbelt and slide myself into the back of his seat, bridging to pull up my skirt whilst he's pulling down his jeans. He leans towards me....I unwrap and then blow on a rubber before he's ready to mount me.

He slides himself into my willing vagina. Gentle....gentle...then fully in.... smiling.... concentrating.....then relief that he's in.

Pretty soon my fuck partner grunts over me whilst shunting me around the backseat. The walls of the car echo with sighs and moans.....from both of us. 15 minutes of heavy rutting before he spasms to a halt, taking a deep breath whilst still inside me. He smiles. I smile back as he pulls his penis out.

We collectively get our shit together and get back into our positions in the car. We drive back, mostly in silence. I'm still moist.

I'm out....greeted by Amber...and we shoot the shit for a little while. Small talk, y'know? We also do a couple of lines of coke down that alleyway. Jen, Amber's partner, is sucking off some punter as we head on down to the end. Amber doesn't even blink an eye. That's what hookers do; they fuck and suck. That's business. Love? That never comes into it. Love is between them both. They make that distinction. I find that all fascinating.

I recall asking Jen about it once, after a huge drink and drugs session, and she has no problem watching her girlfriend, Amber, take cock after cock because they love each other. "It's just a job, duck. She's great at it. She does a shitload of punters. She attractive and can fuck for hours. That's great for business....but I end up going home with her. I spend all day with her. We love each other. The punter's ain't got that."

We've done our couple of lines and head back past her.

A brief spell just chilling with Amber and then I'm down with it again. I'm stopped by a guy in a car. He's in a Merc. Nice. Black. Of course. Looks hot shit...

He winds down the window. We shoot the shit. White guy, mid 20's I'd say. Well groomed. He wants full sex.

He pays, out the window, and I get in the passenger's side. Seatbelt buckled up and away we go to the car park. We park up, I unbuckle and my fuck partner leans back to unbuckle his belt and then his trousers. He must have come from work. I pull his boxer's, down. He's semi hard. I lean over, stroke his member into full attention.

There's just my breath between me and the tip of his cock. I lick....then engulf...making that 'O' ring... sucking on that rubber.

We get in the back and I hitch up my black leather miniskirt.....making a saddle for him....and he lowers himself on top, and then inside, of me. He sure does smell good. Expensive.

He's in, rutting sized cock inside me...moaning....smiling...deep.

..long strokes...and then an explosion of semen in that condom...and then he pulls out.

Back in the passenger's seat, all tidy...back to my spot.

Another car pulls up, literally minutes after I get out. We agree to full sex, again, and after getting the cash I'm in the car and driving off.

Back at that car park. Felicity is taking a length a couple of metres away....and it's not long before I do likewise.

"C'mon you fuckin' slag, lay..." my sex partner hollers. I like that. I am a slag, after all. Me and my owner have talked about being slags, many times. "They make the best whore.." she'd always tell me.

We do. I do.

We finish up. We drive back. Light up. Stroll that 5...10 metres....that is my little 'patch' of work around 15 minutes....then pull again. Anal. We drive. I get mounted. He cums. We drive back.

Rinse and repeat.....

Just different sexual acts. Different men. younger.... older.... shorter.... fitter... fatter.... whatever....

I pick up this what must been a teenager on the street. He pays for sex. We go down the alleyway. I have to calm him the fuck down as he's trying to get inside me a) before I have pulled my skirt up, and b) before he has a rubber on.

Again I have to tell the lad that I can't without a rubber or " pimp would kill me.." he's not sure about that, until I add "...and you." to the sentence.

He gets my drift.

He puts on the rubber, throwing the packet to the ground, and sidles up to me....shuffles himself into my vagina, now very moist from it's constant attention tonight, and we start.

Slow strokes...then harder...then faster...feeling the heat in my vagina....and then...he cums...and shudders to a climax....out he pops....rubber thrown to the floor...flaccid and now spent penis back in pants and jeans zipped up....and we head back to the street.

Another £45 earned.

It's getting late....not been picked up for a bit. I offer out my cigarettes to Elena, who gladly accepts, and she lights us both up. We chat. It's nice.

The weather is good....getting a little chilly as it's just after 11pm....but there's still cars around. Still punters on foot. Still money to be earned.

I'd just lit up a cigarette when this punter turned up, on foot, and wanted sex. So I took him also down the alleyway for a fuck. I slipped the money in my bag and walked him down. I lay against the wall and shimmied up my leather miniskirt. Then, I unzipped my punter and pulled out his cock, slipping on a rubber, as I braced myself for him to enter me.

My middle aged sex partner - black hair...greying, black, slight build, moderate height - eased himself into me as I took a drag of my cigarette and dangled my arms around his neck seductively. He bangs me hard, lifting me up onto my toes. I take drags of my cigarette, blowing the smoke overhead, as he pumps me. Again, more grunts and groans from this bitch.

"C'mon, boo. Fuck me hard. I need a good seein' too..." I whisper in his ear, flicking my cigarette butt to the floor.

He lets out a groan and shudders inside of me.

Pulling out, he says "That was great, bitch." and I shimmy down my skirt.

Right. Next.

My next punter, mere minutes later, was via a car. Just pulled up, window down, the guy wanted a fuck so I got the money and got in. Again, back at the car park. Again, boned....then back to my spot.

I get a couple more before midnight. I see Martika, my owner, and Mark walking towards me as I get out the last punter's car.

They smile. Martika asks how it's been going. I tell her I've made a mint for her....quick calculation and it's something like 13 punters, mostly in the vagina, one oral, one anal....that's, like £600 I've earned.

She happy. I hand over the cash. One by one the other bitches see me talking to Martika and they lose their shit. They come over, chat friendly like to her and Mark and dutifully give her their by one, waiting patiently for the 25% that she's giving them back.

Bitches are happy. Mark makes small talk with me as Martika chats a little to the others. Then we go off to the brothel, where Martika talks to Jackie and takes her money. Some of the girls are working. Candy's just coming down the stairs, punter in tow, lighting up a cigarette as we see her.

Again, Martika does a little chat before taking all the money from them, sans the 25% each of what they've made and Jackie's amount.

We make our way home.

Martika and Mark had a lovely time, so they say - her in jeans, which is a first - with their date for food and drinks...Martika on the Mocktails, of course.

We get in, Mark fixes some tea for them and I pour out a pint of vodka for myself.

We chat...we drink.....then go to bed.

Been a busy day for me, boo. Need my rest before doing it all again.

End of Pt 1

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AprilTwentiesAprilTwentiesabout 1 month agoAuthor

Oh, thank you, boo. Appreciate that. A x

Calley1Calley1about 1 month ago

Only just got back to the site, the last week’s still kind of fuzzy, but great to see new stuff from my favourite writer.

AprilTwentiesAprilTwentiesabout 2 months agoAuthor

Thanks boo.. A x

arisingsirenarisingsirenabout 2 months ago

Nice story, April. I like the natural flow of it and the balance between dialogue and detail. *****

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