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April's Mistake


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"Thank you, David, that's all I ask. I promise you I will answer any questions you have. Even if you don't believe me at least I will know that I have been honest with you."

I went about my garage business the rest of the week. I talked to the girls every day and they told me what they were doing at school. Carlie said mom seemed a little better since she talked to me. My little girl thanked me for talking to her mother.

I wasn't looking forward to talking and listening to April. I wouldn't know whether to even believe her and I had to figure out in my own mind why I didn't walk out ten years before. The best reason I could come up with was that she was really sorry; at least she sounded like it on the tape and she was going to do everything to make it up to me. I do have to say she lived up to that promise until this last reunion lunch. I really needed to know why she went and what she did there. Did she go to see Brad or not. Damn, I needed answers, that's why I want to hear what she was going to say.

I showed up at the house around noon on Saturday. My two girls came running out to see me.

"Daddy's here, daddy's here," cried Danni.

She jumped into my arms and of course expected me to catch her. No problem, I would never let my little one hit the ground and she trusted me to make sure of it. Carlie came running out and kissed me on the cheek. Carlie said that her mom was making lunch. I asked her what they were having and she smiled and said since I was coming over mom wanted to make sure we had a good meal since I probably haven't been eating right. BBQ steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob and she said mom even made homemade bread and she helped.

"I helped too," said Danni.

"Yeah, you kept eating it while it was hot." replied Carlie.

My two daughters, always arguing but really loved one another.

"Okay, girls, let's go inside."

I walked in and there was April in the kitchen dressed like a Stepford wife. For those who never heard of it, those were women who always dressed up for their husbands, usually in dresses with their hair looking perfect. That's exactly the way April looked. She had on a little apron and the table was all set.

"Welcome home, David." she said.

She was pulling out all the stops. I had to put a stop to some of it even though I loved the way everything, including April, looked.

"I'm not home, I live above the garage. For now that's my home. I came here today to talk to you, that's it."

That should knock some of the wind out of her sails.

"Since lunch is ready, will you eat with us?" April asked.

I didn't answer but sat in my chair. I was about to take some food when Danni said, "Dad, we have to say grace." Then she proceeded, "God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food, and God thank you for bringing daddy home to eat with us. Amen!"

Dammit, it wasn't fair, it just wasn't. I was here to talk and here I was eating a fantastic meal and I knew my kids were being honest. I know April's part was a setup but not the kids. They were glad daddy was there for dinner. Damn, that woman could cook.

When we got done eating, I told the girls that I would take them over to grandma's and that mommy would pick them up later.

"Dad, are you going to be here when we get back?"

"No honey, not now. I'm just here to talk to mommy and then I'll be going back to the garage."

The girls looked dejected. I did thank them for helping their mom cook a wonderful meal and asked them if they wanted to go to the zoo the following Saturday.

They both yelled, "Yeah, we want to go. Can mommy come too?"

Damn, forgot about what they might ask. I told them we'd see, and I'd talk to them during the week. All that time April just sat there, not saying a word. Then she spoke up and told me that she would clean up the mess, while I took the kids to her mother's house.

When I got back she had everything cleaned up and the leftovers in containers for me to take with me.

"This was all a ploy for my benefit, wasn't it, April?" I wanted her to know I could see through it. Hell, anyone could see through it, but I had to start the conversation somehow.

"Of course it was on my part but not on the girls part. They were just glad their dad was going to be here."

"Well, we better get started. I'll let you tell me everything you want to. I might butt in with questions that I need answered. Is that all right with you?"

"Anyway you want, David. I just want to tell you everything and let the cards fall where they may."

"How many times did you fuck Brad?"

""My God, David. You don't have to be so abrupt. I told you I would answer all your questions."

"Again, how many time have you fucked Brad?"

"Twice, once when we were going together and that stupid, stupid time after the fifth reunion."

"You mean to tell me in your entire life you only had sex with him twice?"

"That's the truth, David. It was so bad the first time I had no idea how good it could be till I made love with you. I would like to add that you and Brad are the only two men I have ever had sex with in my entire life. I now wish I never ever had sex with Brad, even the first time."

Shit, that kind of threw me off a little. I had sex with a lot of the girls from our class. Glad I don't have to tell her about them.

"Why did you do it the second time with him, April?"

"I don't know, David. Don't expect me to cry a lot now ... I'm all cried out. I honestly don't know. Maybe to compare you to him, maybe because it was so bad the first time I might have thought it was my fault. I don't know, David, I really don't know. God, I wish I did. I wish I could go back to that day and not do it. I can wish that it never happened, but it did, David, it did and I have to live with it the rest of my life."

Her eyes were tearing up.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You would have left me, David, I know you would have. I don't know why you didn't when you found out. David, after that happened I came home and spent an hour in the shower trying to wash the cheating away. I hated what I did to you but all I could think about was if I told you, you would have left me and Carlie. I decided to live with the pain and be the best wife I could. I really wanted to tell you. God, it was so hard keeping it from you but I knew you would be hurt if you found out and we would be headed for a divorce. I loved you too much to lose you, David. I still love you too much to lose you."

She started crying again.

"What about Danni? When did you know I wasn't her sperm donor?"

"Two weeks ago when you told me. I was devastated. I didn't know what to think. After that session with Brad, I washed and washed trying to wash the thought of Brad away. I made love to you three times that night. I wanted you so bad. I wanted to do everything for you. That's why I was so happy when I got pregnant. You and me making a child together felt so right. Then you showed me the DNA. I didn't know what to think. If I knew that I was pregnant by Brad, I would have had an abortion. I really would have. I want your babies, not anyone else's. I keep wondering since you told me that, if I would have known it was Brad's seed and I would have gotten an abortion, then there wouldn't have been any Danni. You see, I'm really torn apart about it too."

"David, as I said before, Danni is your daughter and no one else's. She is going to go through her entire life knowing that. I won't see her hurt. You're her daddy, her only daddy."

I thought she was cried out but apparently not.

"Let's get to the lunch where you intended to cheat on me again."

"God, no, David, that's not true! It, absolutely without question, is not true. I was only going to lunch with over half the class there."

"April, I brought the tape with me. Let's listen to it together." I played the tape again.

"Hello," said April

"Hey, girl, what are you up to?" It was Beth.

"Hi, Beth, just got out of the shower when I heard the phone ringing. What's up?"

"Lunch. Want to come to lunch with a group of classmates?"

"Who all is going, Beth?"

"Besides you and me about half the class. Can you make it?"

"Is Brad going, Beth? David would kill me if I went to lunch with Brad."

"For pete's sake, April. It's lunch with old classmates, not a fuck session with one old boyfriend. Besides you hardly even talked to Brad last night and it's only lunch."

"After the way David embarrassed me last night it would serve him right. What time and where, Beth?"

"Holiday Inn at noon."

"Okay, but I have to get home before David gets off work. He should be home by five or earlier."

Well, there it was. "You said, 'After the way David embarrassed me last night it would serve him right.' What did you mean by that, April? Going to lunch with friends would serve me right or having lunch with Brad would serve me right? Did you fuck him too or were you planning on it?"

"NO! No, David, you took the meaning all wrong. I did mean that if I had lunch with Brad you would get mad, I can't deny that. The rest was just a statement people make. I had no intention of being with Brad. None whatsoever. In fact he gave me the creeps. I tried to stay as far away from him as I could. Ask Beth, ask anyone. I tried to stay away from him, David."

"See, April, I can't believe you. Maybe you are telling the truth, maybe you're lying. I can't believe Beth. She's your best friend. She would lie for you if you asked her to. You keep saying you tried to stay away from him. Are you saying you weren't able to?"

"God, David, that's what I've been trying to tell you. I went to the ladies room and when I came out Brad was standing there. He wouldn't let me pass him and he grabbed me by the arms and said, "Give me a kiss or I'll tell your husband about the five-year reunion lunch."

"So you kissed him ... is that what your going to tell me?"

"No, never, David. I hit him with my fist along side of his head and then kneed him in the balls as hard as I could. He fell to the ground and I ran back to the luncheon. Beth and Mary Lou came around the corner. I'm not positive how much they saw. Ask Beth. She'll tell you."

"Again April, can I believe Beth, your best friend? Why were you so late coming home? Your lunch surely didn't last almost four hours."

"When I came back to the table I was breathing hard and Beth asked me if I was all right. She asked me if I wanted to drive some of the classmates to the airport and she would ride with me."

"Was Brad one of the people you took to the airport?"

"No, after I kneed him he never returned to the luncheon. Besides, I think he drove to the reunion. According to Margaret, one of the classmates, he likes to show off his car."

"What kind of car does he have April?"

"I have no idea, David. I never saw it and never wanted to."

"You were dressed to kill when you came back. Why?"

"David, I always dress nice, especially for you. You know that."

"But I wasn't there. Did you dress for someone else? Brad for example?"

"No, David. I know you're not going to believe this but I did dress for you. I always dress for you. When someone sees me I want them to know that I'm your woman. I know that's hard for you to understand cause you're a man, but it is the truth."

I didn't reply. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. I asked her if there is anything else she wanted to tell me before I left.

"Well, David, ten years ago I made a nearly tragic mistake, I say nearly because Danni came out of it and I wouldn't want to lose her for the world. Other than that I wish it could all be forgotten and disappear from both mine and your memory. I love you with all my heart and soul. I always will no matter what happens now. I was stupid, stupid, stupid ten years ago, but I did nothing wrong since then including the luncheon. For some reason you thought to forgive me ten years ago. I don't know why but nothing has changed since then. If you could have forgiven me then, why can't you love me now? I have grown to love you even more and I know you love Carlie and Danni. I love you, David, and want you home with our family."

She started crying again.

I told her I had to think and would talk to her again. I told her to kiss the girls for me and went to my truck and back to my apartment above the garage.

Chapter 4: The conclusion

I went home and kept listening to the tapes over and over. I had no proof whether she was telling the truth or not. I just didn't know. A couple of days later Beth showed up and said she wanted to speak with me. I went into the office to listen to her. She began by telling me she knew about the affair after the fifth reunion. She had talked to April and April said that I knew about it. She told me it was her suggestion for April not to tell me about it. It happened and was over and done. There was nothing to gain by telling me. She told me the only reason April kept it from me was she didn't want to hurt me and that she was afraid that I would divorce her.

I explained to Beth that I pretty much understood what happened after the fifth reunion. I was interested in knowing what happened at the fifteenth luncheon. Before she started, I told her I had to take whatever she said with a grain of salt because she was such a close friend to April.

"Well, I called April and asked her about the luncheon since she was on the committee. She did ask me if Brad was going to be there. I told her he was and she thought about not coming. I made some stupid remark about not fucking anybody, that it was just a luncheon. She said something about you deserving it. I think it was her way of saying she was mad at you for the previous night. I truly believe she didn't mean anything by it. I can see where the statement by itself could be misconstrued."

"Beth, where did she sit and did she talk to Brad. I need the truth, Beth. Lying for her won't help any of us."

"She sat as far away from Brad as possible. One time Brad did walk up to her and she did say, 'Hello' to him but that was it. He returned to his seat. He confronted her later. I don't know what was said but I can tell you what I saw. April came out of the restroom and I saw Brad grab her by the arm and she hauled off and caught him a good one along side the head. Then she raised her knee and got him right in the testicles. He fell down and she went back to her seat."

"Then what happened, Beth?"

"April was a little shaken up so I calmed her down and we decided to drive a few people to the airport. It was a nice ride and seemed to calm April down. Dave, it's none of my business but I can understand where you have been hurting all these years but so has April. She is my best friend, you're right. The reason I'm here right now is because she loves you and you love her. You have two wonderful children together. Don't throw it all away now. She didn't do anything but eat lunch. Believe me, she had no intention of cheating on you."

"Thanks for stopping by, Beth. You're a good friend to April."

Beth left and I went over what she said. It was pretty much what April said. I turned around and Beth had come back in.

"David, there is something very important I forgot to tell you. It might help you believe me."

"What is it, Beth?"

"The reason Brad never came back to the table was he was taken to the hospital. It seems as though he fell and the side of his face hit the floor and it was turning black and blue according to the hospital report. Also for some reason one of his testicles got jammed up and had to be dropped. Beverly didn't come to the luncheon. She's a nurse at the hospital and called me the other day. Would you believe I forgot to tell April? Would you tell her for me, I just found out yesterday. Brad was going to try and sue the restaurant but when they found out about the testicle he decided not to sue."

"Thanks, Beth, that was good news no matter what I decided to do. I will tell April."

Wow, maybe there is a little truth going on here. If there was only someone I could believe who wasn't our friends. The next day Mary, or should I say Sister Mary Lou came in to get the oil changed on her convent car. While my guys were changing the oil, Sister Mary said, "You want to talk to me, don't you?"

"As a matter of fact I do. Did you go to the luncheon a couple of weeks ago.?"

"David, quit beating around the bush. I may be a nun but I've known you my whole life. I know you quite well and have to say that you were one of very few guys that I ever respected. In my wild days, you still treated me nice. You were always courteous and well mannered. I respect you for that and some day I'll put a good word in for you." She smiled.

"Yes, David, I was at the luncheon and, yes, I could see Brad trying to hit on April. Over at the restroom door I saw Brad grab April. I was going to go try to stop it but April didn't need any help. She hauled off and slugged Brad along side the head and then kneed him in his ... umm, private area, so to speak. He fell and April left. I called a waiter that was nearby and they attended to Brad. That's everything I saw. I don't know what this is all about but you and April are two special people and deserve to be together. David, take a word from a wise nun and a friend. If you and April are having marital problems you need to ask yourself only one question. 'Would my life be better without this person in my life?' That's the only question you need to ask yourself. We can't let things like pride and not forgiving others for their mistakes take over our lives.

"Just ask yourself, 'Would I be a happier person without April in my life?' and act accordingly. I hope in some small way I helped you. God bless you and April, Dave."

I thanked Sister Mary as she got in her car and sped away. She was one opinion I knew I could trust. She never knew what it was all about and I was sure she wasn't going to lie for April. I would have to call April tomorrow and have another talk with her.

Before I had a chance to call the phone rang. It was Danni.

"Hi, Daddy. I was supposed to call you and ask if mommy can go to the zoo with us, remember?"

"Yes, sweetheart, I remember and, yes, mommy can go with us."

I heard her yelling to Carlie to tell April she gets to go to the zoo too. What a family.

"Danni, is mom there? I need to speak to her."

She yelled into the phone, "Mom, daddy wants to talk to you. Here she is, daddy. See you Saturday."

"Hi, David, this is a nice surprise. I get to go to the zoo with you."

I could tell she was smiling. You could almost feel it through the phone.

"That's not why I was going to call but you are welcome to go to the zoo. I was going to call you to let you know Beth called me and said the reason Brad didn't go back to his table was that his right nut got stuck and his face was swelling up. The restaurant people took him over to the emergency room. Unfortunately he'll live."

"David, those were two of the moves you taught me when we first started dating. You said if any guy approached me from the front to use my knee and try to hit him along side his ear. Guess I missed but got his temple. I have you to thank for the training."

"April, after we get back from the zoo Saturday we need to talk again. If it's alright with you?"

"Anything that will help bring you back to me, I'll do, David. Anything. We all want you and need you here with us, David."

"Well, we'll talk again Saturday. Don't go making a dinner. We'll eat out after we see some animals. See you Saturday."

"Thank you, David. I love you." And she hung up.

Saturday we had a nice time. I slipped up a couple of times and held April's hand. Of course she didn't say anything. We had fun feeding the animals and spending time together. It's only been three weeks but felt much longer. The kids couldn't have been happier. After we left the zoo I told the girls, they could pick out the place we could eat. I was waiting for McDonald, or Chuckie Cheese when the girls yelled out together, "Red Lobster" I looked over at April knowing that was one of her favorites and asked her if she bribed the kids.

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