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Aprons For Gayle Ch. 10

Story Info
Gayle is about to receive her first 'official' punishment.
4.7k words

Part 10 of the 20 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 01/17/2014
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Gayle had just walked into Hamish's library on the night of her first 'official' punishment.

I know this is short, but it's been three weeks, and unfortunately real life bit us so Scooter and I agreed to make this short just to put something out there. The next chapter is almost done so there won't be another three week wait.

Hope you enjoy, and thanks for the comments.


FRIDAY EVENING, Hamish's Library

Gayle's mouth dropped when she saw the same massage table he bound her to on Monday, but the thin, wooden arms and legs were gone. On top toward the end was a round paddle leaning against four restraints, and she could see one side was furry while the other had some dimpled material on it. Beyond that she saw a blanket in front of the fireplace, a lone log burning brightly, though it added no heat to the sudden chill that crept through her bones.

Fridays were now her least favorite day of the week.

"Join me, Ms. Boyce."

Nervously she approached him, her feet barely able to move forward by her own free will.

"Do you know why we are here?" The harsh tone in his voice scared her to death, though it didn't show in his eyes.

She could only nod.

"And what might those reasons be?"

She knew exactly what they were. Trying to keep her voice from quivering, she replied, "I masturbated in my room, came when you told me not to and mouthed back on Wednesday."

"Yes, those are right. I think five for the first two then fifteen for Wednesday." He chuckled. "That wasn't a very good day for you, was it?" She was in no mood to laugh. "That's 25. What else?"

"Whaaaa ... 25?!! You can't be serious!" she gasped.

"Oh, I am quite serious, lass. What else?" Wracking her brain, she started to panic. He gave her a soft, reassuring smile. "No, none of that. Trust me. It seems you've forgotten your faux pas at the lack of waxing?"

She gave him a look of horror.

"Yes, exactly. Worry not. The spanking in the kitchen was sufficient."

She relaxed somewhat, though she cringed at the thought of the 25. She started to twist her fingers anxiously.

"What else did I tell you?"

Again she was put on the spot, and she hated it. She shook her head.

"I told you that I would take it easy on you, so stop twitching."

She sighed, though it gave her no relief to know she wasn't going to be flayed alive.

Reaching behind him he grabbed a single restraint. "Give me your hand."

Gathering all the courage she could muster, she put out her hand and watched him wrap the furred restraint around her wrist and lock it in place. When he reached behind him for the second cuff, she automatically put out her other hand. Her heart started to pound as reality set in.

Not saying a word, he grabbed the other two cuffs and secured them around her ankles. "Step out of the slippers, please." After she did, he pulled out a blindfold from his pocket. "This blindfold, I'm hoping, will help you with not seeing what's coming. It's best to not know. But as I promised, I will tell you when I've started and when I've stopped."

"Thank you, Sir. I'd appreciate that." She didn't, not really. She'd rather see what was coming at her, but she had admitted to him that she'd have to trust him. Lesson number one, dear, she told herself.

When he put it on, he asked if she could see; she could not. With his help, he instructed her to get on the table in the 'down' position -- on her knees, her breasts to the table, hands grasping her ankles. He then snapped the hooks together from each wrist to each ankle and stepped back admiring the view. He could hardly contain himself at seeing her luscious ass presented to him in such a manner. His slowly growing, hardening cock was proof of that.

"Are you comfortable?" he asked as he stood by her shoulders, his hand on the small of her back to give her what little comfort he could.

NO! she thought, even though it wasn't as bad as she feared it would be. With the blindfold on her hearing tripled, which only added another level of apprehension. She could feel her heart begin to pound harder, as her chest was flush against the table.

"Yes Sir."

"Gayle," he said softly; his voice filled with gentleness. "Remember you may use yellow and red. Tell me what they mean." She correctly told him. "Very well."

Brushing her hair aside that had gotten tangled with the blindfold strap, he wished he could see the look in her eyes to pick up on how she was feeling. But it wasn't necessary. Stepping back, he slowly ran his hands from her ankles up to her thighs, letting his fingernails torment her to the point of goose bumps breaking out. He couldn't help but grin as she whimpered softly when he purposefully dug his nails into her fleshy, luscious ass cheeks. Her fingers flexed a few times before fisting tightly, almost to the point of her knuckles turning white.

"Gayle, love, loosen your hands." After she did, he said, "I'm just enjoying the softness of your skin, its warmth, its reaction. I will let you know when the punishment will commence. Understood?"

"Yessssir, un ... derstood," she replied, barely above a quiet sigh.

For the next several minutes, he continued to caress her skin, trailing his nails from her shoulders to the small of her back. She hadn't moaned or voiced her pleasure, which disappointed him greatly. There was nothing more exciting and a cock-hardener than hearing the whining and whimpering of a woman enjoying his hands on her body.

Taking the paddled, he twirled it sideways in his hand, and an odd desire of wanting to play a game of Tennis. Tossing that thought out of his head, he rubbed her ass again.

"Ms. Boyce, I will begin now," he said delicately, not wanting to frighten her. Still, her entire body tensed. "No, no. None of that. Relax. Count off each stroke."

It took a moment of caressing the furred side of the paddle over her thighs and ass until he saw her hands unclench. At that point, he knew she was ready.

Flipping the paddle over to the dimpled side, he made contact with the area between her ass and thigh, but the swing had no more power behind it than a love pat on a baby's bottom. Regardless, she gasped and tightened up her ass cheeks. It took all he had not to laugh because she was exactly where he wanted her. In her mind it was going to hurt like hell so she'd set herself up for the impact.


He smiled at her trepidation. Oh, you don't know me at all, lass, he thought.



Still he was met with the same question of whether that was a real paddle or not because it didn't hurt at all. But it was far from what she was expecting; it hardly stung at all.

TAP. Tap.

"Three. Four."

Many more slightly harder paddles later and at the count of twenty, her ass cheeks had pinkened very nicely, to Hamish, anyway. He rubbed her cheeks with the furred side for a minute to give her a break. Her breathing was then shallow, and thankfully she didn't seem to be too overwhelmed.

"Color, Ms. Boyce?"

"Green, Sir."

"Good. Good. Just five more to go. Are you up for it?"

"Yes Sir."

He smiled and gave her three more slaps a bit harder than before, though nothing close to what he could really do. Only then did she start to moan and squirm, her bum gyrating and clenching in time to the throbs of pain and pleasure that were coursing through the cheeks, said cheeks now being the lovely reddy pink that he wanted them.

He stopped and stood beside her, gently massaging her shoulders. "I will give you two that will be much harder, but I think you can take it. Are you ready?"

"I think so, Sir."

"No, no. 'Think so' is not an acceptable answer."

She took a moment before she replied, "I'm ready, Sir."

"Good girl."

Standing by her feet once more, he smacked each cheek harder, much harder.

"Uggh ... God! Fuck!!" she gasped loudly as her body lurched forward but didn't go anywhere. Curling her toes and fisting her hands, she continued to whine and attempted to force the sting away.

"Gayle, I'm going to free you now. Just breath deeply and try to relax."

Putting the paddle on the floor, he unlocked the restraints carefully so as not to hurt her, but didn't remove them from her wrists and ankles. "Bring your arms up slowly, but it'd be best if you keep your legs as they are."

She didn't reply but did as she was told, grunting at the stiffness in her shoulders and neck, even though she wasn't in the position for longer than fifteen minutes. Resting her hands above her head, when he removed the blindfold she covered her eyes from the sudden brightness.

Knowing she'd need some time to get off the table, he massaged her neck muscles. "Now take it easy, slow your breathing." She grumbled then nodded. "You did well."

Again she muttered something, but he didn't ask her to repeat it. He simply continued to massage her shoulders and wrists to ease the knots from her muscles after all the pulling that she'd done.

It was several minutes before she said, "Um, that wasn't so bad."

He burst out laughing. "I told you it wouldn't be, but will you EVER disobey me again, little fawn?"

Finally looking up at him, she replied, "No Sir."

He wasn't the angry ogre she thought he'd now be, and that reason alone was enough to relax her completely. She had taken her punishment, rather well, she thought, and would make sure never to displease him again.

"Alright. I'm going to help you sit up."

A moment later her legs were draped over the table, and he stood between her knees. He placed his hands on her cheeks and looked into her eyes compassionately. Leaning forward, he rubbed his nose against hers before he took her bottom lip between his, pulling quickly before he pressed them harder. She moaned softly before she kissed him back, wanting to touch him but was afraid.

Closing her eyes she fell into him, and he accepted her generosity. Sliding his hands down to her waist, he circled his thumbs, causing her to moan again. He took a step closer and turned in a way that pressed his now hard cock against her knee. Her eyes flew open and something ignited inside of her. Her pussy tingled and her heart began to race, her nipples pressed into his shirt-clad chest.

Her mind went blank relishing in the new but scary sensation and gave a final groan when he pulled back, their lips parting. She gazed into his eyes, questioning how she was feeling -- but more importantly, WHAT she was feeling.

"Grip the table behind you and spread your legs."

She tensed again but did as she was told, blushing wildly, her cheeks burning as hot as the fire. Her mind wondered what the hell she was doing, her body didn't fight at all. Nervously she watched as he got on his knees, threw her legs over his shoulders in one swift motion and spread her labia with his thumbs to expose her clit. The edges were moist with her juices, and the outside of the lips glistened.

Lifting his head up, he cooed, "You, my dear, have the most perfect pussy I have ever seen."

She would have thanked him but it would be too ridiculous to say. She simply blushed a light crimson. Smiling, he rubbed her clit with the side of his thumb slowly, getting the response he was hoping for. It throbbed at the touch, and she craved more, though she wouldn't allow herself to enjoy it -- why she had no idea.

He continued to tease her nub, watching every jerk of her body, every deep intake of breath. Suddenly he smelled her arousal, and his cock twitched from his own. Wetting his lips, he used his entire tongue to swipe from her entrance to her clit, making sure to slide the tip under the hood and flicked it back and forth rapidly.

"Ahhh. Hmmmm," she moaned, closing her eyes tightly and trying to keep herself upright from the shaking of her arms.

Settling in, he began to suck and lick her clit never touching her opening, bringing her to the edge, all the while listening to her moaning to determine when she was close and when to pull back. Her breathing was fast and furious, and her constant whimpering was enough to tell him it was time.

Leaning his head back and looking at her, he said, "Gayle, look at me." Her eyes flew open obediently. "I am going to spend the next ... oh, say half an hour down here. You may come as often as you'd like, but you must tell me. Understood?"

Her perfect breasts rose and fell before she could reply with a simple nod. Laying her head back down, she let herself go and tried to feel what he was doing to her -- his warm breath, his soft tongue lapping every inch of her sex, his groans seemed to follow her increasing excitement.

"Oh, oh ... hmmgph," she mumbled and pushed her hips down, offering him more, wanting more. "Shiiiiiiit." She collapsed and gripped the other side of the table, her head just barely hanging over the side.

Regretfully he leaned back and told her before going back down on her, "That's it, little fawn. Give yourself to me."

"No, no. I can't ... I won't," she mumbled, her breath heavy.

He completely ignored her pleas, took the entire nub between his teeth and pulled, eliciting a high-pitched squeak and a deep, long sigh. Her breathing became even heavier when he took it between his teeth before sucking on it while his fingers teased her entrance.

For the next several minutes he eagerly licked and sucked relentlessly until she was writhing on the table, gasping and whining loudly.

"Stopppp, pleeese ... oh, OH! I'mgonna ... come!"


Suddenly, her legs tensed, her heels dug into his shoulder blades before she gripped the edge of the table and growled loudly as she came. He watched her, loving the sight of her chest as the collarbone broke out in a bright red rash, her entire face became red as a beet. Her chest rose and fell delightfully, her nipples rising to the occasion.

HOOOWWWLLLLLL!! Bessie yelped at the sound.

"Oh god ... ohgodohgod." She could barely speak as she fought the orgasm. She didn't want it, not her brain, anyway. Her body, on the other hand, craved it and accepted it.

But he wouldn't let her come down just then. He released her clit, took her hips and swung them around so she was lying fully on her back lengthwise, her knees bent and the bottoms of her feet on the table. What he really wanted he had easy access to, being that her pussy rested just at the far end.

Without warning, he slipped two fingers into her wet, swollen cunt before hooking the tips over her g-spot. She grasped at the edges hard again to keep herself from propelling to the ceiling, again whining and gasping for breath.

"Fuucknonono," she pleaded again, her head rocking back and forth, as if that would stop the sensations coursing through her.

"Yes!" he screamed back.

Still tapping her sensitive spot, he rested the pad of his thumb on her clit and manipulated it, back and forth, to and fro.

"Youcan't ... make ..."

Tap, tap ... rub, pat.

"Oh, yes I can, lass, and I WILL."

Penetrating her pussy, alternating between slow and easy to hard and fast, she tensed again. He knew she was close, so he continued until she cried out she was going to come again.

"Go on, then. Come NOW!"

She kicked her hips up and wiggled before she allowed the orgasm to arrive, and it did with the force of an atomic explosion. Her mouth was open as far as it could get, and her come-face was priceless, as far as he was concerned. Her pussy gushed with her juices, making Hamish groan from his own excitement at the power he had over her at that moment.

Whimpering like an idiot, she brought her hips back down and tried to catch her breath. He licked her, then cleaned her of her wetness. Straightening his arms over her belly, he encased her breasts with his huge hands, pinching her nipples lightly before gradually pressing harder. She moaned again and begged him to stop.

"Haven't you figured out that the more you beg me to stop ..." He flicked her clit twice, just for effect. "... the more I will not?"

He tweaked her nipples simultaneously, making her sigh loudly. "Then stop doing what you're doing and ..."

He shut her up when he both pinched and twisted her nipples. "Not bloody likely."


With his forefingers, he circled the base of her nipple, round and round, though it didn't give him the desired effect he thought it would. She giggled in a fit of insanity. Trying to figure out what the hell was so funny, he removed his hands and looked at her oddly.

When she gained some sort of control of herself, again he lightly teased her nipples, and once more she burst into a severe case of the giggles.

"I don't find anything remotely funny, Ms. Boyce," he said tersely, though he wasn't angry.

"I ... I'm sorry, Sir. I don't mean to laugh." She might have been able to get the words out, but she still giggled.

Sighing heavily, he played with her nipples again, and only then began to get slightly irritated. "Holy hell, woman! What the shyte is wrong with you?"

"Don' know. I ... They're just sensitive."

"Well, fuck," he grumbled as he stood by her side, a smile slowly crossing his lips. "You are quite strange, little fawn."

Helping her to sit up, he gently put his hands on her shoulders. "Please tell me you don't get the giggles when you make love."

Her wide smile still hadn't disappeared. "Um, no," she admitted. "Sorry, Sir."

Smiling back, he kissed her forehead. "No matter, little fawn. Maybe I'll find it humorous tomorrow."

He then pressed his lips on each cheek, her nose, her chin, and with each touch she kept her eyes closed. She didn't want to, but she then found herself gazing into his eyes, and the look from him was so extremely touching that it frightened her terribly.

"Why ... why are you looking at me like that?" she asked timidly, appalled at hearing the quivering in her voice.

Immediately he lost his smile because truthfully, he didn't really know. Sliding his hands to her elbows, he pulled back and pushed her hair away from her temples. "Let me help you down."

She nodded and put her hands on his forearms to push herself off but almost went down from her weak, wobbly legs. He caught her by putting a strong arm around her waist and pressed her against his body. Slowly he led her to the blanket in front of the fireplace and she sat down, leaning more on a hip rather than chance any pain from her beaten bottom. As she tested her bum's tenderness she was grateful it didn't hurt as badly as she feared.

Getting on one knee, he removed the restraints then put his hand on the back of her neck and kissed her warm, supple lips. "Stay as you are. You may lie down if you'd like. I'm just bringing in a few things. What would you like to drink?"

"Orange juice, Sir. Please."

He smiled warmly. "Alright. I'll be back in a tic."

Lying down on her side facing the fire, she watched as he stoked the log, turned, gave her a smile then left her to her thoughts. Her mind reeled. How could this man, this stranger, do such things to her? She had come surprisingly enough, and only when she could no longer stand to be touched at all did she have to stop. Why was she feeling like she was?

"Bessie! Stay!" Hamish bellowed from the hallway.

Instead, the lab barged into the library and ran up to Gayle. "Hey, girl." She giggled as she petted the dog. "You don't want your daddy tying you up and spanking you, too," she said softly.

"When she misbehaves I simply don't give her any dog biscuits," Hamish replied as he walked in carrying a tray. "Sorry it took me so long."

Why are you apologizing? she wondered as she sat back up.

Watching him place the tray on the blanket, he sat down beside her. She marveled at the antique-looking plate with ornate lid, curious as to what was underneath it.

Taking the glass of milk, he handed it to her. When she looked at it oddly, he said, "You need your calcium."


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