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Arabian Bromance Ch. 01


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It startled more than hurt... SMACK... that one hurt... SMACK—SMACK—SMACK—SMACK...

My buttocks began to burn... I tried to shift and squirm but he held me firmly across his knees.



SMACK-SMACK... my lips began to quiver-tears filled my eyes... I pleaded with myself not to cry—DON'T SHOW HIM WEAKNESS, screamed my mind.

Suddenly I felt it against my belly... I didn't know what it was at first but quickly realized he had another erection and it was pressing hard on my stomach.


And I cried like a small child... rivers of tears flowed freely down my cheeks... I choked and sobbed and begged him to stop...


He stopped... he opened his legs and helped me gently to the floor... he guided me into a kneeling position between his legs. I stared at his manly Arab cock until he took it by the base and pointed it at my mouth.

I was still gently sobbing as I took hold of it, opened my lips and sucked the glans into my mouth.

He caressed and fondled my hair and neck while offering me a litany of non-stop instructions on how to lick and suck him. I listened carefully, and obeyed every command. His balls grew very heavy in my hand, and when I felt them contract I was ready for his manly Arab seed this time.

I listened to him shout "ALLAH-AKBAR-ALLAH-AKBAR-ALLAH-AKBAR" all the while gulping down load-after-load of his hot and creamy, manly Arab cum.

It occurred to me I'd heard that phrase before... it was said the hijackers on 911 shouted "ALLAH AKBAR" at the moment they crashed the planes into the buildings... 'ALLAH AKBAR' means 'GOD IS GREAT.'

I couldn't understand that if 'God is Great'-why has He locked me in a prison cell with a dangerous man?

When his body finally came to rest, I experienced a warm glow at having swallowed every drop he had offered me... and my heart swelled with pride when he kissed my forehead and whispered, "That was wonderful, little one-you will make an excellent bala'a il a'air (cocksucker) and sharmuta (whore)!"

A moment of sadness washed over me when I admitted to myself his words filled me with contentment... how thrilled I was with his praise... and glancing down at my own erection, I was overcome with shame and guilt at how easily I became excited by servicing another man's penis.

He ordered me to stay on my knees between his powerful thighs; he wanted to finish reading his newspaper. I was instructed to fill my mouth with his flaccid penis, and balance his scrotum with my two hands.

"Keep your lips and tongue still and breathe deeply thru your nose, little one!" he commanded me, "... and if I feel your teeth-I will take you over my knees again!"

Once I was in position, my mouth stuffed full with his warm and manly Arab cock, and his heavy balls cradled in my hands, he stroked my hair and said, "Good girl, this is how you will demonstrate your love and devotion to me!"

This simple act is not as easy as it sounds. First off, ones natural reaction is to rebel against such an outrageous demand-I had to summon every ounce of determination and will-power to allow him to subjugate me in this manner... secondly, I had to focus 100% of my attention on making sure my lips and tongue remained perfectly still while my teeth came no where near his sensitive cock flesh-this quickly became very uncomfortable for my open jaw...

Thirdly, his manly Arab odor filled my nostrils with every breath I took-OH MY GOD-I discovered the manly Arab odor emanating from his crotch was so intoxicating, so rich in erotic aroma, my erection throbbed and began to leak pre-cum... I found myself inhaling as much of his manly Arab aroma as I could... my head began spinning-I was dizzy with lust and desire-my balls became painfully swollen...

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? screamed my brain.

In the past, I would have taken my hard-on and stroked it furiously until I shot a huge load and emptied my aching balls-not now though... I knew the high price I would pay for acting on my own without his permission.

From time-to-time he patted and stroked my head... I half expected to hear him say, "Good doggy—good doggy!"

After thirty minutes or so, I heard a strange sound... I was lost so deeply in a thick fog of lust and desire it startled me... then I heard it again-it was me! I was unconsciously moaning into his hot flesh... my mind completely devoid of thought... all I was experiencing was a pure, unadulterated animalistic need for sexual release.

And then joy-of-all-joys-his manly Arab cock began to quickly grow in my mouth. I can't describe how happy I was when he achieved a full erection and said to me, "You may suck my manly Arab cock now, little one!"

I pulled my mouth from his manly Arab cock for a brief second so I could say, "Yes, Sahib-thank you so very much, Sahib!"

I thought I heard him chuckle.

Then I took as much of his wonderfully hot cock-flesh into my mouth as possible. I worked on him using all the tools he'd taught me earlier... my need for relief was so great I prayed to God he would tell me to masturbate while I sucked him but he remained silent.

To forget about my throbbing prick and aching balls, I gave his manly Arab cock my undivided attention. I swooned when pre-cum oozed from his slit and I lapped it up like a man dying of thirst-GOD, HOW I LOVED HIS TASTE!!

I sucked-in half his manly Arab cock while my hand vigorously frigged his shaft. I rolled his large, egg-shaped balls in my small hand, hoping they would contract soon so he could fill my mouth with his manly Arab seed.

My breathing intensified as my head frantically bobbed up-and-down on his manly Arab cock-shaft... my hand moved faster and harder-I felt every ridge and vein on his manly steel pole.

His balls began to rise-his hips thrust more of his manly Arab cock into my greedily sucking mouth. I readied myself for his explosion... he placed a strong hand on my head and held me firmly in place as he gave one last, violent thrust between my widely stretched lips then his rich and creamy Arab seed began filling my mouth.


I can't describe how proud I felt when his body finally came to rest, and I had successfully swallowed his entire discharge-I could not believe how wonderful he tasted.

Without him saying a word, I licked his rapidly deflating manly Arab cock clean and awaited further instructions. My mind was blank... in a zone I'd never been before... when he spoke I thought he had the most beautiful voice I'd ever heard.

"You did very well, little one, you have earned a reward... come up here and place your knees on either side of my legs!" he said.

With a smile on my face and a voice I barely recognized, I replied, "Yes, Sahib-thank you, Sahib!"

His command was more difficult than it sounded. His legs were big and powerful, in order to place my knees on both sides, my legs were stretched wider apart than I thought possible.

I had to place my hands on his broad shoulders for balance-I prayed he wasn't angry for not seeking permission to touch him. Our faces were mere inches apart. He presented his long middle finger to my lips.

"Get my finger wet, little one... the wetter you make it-the better it will be for you!" he said.

His command was simple; my tongue and the roof of my mouth were still coated with his discharge; my tongue lathered his entire finger with a mixture of my saliva and his creamy, Arab seed.

Once he was satisfied, he removed the finger from my mouth then slipped it underneath us until I felt it pressing against my exposed anus. Only then did I understand his intention.

My body violently shivered at the thought of his finger entering me 'back there' like the doctor had done earlier.

"Look into my eyes, little one-gaze deeply into my eyes!" he commanded.

"Y-Yes, Sahib," I replied.

I stared into his dark chocolate eyes. I found solace in those eyes... comfort and warmth. My nervousness subsided; my breathing became slightly irregular, not out of fear, but from the throbbing of my erection, and the pressure in my balls.

"Lower yourself onto my finger, my pretty little girl!" he ordered.

"Y-Y-Yes, Sahib!" I said.

It took some effort but I was able to feel the finger pop thru my small opening; I paused to get accustomed to it inside me, then slowly lowered myself until I felt the palm of his hand flat on my buttocks.

I exhaled and waited; the pain was minimal-that surprised me-my asshole had never been used as an entrance before and I figured it would hurt like hell.

"Now my pretty little girlfriend, slide your pussy up-and-down my finger," he said softly as I held his gaze.


"Y-Yes, Sahib," I responded and immediately used my knees to lift me up until just the tip of his finger was inside me and then lowered my hips one more time.

I found a rhythm he seemed to accept as I stared into his rich and beautiful eyes; I fought an overwhelming urge to lean forward and kiss him on his lips.

What is wrong with me? I wondered.

"I want you to imagine you are sliding up-and-down my manly Arab cock-will you do that for me, my precious little girl?" he asked softly.

I already was... what the hell is wrong with me?

"Y-Yes, Sahib!" I obediently replied.

I began a more vigorous fucking and soon discovered one of the great, but secret joys in life-I found if I pushed down far and hard enough, the tip of his finger bumped my prostate which in turn gave me an incredible sensation that reverberated thru-out not only my hard prick, but sent shivers of pleasure racing up and down my spine. I fucked him faster and harder.

My enthusiasm brought a smile to his face. I smiled back at him; my lust-fueled gaze lost in his dark chocolate eyes.

I was waiting to feel his fingers wrap themselves around my pulsating dick and bring me to climax, but he made no such move. Since he wasn't doing it, my mind silently pleaded with him to allow me to masturbate, but he said nothing; I felt his eyes staring into my soul.

The familiar churning in my balls made me increase my tempo... I needed to cum so badly I threw aside all decorum and self-respect and furiously fucked his manly Arab cock-err, I mean his finger.

I knew I was getting close. I figured out his game-he was going to make me climax without the use of either of our hands so I made sure his fingertip bumped my prostate on each downward thrust... oh-god-oh-god-oh-god-OH-GOD-OH-GOD-OH-GOD...

"Tell me you love me, little one!" he said loud enough to break my reverie.

I pushed down on his finger so hard I hoped I hadn't punctured something... and my balls erupted like never before...


When it was over he held me close to him, stroking my back and shoulders. I clung to him like I would never let him go. He had allowed me two orgasms since we met... the two most powerful and intense orgasms of my life. What the hell is wrong with me?

I almost fell asleep in his strong arms. There was a pounding on the cell door and a voice shouted something in Arabic.

Had others heard me screaming? How embarrassing-did I do something wrong?

"Little one, it is suppertime... go retrieve the trays from the window and take them to the table!" he said. "But first, you must clean your juices from my chest!"

"Y-Yes, Sahib," I said. My cum had covered his chest and belly, and I licked the cold ejaculate off him until I was sure I had gotten it all.

There was, indeed, a short small metal window on the right-side of the cell door; I lifted it and found two trays with hot food. I carried the trays to a small table in the corner, and waited for Sahib's command to sit in one of the folding chairs.

Sitting on my scorched buttocks was a problem, but I shifted far enough to one side to make it bearable. I hadn't realized how hungry I was; the food was delicious. It occurred to me the other prisoners probably didn't eat this well. WHO IS THIS MAN?

When we finished dinner, he had me place the trays back in the metal window and clean the table; he then sat on the loveseat with a book. He had me on my knees between his legs, and like before, my only job was to hold his penis in my mouth and cradle his scrotum in my hands. There was something about this simple act I found peaceful... even nurturing.

I was in this position a good two-hours while he read his book... and as before, the aroma from his manly Arab crotch made me dizzy and filled me with a lust so powerful, I wondered if it was possible to climax just from smelling him.

He seemed to have control over his penis. It remained flaccid for a long time in the wet and warm confines of my mouth, and when it did finally grow, it remained semi-erect until he was finished reading.

However, once he set the book down and sat back on the seat, his manly Arab cock grew to full erection.

"Suck my cock, my little white girlfriend!" he commanded.

"Yes, Sahib!" I said and went about pleasuring him one more time.

Once I finished him off (and I'd swallowed every drop again!), my balls were aching, and my prick jutted straight-out from my groin. He looked at a small clock in the corner of the cell, stood, and retrieved what appeared to be two rolled-up cloth mats and unrolled them on the floor.

"Do as I do-say as I say!" he commanded then went to his hands and knees on the mat. He leaned forward until his forehead was touching the floor.

"Yes, Sahib," I said and followed his movements.

He said something in Arabic and I repeated it. This appeared to be some sort of daily ritual so I did my best to remember the words he spoke. This went on for five-minutes until he startled me by shouting the same thing he shouted during orgasm: "ALLAH AKKBAR!"

"ALLAH AKBAR!" I shouted as well.

He showed me how to roll-up the mats and put them away.

"Use the toilet before we go to bed!" he instructed.

"Yes, Sahib," I said and stood before the porcelain bowl.

"STOP!" he shouted. "Girls do not stand when they pee... "

I felt my face flush a bright red as I stammered, "I-I'm sorry, Sahib" and I lowered the seat and sat down and pissed like a girl.

"You will now assist me-get on your knees!" he said sharply.

I wondered if I would ever get used to hearing a man tell me "Get on your knees!?"

He stood before the bowl, looked down at me and said, "Lower my shorts... then hold my manly Arab cock while I relieve myself!"


I did as I was told, and to be honest, it wasn't so bad... it was kind of a challenge to make sure I aimed his manly Arab cock so he wouldn't miss the bowl.

When his steady stream slowed then stopped he said, "Lick the tip clean!"

I did not hesitate; I told myself "It's really only water... " and licked the final drop of urine from his slit.

He had me remove his shorts before he laid on his back on the bed. When I saw him spreading his legs wide, I knew what his next command would be.

"Kneel between my legs!"

"Yes, Sahib," I said and quickly scrambled onto the mattress between his muscular thighs.

I was lowering my head to his groin when he said, "Not so fast, girl!" and he drew back his legs to his chest and I found myself staring at his brown, puckered anus.

"Lick my asshole, little one!" he commanded.


I hesitated too long. He bolted upright, sat on the edge of the bed; his powerful arms pulled me until I found myself laying across his lap.

OH-MY-GOD—NO-PLEASE NO-NOT AGAIN!! my mind silently screamed.

And I heard the whoosh of air and felt his powerful hand on my buttocks... SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK...

I don't remember the last time I openly cried and sobbed for that length of time. I felt small and weak and humiliated—like a schoolgirl receiving a spanking in front of her classmates.

He gently massaged my bruised and battered buttocks while he spoke softly to me.

"Do you understand why I punished you, little one?"

"I-I-I disrespected you, Sahib-I'm so sorry, Sahib-I'm sorry... " I said thru choking sobs.

"What is your duty as my girlfriend?" he asked me.

"T-To obey your every command!" I said.

"I may not allow you the privilege of licking my asshole-what do you say to that, little one?"


"S-Sahib, please-please allow me to lick your asshole-I will do whatever you tell me, Sahib-please-pleeeezzzz... "

"Good girl," he said softly. "When you get my anus nice and wet, I may allow you to tongue-fuck my asshole!"

"That would be nice, Sahib-thank you, Sahib!"

"I want to feel your tongue licking my anus-I want you to lick between my buttocks, my pretty little girlfriend!"

"Yes, Sahib-thank you for allowing me to lick your manly Arab asshole, Sahib!"

I coated his anus with saliva. I ran my tongue back-and-forth over his perineum and awaited his further command.

"Push your tongue inside my asshole, girl-lick the walls of my asshole!"

"Yes, Sahib-thank you for allowing me to lick your manly Arab asshole, Sahib!"

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... it's really only flesh, after all. The walls of his asshole were another matter-they felt like sandpaper to my sensitive tongue... kind of rough and bumpy!

"Push your tongue in-and-out of my asshole, girl-tongue-fuck my asshole!"

"Yes, Sahib-thank you, Sahib!"

When I began, his Arab manhood was laying limp against my forehead; but as I worked my tongue in and out of him, his excitement grew until he was once again fully erect.

After several minutes I heard him say: "Make love to my manly Arab cock and balls, girlfriend!"

He sensed my confusion and clarified: "When I order you to 'suck my cock' I expect you to perform with immediate urgency-your only goal is to suck the manly seed from my balls as quickly as you can... when we are in bed, and have more time, I will command you 'to make love to my cock'-you will cover it with kisses, lick every inch of it-lick my scrotum and kiss my balls-you will take each ball into your mouth and lovingly caress them with your tongue... when you 'make love' to my cock and balls you will worship them as your God-you will demonstrate to me nothing in the world is more important than pleasuring my cock and balls-do you understand me, little one?"

"Y-Yes, Sahib-I understand you, Sahib!"

"Good girl... now make love to my manly Arab cock and balls!"

"Yes, Sahib-thank you, Sahib!"

It was more than thirty-minutes later when he abruptly ordered me to "suck my manly Arab cock"... I was so excited, my prick oozing pre-cum, my balls hurting for release, that I went at his manly Arab cock with such fervor and gusto I think I took him by surprise... when he shouted "ALLAH AKBAR" and filled my mouth with stream after stream of hot and manly Arab seed, he collapsed backwards, gasping mightily for air.

I remained kneeling between his legs, too afraid to move until he gave me the command. He had me lay on my back, and pull my legs to my chest.

"Push apart your knees!" he ordered.

I was aware of the cool breeze on my exposed anus. He pushed his middle finger into my mouth and I coated it with semen and saliva.

He pushed the finger into my asshole so hard it took only five-six rapid thrusts until I shouted "ALLAH AKBAR" and "I LOVE YOU, SAHIB" while a deluge of sperm and semen shot from my prick into mid-air before landing on my chest.

Afterwards, he lay on his back, and had me rest my head on his chest. I fell asleep to the gentle movements of his chest rising and falling... his heartbeat on my cheek was both comforting and reassuring.

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